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Everything posted by Snaefell3

  1. If you are using Microsoft Outlook, check your "Outbox" folder, too. That's where Outlook stores emails until it can send them. If something happens so that it can't, that's where it stays.
  2. Actually, I'd rate the O passenger-facing crew right up there with their counterparts on RMSTitanic (and subject to the same sense of denial). Watch the boring video like your life might depend upon it, take any announcement with a grain of salt, and keep your shoes where you can find them in the dark. Meanwhile, what are they serving in the GDR this evening? 😉
  3. Uhh... H#LL NO. Unless you *know* the crew is better than that of M/S Costa Concordia (who told passengers to go back to their cabins and the captain who "fell" into a lifeboat early on), or MTS Oceanos (who simply headed for the lifeboats), or even the crew on RMSTitanic (who also told passengers to go back to their cabins).
  4. WiFi "quality" is really "how much bandwidth is the ship willing to buy?". StarLink aside, there is more than enough bandwidth available until you get to about latitude 80º N or S. The problem is that bandwidth is much more expensive north of Spain or south of Tasmania. Personal experience on an eastbound TA (not Oceania, tho): Superb internet from Florida to the Azores, dialup-like after leaving Ponta Delgata when we had to switch from MEO satellites to Geosynchronous satellites.
  5. I really don't want to waste time on watching a video ...except on a cruise that goes the way of Costa Concordia. Anyone know of a way to be *sure* to have watched the video when it turns out to not have been a waste of time? "Evolution in action" 😉
  6. "FUD -- noun -- fear, uncertainty and doubt, usually evoked intentionally in order to put a competitor at a disadvantage."
  7. Can you clarify? "Replaced by" implies other aspects of booking remain the same (viz: no-air and cruise-only remain). "Will include" implies you must book with simplyMORE.
  8. Since the drinks portion of "Simply More" reads exactly the same as the beverage option of OLife (including the upgrade cost to the full beverage package), why do you think there will be more confusion than currently?
  9. Uhh... Let me *parse*. The OP defines "Simply More". It does *not* say it's the only option, and the very term "Simply More" implies it's more than something else they offer. The FUD here may be true, but has the flavor of a rumor run amok.
  10. The trouble lies in that money spent on 3rd party excursions seems to go much farther than money spent on Oceania excursions. ...even after allowing for needed research and allowing extra return-time margins.
  11. Uhh... The "memo" you missed is over in 😉
  12. If you get in before ...July1?, there is a no-OBC, no-Drinks, no-Excursion, no-Air option called "cruise only" (which does give coffee, tea, softdrinks)
  13. Unlike many (most?) cruise lines, taxes and port fees are not a line item over and above Oceania's cruise fare, so....
  14. Not mistaken, but irrelevant when it comes to sauna and steam rooms. Extra tidbit: On Regatta in May, the AquaMar Terrace door had no locking mechanism: openable by all, no signage even hinting "Concierge+".
  15. Neither TA, Oceania, nor NCLH here, but it truly sounds like you are pounding the Riviera's Master for a B.A.D. (best available data) decision, and doing it unfairly. Yes, with .30'30 hindsight (that's 20/20 hindsight with an axe to grind) we now know there was no strike on the day you were due in port, only just before that day and just after. Back when the Master had to make the decision, it wasn't nearly so clear-cut with the then-current rumors, was it? I sympathize with your lost ports (it's unlikely I'll ever get a chance at Dunedin or Christchurch again, so I know how it feels), *BUT*.... "It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future." -- Yogi Berra
  16. They're spoiled. 😉 It's watts that heat the water. UK outlets ("240v" × 13A) deliver 3000 watts, US outlets ("110v" × 15A) deliver a comparatively wimpy 1600 watts. Almost twice as quick.
  17. Remember, NCLH is digging out from a mountain of COVID debt --2 years with expenses and no revenue-- that turned it from a $50 stock into a $17 stock. Just be thankful that NCLH is in far better shape (and less hungry) than CCL.
  18. Psst! That was hyperbole. Glad you had a laugh, even if it was a different one than expected. 🙂
  19. If you hold your stock "directly" (with your name on the stock "certificate"), NCLH would know you sold it because they have to issue a new one with the new guy's name. Most stock is held "in street name" with your broker's name on the certificate, so NCLH would never hear you sold it -- well, unless you told them or your broker broke the law. Like not playing games with corkage, Oceania treats us like trustworthy adults so please don't play games with this, either.
  20. News flash: Legacy (GEO), O3b (MEO), and StarLink (LEO) can all provide un-glitching video streaming bandwidth to ships at sea. The catch is how much bandwidth can be bought for a price ships and passengers are willing to pay. When O3b came online, it's costs were 1/10 of GEO satellites and that's when we began to see "at home" bandwidth at sea within its footprint (south of Seattle/Southampton, north of Falklands). Since then, COVID debts have had the cruise lines buying less bandwidth than they used to. So the real questions are: 1) How does StarLink's prices compare to O3b's, and 2) how much bandwidth is Oceania actually buying?
  21. Grandfather was. (Where did you get the triskelion emote?!?) Some folks talk about "strong enough to hold your spoon vertical". Gandmother was always muttering about the spoon dissolving. It's probably long gone, but enjoyed the "Inner Mann" restaurant in Douglas -- the menu was the day's catch on ice in the lobby.
  22. For tea ...enthusiasts brewing water needs be at 99.99°C. They "hot the pot" = fill the teapot with hot water and discard before filling it with the hot water they will use to brew. I even suspect they want cabins on the lower decks because water boils at a lower temperature when at altitude, no? 😉
  23. Methinks adding the shareholder credit is a manual operation, and where it appears and with what description depends upon how that particular clerk happened to enter it into the computers that particular day.
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