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Everything posted by omahabob

  1. I go nude on every cruise, but only the wife sees it. I'd consider going on one of these cruises, but they'd probably never have another again after seeing me.
  2. I don't know either. But iOS 17 has about a 60% market share on iOS devices worldwide, so that seems to indicate a lot of people could be out of luck. But again, we obviously aren't privy to all the facts. That's why I keep saying this doesn't "seem" to make sense. And, as a long time tech geek, although I find this topic interesting, it isn't greatly related to cruising. So, since we're short on facts here, I won't continue to belabor the point.
  3. Alienating a large portion of your customer base does not increase net revenue. Quite the contrary. I lost count of the number of times I did version testing of software upgrades. It usually took a few seconds at most. Whatever their reasoning, and I freely admit they may have reasons that are not glaringly obvious here, it just seems counterproductive to alienate a large portion of your customer base. Come Sail With Celebrity! Unless You Don't Have the Latest iPhone!
  4. The Bird is the word. You shouldn't have any problems.
  5. And I just noticed the chart only depicts iOS 17.2, not 17.3 or 17.4. I used the chart. That's probably why our numbers don't match. Mea culpa. Nevertheless, it still seems to make no sense to deliberately exclude a large number of your customers when there's no reason to. The only possible reason I could see is if using a new feature of 17 required them to delete 16 functionality. But that doesn't seem to make much sense either. I've seen no other iOS upgrade that requires anything like that.
  6. https://gs.statcounter.com/ios-version-market-share/
  7. This is the part that gets me. They already supported iOS 16, so there was no expenditure necessary to support it. They spent money to exclude it. I can see it if it was a really old OS that gets very little use among customers, but it isn't. More people use 16 than use 17, so that simply isn't the case.
  8. The world's shortest commercial runway. St. Barts is actually considered very safe by pilots, unless the wind is bad. The descent profile isn't much different from any other airport. It's just the proximity of terrain that makes many people think it's hairy. That, plus the fact that many folks visiting there have never flown in a small plane before, and that alone scares some of them.
  9. I take pictures of my left index finger. Doesn't help with memory or Hero cards, but I'm getting pretty good at it.
  10. That's the part that doesn't make sense to me. Moving forward is a good thing. But deliberately excluding a large amount of customers seems foolhardy.
  11. I worked IT almost exclusively in the Windows world, and the same still applied. A desktop will do things a laptop cannot do, and a laptop can go places a desktop can't, so you need both. Now that I'm retired, the laptop has been replaced by tablets, but each still has it's own place, and it's own unique capabilities.
  12. That's true of NCL Haven too, as well as the presence of kids. The season and itinerary affects that as well. I don't speak from extensive personal experience, but based on posts here, it seems all lines are experiencing a reduction in service and the 'luxury experience'. I would imagine that would make a comparison at least somewhat more difficult unless you've sailed all of them very recently. Obviously price would be an exception to that.
  13. Yeah, problems like these never happen on other cruise lines. LOL! I wish I had a dollar for every time someone made the 'never again' statement here, for all cruise lines. I could afford to cruise whenever I wanted. All cruise lines/ships/itineraries have such problems. Just because this is the first time you personally experienced it in no way means it's limited to NCL. You've been a member here long enough that you should know that very well by now.
  14. No, the age of the phone doesn't matter, other than the fact that older phones often won't run a new OS. The new app only works on iOS 17, even though it worked fine on the older versions before, so it's the app supporting the OS version that's an issue. As of last month, iOS 17.2 has a 4.03% share of global market usage (all OSs). iOS 16.6 has a 5.06% market share. So by developing an app that only woks on iOS 17, Celebrity has just eliminated more potential Apple users from it's customer base than it could cater to by supporting only the newest version. That's not a smart decision.
  15. An SE is a phone model, and this has nothing to do with phone models. It's the OS (iOS) version at play here, and the app already worked with previous iOS versions. They just changed it so it no longer works with anything but the newest OS. So, it isn't a matter of adjusting development to the lowest common denominator. They were already at the lowest common denominator. They just developed to eliminate something that already worked fine.
  16. Where did I say I had faith? Notice I said 'hopefully' they'll fix it. Hope is not faith. But, yeah.
  17. There are some misnomers here. This is an app support issue, not an Apple support issue. iOS 15 and 16 are still supported for security updates. Active tech support for 16 ended in September. iOS 15 is technically considered 'end of life', but it's still supported for security updates. Tech support for 15 ended in September of 22. But neither one of those has anything to do with apps or the actual devices themselves. Apps are supposed to tailor to your OS version. You should never be prompted to upgrade to an app version that your OS does not support. The issue here seems to be squarely in the lap of Celebrity. I suspect this was a simple mistake, because there are tons of customers out there still using older OS versions, and that are unable to upgrade. Hopefully they'll correct this soon. You can see more at endoflife.date/ios.
  18. Point Total 3! Classic....just in time for....... ☹️
  19. Yes. EXPLORE-CRUISE SHIPS-EXPLORE-SHIP (for your ship)-Staterooms-DECK PLANS.
  20. I download them prior to the cruise so I always have them.
  21. I said sun. That's shade. I think you're missing the point of the Caribbean.
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