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    Writing, Travel, Gardening
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    Anywhere in Spain

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  1. There is nothing wrong with their simply asking the question.
  2. Did you miss where I said “for me”. And “lower class” is your quote not mine, I NEVER said that.
  3. If the way some act at this seafood event, like they have never seen or will again see a shrimp, is truly laughable in a OMFG way.
  4. While my cruise is March 2025, it is a 13 night TA on Apex. This pricing you show here makes me feel good about what I booked: Cruise only + tax + grats - AQ deck 9; $4206 Separately I purchased: prem. wifi + non-alcohol bev pkg + unlimited spec. dining; $1306 Total: $5512 Now in hind sight I know I should not have gone the Blu option but it is what it is, seeing what my cruise prices are going for now, +$1800 from what I paid and the prices of fall 2025, I'm good.
  5. Agree with your rankings, though I disagree re Celebrity NOT having premium price-tag. I don't think they are quite at luxury pricing, but premium, they are IMO.
  6. You will find out once on board, if it’s going to happen. That’s pretty much the message relayed in the responses.you can continue to beat the drum, but the song is the same. I do hope you have the extravaganza you are looking for. Happy cruising!
  7. Nories and apologies it is in Oban not Stirling! I also highly recommend spending some time walking around Oban, it’s a lovely town with a small but informative and artifact filled WWII museum.
  8. Choice is good for sure but dry bland tasteless pastries are not.
  9. Be nice if they added some new ports. Their TA itins have gotten stale.
  10. Best F&C I have ever had was in Stirling, Scotland. Never knew it could be so damn good!
  11. When I did my TA on Edge last year, from disembarking in FLL to the airport was a total of 45 minutes. I did carry off luggage, was one of the first off and taxi's were abundant right outside.
  12. Hmmmm, I open my CP on iPhone today, opened fine but I wasn't actually buying anything, When I got home, I opened on my PC and did everything I needed for dining purchases, no problems.
  13. Wow $17.99 is a deal! That is what I paid for premium WiFi for one person, one device. Premium Access on my cruise is currently $30.99/pp/pd, or 10% off sale. If it goes lower, I am planning to buy it.
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