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Everything posted by Thought2go

  1. 💯 💯 💯 in context of what was lost, agree. For instance losing Kobe beef for black angus -which we can have anytime -or replacing caviar with a grilled cheese should not be Oceania’s standard.
  2. I live with a Pizzaholic so I’m glad the Pizza is available!! And as far as the other poster said one pizza was too big for one person-….we had a big hee haw- they have no idea what a 🍕holic can consume and then say they are satiated!!🤣😂
  3. After a day touring a wet Alaska or the polar regions-and fresh baguettes slathered with butter. Yum. I’ll take seconds please.
  4. Preparation intensive, It’s highly nutritious. Loaded with vitamins and minerals. Probably soothing to the quezzies too.
  5. I’m sure they will do the best they can with the ingredients they have available. But in the long run we are going to have to understand that the taste nuances will probably fall short unless we are sailing in the countries of origin for those recipes. I tried for years to replicate the Tajines that I not only ate out but prepared myself in Morocco. Utter failure. Even if I shipped all the ingredients, they would be diminished by the time it took from farm to table. You cannot replicate what the soils, grasses, and water add to vegetables, oils, fish, chicken, lamb, etc.
  6. From others posts on this issue, wouldn’t it be best if this solution was broached prior to embarkation or arriving at a port? That would allow the chef to obtain the necessary ingredients and sneak them aboard without the corporate overlords restrictions?
  7. 💯- we finally got a restaurant that brought back tastes I remember from SoCal -Now to go back and see if they have maintained that level.
  8. It’s definitely not a light fare like a piece of grilled fish- but if prepared authentically-the layers of flavors are amazing. Ghee and coconut milk add to the richness. The spices are bloomed and if that process doesn’t literally make you gasp for O2, it’s not authentic!🤣😂 And A wild chicken over a domestically grown gives it an amazing depth. You might want to try a boneless chicken roti to see if the spices agree with you.
  9. 💯 💯 💯-Unfortunately,You can’t have real Indian cuisine if cow toeing to the No-Nos.
  10. And these agencies are constantly trained for such an emergency. There was, according to reports, life threatening reasons -5 died on board and another one died onboard Insignia after being rescued.
  11. Very surprised they are not quarantined from the public spaces.
  12. Wow-Stupid me. I always thought a “foodie” was someone who went to foreign and exotic ports tasting the people’s cultural food while trying out new offerings and recipes in one’s home country.🙃🙃😎 Time for a Katz’ pastrami on Rye…Trip to the big Apple-maybe. Or that fantastic yogurt, as in can’t get enough, at the cafe on the far side of the Souk in Marakesh. The beans and rice at the 4 table cafe outside Ponce. Maybe those crab cakes from what’s left of Angelina’s who use to be in Baltimore. Carne Asada for a late lunch at the upstairs in Porta la Cruise, VE -had to wait till some of the business folks cleared out, was always packed. Paella in Grenada,Sp. or the grilled fresh fish at the fisherman’s beach in Cozumel. Corn soup for Carnival in Trinidad, Cow heel soup on Saturdays.- or Two Brothers in Venice, It. That was bite after bite exceptional all 5 courses. And the company at the next table- A lovely Italian couple who had just become engaged. We all stayed way past our expressos and sambucas -toasting everyones milestone memories, and lovingly closed the restaurant down. Hmm, The tapas in Casares, Sp. While waiting to eat at midnight. Oh- I see what’s missing- the word “fine”. Yeah I got kinda tired of that after decades of 5** and $350 bottles of wine for business. Not that I don’t enjoy the “finer” nuances being created. And I guess -that’s why there is a Waves and Terrace to give the taste buds a break!!🤣😂😎
  13. On the Menu up at the top it says 100% Black Angus -Wagyu is now just a name for a black angus burger with rustic tomatoes and black truffle sauce. At least that’s the way I read it. I’m sure it will ge a good burger.
  14. Sigh- yes they “did”- Nothing wrong with Black angus beef- we have it all the time for our burger grilling- just wanted it to be upgrade on Oceania. 👇From Oceania web last week…
  15. Hey-CCook- I hear you!! The cruise itinerary was only important to me for one port for a personal business meeting. I have visited the others several times, so I planned on enjoying the ship- and that means the food offerings. Therefore since several cruise lines go the same route I chose Oceania for the food and had done almost a year of research. Oceania is undergoing a culinary switch over, much to my disappointment, since I literally had my shipboard menus all planned out. I knew what I wanted to eat and where on any given day. I don’t know if I will get back to Europe to enjoy the various countries delights again so having an international offering was important to me. Perhaps the untraveled newcomers Oceania is trying to woo won’t care or even notice. But it is what it is- my final payment was already made prior to the changes I see happening; and all the RaRa from my TA that regardless of these changes, they are “sure” I’ll be happy with the quality- I don’t need a sales job I need someone with inside clout to transmit the customer concerns to Oceania higher ups. I guess I will have to download my own Parisian Bistro music and listen to it as I eat lunch in the MDR (will Jacques Bistro even be there?) or the Japanese Hokagu as I pretend the Waves Black Angus Beef burger is their former Kobe beef burger.
  16. From reading economic news, it appears that Cruise lines have recouped and added profits post Covid shutdowns and that bookings are not the issue as the ships are full. Do you feel this doesn’t apply to Oceania? From a personal standpoint they need to stop mucking around with menu offerings as that is their big advertised draw- especially if the Cruise lines are raking in massive profits.
  17. I will take a Denali P/U any day over a Cadillac. GM’s design team for Cadillacs have, over the years, been less than desired results IMO. Have never seen so many ugly cars. I won’t even get started on the Lincolns.
  18. So “Simply More” is becoming simply less.😂🤣😂
  19. Here is a good definition- https://www.solotravellerapp.com/flexible-ticket-meaning/ Just make sure it is compatible with whatever insurance you are buying.
  20. It’s my understanding from others posts here that they have been able to get the discounts on booked cruises when the price drops-or they get OBC, etc. I also have seen posted that ones TA stays on top of the change in prices and can help secure a better price or perks etc. That said- I don’t know about the small print on the 4 level cabin increase promotion. Maybe with that special no changes are allowed. Write down your questions and call Oceania- also your TA for answers. All that said however, you listed so many pluses for booking this cruise- with the added benefit of being in a PH- I say go for it!! It seems to fit what you want and it sounds like a fabulous cruise!!
  21. From another thread -on pool chair hogs- and Oceania rules, this was included in a recent boarding packet. It maybe will stop those who feel entitled to inconvenience other cruisers onboard.
  22. While a lot of the package may be “fluff”- especially to the 44% of return Oceania guests Oceania books- i would imagine the color coordinated luggage tags will be helpful to staff in getting one’s luggage to their cabins quicker and hopefully results in quicker embarkation. While I haven’t seen these tags yet- it is also entirely possible there is, or will be, embedded codes on them so AI could sort pre boarding. Similar to what airports use. All the new ship additions and extended cruises to Oceania will increase luggage intake going forward.
  23. 🤣😂🤣😂The picture you paint and your comments are hilarious- I hope that doesn’t offend you that I find your comments funny. You are a quick quipper!! Needed this today! Thank you!
  24. 6/5/24 Guests to receive “prior to embarkation, the newly relaunched Cruise Vacation Guide will include a personalized welcome letter from Oceania Cruises President, Frank A. Del Rio, a 'Welcome Aboard' booklet with general cruise information and a deck-by-deck guide per vessel, four reusable luggage tags and personalized luggage tag inserts that are customized with the guest's name, sail date, ship and stateroom and color coordinated based on booking category.” https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/oceania-cruises-relaunches-personalized-cruise-vacation-guide-302163927.html
  25. I wonder, if, as someone else posted the CEO is only responsible to the board and shareholders, Oceania may find that going forward would be more revenue enhancing to do OBC rather than Simply More. Maybe for the international guests the airfare inclusion makes sense, but for most America based guests, I would think they would rather book their own and spend the extra cash in pRe/post cruise hotels and visit the area for a couple days. Then again maybe not. Plus Oceania might not fulfill minimum bookings to various companies for their Cruise ship booked excursions. I can only hope the Credit for shore excursions is because Oceania wants to ensure legit and safe operators in this crazy changing dynamics.
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