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Everything posted by A&L_Ont

  1. 30 minutes is long enough to do all the items you noted. If you are going to the MDR or a parade is another thing. We just had 6 chairs hogged beside us from 9am to 3pm, on Oasis while at Costa Maya. The hogs came and removed their towels in street clothes and didn’t sit down. It’s one thing to be in the pool, what we experienced was not that case.
  2. Yes there is, but I never speak of it. The farm is my "release" from stresses. We have a family business which employs over 1,500 people. My mom is basically retired and my brother is a silent partner. We signed a sale agreement last July and will close in late summer. I should/might be able to ride some waves on ships more often in the future. More likely when Owen is off to college and things settle down here.
  3. They would need one for almost every chair on Oasis. They were almost all taken before sunrise and deck crew did nothing.
  4. I might be retired sooner than later. I’d sacrifice some time if you need a travel companion. Lisa and Vikki would both be unhappy then. LOL
  5. Every family is different and this sounds like a great idea. Maybe go to the Schuswaps and rent a house boat with the one family and Wonder for the other. Two different types of sailings. One will be more economical than the other but it isn’t like you have to give the one family cash to make up the difference. A couple other ideas… how about taking one on Wonder and the other on an Alaskan cruise. The heat won’t be as oppressive and the flight times will be way less for the one family. You also get two cruises, going on both. 😁 You could also try to see if you could get the Villa Suite with Star Class or two ATS which hold your families, if money isn’t an object, and many lines will disappear. Your SIL might become a cruise diva though, and never want to go without Star again. πŸ€ͺ I was going to suggest a trip to the West Edmonton mall water park and stay at the hotel, but then noticed you are from Edmonton. There would be lines there too, but he wouldn’t have to travel far to get there. πŸ˜‰
  6. Especially as he has been on a cruise before.
  7. I feel for those having to clean up trees after a big storm. Thankfully this tree missed their outdoor hydrant. That would have been another mess.
  8. Hydro electric, for our part of the country a fair amount of our power is created by water. Niagara Falls being the main source. We also use natural gas turbines, wind and solar but it just gets labeled as hydro
  9. Lisa unfortunately has a faint positive line on her Covid test. She doesn’t feel any worse today than yesterday. I however, knock on wood, am negative. 🀞
  10. Glad to hear this has returned to normal. We had what appeared to have had some sort of bite after Roatan, but they didn’t itch and they disappeared with a day.
  11. We also got our points. Not that it matters but Lisa and I are at 486, with 30 Oasis Class, 2 on Freedom Class and 3 on Radiance Class. We’ve sailed 44 times, with 9 on Princess and the rest on RC. Owen has done 20 sailings, with 279 actual points. 19 were with RC and one on Princess. We should now pat each other on our backs. It’s tough. πŸ˜‚
  12. This is when we need a thumbs down button. Hope Mike stays on the good side if things, and that it’s mild for you.
  13. Dinner tonight. BBQ pork chops. A lot of snow has melted the last few days. Hopefully it will all be gone by Sunday.
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