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Posts posted by sept10dsm

  1. 2 hours ago, kilkoyne said:


    The problem is the media making it headlines. Many people will just read a headline and automatically think this is such a bad thing.


    I agree with you with testing asymptomatic passenger is absurd.

    Yes, I just posted a similar post.   The testing is routine and yes asymptomatic and there are probably many walking around like that in the world.  This is making big headlines.  All are tested before and just before leaving.  I'm sure this won't be the first time it happens.  Yankees had it happen to 9.  Those wouldn't have been tested either but for company policy.   The CDC doesn't recommend testing now for vaccinated when in contact with a covid individual, unless symptoms.  Why not?  But in cases like a cruise or company policy this will come out.

  2. 7 minutes ago, jerseygirl3 said:

    Exactly. I’m not afraid of dying from the virus. I’m afraid that the thousands of dollars I spent on a vacation could be wasted by an outbreak. I will have no way of knowing if I am on a shore excursion or sat next to someone in a bar who is unvaccinated and contracts the virus. And contact tracing in this case is crazy. Those 2 who tested positive I’m sure came in contact with many others than the one other person whose been made to quarantine. 

    Exactly and we will never really know.  I don't even know where my family members were exposed back in Nov.  Didn't really go many places etc.  But 1 got it fairly serious.  Me nothing and would have never been tested if not in close contact (live together)  

  3. 1 minute ago, jerseygirl3 said:

    If there are more outbreaks, I don’t see celebrity and/or Royal footing the bill for a quarantine stay. I see that disclaimer abruptly being pulled. 

    I don't see it either.  In the story for the nurse getting stuck in Mexico, she stated that she had purchased some type of insurance for the 14 day quarantine.  I don't know anything else about it aside  from that.  

  4. 2 hours ago, sept10dsm said:

    Yes, and I completely get it.  But having all vaccinated on the ships may end up proving that the vaccinated do still test positive thus having the rules go be to quarantine etc. 

    And now I just read that the ship was 100percent vaccinated, all tested neg within 72 hrs. of sailing and this was the 72 hr test prior to being able to leave.  

  5. 45 minutes ago, crzndeb said:

    This is 3rd day, but I’m wondering if it has to do with congestion, although it’s a weird congestion. I’m able to breath fine through my nose. I’ve been smelling essential oils (eucalyptus and tea tree) up close, and nothing. Congestion symptoms started Sunday. Oh well, I’m thankful if this is the worst of it. 

    That's good.  I could have to do with the congestion.  There are nutrients they say helps that but I don't want to post anything like that on a board.  So you are just sick now with it?  Hopefully it all clears up for you soon.  Be thankful that's the only thing.  Always helps to be that way I feel.  

    • Like 1
  6. Some had asked and I wondered as well.  Didn't reread all this but I just read that the cruise was 100%vaccinated and all had test within 72 hrs. of sailing.  These 2 were in the 72 hr prior to leaving for home retest to leave the ship and go home.

  7. 8 minutes ago, crzndeb said:

    You guys can debate about who knows this and who knows that, and who needs to research and who doesn’t, but all I want right now is my taste and smell to return. Simple pleasures!


    How long has it been?  Some say it does take a bit.  some say some vitamins/nutrients help.  I had no problems with this and was fortunate.  Just the antibodies.  I did/do take many natural items vitamins/minerals since even before Mar 2020.  A friend I know did find smelling they actually could smell and doing it again with more of that item did help (or at least she thought so ) regain her sense of smell.  Hard to describe in a simple post.  Hope yours is back soon.

  8. 19 minutes ago, time4u2go said:

    Agreed. Not sure what the border has to do with this discussion. 

    Nothing to do much with the post you commented on but the reason these 2 people were even tested was to cross the border back to the US.  So international travel will require this and in doing so the vaccinated could come up positive (like a fully vaccinated nurse travelling to Mexico a few months ago-got a positive test for return and quartantine in Mex for 14 days) 

    • Like 4
  9. 2 minutes ago, boatseller said:

    Also, Royal or whoever is giving them this advice don't seem to know how vax works. 


    They don't prevent infection.  They merely jumpstart the response to the point where the infection is cleared quickly. 


    Those two on Celebrity Millennium might have been on day 2 of a 3 day cycle.  The problem is the testing.  When you test, you find.

    and some here don't either.  and CDC doesn't recommend testing for vaccinated unless symptoms so a catch 22

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, BecciBoo said:

    I fully expected it, a ship is not unlike a city land based, cases haven't stopped completely there either and nobody gets excited right?  In a ship's case it is the ideal quarantine situation too.  You can't police people land based you can on ship.  Best of all worlds.  Get vaxd, no worries.  And that's all....😝

    Yes, and I completely get it.  But having all vaccinated on the ships may end up proving that the vaccinated do still test positive thus having the rules go be to quarantine etc. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  11. Just now, Pizzasteve said:

    This is incorrect (items in bold).  Asymptomatic positive testing individuals can shed virus and spread the disease, hence the isolation.  


    Why the desire to spread false information?  Please consider reading up on the disease a bit.  Coughing or sneezing is not required, only some anout if time in an enclosed space where people are breathing the same air (like a cruise ship dining room table, for example).

    That's correct that asymptomatic positive can still spread, but why doesn't the cdc require covid testing now for the vaccinated that come in contact with a covid case?  Just when they show symptoms.  Many of these asymptomatic vaccinated cases only came up similar to these 2 on the cruise ship.  A company required or a govt upon crossing a border.  So there could be many asymptomatic cases in the vaccinated that no one sees or counts.  

  12. 5 minutes ago, rtazz17 said:

    You would have some. There is always false positives,a symtomatic etc. Asymptomatics arent even an issue. Cdc doesnt even want positive asymtomatic numbers anymore because the risk of an asymptomatic person infecting someone is non existant,very low. Yes this is a change from early cdc talk. Asymtomatics are not coughing,sneezing etc. And we now know its nit living on surfaces. Testing for no reason is just absurd. Lets take apart your car engine entirely to see if we can find a problem even though its working perfectly. Same thing. Im sure someone will disagree with me. I refer you to cdc website. They dont want asymptomatic numbers skewing the true numbers any more.

    I read this as well, but apparently the unvaccinated may be getting the same one from earlier.  I heard on news yesterday how 18 died from fully vaccinated, however only 8 will count in the covid numbers since the others died with covid.  This is complete opposite of how the prior yr. how all were counted as covid no matter what else was the cause.

  13. 2 minutes ago, jrapps said:

    I think there are in fact MANY more breakthrough cases than we are aware of. Most people who catch Covid after vaccination are asymptomatic. Many never even know and never get tested.


    Don't get me wrong..vaccines work. but they aren't a cure. They just help. Without the vaccine, maybe a few droplets in a sneeze near me are enough to infect me, but with the vaccine my body can fight that before they can multiply.


    If my spouse is infected, and asymptomatic, it might not just be breathing or a sneeze..intimacy could possibly transmit more viral load.

    I'm sure there are many.  Now cdc doesn't want vaccinated to be tested if they come in contact with a covid illness unless the vaccinated person shows symptoms.  That's telling to me.

    • Like 2
  14. 20 minutes ago, marieps said:

    This has been bugging me for a while.  If I test positive but am asymptomatic, would it not be more proper to label my condition SARS-CoV-2 positive rather than COVID positive?  Just like the millions who've been HIV positive, but not suffering from AIDS.  The D in COVID stands for disease.  If I'm not sick, yet positive, where's the disease?  Please don't flame me....just asking.

    Exactly.   Not sure if it's exactly like hiv but the pcr test did at least until the spring ran 40 cycles now 30 I think.  Anyway those last 10 passes while show positive result, no actual.  I think that was part of the reason they lowered the number of cycles for the test. (I could be wrong on exact number of cycles but it's about that)

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