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Posts posted by sept10dsm

  1. 1 minute ago, rtazz17 said:

    As well they should. Be careful what rights you want to give up. More government is never ever the answer. Should we ask for polio or hep b vax card too? Its still around. This is bigger then anyones vacation. This wouldnt end with cruise ships. Or where else it might expand to. Or what it might expand to. If you enjoy your freedoms you should not support show your vax passport laws. Common sense

    Yes, people are way to quick to give up their rights.  I agree 1000 percent

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, rtazz17 said:

    As well they should. Be careful what rights you want to give up. More government is never ever the answer. Should we ask for polio or hep b vax card too? Its still around. This is bigger then anyones vacation. This wouldnt end with cruise ships. Or where else it might expand to. Or what it might expand to. If you enjoy your freedoms you should not support show your vax passport laws. Common sense


  3. 27 minutes ago, At Sea At Peace said:


    If a large % of the population "do not get vaccinated" and in time it is realized that their natural immunity is effective (we've achieved herd immunity on two fronts) and even long term (seeing reports of 17 years or longer),


    then ~


    herd immunity solely from vaccinations cannot be boasted (which creates a major dialogue in the response to the virus of shutting down everything and opposed to more strategically protecting the small identified groups "at risk of death or serious illness" and really questions the motivations of pushing the vaccines to the point of "mandated"), and,


    ~ big pharma won't get to monetize with boosters forever (or even for variants).



    Yes, herd immunity or recovered (which is never mentioned) I feel natural recovered immunity should be a factor as well but here in US doesn't count for much so far.  

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, Jeremiah1212 said:

    Update from Celebrity - Florida departures have vaccination proof as an optional step. However, they still still sail at no less than 95% vaccinated. You'll pay for your own testing and must wear a mask everywhere outside of meals/drinking and your cabin. If you aren't willing or can't show proof at check-in and that 5% is full, you're not getting on the ship. 


     Everywhere else, vaccination proof is required. 

    I guess they're banking on vaccinated only booking  so it could lead to canceled or rescheduled cruises.  Who knows though

  5. I know they're forcing but since it's still emergency use, I'm not  sure how it will go.  And somewhat odd, the FDA, CDC and dr F. were all being questioned last week before congress or the senate.  They were each asked the percentage of their dept who have taken it, they are were around 50 percent. So that is telling.  Also, many many nursing home employees are not taking it.  And how the govt is bribing, pot, donuts, beer etc. All things for unhealthy lives.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, At Sea At Peace said:




    Lack of time-based data for research.


    "Emergency Use" status only at this time.


    Emerging knowledge of natural immunity antibodies continuing to exist in bone marrow.


    Finally, we do not vaccinate populations for something not a risk (under 17, only 300 deaths), minimally more in age increments to age 50 for those with no underlying health risks.


    It also doesn't help when almost every news outlet fear mongered that the vaccine was dangerous because they didn't like the person in the chair at the time (including the person in the chair at this time, and the second in line).

    And it is truly odd the recovered really don't matter aside from wanting recovered blooddonations.  

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  7. 3 minutes ago, lovescats5 said:

    Maybe that positive test came because the person had to fly to get to a ship.  Why do the people who object to getting a vaccination made to be the bad people.  Even if you have been vaccinated you can get, give the virus.  Maybe the un-vaccinated person got it from you.  First we should wear a mask, then no mask, then a mask, then 2 masks.  AT what time do we hold the government accountable for the dis-information they have been giving since day 1, not to mention the news media.  

    And each day more and more comes out.  It's very sad.  Many are losing faith in the system

  8. What about the recovered? No one ever mentions them.  I get how many feel safer being vaccinated but since it doesn't prevent or stop spread who knows.  There are cases of no symptom fully vaccinated, like the 9 Yankee players.  They were all fully vaccinated, but the company required testing and found them with no symptoms, and Bill Maher.  Same thing the studio just happened to required weekly tests vaccinated or not.  These people would never had been tested aside from the company requirement.  So who knows.  

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  9. On 6/5/2021 at 5:28 PM, Beachammo said:

    I don't understand why people feel a 95% vaccinated cruise is safer? Vaccinated people are not being tested before boarding....they can just as easily bring covid on board. With over 2k on board....you'll still have many that will get sick and cause shutdowns.


    If everyone unvaccinated and vaccinated test negative before boarding that would be the best solution.

    Exactly, the vaccine doesn't stop one from getting it or spreading.  The test is the best and I agree.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, CruiszBug said:

    From Discussion Section: Timing of HQC provision:

    "The studies were divided into early, late and ICU administration. Early provision—within 48 hours of admission—showed 67% (6/9) of the studies to have positive efficacy. Later provision—after 48 hours' admission or in the ICU—found positive efficacy in 40% (2/5). Thus, from 100% for early outpatient, to 67% for early hospital to 40% for later hospital provision, there appears to be a relationship with time of initiation of treatment, with better results observed the earlier HCQ is provided."


    What I got from it was that giving it early seemed to be key to good outcomes. Administering it later while not as effective, still produced positive results. Less time in hospital, and caused no harm. This study compares outpatient results and inpatient results with positive conclusions in both. 


    I thought it was an interesting read... 

    and then there is ivermectim.  a close friend was refused this medication.  he may have or may not have been helped but wouldn't even give it a try.  It's another drug that has shown promise in helping stop virus replication.  I V vitamin C and other simple nutrients are so often blocked or not given when what's the hurt if family want to try.  Some families have had to go to court to allow.  It's pretty sad.  And as far as the hydroxycloriquine, even dr. Fauci stated it was a useful drug in the 2003 outbreak of sars.  And it's apparently in the released emails that he knew it was a useful drug.  sad day for medicine. 

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, sept10dsm said:

    I was going to write about not having the changing tables!  I read through since it has been 11 years since cruising with our family including a 16 month old at the time.  No changing tables.  That was the main issue for us.  Other wise, like others have said crew great etc.  We did have 4 adults on the cruise to help when the parents wanted to do adult things like visit a club or casino.  I'm surprised to hear still no changing tables.

    And we did bring a stroller.  It was very helpful.

  12. On 3/20/2021 at 12:53 PM, akeasley said:

    As someone above mentioned, check out the family message board. There are helpful tips and tricks mentioned by other parents/grandparents. One thing that is mentioned frequently is car seats and how to bring those on a ship. If you visit ports, how to transport kids with or w/o the seats. It seems to be an ongoing discussion. 


    The buffet will be a good option because they usually have some kid friendly foods available. All 3 of their cruises have been on Caribbean princess, which has world market place. On either side, they have a smaller cooler with milks and box cereal, which always was nice as a snack. This ship also has a new kids' area, which we haven't gotten to experience yet but it looks nice. We choose the ship over the ports because I found it nice to be familiar with the ship when traveling with kids.


    The two main Princess pools are not suppose to be for kids using swim diapers. I've never used those pools with my kids but have seen others take their babies in them. From what I can tell, Princess staff doesn't say anything to the parents.  


    Bring more diapers and wipes than you think you'll need, just in case. You don't mention where you're cruising but in my experience, pharmacies are hard to find in Caribbean ports. Diapers and wipes are not sold in the gift shop.


    Beach toys and other entrainment activities will need to be packed. You can't leave your child alone in the kids club until they are 3/potty trained. You can take them in and stay with them to play but it may only be certain hours. 


    Princess ships don't have changing tables in their public bathrooms so to change diapers, etc you'll need to take your child back up to your room. That can be difficult, considering where you are on the ship.


    If possible, bring a grandparent or two to help you enjoy some time by yourself. It's not easy with kids and I wouldn't consider Princess the most kid friendly cruise line. My kids have cruised 3 times and twice I booked a suite to have more room for them to play/walk around in. 


    When you have the drill on the first day, my husband discovered that if you miss the first one, they have a second drill with less people and that was easier to attend with my son. I think he was napping during the first drill so we missed it.


    Enjoy your cruise!!



    I was going to write about not having the changing tables!  I read through since it has been 11 years since cruising with our family including a 16 month old at the time.  No changing tables.  That was the main issue for us.  Other wise, like others have said crew great etc.  We did have 4 adults on the cruise to help when the parents wanted to do adult things like visit a club or casino.  I'm surprised to hear still no changing tables.

  13. 7 hours ago, CruiszBug said:


    Here is a link to a cited article with 50 listed references published October 2020 from National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA.


    Results suggest that Hydroxychloroquine is effective when given early especially when paired with Azithromycin.

    While doctors either refuse or at times forbidden to prescribe due to the restrictions by their governors.  Ivermectim is in the same boat.  My goodness, even recommending taking a vitamin/nutrient/ mineral that might even help keep the immune system stronger is blocked or removed!  

    • Like 3
  14. An odd thing it seems many who are vaccinated feel they somehow cannot catch this.  It is not true. Not only can they get corona; they can spread it even though it seems the vaccinated do not need to be tested now if coming in contact with a current corona illness.  They don't recheck recovered either at least not in my experience with the recovered coming in contact with a current case so a bit confusing why recovered don't matter when those are the people the recovered antibodies are needed from blood, not the vaccinated.  Something must really matter.

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  15. 3 hours ago, Catnip said:

    So what?  Apparently, he made it thru fine when he had it before......he'll most likely make it thru fine again.    Getting covid is not a death sentence for most people. 

    These tests are not fool proof.  They have high false positive as well as negative rates.   The inventor of the gold standard PCR stated it was never supposed to be used for diagnosing a disease.  So who really knows.  No getting the illness is not a death or even serious illness for most.  We do have immune systems.  

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  16. More and more the idea that natural immunity through T cells and the antibodies is lasting.  There have been cases that while the antibodies have decreased the T cells hold memory thus will fight off reinfection.  If reinfection was so common there would be actual cases not just talk of it.  There have been doctors coming forward stating that the recovered should not be vaccinated only to be blocked.  I don't know which is better but I do know that with every other illness, recovered do not need a vaccine.  Many medications are not allowed to be used, even back in 2003 with sars hydroxiclorquine was found to help.  So seems the only method was go home, don't do much but wash hands and wait and see.  No other illness has been treated like this.  It's sad because some items did help and doctors in many states were forbidden even to prescribe (offlabel  like may drugs are)  NJ forbad it.  You know all this isn't perfect but no one mentioned any nutrients that may help.  I hope all this is soon figured out now that much is being let out as to what happened the past year.  As, an aside, I recently read that people that survived the 1918 flu, had T cells 80 to 90 yrs later.  So T cells have something positive to say in this illness in my opinion.  

    • Thanks 1
  17. 37 minutes ago, L454S said:

    DW and I both have had covid and are both vaccinated.


    We don't care if anyone chooses NOT to do so. Hope we all sail together and put all this crap behind us. We started living normal lives again many months ago down here, and do get a chuckle out of the places that still want live scared and secluded.


    Royal has not asked for our vax status or opinion. Have 4 booked as of now.


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  18. 5 hours ago, Auntiemomo said:

    Not necessarily the case.  Whether or not you've been vaccinated, you have to get a covid test to fly into Hawaii (Oahu).  Once there, if you want to fly to Kauai, you need to get another covid test, even though you've been vaccinated and had your test prior to flying into Oahu.  How do I know this?  Been there, done that, got the t-shirt along with a receipt for $250 to get the extra covid test to fly to Kauai.    

    Yes, same happened to my friend.  I even read on the Hawaii official site they accept only their tests etc.  Sounds kind of odd especially it was an email to come and visit.  Actually it's the last state I haven't visited and seems it could remain that way.  

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