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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. A daily position report for @harryfat1 Only sailing at 17.7 knots this morning.
  2. Before we went to the beach in Curaçao, we had walked around town. A few pictures. Lots of Decorations I always like the colorful buildings The Love Hearts display More decorations across the bridge Walked down to the Curacao sign And the Dushi sign Found this colorful building and our ship An elevated view as we crossed the bridge on the way to the beach
  3. I know it is early to think about departure, but I filled out our departure information and requested the latest time of 9-9:30. So what do they give us? The earliest. Probably because we are doing self assist. I think since they said we can depart “whenever you are ready”, we will be close to last off.
  4. My son said this today. I told him it was probably no more questions than this guy got, checking into the hotel with his blowup.
  5. We went to Private Stock Headliner Showtime in the theatre. They were a good band, but way, way too loud. We were all the way in the back of the balcony, and I was still getting noise level notifications. When it hit 101 db, we were already on our way out the door. A lot of others left too, and I think it was because of the noise level. Don’t know why Royal doesn’t keep the volume levels lower. Maybe they have stock in hearing aid companies.
  6. Tonight was the first night where we didn’t really see anything we liked on the menu. It was Mexican night. We ordered the chops filet Started with the poblano pepper soup and finished with the apple cobbler
  7. A couple of photos from snorkeling today. Not the clearest water or most colorful fish, but ok for where we were.
  8. I think it was a good decision to come to Cabana beach, instead of Mambo Beach. We walked over to Mambo, which is beside cabana beach, and it was insanely packed. Mambo was where the ship excursion went. Better service and fewer people here. Ready to meet our taxi back. Will have to wait to see if my snorkeling photos turned out.
  9. We are on the port side also, but I also go to the top deck for pictures. All I saw was a sunrise from our balcony
  10. Paninis for lunch, and the mojitos keep flowing. These things are good. water is relaxing too Many more and I may need Daryl to keep me afloat
  11. Today is a beach day for us. Took a cab to Cabana Beach, rented some loungers and a thatch roof umbrella, and ate currently sampling drinks. Daryl is too young for a blue curaçao mojito Tasty
  12. For what it is worth, if anyone is interested, we tied up on the starboard side in both Aruba and Curaçao.
  13. So what I do to have the cruise compass on my phone. When you get in your cabin on the first day, there is a QR code on a card. Scan it, and it will open it in a browser window. Then I save it to files on my iPhone, and just add the day to the file name and save it. If you keep that browser tab open, all you need to do is refresh it each day to get the compass for that day. If you don’t have the QR code card, you can enter this while onboard. https://minio.rccl.com/compass/cruisecompass.pdf
  14. That was the Ocean View Bar. It is located at J.E. Irausquin Boulevard 41, Oranjestad, Aruba. It is about halfway between the ship and Eagle Beach, or about a 20 minute walk to it.
  15. And now, for the first time ever in a cruise report. If you ever wondered what the inside of the cabin door lock looks like, here it is. I stepped out of our cabin, and found the cover had fallen off. Hmmm, wonder if I could charge Royal for my repair to put the cover back on. Knowing them, they would probably say Daryl made it fall off. 🤣
  16. Not necessarily in order, but I took this yesterday of the soft serve ice cream. I mean, now, it looks like they are using baby cones.
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