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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. Just in case no one saw it, there is a geomagnetic storm that may let some of us in the north see the Northern lights. They may be visible tonight and tomorrow night. Hoping for the clouds to clear out. They say that they are visible in Europe and UK now, since it is already dark there.
  2. Nothing wrong with rotisserie chicken. We get a couple of them every week. They have been great to use for our low calorie casseroles. They have helped me drop 35 pounds and keep it off.
  3. That is why I am glad we put a gazebo over our hot tub. With that, and the curtains, it keeps all that out of that area. Using it is our morning ritual. Nothing like starting the day with a soak in the hot tub while catching up on the news. Always there from 6am to 7 am.
  4. Not catkins, but cat news. Ricky got his blood test results today. His numbers were up by 1, which is a good sign. Now it will be to reduce steroids to every other day, and check his blood again in two weeks. Hope he keeps the numbers up.
  5. Here I am, salivating over that WJ food that @Ourusualbeach is posting from Exploria. Meanwhile, I am tackling those horrible home chores like picking up catkins. Yes, that dumpster is filled with those now, and that was just what fell since Monday after I mowed. And, I only did half the yard before the rain got here. It is one of the main reasons we can’t really use our deck until after Memorial Day. I love the shade from those large oaks, but hate these every spring.
  6. ouch! Sorry to read this. At least it looks like she was able to continue on the cruise, and not have to deal with getting back from St. Thomas.
  7. Today was grandparent luncheon day at our granddaughter’s school. We brought in toasted subs from our favorite sub shop. Much better than eating school cafeteria food. The school did this every year, but then stopped in 2020 due to the pandemic. This was the first restart since then. We went before then with our grandson, but this was the first with our granddaughter. Yeah, we snuck in a cherry coke for her too. Tonight, it was packing 142 bags of food for kids to take home for the weekend. Only two more weeks of packing before school is out.
  8. At the vet with Ricky this morning. Another blood test. He gave me the “You are not going to trick me into the carrier” look. Yes I am.
  9. Glad everything is ok with you. No damage at your place? Tornadoes can be strange creatures. We have had a few touch down in our area, but they are rare. First I remember was in 1985, and the only damage we had was hail damage to two of or cars. So, like responsible young adults, we took the insurance money and flew to Hawaii for a couple weeks. Some other tornadoes, I worked on a damage assessment team to review structural damage to assess if repairable or destroyed.
  10. Is there any place within walking distance of Port Canaveral to buy wine or pop? We are staying the night before the cruise at Holiday Inn Express. Thanks for any info.
  11. Some good, and some not so good. Good, as far as the latest scans for our daughter last week. Not so good, in that our friend, Greg, passed away unexpectedly from complications due to a cardiac event. He was a musician, and played with several bands in his career. Very talented on keyboard, brass and vocals. Susan and I helped out with the funeral dinner. His funeral was unlike any I had ever been to. Many of his band members came and played some of his favorites as a tribute. At the end of the service, a video appeared on the screens of Greg playing and singing an arrangement that was perfect for the end. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place, and I guess he got to play at his own funeral. RIP Greg. You will be missed.
  12. Susan didn’t want Mexican today, so it was a good old BBQ burger And a Pain Killer Is it just me, or does it seem like places are cutting back on the amount of alcohol in their drinks? Not just this place, but others we have been to also.
  13. Happy birthday to your daughters. So much going on the last couple days, it has been hard keeping up here.
  14. That is why we always have entertainment downloaded to our iPad and phones, as well as fully charged portable chargers. That happened to us once, and we were glad we were prepared.
  15. They do not show on my iPhone or iPad either. On a windows PC, they just show as a link, but when you click on it, it brings up a broken link symbol. I have had instances of some photos not posting from certain programs. I found that doing a screenshot, then cropping and posting that works fine. As an added benefit, the file size to upload is smaller.
  16. Cheap flights are almost impossible to find anymore. I know the ones we booked this summer are much higher. I was shocked when my son told me that they looked into flights for his in-laws to fly from China. They were looking at 15k per person, round trip in economy.
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