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phish tales

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Posts posted by phish tales

  1. A few years ago I was on a 14 night cruise . There had been a lot of noro on the sailing before, so extra cleaning had been done and precautions were in place. In addition, I did everything conceivable to avoid getting sick-including not even playing the slots so I wouldn't touch coins or parts of the machines that had been contaminated.


    Nevertheless, I and others got it. But, we apparently all were very responsible in reporting to medical and by the second week it was all but eliminated.


    Let me emphasize that it would not have been controlled if those of us who got sick hadn't reported ourselves. Anyone who would fail to do so has absolutely no consideration for other passengers and crew. If I discovered such people I would turn them in and if was in authority, they would have a guard outside their door and would be kicked off the ship at the next port.


    I was quarantined for 4 days and my wife (as a precaution) for one day. I didn't whine or complain. I didn't ask for compensation, and was thrilled when they gave me $100 per day as a future cruise credit. Plus, I was given medication, a diet that helped, and videos to occupy my time. Luckily there was a pause button ;).


    The compensation offered to the passengers on this cruise is generous and shame on those who think they are entitle to more.


    My attitude is that I am blessed beyond the comprehension of most people in this world. Simply being on a cruise ship is unimaginable to those who have never even drunk potable water or had sanitary facilities.


    So what if I got sick for a few days. People get sick, and I was simply unlucky to have it happen to me on a cruise.


    One of my biggest concerns is that the crew got tipped as they normally would-or even more considering all the extra time and unpleasant tasks they would have had. Unfortunately, there are likely people who took their displeasure out on the crew-and shame on those who did.


    Ship happens.


    Happy Sails to You


    OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl



    now wyufan has hit the nail on the head-----

    great great post wyufan.

    yes you can get sick anywhere, this cruise did and got all our cruise fare back. we were bless by the care and generosity of RCCL.

    life is good, and RCCL is the greatest...........

  2. Guess you weren't one of the sick ones huh? Might feel a little different about it if you were.




    jimbo, i see you are still confused. we were sick ---one day, they gave us excellent medical treatment, got healthy and really enjoyed our cruise.

    see what i meant about some folks have no idea as to what they are talking about.......:confused::confused:

  3. a lot of these threads i read about this cruise come for folks that have no idea as to what they are talking about.....

    here are the facts from 2 cruisers that just got off that cruise 4 pm yesterday, my wife and I.:


    great crew

    clean rooms

    clean bedding

    hot showers

    clean towels

    super great food

    terrific drinks

    very caring staff

    2 great ports

    sunning at the pool

    8 days on the water




    knowing what I know now, I would be the first person in line to book this cruise again, and again, and again

  4. I for one would love if a D+ and above perk was pre-printed luggage tags like we all used to receive in the mail, and have mentioned it whenever I have the chance hoping someone at RCI will take note ;):)


    when you reach the next level above dia+ (Pinnacle) you will receive the preprinted luggage tags like we all used to receive in the mail..

  5. People, if I was the OP you would have scared the bejabbers out of me with all this technical talk.


    On RCI, you do have to show up at your muster station (shown on your seapass) on time. If you don't, they will hunt you down and find you. And those of us who showed up on time and stood quietly in the heat waiting for you will not be amused. You do not have to wear, or bring, your life jacket on RCI. Once you show up at your muster station, shut up, do what you're told, and don't make smart-ass remarks - the staff don't like it. Just keep your mouth shut, stand straight in line, and do as you're asked.


    If you don't behave, you may prolong the process. And we, whom you have delayed from the bar, will know exactly who you are. Possibly not the smartest way to start a cruise.


    not always do we stand quietly in the HEAT, in Bayonne NJ in Jan. & Feb. sometime we stand in the freezing COLD. (10---20 degrees F)

  6. No, as previously mentioned they will retain their status as you can't go backwards - so they will still be diamond plus.


    They will only have the 95 points (in your example) so they would be waiting a long time to get to pinnacle.

    this explains why the CL is always so crowded....... the new generation does not have to earn their dia+ status like most had to.


    PS---i know RCCL created this monster.-----but really---

  7. They will remain D+ until they become Pinnacle. Their mother is D+. When they reach 18 they will still be D+ but will have only the cruise points they have earned on their own. (Should be D+ on their own by then)



    so if they have only accrued 95 points on their on before they turned 18, when they turn 18 they will no longer be dia+ (lose their mom's status) and have their 95 points only???

  8. Not trying to disappoint but Labadee is terrible... rocky beaches, brownish-green water and is not really a "port" but a private part of haiti owned by Royal Carribbean, so everything is geared towards the cruise lines interests.


    your opinion is your own and i respect that, but you are wrong when you say RCCL owns Labadee. Haiti leases Labadee to RCCL and RCCL gives Haiti payment for every cruiser they bring to Labadee. again, Labadee is a LEASED part of Haiti.



    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




    Labadee is located in Haiti


    The nation of Haiti, showing Labadee

    Coordinates: 19°47′11″N 72°14′44″W

    Country Haiti

    Department Nord


    Labadee (also Labadie) is a port located on the northern coast of Haiti. It is a private resort leased to Royal Caribbean International until 2050.[citation needed] Royal Caribbean International has contributed the largest proportion of tourist revenue to Haiti since 1986, employing 300 locals, allowing another 200 to sell their wares on the premises for a fee[citation needed], and paying the Haitian government US$6 per tourist.[1]

  9. It isn't far......


    Takes us about 10 minutes. It's an easy walk with no hills. :)


    My wife and I get to St Maarten alot and we always walk down town. it is only approx. 15 minute walk and it is beautiful. get a little exercise and walk. it will do you good...

  10. We went during our B2B Dec of 2012 so during our last Dec 2013 cruise we didn't even bother showing up to the Top Tier event. We can leave it more than we can take it.



    lady cruiser, it is your choice to do as you please, but read my post #12 and icsys #26..

    again as i said, it is your cruise do as you please......

  11. I think it's strange that the "Top Tier" party includes the top 5 levels. Everybody but the gold level. Not so special. It needs to reworked:rolleyes:


    a close friend of mine that cruises a lot said the invitations for the top tier party should be for those with 500 cruise points or higher. this way RCL could show their really loyal cruisers a party that's top shelf. finest mixed drinks and food. I thought he was crazy. but one thing, it would not be very crowded (there is no chance of getting run over:D) . and those that got an invite will definitely show up...

  12. Sorry...but the last top tier event I attended I nearly got trampled in the rush for "free drinks"...Jewel Dec. 2011...maybe it's because they were still having Diamond's in Dec. but a free drink & a sales pitch are not worth getting run over to me...I'll just sit quietly in the CL and enjoy my drink..



    I think you just used one of the excuses I said would come. (post # 12).

    do as you wish. but don't complain about cutbacks.

  13. Use it or Lose it! If people quit going to the event, RCCL can just eliminate and save the money on the drinks and the hassle of the party. Then what will everyone say, yet again another cost costing move, lol. RCL can not please all the people all the time but, at least they try, imho.



    I totally agree. if folks keep staying away, RCCL will say "we give them a party and they are no show. so we will have to stop it". and you can bet the first to complain are the no shows. they always have an excuse. been there done that, i can drink in my lounge, too busy, bad time, etc. etc. wake up cruisers, if royal is offering us something, take advantage of it. ---USE OR LOSE---

  14. you ask for options, for formal nights, but why?

    Out side of worn out bib overhauls and shorts, sadly, most any thing is accepted on formal nights. Sadly is not my best choice of words, and does not reflect my feeling, we are not formal dressers, but just look a little better on formal night.



    popcorn time----:)

  15. Hello, My Cruise Critic Friends--If we have a flight out of MCO at 10:25am,

    Is there enough time,with early disembark, to make the plane, Should i change

    the flight? Will save me[us] 5 hrs. travel time. Thank You.


    you are not saying which ship, docking time and if you have private transportation standing by?? if you dock at 7am my answer is "you better change your flight"....

  16. On our Freedom of the Seas cruise some years ago we had to skip Coco Cay because of rough seas. This seems to be reported a fair amount. I hope your sailing gets to stop there--good luck!



    a lot of us that cruise very often, call Coco Cay "Coco Maybe". due to the fact that maybe we will stop there. believe me; no great loss if they just go on by. :)

  17. It never made a difference when we were gold. Our luggage came when it came, regardless of what cabin we were in. I do have to say since we became D, our luggage has been at our cabin by 2, and sometimes it's there when they open the firedoors. But, Bob is right, make sure their number is attached to them so they get credit.


    your C&A status has no effect as to when your luggage will reach your cabin. (getting yours early means you just got lucky). gold. plat., emerald, dia., dia+, and even pinnacle: we are all at the mercy as to how the luggage comes off the luggage cart........

  18. The luxury of not having a dedicated D Lounge is that on the Ex, they can move things around as the C & A numbers dictate.


    In March on the Ex, the Concierge Lounge overflow went to the 19th hole and the D Event was held in Cloud Nine and Seven Hearts area.


    It worked out fine for us during sail away. Cloud Nine was signed for D/D+ guests only. Dizzy's was packed. We got drinks at Dizzy's and grabbed a table in Cloud Nine. Only a few people there. Later, as they set up for the D event they "carded" everyone.



    the highlighted statement in red should be done on ever ship and in every C&A lounge.

  19. Her and yes my main complaint is they moved the Diamond lounge down from the 19 th Hole to the Maharajii lounge on 5 which is totally enclosed in curtains

    Thankfully, someone decided the lounge NEEDED some air and let in some light!

    As of what we heard from Val the head bartender there were just to many Diamond/ Diamond Plus/Pinnacle members ....so they moved the lounge.

    RCI does NOT offer any food/snacks except trail mix....in this lounge

    Hopefully by the time you are sailing on her she will be equipped with the

    New lounge!

    BUT the Diamond Breakfast was Excellent overstaffed and extremely attentive!

    PS Yes the old gal could use an upgrade but she is clean and maintained and we NJ/NYers will miss her when she moves South!!!


    Explorer has no diamond lounge. they have a nightly dia. event. (big difference)

  20. As I'm sure you know, "Gold" card is suite which is Concierge. There is a dedicated Concierge Lounge as well on deck 9 at the aft elevator lobby area. As the number of suites is constant, this usually handles the passenger load. But it certainly is possible that the 19th Hole could be used for that if needed.


    D / D+ / Pinnacle C & A members on board vary and on ships with dedicated Diamond Clubs, often other venues - such as Cloud Nine and Seven Hearts - will be used as overflow for those members if there is a large number of "D's" and above on board,


    Could you have meant "D" and above as overflow in the Cloud Nine and Seven Hearts instead of Concierge? Certainly you could be correct but it would seem more typical in our experience to use these as the overflow venues for "D" and above if their numbers are high.




    Gold Card is Full suite & Pinnacle.

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