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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. So very sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself and know we are all sending our best wishes. Susan
  2. chop salad and chicken cordon blue. Fruit plate maybe.... although I think I would be pretty full. Susan
  3. @cruising sisterDon't panic on the GA!! I am reading the roll call which is very, very active. I know many of the things people are planning are not going to happen to me. I plan a nice, low key, sight-seeing type of cruise with plenty of time to put my feet up and let the world roll (or sail) by. I am going to have a techie type friend help me with the two visas next week. I have scheduled a number of tours but I know I will cancel some when I am on board depending on how I am feeling and what I find out about them. Plan to play alot of it by ear. Don't stress .... the cruise will sort itself out as we go. My feeling is you can't go wrong with a cruise. Susan
  4. Still waiting to see what they do with the Grand Australia in January. I imagine there is a huge amount of juggling going on. Susan
  5. Shrimp and prime rib for me, please. Maybe the cheese plate and decaf coffee. Susan
  6. Good morning and I am celebrating late day by being late. I did not sleep well last night so was up at 3. At 5 I went back to bed and did manage to get an additional couple of hours before the dogs told me that I would regret it if I did not rise at once. So I plan to work on some small chores today, go to the bank, and not nap at all. I need to get back on some sort of schedule. The dogs are now sleeping soundly. Cool here. It was 43F when the dogs and I went out. High today will be low 70's. Still no rain in sight. I am noticing some splashes of color in some of the trees. My butterfly bush is blooming... about a month late... and I have seen a few Monarchs around it. This weather seems to be throwing everyone and everything off. Sending prayers and best wishes to all needing them today. I had better get moving or I will fall asleep at the computer. Susan
  7. Good morning to all. Have not been posting much the past couple of days. I am part of the "why am I awake at this hour?" club. Last night I did get a pretty good night sleep by staying up 'til midnight to watch an old movie. Managed to do it without falling asleep in the middle of it. Would love to be back in Sitka.... or anywhere right now. Labor Day weekend brings a motorcycle rally to Durango/Ignacio area.... and it is loud!!! Loud!!!! Loud!!!. They often roar through the residential streets at 4 in the morning. I stay at home and avoid driving if I can, but had to go to the store yesterday so went very early (hey, I was awake anyway). Was not too bad and I was home before cycles hit the roads. They are leaving today... at least most of them.... and it is already noticeably quieter. Today will be laundry and getting two packages ready to be mailed tomorrow morning early. Otherwise, I just plan a quiet day with no naps if I can help it. Have not checked out the movie schedule for tonight. Hope everyone has a nice day. Susan
  8. Have to head out to the store before it gets too crowded so will read through everything later. But I wanted to tell @aliaschief---You are in one of my favorite places. A few (quite a few) years ago my next door neighbor and I would spend a several weeks along that section of coast.... together with 1 Alaskan Malamute, 4 scottish terriers and 1 west highland white terrier. We had beach lodgings and all of us had a wonderful time. We had the same lodgings for about 5 years straight.... the owner was great about the dogs. All of us loved the Oregon coast. Would love to go back again but someone else would have to drive. Susan
  9. That is so sad about little Murphy. She is a fighter. Her poor parent must be in agony. Continuing our prayers and best wishes for all. Susan
  10. Even expected and knowing the person is at peace... it is still hard. Condolences to all the family. Susan
  11. I wore SAS while I was teaching. My problem with sandals is that my toes need to be covered since they are pretty bad looking due to several surgeries. I used to have a wonderful pair of SAS sandals that did cover the toes but they fell apart a few years ago. I think I am ok for the cruise with dressy shoes since I won't be wearing them for long periods or walking for long and so far the Sketchers are comfortable. And while eating my feet are under the table. What I don't need is to be traveling with a lot of shoes.... those suckers get heavy. Of course, with my luck, I will be leaving Durango wearing snow boots which, I guess, I could mail home from San Diego. Susan
  12. I have a couple pairs of SAS that I can wear.... just not for walking and for long. I have pair sketchers I plan to wear for dressy (as dressy as I ever get).
  13. @JazzyVThe shoes I have on order are a premade brand but for the life of me I can not remember which one. Will let you know. I hope they will be ok...... I have a high arch and need a high and wide toe box. I have found some regular shoes that are comfortable for every day as long as I am not doing a lot of walking ... Easy Spirit... which no one around here carries. I order on line. But they let me try them and return... and so far so good. I just need some really good, well padded walking shoes. Foot problems can influence so many other parts of the body. And at my age I am starting to feel all muscles and bones. Susan
  14. Good morning to all. Sunny and cool. Temperature was 53 when we first went out. High today forecast for the low 80's. Tomorrow morning it is will be in the high 40's in morning so Fall is on the way. I noticed some yellow in the leaves yesterday while driving to my podiatrist. Will have to watch for color is the high country Aspens. We may get some rain this weekend .... it is anybodies guess. Forecasts are mixed. I will take the fish tacos although they are not my favorite. It has been many, many years since I have been to Israel. Somehow I think it is unlikely I will get back. The visit to the podiatrist went well and I have new walking shoes on order. If I like them, I will order another pair. Meanwhile I continue to search out and cull my old shoes. My feet certainly feel better since she worked her magic. Nothing of interest on my schedule for today or for that matter for the next few weeks. This will give me time to work on the closets and continue to sort and review files. And the dogs and I will enjoy some longer walks. And I can start again on the bookcases. My best and most positive thoughts to all. Hope little Murphy is improving. Susan
  15. Good morning. I am rushed this morning as I am off to get hair cut and pedicure. I am so terribly sorry to hear that dear little Murphy is not doing well. I feel for her and her poor parents who must be frantic. Prayers continue. As to the meal.... I will eat lobster just about any time. And I have had so many pets cross the rainbow bridge...and I miss them all. They were all so different. More later. Take care everyone. Susan
  16. Morning all. It was cool enough this morning that when I bounced out with the dogs I bounced right back in to grab a jacket. High today again in the mid-70's then supposedly warming to the low 80's for the next week or so. We had some wonderful showers yesterday - the lawn is looking very happy. I love the meal today but think I would have to pass... just too heavy for me. Well, maybe a tiny helping. I don't play music on the porch but some of my neighbors do and they are pretty good. There used to be an elderly Navajo man who lived next door. He played the flute. I really miss him. I have been to American Samoa twice once on the QE2 and the second time on the Amsterdam. Thoroughly enjoyed it both times and am looking forward to a return on the Grand Australia. Today started off better than yesterday - no dead deer and no bear signs. The bears are starting their winter "bulk up" and will be foraging around for a couple of months. The ladies and youngsters will begin hibernation about mid to late October. The lads will be with us until late November. I am checking the dumpsters to be sure they are properly closed so we don't encourage them. On the animal side of things, I am told that one of our neighbors dogs got kicked rather badly by one of the Mama deer when it harassed one of the fawns the other day. Some of my neighbors just seem unable to grasp the concept of a leash. Hope everyone is feeling good or at least better today. How is little Murphy doing? Take care all. Susan
  17. Good morning to all. Sunny here and pleasant. Temp is about 62 with high predicted in the mid-80's. Rain showers possible but not probable. Been to Copenhagen several times both on land trips and on cruises. It is one of my favorite places. I feel very comfortable there. Today has not started well. Took the dogs out a couple hours ago and nearly stepped in a huge pile of bear scat.... very fresh. Will head out with my pooper scooper in a little while after it has dried out a bit and pick it up. But worse was to come. We have 2 Mama deer and each has 2 fawns. When I started walking the dogs along the sidewalk I found one of fawns who I suspect had been hit by a car. It was on the lawn of the next building over so I called their manager who I hope can get it removed. Sad. I saw that Mom only had one fawn with her yesterday, so she may have lost them both. @Denise TIt is a problem with a big toe that has me culling my shoes and visiting a podiatrist regularly. Discomfort in the feet can be really debilitating. Hope yours clears up shortly. I have finally found a couple pairs of shoes which are comfortable. Not the nicest looking but I really don't care. Comfort before fashion. Off for more culling of shoes and dog walking close to the house and away from the dead fawn area. Take care all. Remember our motto.... feet down, head up. Susan
  18. ..... and I might add to that - never do anything else while walking. Don't fool with a camera, or look around at something. If eyes are not on the ground, don't move. At least that is what I have found after crashing several times while distracted. Susan
  19. Hope he will be well on the way to recovery shortly. Falling is something we all seem to be doing these days and it can be pretty painful. Glad the injuries were not worse.....I am sure he feels they are bad enough. Susan
  20. Good morning a bit late. Cool here - 62F right now with a high in the mid-70's and possibly more rain showers. We had some nice ones yesterday with a little thunder. Just hope the lightening strikes were all harmless. Would love the lasagna rollups. And am enjoying the pictures since that would be new territory for me. Don't think I will get there. @kazuI need to train Bandit better. He has always been a runner - I suspect that was how his first family lost him since he had been very well taken care of before he turned up a the shelter as a stray. I think he may have bolted from an RV since he loves to ride in the car and no one ever claimed him although the shelter had him for over a month. However, we are now working on "drop" and also on recalls. I don't need that kind of excitement. My terriers were all trained for competition obedience and did well off leash. One took off after a neighbors cat one time, I called "come" and he turned around and came right back to me .... the ultimate test. Even then, when we walked away from the condo they were on leash.... too many critters around here. Coyotes, foxes, deer, bears, and mountain lions come to mind. Take care all ... I am off to do little things around the house and make a quick trip to the thrift store. I spent yesterday evening trying on shoes from the back of my closet and found there are a significant number that I can no longer wear due to foot issues which are not going to be resolved. So off they go...... Susan
  21. Good morning. Cool and clear right now but we had a pretty good rain last night. High will only be 73 today and more rain this afternoon (maybe). We can use it. Have been to Salvador twice and enjoyed city tours both times. Little going on here. Just the same old, same old routine. I am very slow about getting things cleared. If I were moving I know I would and could move faster. @marshhawkSorry Chuck if so uncomfortable with the eye surgery... hope things improve quickly. And @smitty34877I hope Lou can find another treatment. I have had several friends go through Chemo and I know it takes a lot out of you. Take care all... off to walk the dogs and try to get something done. I need to work on my Australian ETA which is a real pain. Susan
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