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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Glad you made it.... with luggage is always a plus. Susan
  2. Good morning. Sunny here with temperature of 67F. High today in the mid-80's and showers predicted. We had a couple of really nice ones yesterday. Been to today's destination on VOV (same sailing as Redneck Bob). Really enjoyed it. Got the old heart rate up this morning. Bandit managed to slip out of his harness and took off running. I had the Chihuahua with me and know better than to chase anyway, so I called him and went back into the house to secure the little dog. Got a couple of treats, went out, no sign of Bandit. Called, nothing. I walked up the street in the direction he went, nothing although a neighbors pug tried to join me. Walked between condos... nothing. So I went home and there he was, sitting on the porch. He gets fitted for a new harness later this morning. Right now he is sleeping the sleep of the innocent. Otherwise it will be quiet day with a dentist appointment this afternoon. By the way, I have the new cell phone working pretty well... just needs a few tweaks as I go. Now to get it integrated with my car. Take care all. Susan
  3. My cell phone allows me to call in an emergency. I did not think I needed or wanted a wearable alert until I found myself on the ground at night with no easy way to get up. Fortunately a neighbor came by. So, now, even though I find it a bit of a bother, I wear mine when I am in the house or walking alone. Don't worry about it when I am around people in a public place .... I figure they will notice if I am flat on my face or on my behind. My neighbors encouraged me to get one. I have had it for over a year and I do feel better about being alone. The one thing is you have to remember to keep it charged. A friend of mine fell in her house a number of years ago and broke her hip. She had her devise on.... but it was not charged. It took her several hours to drag herself to where she could pull down her landline phone and call for help. And I do test mine now and then to be sure it is working ok. Susan
  4. Looks like the same model I have and mine does not count steps. I will be interested to hear what, if anything, they say about the early alert. By the way, the system that alerted for Diane when tossed in the trash was not Medical Guardian. My monitor is over a year old and has survived being dunked in the Animals River (and that is another story) which is not recommended. Hope you find it works well for you.
  5. Good morning. Happy Anniversary to Graham and Pauline. Hope everyone has a good day. Here it is cloudy with highs predicted in the low 80's. Current temp is 67. Cloudy, but I don't think we will get rain. Not much on the agenda except taking the dogs to the groomer this afternoon. And the usual trying to get stuff out. A very slow process. That shrimp sounds wonderful. I am not sure what I will be having this evening but nothing so appealing. Yesterday was taken up by errands and working to get my cell phone set up. I stopped by the local farmers stand in the afternoon and the check out girl commented I looked tired. I said I had a new cell phone and immediately everyone around me groaned. I feel the set up is a common problem and certainly at my age it is not easy. No one in the past ever told me I was going to have to do such things. Anyway, it is taken care of and I am going to wait a few weeks before tackling the Australia ETA. I have time. Take care all. Roy, I hope you get the medical alert set up and that they can explain why it was activated before you got it. Susan
  6. You people don't even want to hear what I am saying about setting up my new, upgraded, cell phone. I want simple. My watch is one I can easily adjust for time changes as I travel. My medical alert does what it is supposed to do and medical alerts (and can also be used if I feel unsafe for some reason). I just about have the cell phone usable.... and will then proceed to get my Australian documents in order. Susan
  7. I remember defending my proposal many years ago.... I think it was actually harder than the actual defense of the final product. Congratulations, you are well on your way. Susan
  8. Good morning. Sunny and dry as usual. Current temp is 65ish... high today forecast about 85. Not too bad. Except we need rain. But I look around at what other parts of the country are getting and I realize we have no major complaints.... at least yet. Dogs and I have walked and I need to start running some errands. Nothing special on the agenda, just lots of little things. As to the days.... I have had spumoni which I remember I liked and I am well into my senior citizen life. I have realized how senior I am as I try to set up my new, upgraded, cell phone. I need to go in search of a 7 year old. Susa
  9. Supposedly I can wear my Medical Guardian in the shower. I admit I don't do it, but I place it nearby. Probably should.
  10. Don't know what company you used.... I had to activate mine when I got it. When you get it, be sure to tell the person you talk to what happened. Sounds like someone slipped up. By the way, when Diane's went off after her death (someone tossed it in the trash) and they called me suggesting she had fallen, I told them her house was being cleared and they then said its movement was consistent with it being in a trash can being dumped. Now hers had been activated months previously. Anyway... let them know what happened. You have no idea how much better I feel knowing I can summon help if I need it. It is well worth the hassles that may occur. Susan
  11. He is so darn cute. Reminds me of my Snowy dog....a maltese. She was a little thief at times too.
  12. Good morning. Coolish this morning even at this hour but will be into the low 80's by afternoon. Dogs have had two walks and are snoozing away. I am waiting for allergy medicine to kick in as I have a very drippy nose. Then back to sorting. I certainly can celebrate Thrift Stores as I am hauling a lot out to ours at the shelter. Unfortunately there are many people who are sending out clothes in really bad shape (torn and stained). Since we have trouble hiring dock workers these days we don't catch much of it until sorting. I like minestrone soup and would probably like that at Olive Garden - don't think I have had it there. And I have not been to Wilemstad. Actually have just passed through the ABC islands on my way south with stops only in Aruba. Need to think about a visit. Sad to hear about the added death in the explosion and also the fires in Canada. People just can't catch a break this year. My TA sent out more itinerary changes for the Grand Australia and then sent out a notice for the need for a Brazilian visa. We are not going to Brazil.... I think he is getting a bit rattled with all the changes that are being made to future cruises and from reading the boards... to current ones as well. The one I am expecting has not come yet. Take care all. Stay upright... don't overdo and try not to stress. All things that seem to get harder these days. Susan
  13. Had a nice but short rain this afternoon, without thunder. Yesterday's rain, which was really hard for short time, was accompanied by huge thunder claps. Dogs did not seem to notice. This afternoon I see some sort of fungi growing in the lawn... after just two short rainfalls. Will start pulling them up tomorrow. We are supposed to get more rain this week and we do need it but would prefer no thunder and lightening. Of Diane's cats... Jiffy has been adopted and Duffy, bless his kitty heart, is in foster care with a woman who now thinks she will keep him. Evidently her two dogs love him and he is perfectly happy with them. I did not realize this, but Diane had trained both cats to walk on leash. My cats in the past would never, ever have tolerated that. Susan
  14. Good morning to all a bit late. No reason... just late. It is sunny and cool. High's today will be mid 80's. Not too bad. I am aiming to just clear up some odds and ends and maybe have lunch downtown with friends. Waiting to hear from them. My doctor's appointment went well yesterday except for a long wait in the office. Guess that is the price for having a late afternoon appointment. He just gets further and further behind. No major problems detected. He is having me check blood work just before and just after the cruise. What at spoil sport!!! I do know I will have to watch my eating but not really a problem since I am used to it. Glad to hear that baby Murphy improves and I hope that Lou can get home today. Best wishes to all who are needing support and are not feeling well. Susan
  15. Hmmmm. I was typing and everything disappeared. You may see some half finished thoughts from me. Have been to Hubbard glacier. Not sure about the food and wine offered. I seem to be a bit fussy about food - will be glad when I have choices prepared by someone else. It is partly cloudy and cool this morning. When I got up around 6:30 the sky was really red but no rain in our forecast. I have a doctors appointment this afternoon so if rains come it will be then. Otherwise it will just be another day of sorting with more reading as I go. Since I don't have deadlines I seem to taking things very slowly. Take care all. Susan
  16. Love the Maxime (hoarders) cartoon. Why haven't I thought of that? Susan
  17. Good morning all. Cloudy today.... maybe it will rain. Cool. We are settling into a pattern of lows in mid 50's at night... highs in the upper 70's to low 80's. I'll take it. Glad to hear good news on baby Murphy. I will skip turkey burgers... I like my turkey roasted. Little else here... life is getting boring and I think I like it that way just now. I suspect I will spending today reading in an effort to get more books out of here... or at least that is my excuse. Susan
  18. Good morning. Sunny and dry so far... and comfortable as far as temperature goes. I have laundry going and that is about all I will do today. Several loads including some rugs to go. I am a middle child... but there are big gaps between us. Of course when you throw in all the step-siblings, the field gets pretty crowded. Our local newspaper celebrated left-handed day by printing the paper so it opened on the left side to the right. Interestingly enough, my sister and brother-in-law were both right handed but 3 of their 4 children are lefties. One of my grand-mothers was left handed. She wanted to be dressmaker but was told she could not be due to the left-handedness. She made many of my clothes, doll clothes and quilts... all by hand. The stitches were so tiny. I still have doll clothes and several quilts. So much sad news. Glad to hear that Lou's problems have been identified and hoping that everyone is on the road to healing. Take care all. Susan
  19. No way to "Like" @JazzyVreport. Hope everyone is found safe. A tornado is certainly not needed at this juncture. Got my lab reports back yesterday and today... things look pretty good but I will have to watch what I am eating now and in the future. See Dr. next week and I know he will scold. Have any of you seen the Elderberries cartoon strip? One strip featured a group of retirement home residents singing "My doctor tells me how to stay alive....I'm 82 and he's 35". I think of singing that to my doctor. Ah the joys of growing old. Off to see what is happening with Diane's cats. I think Jiffy has been adopted but no word on Duffy. Hope he is still in foster care if still available. I hate to think of him in cat receiving at the shelter... too crowded and too much noise for an old boy. Susan
  20. Good morning. Cloudy and cool here. Something came through last night. When the dogs and I went out it was about 58F and it had obviously rained during the night. Wind was still blowing and the air felt very brisk. High today is forecast for 77 and maybe more showers. We can but hope. The Chihuahua told me he was cold and demanded to return to the house as soon as his business was completed. Will take them both out again in an hour or so. @smitty34877Glad to hear that Lou is getting good care and that you are having help where needed. Hoping for good news about baby Murphy and others. Like others I am still reeling with the news from Maui. I just can't imagine... and really don't want to. Take care all. Susan
  21. Good morning. Still sunny, dry and windy. Don't know how cool it got last night. I was up so early this morning I did not look at anything. Dogs were walked in the dark. I had an early morning lab appointment at the hospital (routine I hope) and was back in town and searching out breakfast by 9. Dogs are not happy with the change in routine. Terry (blue bubble is not working!!!) keeping Lou in my prayers. Like others I will avoid Presidential jokes. More later.... I need to try to get myself back on track. Susan
  22. Good morning. Sunny and dry today.... same old, same old. Temperatures are ok.... not quite as chilly this morning. The way Mother Nature is acting these days I am almost afraid to ask for rain. My prayers are going out to those facing disasters or illness and my cheers to those improving healthwise. Like all, I am absolutely devastated with the news from Maui and especially sad to hear of the loss of life. I would love the shrimp broil and admire lions in the wild. S'mores... I have never been a fan but will usually eat one if offered. Little from here right now. @cruising sisterI want to tell you that I have booked two tours at the same destination in the past. At least right now we have plenty of time to make adjustments and changes. I am starting to make lists of things that need to be done before I leave for that long. That organization in itself is leaving me going in circles. "Lists... got to make lists." Take care all. Susan
  23. I have been offering them up all day .... like everyone else, I am just struck dumb at this point. Susan
  24. Good morning.... and again it is sunny, dry and windy but the more moderate temperatures continue and the mornings can be chilly. We still have hopes of rain some day. The dogs and all have the slows this morning so I think I will not push my chores for the day. There is nothing that can't wait. With 3 funerals to attend in the last 10 days I think just need a little down time. Love the days. Books have been my friends for years and one of my major sorting issues right now is that I have way too many book so I am thinning the shelves. I also want to get a few book cases out of an over crowded second bedroom. That is hard to do without skimming them or in some cases reading them ether again or in a few cases for the first time. And that makes a very slow process. I have not done the polka in years and if I tried it now it would not be a pretty sight. But I enjoy the music and watching others, I have been needing to update my cell phone for some time (it is very old and very simple and I am surprised it is still functioning) - so yesterday was spent doing research on replacements. Think I have that settled and spent some time looking at the Transfer Wizard so I can get the necessary old stuff off one and on to the other when it arrives. Will try to have a phone geek standing by to help. Have several of that type handy. Take care all. I am enjoying all of the pictures and sending special best wishes for baby Murphy and her family. What an ordeal. Susan
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