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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning. As per usual we are sunny, dry and windy with a fire weather warning. Hopefully the monsoons will be forthcoming. The rains we had in the Spring caused weeds to grow and now those are drying out which does make for a real fire hazard. The temperatures are good for sleeping at night - it was 45F when dogs and I walked at 7. Highs today into the low 90's. Since we only have a couple of months of this in a year I just plod on. No AC in most of Durango. Ran some errands yesterday and took some boxes to the thrift store....mainly books. Will pack the car today for another run tomorrow. Have a meeting at 3 this afternoon to replace a Board member for the kennel club.... I have already turned down the position. We are also setting up another rattlesnake avoidance training session - out last one being such a great success. Just peeked ahead at next week and it looks like I am going to be doing things at my own pace .... no scheduled events!!! Yay!!! Off to give the dogs a second walk since it is still cool. Glad to hear that both Ivan and baby Murphy are getting better. Take care all. Remember to keep your feet firmly on the ground ... one of my neighbors fell yesterday. Fortunately no damage, but she felt pretty shaken. Susan
  2. Good morning to all. Sunny, dry.... what else is new? Still under a fire warning. High today will be a little cooler but not by much. It was amazingly quiet here last night..... I think everyone is worried about fires. And the threats to turn the hoses on anyone with fireworks may have deterred some of the neighborhood kids. Have not heard how the drone show went.... I was on the phone with a friend and did not get out to see it. I am glad to hear that Lou may be coming home today .... and I am sending prayers and positive thoughts to baby Murphy. Hope Ivan will take his medicines with pill pockets. I know those have not worked with my scotties in the past. I would find pills all over the house. With my current two, if meds are needed I buy some "Little Caesar" pate style and hide the pill in it. They are foodies and it goes right down. And a cup lasts in frig for a week. Dogs are due for a spa day today.... the Shih Tzu is getting pretty shaggy and he does not think I am capable of giving him a good cut .... I really can not manage him on the table. He stands perfectly still for Miss Mia. The Chi goes along for the ride. Spent part of yesterday looking at some day tours for the Grand Australia. I just have to remember I am not as young as I was last time I cruised.... however, I am booking a few I really want... can always drop off later if I think it is too much. I need to start walking more and will do it without the dogs. The Chihuahua slows me down. Off to the races. Take care everyone. I need to get some hustle on. Susan
  3. I am so sorry. I know how it hurts but it is the last act of love we can give them when they reach that point. Hugs. Susan
  4. Good morning. Our dry weather continues with a high expected today into the low 90's. Still cool at night thankfully. We are still under fire watch. No fireworks heard yet. A friend of mine who lives in a neighborhood with lots of kids tells me that all of homes on their block have hoses attached and are ready to give a blast of water onto anyone who sets fireworks off. I think most people are pretty nervous. @smitty34877Glad to hear that Lou is feeling perkier. Hope he can get home soon. And I hope the all the fur kids feel better and that the kitties come out of hiding. I think I would be trying to lure them out with no direct contact.... like sitting in the area for a short while and dropping bits of tasty food. Get them use to my scent. And I love the pictures of the Queen Mary. I made several crossings on her to England and back after the war. My Father sailed on her as a troop ship and he would never go on her after that ... Mom and I loved her. Going to be a quiet day here- at least I hope it is. Take care all. Susan
  5. Finally, a chance to seat down and read through today's messages with some care. Glad to hear that Bailey has more time and hopefully Ivan will perk up. If they could just tell us...... I am feeling a bit more chipper since I got my hair cut this morning and in addition, a pedicure which was overdue. My feet are much happier. Unfortunately I started today badly. As I was moving my shredder which was pretty full of "confetti" I dropped it and the whole mess went all over the dining room floor. Took me a long time to get all those little bits corralled and into a bag for recycling. A few strays are still stuck on the rug. It is hot here and will be even more so tomorrow. I am just planning to stay in and continue the sort and toss (and shred). The town is really hopping with lots of tourists and it just is not worth trying to go anywhere. I can see the drone show tomorrow night from the hill behind the condo. All in all, hopefully a quiet day. Take care all. Susan
  6. @summer slopeI am sorry to hear about Bailey. The worst part of pet ownership even when it is anticipated. Susan
  7. I know that wallet lightening experience all too well. Hope he is ok (and you too). Susan
  8. Good morning. Sunny and dry. Temp was about 45F when I walked the dogs around 7... high today into the 80's - not too bad. At least the cool nights make for good sleeping. We are worried about fires as it is getting very dry and the earlier wet weather spurred on the weeds. The city is having a drone show rather than fireworks and so far it has been very quiet since the town is a bit on edge. I am sure their will be some idiots. The fire south of us seems contained but to the east near Pagosa Springs the containment on those fires is limited. As to our search and rescue activity ... the official search for the missing hiker has been called off although friends and family continue to search in an expanded area. Evidently he was subject to seizures during which he became disoriented and the feeling is probably wandered out of the prime search area. He is an experienced hiker but was not prepared for overnights. Sad, very sad. As to the body in the river, no word and no new sightings. Many years ago one of the faculty members at the college had a son disappear on the river at night while fooling around with friends. It was about 15 years before his partial remains were found caught in a snag. It was particularly hard on her since he had some problems with the law and many people thought he had just skipped town. Sad about the Baltimore shootings. I grew up in the Baltimore area and actually lived in the city near Johns Hopkins University at one time. It has all changed so much but it is hard to feel safe anywhere these days. Off to load up my car with stuff to be taken away tomorrow .... thrift store and P.O. to mail some items for auction for rescue. I am waiting to hear from nieces and nephews if they want a few items but I have given them a deadline.... and I said I will pay for shipping. Just want it out of the house. Susan
  9. Good morning a little late today. Monty had an appointment for shots and an annual check up. I notice that he is limping a bit but the vet thinks that is due to his bad front legs (a show dog he definitely is not!!). His little elbows turn outward in a weird way.... but they do not seem to hurt. We will just continue to watch him. He was very well behaved....all 5 lbs of him. No biting, no barking at other dogs.... not typical of chihuahuas at all. He is now home and sleeping off the strain cuddled up close to "his" Bandit. Our dry weather continues. There are fires to the south and to the east of us, but so far nothing really close and I hope it remains that way. We have several missing person searches going on around us. One a hiker and the other a mysterious body seen floating in the river which is running very high just now.The body disappeared before anyone could get it out.... maybe caught on a snag somewhere. I am truly grateful to all the people who put the time in for search and rescue. Seems recently we have had a lot of lost people these days. I am sending prayers and positive thoughts out to all needing them. @smitty34877I hope your meeting with doctors goes well. You certainly do not need more stress. Take care all. Susan
  10. Good morning to everyone. We are still in our hot and dry cycle and yesterday there was a small fire south of us on the Southern Ute reservation. Don't see smoke this morning so I am assuming they got it out. We are under a fire watch and red flag warning with winds expected this afternoon. Today's comments on luxury reminds me of the comment my Mother heard years ago on a Baltimore bus. "It's getting so you can't afford all the luxuries you needs". It has become a catch phrase in this family when we complain about not having something. Need to get to work on the kitchen. Today is my day to clear out and clean the frig and one of my cabinets - the one where everything works its way to the back. Lots of bending so it will be slow work as my back will not be happy. Susan
  11. @luvteachingKaren, I am very sorry to read your news this morning. My condolences. He had a peaceful passing which is what we all ask for. Hugs from afar. Susan
  12. @smitty34877Glad to hear your news and hope you can get some rest. @luvteachingI hope the hospice at home works out for you. My BIL and also my DB went for home hospice and I think it eased them and made them more comfortable at the end. My prayers and thoughts are with you all. Susan
  13. Good morning to all. We are having sun, wind and today we are under a Red Flag warning on fires. No rain expected until next week at the earliest. June is our driest month. I think I would like the lamb, depending on the amount of spice. And the talk of forgiving reminds me of one of my favorite Willie Nelson songs.... "Forgiving you was easy, but forgetting seems to take a long long time". And now I am going to have that song on my mind all day long. I have had trouble forgiving some people, but have generally made peace with it and don't dwell on what happened. It is past, done, can't be changed so move on. My most positive thoughts to all with hospitalizations, falls and breaks. Take care everyone and to the caretakers.... take care of yourselves too. This seems to be an unusually stressful time. As my Sister says it is a sign of getting older. I am looking forward to talking with her this evening. She has been out in Ohio with her son for the last week and I always hesitate to call since they are usually in the middle of something. I think they are trying to get her to move near or with them, but she prefers to remain where she is. Off to do whatever I feel needs doing. And maybe go to the store this afternoon.... my frig is starting to look pretty bare. Susan
  14. Good morning. For some reason I can just not get started this morning beyond walking the dogs. I think it is time to spend a day snoozing and reading. @marshhawkI am so sorry to hear that Chuck's cancer is back. Seems so many of us have family members with health issues.... or have them ourselves. My prayers for all. Back in the days when I was doing archaeology work in New Mexico there was a place in Carlsbad that had regular catfish fry on Friday nights. It looked like a real dump but the inside was clean and the catfish was wonderful. Our whole crew ate there regularly and after a few weeks they began to hold a table for us knowing we would be in. Good slaw too. Ah, fond memories. Off to fix a light lunch and try to get a least one thing accomplished today. Dogs are posted at the patio doors keeping an eye out for activity in the yard, but it looks like our neighbors are having a lazy day too. Susan
  15. @luvteaching I can't like your last post as I know how hard this is for you and your family. I hope you can get some rest tonight. Susan
  16. Bright and sunny here in Durango. Was 39F when dogs and I went out but it is supposed to get up into the mid-80's today. At least it makes good sleeping at night. We have a number of food trucks here and some are in a fairly permanent location. The 11th street station features about 6 of them sitting at the site of what used to be a gas station. Food is good and it is very popular. There are a couple other places with one or two set up. Since they are subject to city inspection I don't worry about sanitation. I Oh dear.... I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Susan
  17. Mine too.... so easy to get out on deck for viewing whatever is to be viewed. And I tend to keep my drapes drawn at night anyway.
  18. Good morning. I am a bit sleepy this morning as I stayed up past my usual bedtime to watch (again) a Ken Burns' Country Music segment. The dogs of course got me up at the usual time. I think it will be a slow day today. Blue bubbles are not working this morning so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROY!!! and Jacqui... I am glad to hear that Ivan is perking up. You know, the move to his new home with you would have been stressful.... no matter how calm he appeared to be about it. I hope that is all. I know how we pet parents worry. I have very little that is pink and I have not been to today's destination although I have been to Iceland and would love to return. Meanwhile I continue to sort (slowly) and to book some excursions for the Grand Australia ..... lots of activity there on the roll call, perhaps a bit more than I can handle just now. My best wishes to all ..... and take care. Susan
  19. Good morning. @marshhawkSending best wishes to Momma Norma. Now take care of yourself. Clear here today.... high will be in the mid-80's.... temp when the dogs and I went for our morning walk was 47 which I find comfortable. I will close up the condo shortly and hopefully it will stay cool inside. I have never been on a skate board and I am certainly am not going to try now. I like my stuffed peppers with meat and will probably have those for supper tomorrow. Have not been to today's destination but would like to go. Let's face it.... I am ready to go anywhere. I spent most of yesterday working on my file cabinet and got one drawer completely cleared out and most of the stuff in either tossed or shredded. Will continue on today. I need to focus on one thing at a time. My mind seems to be skipping about like a grasshopper these days. Focus, I need focus. Take care all. Susan
  20. My dogs are always on leash.... but I have a couple of idiot neighbors. One has a French bulldog, the other a chihuahua. I fully expect a tragedy one day. I am very watchful. I still remember walking out one morning a few years back with dogs and seeing a bear pretty close up.... my dogs said nothing and were happy to be dragged back to the house.
  21. Good morning to all. @kazuI hope Ivan is feeling better and it is just the change to new routines. You really do wish they could talk and tell you how they are feeling. Summer has finally arrived here and while it does go down into the mid-40's at night, we are now seeing 80's during the day. No rain in our forecast for the next 10 days. I will lengthen the time the sprinkler system is on at night. The wildlife is moving down along river. Besides our usual number of deer, I saw a coyote in the yard yesterday and a neighbor up the road from me saw a mountain lion. I am going to be very careful walking the dogs and we will not leave the area next to our driveway at night. And, I had better get new batteries for my flashlight. Otherwise things are plodding along as usual. I am getting things sorted very, very slowly. I have a box ready to be mailed to scottie rescue for their auction.... will probably do that tomorrow morning and 3 more bags ready for the thrift store. Not to mention the shredded papers that I am going to take to recycling. And in between, I am getting some books read that have been sitting on the shelf for awhile. Then those too will depart. Susan
  22. Good morning. Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a quiet day for the most part.... the kind I really enjoy. Today things will be as near normal as they ever get. Dog walks, laundry, downsizing and reading. I have not been to Rotterdam. Maybe in a year or so. And I have to pass on the meal since I do have a sensitivity to soy.... evidently not uncommon. I can take it in very small amounts but I am careful...and that it really too bad since I do like Asian foods. or I did like Asian foods. Terri.... hope your bags made a speedy appearance. Years ago when I did the Central Kingdom Express train trip from Hong Kong to London, the entire group's bags disappeared in China for a couple of days. To say we were stressed is putting it mildly. They finally caught up with us in the middle of night at a hotel when they were delivered by hotel staff who took them up to our floor in the elevator and just tossed them out into the hall. The noise woke of them hitting the walls woke us (and everyone else on that floor) and at 2 in the morning we were sorting and dragging our bags into our rooms. But we were so glad to see them.... it was going to be long and very strange trip otherwise. Susan
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