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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning all. I can't tell you how much I envy those of you gathering in Quebec for your cruise. My day will come. Chilly here this morning.... 40F when the dogs and I went for our first walk. I understand that dash when there is the sound of a pet getting ready to toss the cookies. Bandit did it to me the other day. I managed to leap from bed and get him onto a washable surface before the big moment. Little from here.... have not been to Dawson and neither food nor drink appeal today. Right now the big news from Durango is the search for a missing runner outside of town in an area of very rough terrain. He was last seen Sunday morning and we fear the worst. His parents have arrived in town and are keeping vigil near his car which is parked at the trailhead. Weather has not been good with rain/hail and even a bit of snow in the area that is being searched. Very sad and scary. He is a young man but left for a short run and was not carrying the necessary to get him through prolonged exposure. Back to clearing out stuff.I am trying to locate some items my Sister wants me to bring her and I have no idea where I packed them. Susan
  2. Morning from a chilly and dry Durango today. Low 40's last night.... high yesterday was 61F. Today is supposed to me a smidge warmer. Trees at the higher elevations are lovely and here in the lower elevations they are turning fast. When I speak of our being in the lower elevations, remember I am talking 6250 feet. It's all in your point of view. Have been to Shanghai several times. The first time in the mid-80's.... the last time about 8 years ago. The city really changed in that time. Probably will not be going back. I think I will pass on food and drink although they look interesting. I am so envious of those on BHBs and those that are about to board, but I need to get things done here before venturing away. Susan
  3. Good morning. Now that the mornings are so dark and the temps are in the low 40's I am making the dogs wait a bit for their walks. The result is I get started later and later. Oh well, things will change shortly. I will eat Kale, but it is not a favorite. And I hope to make New Zealand in 2024. Pictures really make me want to go. Yesterday afternoon I had a meeting with the City Council on the city support for the Humane Society. They are grappling with a major problem just now as the homeless camp on the outskirts of town has been shut down and the city and county are searching, without success, for a new location. So my presentation was rushed. Hardly worth the effort. They did thank me for the organized presentation materials I had submitted earlier. We will see what comes..... if we do not get what we requested I will have to start renegotiating the contract. My time on the BOD ends in May and I can hardly wait. I need a cruise!!!!! Susan
  4. Good afternoon. Late today since I dashed out this morning to take care of some banking business for the Humane Society. I needed to work on up-dating some of our CD's..... evidently the last round of updates did not go through (some one did not sign or a signature card was lost - whatever) and the signatures on some accounts were out of date. I think all paperwork is now correct and the officers just need to sign. Will do a follow-up the end of the week. We had more rain last night including a couple of downpours during thunder storms. The dogs slept thought it all even though the condo shook a couple times. Today is sunny with possible showers this afternoon. Love the meal but oh those carbs!!! Have been to Freemantle/Perth but don't remember much. I will have to refresh my memory. Hope to visit again in 2024 on Grand Australia. Off to lunch and to begin clearing out again. I get just so far then get stalled and seem to have to start all over. Susan
  5. Good morning to all. Rainy this morning and temp was 43F when I finally managed to drag the dogs out. Bandit was his usual cooperative self but Monty wanted no part of it. As soon as we came dripping in after wander in the rain for about 15 minutes he used one of my throw rugs. Fortunately washable. High today is supposed to be in mid-60's and in stay in the 60's during the day through the entire week. I understand there is white stuff above us. Am thinking I will have turn on the heat soon. I am not complaining about the rain even if the dogs are. Monty needs a raincoat. Today's pictures look really appealing and does the food and drink. Tonight I have some shrimp that I need to fix .... just need to decide how to fix. Not feeling very creative at the moment. All of my Florida friends have checked in now and most seem to escaped the damage, even those close to and in Ft. Myers. I think I am better able to handle snow (remind me I said that this winter). Susan
  6. Good morning all. Cloudy here with possibility of rain. The sky looked really weird when dogs and I walked but now the sun is trying to peek through. You just never can predict around here. Glad to see our friends from Florida are checking in. My niece is so glad they did not move there when they were considering it a few years ago. I think she will be happy to stick with Maryland. Food and drink look good today but I am trying to get my freezer cleared. No idea of what meals are going to be. I did have my flu shot yesterday. My arm was and still is really sore and I was exhausted all afternoon. The dogs and I finally took a good long nap. Feel much better today but I am glad I separated the flu and the covid shots. Now I think I am prepared to brave the airports in two weeks time. I do need to round up some clothes that don't look like I am cleaning kennels or stables. Durango is nothing if not casual. Garrison Keilor once wrote a song that started "Durango ladies sing this song, denim, denim....." Susan
  7. Just a quick stop by before heading out to get my flu shot. Had the Covid booster #3 two weeks ago, so I should be all set for my trip to the east coast in about 2 weeks. Cool here this morning and s*** is in our forecast for the higher elevations this weekend. Hopefully only a light dusting. I am so sad about Ian's rampage through Florida..... still have not heard from my high-school friend near Fort Myers.. Hope she sheltered with her family out of the area. More later. Susan
  8. That is good very good news. Now we wait for @MISTER 67to check in. Susan
  9. How terrible. I am afraid there will be more storm related deaths. Susan
  10. Deb... glad to hear the other house is back on the market.... I did special work with that voodoo doll. Maybe the owner will have learned something. And you are soooo right not to consider it - I would never,ever trust that seller. Susan
  11. Just dropping by before starting to run errands including visits to a number of banks for the Humane Society since here seem to be some issues with signers on some of our accounts. It is just easier to walk in and demand attention then to try to resolve issues over the phone. Cool weather here but quiet. @dfishLove the house. Congratulations! Thinking positive thoughts for all of you in Florida. More later. Susan
  12. A cool and very rainy day in Durango today. Rains started in earnest last night after some scattered showers yesterday. Had to drag the dogs out but both were cooperative and we did not get too terribly wet. It is supposed to dry out later this afternoon but more rain is forecast for next week. We can certainly use it. Hope we can all avoid fires, floods, and storms. I enjoy Fall as a rule and our trees are turning. I think the peak season for color will be in about 2 weeks. I notice our train is pretty crowded on it way up the mountain to Silverton. I may drive up next week if the weather holds. Susan
  13. Sorry about the loss of the house. I have a voodoo doll for just such occasions. Hope you can find another home you like as well. And that stuffed sopapilla looks wonderful.... I should have eaten a larger breakfast. Susan
  14. Glad it died down. I know from experience how unnerving a fire cresting a ridge can be. Hope you got a good rest last night. Susan
  15. Very good news indeed. I am sure she is feeling much more "up". Susan
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