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Everything posted by iamtrustworthy

  1. Hi SimplyAlbert, We deal with this everyday from every company and it's frustrating. To Deanna, Kim & I, it feels like some of the claims people don't even look at what was submitted. Unfortunately, IMG and all other insurance companies first laid trained people off during the pandemic and later hired new, not as experienced, people since. Plus, there continues to be turnover so, in my opinion, more of the not as experienced people get hired. And, sometimes when documents come in, they don't get entered into the system in a timely manner. Let us know and we'll keep helping you with your claim. Steve Dasseos PS - I wrote this on July 14, 2022: https://tripinsurancestore.com/blog/why-are-travel-insurance-claims-taking-so-long-to-process/
  2. Hi Coral, I'm on the Azamara Onward until Nov 30th. Call me after Dec 4th and I'll tell you why I stopped doing business with them over 20 years ago. Steve Dasseos
  3. Hi Smitheroo, I addressed this topic in my May 4, 2009 blog post: Does Rebooking My Cruise Reset My Initial Deposit Date? https://tripinsurancestore.com/blog/does-rebooking-my-cruise-reset-my-initial-deposit-date/ I know four plans a Maine resident may buy anytime before and including the Final Payment Date that will cover pre-existing conditions. Steve Dasseos
  4. Hi d9704011, You are completely correct - it only refers to the day you buy the policy. Whatever happens in the future is completely unknown and has no bearing on one's ability to buy the coverage today. Steve Dasseos
  5. Hi Smitheroo, > The part about you having to be "medically able to travel" on the day you purchase travel insurance. What exactly does that mean? Here's what it means: https://tripinsurancestore.com/what-is-medically-stable/ Steve Dasseos
  6. Hi Smitheroo, > The TripInsuranceStore hasn't had the information revised yet (Steve told me that). I updated the Geo Blue info a few days ago. I mentioned in on another thread. Steve Dasseos
  7. Hi Smitheroo, I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing your question. > My question is, if I book say 6 cruises through 2025 I need to purchase travel insurance for each one within 16-20 days of booking each one ( In order to waive the pre-existing condition clause) and for most insurance plans it is nonrefundable after 10 days. I have one, though: Are these back to back cruises without returning home? Steve Dasseos
  8. Hi Smitheroo, I wrote about this in my Blog on October 7, 2023: What Are the Right Travel Dates to Insure? https://tripinsurancestore.com/blog/what-are-the-right-travel-dates-to-insure/ Steve Dasseos
  9. Hi Smitheroo, Thanks for bringing this up. Geo Blue changed this and I hadn't updated all the pages of my TripInsuranceStore.com website with the correct wording. Here's what Geo Blue's wording says: "Cancellation of this Policy: Any date prior to Your Effective Date of Coverage, You may request a full refund of premium from Geo Blue." Steve Dasseos
  10. Hi Smitheroo, > I have searched dozens of websites and found no mention of a question like this. Anyone I've asked in person doesnt really have an answer. Or I might get an answer like "I think you are overthinking it" Am I? I think the solution is that you have to not worry about money you wasted on nonrefundable insurance if Insurance was something you couldn't do without if your cruise didn't happen. I will give you the direct and correct answer. What is your specific question? Steve Dasseos
  11. Hi GC, Yes, there are plans that have low medical limits. Some don't cover pre-existing conditions. Steve
  12. Hi Smitheroo, The Geo Blue Trekker (their mutli-trip plan) covers a maximum of $100,000 medical for anyone age 70 and older. Steve Dasseos
  13. Hi Smitheroo, Does using a "CruiseFIRST Certificate" give you a confirmed booking? Steve Dasseos
  14. You might find this Blog post I wrote on August 20, 2023 helpful https://tripinsurancestore.com/blog/is-it-worth-paying-more-to-have-500000-medical-coverage/ Steve Dasseos
  15. Hi Smitheroo, There are aren't any trip cancellation/interruption insurance plans without medical. Steve Dasseos
  16. Hi NiceAunt, I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's father-in-law. May I get this information from you? - What are their travel dates from and back to home? - When did / will they pay the deposit on the trip? - When is the Final Payment due prior to leaving home? - What State do they live in? Steve Dasseos
  17. Hi GeezerCouple, Sorry about the delay responding. We have customers in Israel & many with now-cancelled trips so I've been extra busy. > Does the so-called "simple" declaration immediately void any travel insurance claim coverage? I can't speak for all companies, but mine consider this Terrorism. Hamas committed Terrorism. It wasn’t until hours later that Israel declared War. Here's more info: https://tripinsurancestore.com/travel-insurance-terrorist-incident-coverages/ In addition, as of Oct 9, 2023 some of my companies won’t cover trips to Israel for new purchases. Steve Dasseos
  18. Hi Blackfly, I can't answer for all plans, but for all our plans, when your trip is farther in the future and you are paying it in stages, an option to consider is this: You would not have to pay for the insurance in full immediately upon purchase in order to get the pre-existing conditions and Cancel For Any Reason coverage. All our plans allow "pay as you go" which means you insure your deposit now and as you prepay more trip costs, you must increase the insurance coverage any time (as long as nothing has happened where you would file a claim) before but not later than 14 days of adding any additional trip costs above what has been insured to keep the pre-existing conditions coverage. This does not result in any extra costs, just the incremental price increases. You have to insure the deposits even if they are refundable. The prices are locked in at your ages and the rates that were in effect when you bought it. Steve Dasseos
  19. Hi johnnylikely, I'm sorry, but I'm not qualified to give advice on non-USA insurance plans. Steve Dasseos
  20. Hi PrincessArlena'sDad, Make sure your credit union will advocate for and help you if you have claim since they earned a commission on the sale of your policy. Steve Dasseos
  21. HI redwave, You'd get a policy for each family group. Technically, there's no "linking" of policies because you are all Travel Companions (Here more info about this: https://tripinsurancestore.com/your-family-member-or-traveling-companion/). We note people traveling together, but it's not required. Steve Dasseos
  22. Hi Chfenton, > Do all policies reimburse me for the cruise fare in case there is an airline/airport/FAA melt down and we end up stranded and don't get to MCO in time to get over to the cruise? No. Many policies don't cover governmental actions, so be sure to check for this in the Exclusions. Steve Dasseos
  23. Hi Drazil65, You're welcome. > many people we know (and relatives) do not have medical coverage outside the country Unless they have Medicaid, some Medicare Advantage plans or a non ACA-compliant plan, they should at least have some limited medical coverage outside the USA. They probably won't have any Medical Transportation coverage. I agree that it's good to have at least some travel medical insurance when traveling out of the plan's network area. Or, when someone has a high-deductible health plan. I wrote this a few days ago on my Blog that you might find helpful: https://tripinsurancestore.com/blog/is-it-worth-paying-more-to-have-500000-medical-coverage/ Steve Dasseos
  24. Hi Drazil65, Primary (First Payer) isn’t better than Secondary (Excess). The only difference is the order in which the medical claims are paid. If you aren't old enough to be on Medicare, in most cases you are better off getting a plan with Secondary medical because of how group or individual health plans account for deductibles and co-pays. You can also process a claim on a plan that has Primary medical as Secondary. Your broker can advise you how to do this when they help you with your claim. And, whether or not a plan has Primary or Secondary medical, all the plans I know will advance payment to a medical facility if needed. Steve Dasseos
  25. Hi New Jersey Pat, I wrote this earlier today on my blog. I hope you find it helpful. Is it Worth Paying More to Have $500,000 Medical Coverage? https://tripinsurancestore.com/blog/is-it-worth-paying-more-to-have-500000-medical-coverage/ Steve Dasseos
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