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Everything posted by mamaofami

  1. Good morning everyone. Sam is home and recuperating from his fall. Hopefully the brain bleed will heel itself.A CAT scan next week will show the condition. Thank you all for your prayers. Stay safe, Carol
  2. Good morning everyone. My DH, Sam, is in the hospital with brain bleeds after falling out of bed Saturday night. Several CAT scans later they are watching to see if he will need surgery. Please send prayers his way for a complete recovery. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  3. Good morning everyone. Yesterday was my son’s birthday and Wednesday is my daughter’s birthday. It’s still too hot to sit around the pool so I’m reading and bingeing TV. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  4. Good morning everyone. It’s either raining or too hot to go to the pool.The rain has caused major flooding in the northeast with roads and bridges washed away. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  5. Good morning everyone. Another very hot day. I think my car is overheating and have to check it out. The other day my carbon dioxide alarms both went off and I needed the handyman to come and replace them. Something is always needing attention. Stay safe and cool, Carol
  6. My friend Judi died peacefully today. Thank you all for your comfort wishes. Carol
  7. Good morning everyone. Nice collection of days. My oldest closest friend, Judi, is in hospice and close to dying and I’m very sad. We met when we were eight and have had a wonderful friendship. I’m praying for a peaceful passing for her. In the past three years I’ve lost five old and dear friends. Too much loss. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  8. Karen, I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of your DH. Prayers for you and your family.
  9. Thank you for all the birthday wishes yesterday. I really appreciated them. Carol
  10. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. Prayers for all on the care list.
  11. Good morning everyone. Another day of thunderstorms in the forecast. We’re supposed to go to a pool party tonight as a pre birthday celebration for me but the weather is playing havoc with the condo plans so we might wind up in the ballroom. Tomorrow my family is coming for dinner and cake. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  12. Good morning everyone. Thunderstorms today. My birthday is in 2 days and I needed to get my hair done but no go today. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  13. Good morning everyone. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads. Love the quote. Stay safe, Carol
  14. Good morning everyone. Mostly sunny today with some rain this afternoon. We are celebrating Father’s Day tonight at a steak house chosen by my DH. Couldn’t get a reservation for tomorrow. So many tornadoes around makes it very scary to see all the destruction. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  15. Good morning everyone. Like the collection of days and today’s quote.Today marks two years since DH had his stroke. Thankfully he continues to recover. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  16. Good morning everyone. My oldest grandson turns 27 today. I don’t know where the years go. Seems like yesterday. It was actually too hot to go to the pool yesterday so will try again today. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  17. Rabbit Rabbit. And it’s JUNE, my favorite month. Up to discover a deer eating away in my yard, a birds nest on my roof and squirrels living under the house. Stay safe, Carol
  18. Good morning.. off to the pool again today. Loved seeing so many people I haven’t seen all winter. 77 degrees today. I’ll take it. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  19. Good morning everyone. The weather is great for the next few days so I will be going to the pool. Not to swim but to see my friends. It opens Saturday for the summer. like the Babe Ruth quote. Stay well everyone, Carol
  20. Good morning everyone. I’ve had a lot of computer issues for a while. Recovering from my second cateract surgery which went well. I had a blow out on a tire when I hit a pot hole and was without a car for a week but all is good now. Stay safe everyone Carol
  21. Good morning everyone. Yesterday we uncovered our patio furniture in advance of today’s high 70 degrees. Looks like summer might be finally here. The patio needs to be power washed and we’re good to go. Yesterday I turned on the news to see if there was a daily shooting and yes, in a mall. It’s become an everyday occurrence and we start to expect it. Something has to be done to stop the violence. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  22. Good morning everyone. I’ve been watching the coronation like most of us. Love today’s quote. Beautiful day today so time to take the covers off the patio furniture and enjoy. Carol
  23. Good morning everyone. I’ve been having log on issues for a few days. Clean bill of health from my oncologist and my eye is behaving itself while the other one prepares for cateract surgery in 2 weeks. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  24. Good morning everyone. My grandson and his sweet girlfriend slept over last night and we had a wonderful visit. They are heading back to college. My DH, Sam, is thankfully better and no more pneumonia. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  25. Good morning everyone. Love today’s quote. DH feels a little better today so hoping he continues to improve. I have tons of paper work to get through today. Stay safe everyone, Carol
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