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Everything posted by mamaofami

  1. Good morning everyone. Up with the few birds flying around. Think they have a nest on my roof. It’s 28 degrees this morning. I’m off to my balance PT this morning and then home to continue some paperwork that I hate. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  2. Good morning everyone. It’s a balmy 28 degrees this morning. My poor flowers don’t know what is going on. The daffodils are in bloom and so are three magnolia trees. It already snowed on those trees. We’re supposed to warm up after today. Hopefully, spring is on the way. I’m not sleeping well because I’m nervous about my cateract surgery next week. I fall asleep fine and then wake several times to use the bathroom and can’t get back to sleep. This too shall pass soon, I hope. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  3. A very late good afternoon everyone. I’ve been busy organizing my house for recoup from cateract surgery which I have o next Thursday and am very nervous about. I could really use some healing prayers. I’m not allowed to bend from the waist so everything has to be rearranged for the two week recovery. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  4. Good morning everyone. Happy Birthday to Lenda. Welcome to day light savings time. Wish we would just keep this time forever already instead of having a debate every year. My grandson returns to college today and I reminded him 2 times to set his clock ahead so he won’t miss the bus to Rochester. It’s a long walk if he misses it. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  5. Good morning everyone. A snowy rainy day today and it’s quite gloomy out there. A good day for me to read and find a movie on Netflix. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  6. Good morning everyone. I’m up with the birds but it’s actually too cold for any to be around. My health care plans with the city of ny are under attack and I’m going to have to search for new insurance. What a pain. No pun intended. Off to PT this AM and getting my house ready for cateract surgery later this month. We’re expecting snow later so I’ve charged up my kindle in case we lose power. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  7. Good morning everyone. I had a wonderful visit with my grandson on Monday. He’s definitely grown and is displaying his junior year knowledge.He was born on my fathers birthday and will be 21 later this month. Off to PT to work on my balance. I’m doing so much better and grateful to my PT therapist. Cant wait for daylight savings this weekend. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  8. Good morning everyone. For years my dentist was my husband and now that he’s retired I found a great new one. Dentist, not husband. As a kid I always loved Oreo cookies. Grandson number 3 is home from college on spring break. We have a date this afternoon after he wakes up at noon. Today promises to be beautiful and in the 50s. Maybe spring is on the way. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  9. good morning everyone. Happy to say you can take me off the care list. My cortisone shot worked and I am pain free enough to get through the day. I was so proud of my daughter, Lori, who argued for a client before the NYS Supreme Court this week. She presented her case beautifully , but the judges haven’t decided the outcome yet. My grandson is home from college this week and I’m looking forward to a nice visit. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  10. Good morning everyone. Lack of sleep, a very annoying UTI and a sciatic attack have kept me busy and away from the group . Nothing is resolved yet so just waiting for a urine culture to come back and the sciatica pain to lessen. I did have a cortisone shot last week for that. Weve been lucky so far and no snow this winter although my daughter had a tornado a mile away from her house in central NJ. Happy Birthday, Bruce. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  11. Good morning everyone. When I was pregnant with my oldest I craved mint chocolate chip ice cream. I still love it. Today im off to a craft show where people from my community will be showing their art and collections. I wish I could get motivated to start taxes but it’s a no go so far. I have been getting rid of lots of old paperwork and shredding like crazy. The weather has been spring like and I wonder how hot the summer will be. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  12. Good morning everyone. Love all the days and today’s quote. I’ve been preoccupied visiting doctors for my 6 month checkups and everything has checked out ok. I now have a date, March 23 for my cateract surgery. Today is gloomy and supposed to rain but so far no downpour. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  13. Good morning everyone. This was a week of doctor appointments. Dentist, pain medicine, ENT, and dermatologist. All checkups and all is good. Prayers for all on our care list and for the people of Turkey, Syria, and Ukraine. The destruction is beyond anything we can imagine. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  14. Glad to see you are up and about and out. That’s good news.
  15. Good morning everyone. If sleeping till 5am instead of 4am is sleeping better, I guess I can join the daylites who are sleeping better. Off to see a new pain doctor today as mine is leaving and no one knows where he is going. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  16. Good morning everyone. Prayers for all on our list and for the people in Turkey and Syria after the devastating earthquake. I can’t imagine how people survive all these natural disasters. Thank you Sandi for keeping this thread going. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  17. Good morning everyone. Yesterday I woke to 8 degrees so was no friend of the weather man. I was so grateful that my furnace was working. I didn’t even open my door to feel the chill. Shower with a friend? I think not. im trying to put my shredder to good use as I clear out some old paper work.. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  18. Good morning everyone. Getting ready for the cold weather expected tomorrow night when it goes down to 9 degrees. The quote is very true. I don’t need the groundhog to tell me it’s cold, but so far we e only had a sprinkling of snow. Hoping Roy has an easy recovery and that Jacqui keeps healing and improving in the right direction. Dental appointment this afternoon and then I have an appointment with the TV. Stay safe and warm everyone, Carol
  19. Good morning everyone. I’m having trouble sleeping and have been waking at 5. Makes for a very long day. What did I miss about a can opener? Would love to know since I don’t have an electric one. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  20. Good morning everyone. I don’t know who Crocker is but I love the quote . Sandi, thank you for taking over for Roy, and Roy I hope you’re feeling better and home soon. I’m off to the clubhouse today to see a show and have some goodies to eat.We’ve been to Newport many times. Sam was there in the summer of 1961 for some Navy training. We had a land trip and a cruise stop many years later. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  21. Good morning everyone. Thank you Sandi for posting today. Guess what? I found my distance glasses right where I knew they had to be but I couldn’t get down on the floor to look under the table. I used a ruler and out they came. Too late to cancel the new pair I ordered. Prayers for Roy that he isn’t badly injured and for all who need them today. Carol
  22. Good morning everyone, Roy, take care and feel better soon. Carol
  23. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve checked everywhere I went. Nothing.
  24. Celebrating Opposite Day so good evening everyone. Rain and snow in today’s forecast. We haven’t had any snow yet so I guess it’s time. I just hope I get back and forth from PT before it starts. An exhaustive search and my distance glasses haven’t shown up. I was sure they would after ordering a new pair. Stay safe everyone, Carol
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