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Posts posted by mamaofami

  1. Good morning everyone. Nice collection of days and I agree with the quote. I don’t like patty melts, although I like most of the ingredients. I’m not a cheese lover so will skip this meal.

    It was cold and raining yesterday and a good opportunity to curl up and watch some Netflix. 
    Im sure by now you have all seen the picture of the rogue wave hitting the ship.Very scary.

    Jacqui, the picture of that bridge is awful. Hopefully it’s an easy fix.

    Stay safe everyone,


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  2. Good morning everyone. I am still testing negative for covid but very nervous. My grandson is still sick but working from home, so I think he must be doing better. 
    Income from New Rochelle, NY, named by the Huguenots for La Rochelle in France. it’s a city of 80,000 and very diverse population. The elementary schools are great and so is the high school. 
    Stay safe everyone,


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  3. Good morning everyone. It’s going to be 58 degrees , but raining today. This is day 3 since I was exposed to my grandson and covid and too early for me to test. This is not a good week for me to have to isolate . I had plans tonight, and two doctor appointments and my book club, but I don’t want to expose anyone. I’ve been told if ingest negative band wear an N95 mask I’m ok and so is everyone else, but I don’t think it’s fair till I know my status. Unfortunately, I’ve been advised by my infectious disease MD not to take the boosters because they are no longer giving J and J and I am allergic to the ingredients in the other vaccines so I’m hoping for the best. I’ve ordered any supplies and food I think I’ll need and now will buckle down to read and watch TV. My grandson is doing OK, but can’t fly back to LA today as he had hoped.

    Stay safe everyone,


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  4. 13 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    Joy @Seasick Sailor, take the extra tops. It does get boring to wear the same thing even though you are probably the only one who knows. I’m envious, I wish I could join you and Allen.  BTW, I try to avoid those negative threads with all the complaining. 

    @seagarsmoker so good to hear you are feeling better. 

    Carol @mamaofami, has anyone else gotten covid in your family?  I hope you are well. 

    Sandi @StLouisCruisers, what great news about your grandsons!  Congratulations to them!  Good to hear you found a good table in the MDR. 


    Vanessa @JazzyV, how is BFF’s DF doing?  I hope all is well. 

    Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, you are cooking up quite the bakery in your kitchen!  I love your tradition of making Key Lime Pie with your leftover egg yolks (or is it egg whites? I don’t know, I’ve never made one!). I hope DH is coming home soon. 

    Terry @smitty34877, thanks for the input about using frozen spinach in the lasagna. I’ve discovered it’s a lot easier to squeeze out the liquid in the spinach when it’s totally defrosted and not cold. 😉. This last time (for the spinach soufflé) I left it out overnight, worked so much easier. 

    Also, has anyone else noticed how much easier it is to tag using the blue bubble lately?  They must have updated the feature because now your most frequently used posters pop up first when you type the @ and then a letter or two. 

    Sharon, so far we’re all ok but it’s only been 2 days. Grandsons mom is recovering from a bad concussion, Sam has had it twice but was also exposed upmclose and personal. It’s a wait and see game now.

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  5. Good afternoon everyone. Another mass shooting , this time at a Walmart. There is so much hate and availably assault rifles that this will just keep going on and on. I don’t think assault weapons should be so easy to get.

    As we prepare here for Thanksgiving, I’m thankful to have been part of this group for the past several years. I guess we started when the pandemic did. It feels like family.

    Stay safe everyone,


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  6. Good morning everyone. It’s 28 degrees here no w at 8am. Brrrr.

    Off to the dentist soon th take care of what I hope is just something under the gum. My grandson was going to test last night to make sure he is over covid. My son hasn’t caught it because he has been wearing an N 95 mask at home. Hopefully everyone will be well.

    Jacqui, if I had to do those stairs I would climb up and down on my rear so as not to incur any possible accidents.

    Stay safe everyone,


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  7. On 11/13/2022 at 8:28 AM, kazu said:


    Not yet, Colin.  I was trying last night hanging onto the wheel chair - big mistake.  Rocking and rolling and the wheel chair overturned and I went down.  I think I will stick to the chair until we hit smoother seas 😉 


    Not sure about pics but Tina (0106) just joined me at the Sea View Bar and attended the Cooking Demo with the head chef.  He’s funny and very entertaining.   And they served the Dutch Pea Soup after to everyone there.


    His is not made like the one on the Alaskan cruises - much more meat.


    And at the Question and Answer - WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COLD SOUPS???  they were cut out by Corporate.  But, wait, …..since we want cold soups - there will a couple offered at the Lido -  one tomorrow - go to the dessert spot and wink, wink and the server will wink back and reach under the table and VOILA.  COLD SOUP TOMORROW.  👍 👍 

    I love those cold soups. Thousands of calories, but so good. I am very impressed with the size of your roll call.  You are amazing to have done so much while you had so much going on at home. Hope you are enjoying in spite of your ankle.

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  8. Good evening everyone. The day got away from me.


    Lenda, what happened to Steve in the hospital yesterday is why sick people should never go to a hospital. Twice, when Sam was in for 2 days, they decided he needed a PT evaluation at 5pm before he could leave. Only trouble was the PT department left at 4pm. I was at home, called the hospital admionistrator, my daughter was in the hospital trying to get him duscharged and my son was at his house on the phone with the admitting MD who wouldnt discharge Sam. I finally got the administator to go down to the Er and they let him go home. The second time it happened, the administrator and I were on first name basis. Sems, since he came in by ambulance, and on a stretcher, they needed to verrify he could walk even though we told them he had PT privaely.

    So frustrating.

    I'm curious to know how the blood clot was removed. Sam's was in his brain. They went up the groin with a tiny machine , opened it like a cage around the clot and pulled it back down.


    Stay safe everyone,


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  9. Good morning everyone. Still can't  get on from my ipad.

    I love today's quote. Going out with some frineds for lunch today. I am the designated driver because I'm the only one who wont have a glass of wine. I just dont like it.


    Roy, how did I miss that Jacqui's sister fell? I just read her last enterties and didn't see it.


    Prayers for all on our list that need them and there are a lot. Prayers that our country survives this election no matter what the results.


    Stay safe everyone,




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  10. Good morning everyone. I'm still having log in issues and have to log in with user name and password and only on my desktop. My ipad is a no go.

    I can't believe Florida is going to be hit by another huricaine. Wishing everyone in her path to be safe.


    I got a great report at the dentist yesterday and a great report at my oncologist last week, grteful for both. A radiologist saved my life back in 2015.

    Hope everyone has voted or will vote today. I will be so happy not to see all the adds and emails asking me for donations. I get at least 3 of those a day.


    Stay safe everyone,



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  11. Good morning everyone. I HATE THE END OF DAYLIGHT SAVING'S TIME. It will soon be dark by 4pm which seriously impacts my going anywhere since I dont drive in the dark. it's time the whole country adopts Daylight savings time.

    That's my rant for today.

    I'm still not able to sign in from my ipad.

    Yesterday was a beautiful number 10 day and I sat outside with 7 friends in one of the many gazebos we have around our community. 

    Stay safe everyone,



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