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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. It's great. Hope you don't mind, I converted it to mp4 so all can see. IMG_6252_1.mp4
  2. After everyone left Sharon and I headed down to the garden. It is doing good. The cucumbers are taking off. As the sun was setting we harvested 28 bulbs of garlic. Speaking of mulch, Sharon added 3 beds to the garden and added mulch around each one. The tomatoes on the back deck are starting to ripen already!
  3. I use 00 America Pizza Flour. It is made to cook at 550⁰ in the oven. https://www.amazon.com/Antimo-Caputo-Americana-Pizza-Molino/dp/B014OC80QA/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=2NFJC4TBDHSX8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7G6NpIypnwbjP9nnybBRMw0wVRr3x43BK2h6D9MmXK6Ff5GU9ukSdToTJmrHZ2m_jsfCLFMwPnHzrSLNxWHE49Cm4CjLQ6S6KJc9tWDs8rhDit_slMcLS29y547UYvsRb6pu27qj9_dg801z2rG4z4laiIUxFg--OiJWznvUw2f3Rc2W6LpuRAxTzcIFpyTFxCYLKrF5-pBP8-uqtMtwew.1sxcl4RQmQE2Eis_eiykaMEgbnV0q2LfHkBZgMQNthY&dib_tag=se&keywords=caputo+00+americana+pizza+flour&qid=1716753528&sprefix=americana+00%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
  4. Sharon and I made enough dough yesterday for 9 pizzas. We made 8. Here are 6 of the dough balls 😋 2 cheese pizzas went quick to the kids. Next was a pesto pizza. I started eating it then realized I didn't take a picture 🙃 The green pieces on top is garlic scapes! It was so good we made another pesto pizza! This pizza had roasted tomatoes, pepperoni, and orange bell peppers.
  5. Dani, I never thought this war would go this long! We will continue praying for you, your DH and family. The strength you show is so encouraging! Hang in there.
  6. Sorry that you had a bad fall. We all encounter various trials. Sounds like you have a great attitude. Praying for you and your family.
  7. It is great to hear about Chris being so caring. Life goes better when it's not all about ourselves. He will be a blessing to all around him!
  8. I almost stopped. Even fast-forwarding was not enough to ignore it. They still let one stupid complaint bother them, saying guys.
  9. I started a lot of basil from seed. I now have 5 grow bags of them. I like making pesto with it to use on pizza. This is from a few days ago. It's growing fast. We have a variety of mint growing. DD uses it in her flower bouquets. No chives this year. We harvested several bags of garlic scapes. Like chives but garlic taste.
  10. Sharon got sushi for me today. They call it American Dream. Shrimp tempura roll, avocado, masago, cream cheese topped with spicy crab meat. Speaking of Sushi, do you know what the Sushi said as the bee flew by? ...... Wasabi
  11. The year I was to start kindergarten we moved to Massachusetts. They did not have kindergarten there. It's crazy how now 3 and 4 year old kids go to school.
  12. All I heard was how hot the stadium got after the game ....... I heard it started getting hot right after all the fans left. 😆
  13. This is cool it came out to $19.74! Not only cool but very reasonable. Our committee sent 3 events. One was dining $100 or $50 each Another was confusing, I saw $35 and $50 each mentioned. Then there was golfing ⛳️ and the cost wasn't mentioned, that I noticed. Where we live now they have a reunion the weekend of a football game.
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