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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. It is common for people with ALS to eventually lose their voice. Our friend near us that also has ALS has already lost hers. With voice banking you record several phases and then the phases are used to generate a synthetic voice that will sound more like your on voice. My daughters really want this. We are currently working with a program through Acapela MOV. There is a lot to figure out but we are slowly getting there. We can use 300 phases limited to 80 characters. We still do not fully understand how it will work. Apple's next operating system upgrade is supposed to have a similar capability.
  2. I have always enjoyed my Samsung phones. I am tempted to switch to iPhone only due to the ability to voice bank with the next ios upgrade. I may instead by a new smaller ipad.
  3. Dani, GS2 is a handsome young man! Great pic. I'm sure it's hard to have family move away. Especially when they are loving like yours. Not everyone is blessed like that. I agree with others that FaceTime can help. Sharon daily does it with here mom. On occasion one of the Grandkids FaceTime my iPad or laptop. Yesterday I heard Alexa making a different sound so I made it to the kitchen to find out Aubrey and Caden figured out how to video talk over Alexa! Let's hope things work out that y'all can get together often. ❤️
  4. I have never heard of garlic ice cream. I would guess if I made it I would get to eat it all. 😋 Have you tried it? So curiosity got me to look it up. Looks like it is made with roasted garlic. I love roasted garlic. I guess I could make some vanilla icecream then stir in some roasted garlic. One time I was eating a bulb of roasted garlic. I was about done when Sharon came over to give me a 💋 kiss. She about fell over. 😆 It was strong.
  5. The cost of good ice cream around here is getting so expensive I decided I am going to try to make my own. It has been years. I have a Kitchenaid Ice Cream attachment. I will need to watch a YouTube to refresh my memory on how to use it.
  6. Sharon got me Sushi today. It was so good. It's called American Dream. This is what makes it up, Shrimp tempura roll, avocado, masago, cream cheese topped with spicy crab meat. It was so big and fulfilling I only hate half at lunch. I will soon go snack on some more 😋.
  7. Thanks for asking. Physically it has been much more challenging. I am so glad I have the Rollator now. I don't need it yet but my next visit in 2 weeks they will fit me for a wheelchair. Concerning the garlic, I was able to harvest it all because I spread the harvest out over a few weeks. Speaking of garlic I saw a chicken recipe that uses 40 cloves of garlic! Tempting! I was able to use the riding lawnmower today but right now a friend is over trimming and weedeating. Something I can not do. So many want to help out. Looks like next Tuesday the gang will start demo on the bathroom. They are estimating it to be a 3 week project. My spirit is still real good. If I was the same physically you would think I was an Olympian! Sharon is such a blessing. She is so strong through this.
  8. Looking back the biggest thing I hated about turning 50 is that I put off retiring for another 11 years! Enjoy being a young one. Time goes quickly.
  9. @Sunshine3601 Happy belated Birthday Debbie. When I first noticed I missed your Birthday I couldn't believe it. I then noticed I wasn't the only one. Hope you had a great day and hope you have a great year!
  10. We tried it a couple times when prices were under $100. We really enjoyed the experience but with the price now over $100 we don't even think about it.
  11. When we started cruising almost 24 years ago we used a TA. Then we started booking direct. A couple years ago I met a guy while cruising who shared gave me a card of his TA. We have since booked several times to this great TA. It has saved us $100s of dollars and he has been sooo helpful. We will always use him now. Not just for the savings but he is a great guy.
  12. The most memorable times of my youth is the time we spent a my grandparents house. Great memories. Your grandkids will be blessed with great memories too! Hang in there. Hope you feel better soon.
  13. I harvested my last garlic today. I planted 178 and only lost 6. Out of the 172 I am setting aside 38 bulbs to plant in October. So I am only going to have 134 to use. Here is one of the racks of garlic. I also picked a couple of tomatoes. These are paste tomatoes. My Pineapple tomatoes should be ready soon and some are big. The Jimmy Nardello peppers are getting sooo long. I am waiting patiently for them to turn read. And there are a lot of them. 8 plants full of them and more coming. And the Watermelon is forming. It's more challenging working the garden this year but I love it.
  14. Thanks. I am sure we can agree that we all also get a lot of support from our friends here. It's great to have friends with great hearts!
  15. I'm glad the MRI's are over for you. I think they are a challenge for most people. My last MRI's were supposed to be split into 2 days. I ended up having them all done in one day! 4 hours! The noise inside made me think I was at a bad rock concert. They rigged up an oxygen mask for me to wear inside. I hope all works out for your knee. Don't give up on cruising. If you're not fully recovered by the October maybe a scooter will help.
  16. Even people I've never met. A friend was sharing with a co-worker what we are experiencing. Her co-worker, who I have not met, bought me a gift and sent me a sweet card.
  17. Thanks. We have so many that wants to help in some way. Since learning what we are going through we have had so many reach out in so many ways. We have received at least 2 meals a week. After that feast Saturday we were given poppy seed chicken Sunday afternoon. Several has brought desserts, milkshakes, icecream etc. We have had men over working on the house We had a ramp sent to us, we are having our master bathroom remodeled so we have a walk in bathroom and some guys are going to demo it before the tile company works on it. So much love pouring in. So thankful.
  18. The girls wanted to treat me so yesterday they took us to a Mexican restaurant. I had a shimp fajita salad. Not sure what but a couple other meals ordered.
  19. We had a great weekend. All 3 daughters and their families gathered at the house this weekend. 2 couples from church wanted to prepare a meal for our family. It turned out to be a feast! There was 15 of us and we might of ate a 1/3 of the feast. Lots of leftovers. A smoked Boston Butt that turned out sooo tender. We turned it into pulled pork. Three racks of ribs! Delicious! Two large banquet size sides of mixed vegetables and baked been. Strawberry Cobbler and brownies with icing. It was really good.
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