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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. @Lionesss If you decide to do a live it will be good. You write good and know how to space out your pics. I'm sure many of us here will enjoy it.
  2. What I do is hit the refresh button and then go back to the reply box. When you go back it will be empty but when you click inside it will ask if you want to clear the box or leave what you had in it before you hit refresh. I do what @bobmacliberty does and try to remember to put space between the quote and my response.
  3. I understand hesitating on what to post but I am thankful you did. Sharing what's on your heart can help. It's sad that a young 16 year old has to go through this. What will help her is loving people like you showing how much she means to you. There are a few things that are being questioned about the vaccine. And I just decided to delete the rest of my thoughts on it. I will say that there are now 3 of us in the area diagnosed with ALS.
  4. Good to hear you got it going. It's nice to get past the planting stage. My brother has been fighting the frost problem in Northern Ohio. Friday I used the drip system for the first time and it worked great. 10 days ago I was surprised to find 5 tomatoes starting so soon. Today I counted 170! The accountant in me 😆. I harvested some broccoli last week. Tomorrow I plan to pick my first kohlrabi. Kenzie was visiting here Friday. She was working on her driving skills. The back of her hair is getting so curly.
  5. You can also get coke and bottles of water. Some evenings I would go get some coke and bottles of water and take them back to the room. When at port we would eat breakfast there and grab some bottles of water to take with us.
  6. Ours cruise points have been posted in about a week.
  7. Maybe the signs on the chairs are finally working.
  8. I believe it was reported just before I was checking out today's news. The article said she became a Swiss citizen about a decade ago. I didn't know that.
  9. For luggage tags sign in on line. Go to view my documents. The luggage tags should be on the last page. This according to my assumption. TA....Sharon
  10. That is a very good point! In October I will just want to be laying out in the middle of the ocean.....on a cruise ship. No real need to be concerned about the ports. Doesn't have to be an Oasis class. Just get out and relax! 😊 Thanks
  11. We had a great time and loved meeting up with several from CC. We met some great people who will be friends forever. This long vacation wore us out but it was worth it. I never thought this would happen but we have been tossing around the idea of a 4 or 5 day cruise this fall. Even our cruise friends are thinking short cruise.
  12. We are headed to Lakeside Ohio this summer with the kids families. My side of the family will meet us there too. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame should be fun.
  13. I had them last year for the 1st time but it wasn't planned. Last year I ordered Delicious which is one of our favorites. Turns out they put the wrong seeds in the pack of seeds. They ended up being our favorite tomato so I saved the seeds and they are doing good. Cherokee Purple is on top of our list too. For sauces such as pizza sauce I like Amish paste. Great size and meaty.
  14. I think this is the earliest I seen larger, not cherry, tomatoes popping out before mid June. So far I noticed 1 Pineapple tomato and 4 Cherokee Purple.
  15. Just picked lettuce and garlic scapes, added from last year bell peppers and roasted tomatoes with pepperoni and cheddar cheese.
  16. Just got in from the garden. 89⁰ Real Feal 98⁰. I new it was time to come in when the phone wouldn't let me text Sharon. It was to hot. Already picking garlic scapes! And picked a big bag of lettuce.
  17. I understand your thinking on the Watermelon if you just let them grow unattended. If you look closely you will see cattle panel next to them. The Watermelon will grow vertically using Watermelon nets. With the peppers I actually had 8 more plants in that bed last year. They grew great! I have never had a problem growing plants closer than a seed packet recommends. See MIgardener for great advice. The plants need daily attention when growing close. Once they get started you can't just check on them every week or two.
  18. We made it home to find we our blessed with the best garden start that I remember! My DD compared pics she took just last Saturday and most of the plants doubled in size. A few of the tomato plants are already 4 ft tall and several blooms! 1st row Brussel sprouts, 2nd broccoli. Kohlrabi Tomatoes with flowers already! Pole beans and cucumbers. Three different types of peppers. I few tomatoes. Watermelon Peas and cucumbers Zucchini Marigolds popping up. and lettuce cut last week already coming back. After an hour and half I was able to tie up 3 rows of tomatoes. 5 to go! I am so thankful to see such a good start!
  19. Our house was new when we got it it 1999. It was not damage from a particular storm but the roofer said that there was damage. Several houses in the neighborhood had the roofs replaced last year. We had some ceiling leak upstairs that was covered and the front porch. We had much covered on our previous house too. A friend suggested to have insurance company look at it, he was an agent. We did had they found hail damage. Doesn't hurt to try. Also when we had to replace our ac on the main floor several years ago we got tax credits for getting a more energy efficient ac.
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