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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. All that has been posted so far is Wonder out of port Canaveral January 2025. Not sure when the day will be posted.
  2. Better get the January 2025 Wonder booked so you don't miss out twice. BTW, good seeing you! I missed seeing you around!
  3. You, being a great golfer and fan probably know why professional golfers wear 2 pair of underwear while golfing. ⛳️
  4. Is that on the same side as the webcams? It would be nice to be able to spot the gang at sail away when we are watching on the webcam.
  5. If anyone forgot last night was when we do the "fall back, spring forward", your not to late. All you have to do is find @Sea Dog or @John&LaLa list of drinks and get started. Just remember, as you start to fall back.... spring forward. 😆
  6. Starting tomorrow my alarm clock will be correct again for the next 6 months. 😮 Remember, Spring back, Fall forward. 😆
  7. I always joke with my bother. I am exactly 1 year and 9 months older than he. I tell him that on my 1st birthday mom and dad looked at me and said.... He is soooo beautiful 😍 We have to have another baby!
  8. Me.... sarcasm? It's a good thing you grouped responded. Wouldn't want anyone to think we are trying to hit the 1,000 post before sail away. 🤔
  9. Man has this thread slowed down! 🐌 Hopefully it can pick back up and recover before sailing away.
  10. The one we booked last year and got cancelled had more ports. It was disappointing this one had less ports but I think we will enjoy it.
  11. I would of thought you wouldn't be holding back so much considering all the friends you will be with! 🤔
  12. Wow cool. We got cancelled on it last year too. We ended up replacing it with an Alaska cruise on Ovation last May. When we booked this time OVB were high so we booked guarantee balconies. OVB has dropped to what we paid for guarantee. Checking to see if we can switch. I have noticed a few are canceling do to RC going back to requiring vacs on this cruise. Considering how long it's been since most have gotten it, what difference will it make. Oh well. As of now I only see 3 Jr suites available so likely a RoyalUp will not work.
  13. I recognize a couple names on this thread. I think 🤔 I will follow. 😆 This is going to be so cool! It's already great! I can see this Live beating out most lives before it even takes off on Sunday! If anyone is going to enjoy Miami before boarding Sunday I would love to see some picks. I loved visiting Bayside! I hope all have safe travels and I am sure all will enjoy.
  14. Same thing I was thinking 🤔. BTW, the phone just updated again tonight. I am now able to use the Samsung keyboard again!
  15. You have a much better memory than me. I have fallen a lot in the last 2 years but couldn't tell you how many. Maybe the epic falls like on the tram January or falling on my eye around Christmas.
  16. Did you enjoy the R&r HOF? As often as I have been in the area I have never gone. I have never been to the Football HOF either.
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