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Posts posted by coffeebean

  1. 12 minutes ago, ChiefMateJRK said:

    So, you should thank God for having good hearing.  Not everybody does.

    I think you misunderstood my point.......EVERYONE reads lips when processing speech. That includes people with perfect hearing. That is why it is a wonderful thing that the mask mandate has been lifted for the crew.

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  2. On 8/26/2022 at 7:27 PM, UKstages said:

    i never once had any problem understanding anybody who was wearing a mask. can you imagine a nurse or a doctor being unable to understand each other when they were giving crucial instructions during an operation?


    if you're having trouble understanding somebody on an NCL ship who wears a mask, they might be mumbling or they might have a thick accent or you might be suffering hearing loss. all those conditions will persist once the mask come off.



    I have never had difficulty understanding anyone who is wearing a mask. Having said that, when the masks come off, most people, not even realizing they do it, read lips when speaking to people. They do it even if they have perfect hearing.


    From Dr. Google..............

    Do hearing people read lips?
    Although lip reading is used most extensively by deaf and hard-of-hearing people, most people with normal hearing process some speech information from sight of the moving mouth.
  3. On 8/25/2022 at 10:28 PM, JGmf said:

    That's great news.  This past February 2022 all crew, of course, wore masks.  So did the poor guy who was lifeguard/safety paddling around in a kayak keeping an eye on swimmers in Harvest Cay...the guy was in the middle of the water with no one really nearby in the blazing sun.  Uggh. 


    I bet that beach and water safety staff is extra relieved.

    That was utter foolishness for the guy in the kayak in the middle of the water with no one around him. So glad the mask mandate is lifted for the crew.

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  4. 1 hour ago, HaveWeMetYet said:

    Cases and deaths were at a peak when mask wearing laws, capacity limitations, and lockdowns were being enforced. That did not work either.

    The only effective method to avoid covid is isolation from a source.

    Cases and deaths were at a peak when the virus was much more virulent than the variant that is circulating now.

  5. 4 hours ago, merete48 said:

    Hi. Just got off Voyager of the Seas 6 days ago we both contracted Covid for the first time.

    We are both vaccinated and boosted.

    On the cruise we avoided, if possible to be to near crowds.

    This make us feel after avoiding getting Covid for 2 1/2 years and spending just 7 days on a cruise ship and getting it, cruising is not safe.

    We have been and are still very sick. 
    Before the cruise we actually thought all the things the cruise lines have implemented would make cruising safe.



    Hope you both feel better soon and get that negative test.

  6. 6 hours ago, pcur said:

    OK, people like you and I with strong immune systems don't get sick.  But, we can carry the virus.  I don't want to carry the virus to anyone, known or unknown to me.  So, crowded = masked, to me.


    I'm just trying to explain here, Sonot convince.  We all make our own choices.

    So I'm to understand that your choice will be to mask for the unforeseen future. Have at it. And......unless you are wearing an N95 mask, your efforts are futile.

  7. 6 hours ago, pcur said:

    They do wear masks.  It's me taking the virus to them I'm concerned about.

    But....if they wear N95 masks, you really shouldn't have to wear a mask if you distance from them. A vulnerable person wearing anything other than an N95 mask is like not bothering at all to protect themselves. What type of masks do your friends and family wear?

  8. 22 hours ago, Keksie said:

    Aren't you worried that only testing once a week you will miss a positive test?  Say you are exposed on a Saturday and get covid.  You test on Monday morning but it is negative, if you tested an hour later it would be positive, but you don't test until the next Monday.  You will have been walking around with covid for a whole week!

    I can't believe I'm saying this but....that is not my concern at all. There are probably millions of people walking around with Covid and they may not know it or don't care or haven't tested and think it is just a cold or who knows what the reason is. This variant we have now is not nearly as virulent as the original strain or the Delta strain.


    I was just making a point to another poster that testing once a week would probably "catch" a positive test. I was asked how often should a person test to know if they have ever had Covid and that was my answer......probably once a week. What a person does with the information is up to them.

  9. 12 hours ago, Keksie said:

    What is regularly test?  Every morning, twice a day, once a week, once a month?  You could test negative in the morning and an hour later test positive.  We are retired and take vacations other than cruises so no requirement to take a test.  I have not had any symptoms of anything for years so have not had a reason to test.

    Weekly is a good indication. Usually, when someone tests positive, it will take 10 days to test negative. So once a week would "catch" that positive test.

  10. 11 hours ago, Fartlek said:

    We just returned from Alaska and when we got on the ship there was no coughing.  The night before we departed, it seemed like 50% of the passengers were hacking.  There is a a reason the staff all wear n95’s.  We brought test kits and on the morning we depaywe had mild symptoms but tested negative.  The next morning at home we were positive which has huge implications for us.  We can’t look after our elderly parents so we are really upset with ourselves for going.  

    for those that tested positive, how long did it take for you to get a negative test?

    Day 11 after the onset of symptoms, I tested negative. I tested 48 hours later and got another negative test. That is a CDC guideline so I did that test 48 hours after the first negative test.

  11. 4 hours ago, ChC said:

    Damn, I just went out my way to make a friend with false teeth and thought this friend would be useful in the next Quest! Now what I am going to do? Tell this friend that the cruise is off? 😁😁😁

    You should have made friends with someone who owns a comb. LOL.

    • Haha 2
  12. 39 minutes ago, pcur said:

    For you.  But, what about the people around you that are unknowingly exposed?  Like I've posted before, my friend is double vaxxed and double boosted, and had COVID (pneumonia) for 3 weeks. It's those other people I'm concerned about being exposed.

    Those folks who are vulnerable, AKA, immunocompromised, are the ones who should be masked with N95 masks when around others. I have a healthy immune system so I will not ever be masking in public. I did, however, quarantine in my home for 10 days when I tested positive after my Indy cruise. I had two negative tests, 48 hours apart before I went out in public again.

  13. On 9/5/2022 at 5:08 PM, pcur said:

    I can see your point of view.  My situation is I am regularly around immune compromised people, and also friends that get sick for 3 weeks if they get COVID, even being vaxxed and boosted.  I do not want to give up these friendships, and my conscience won't let me take the chance of carrying the virus to them.  So, my answer is I get to travel and not get sick, and I get my friends and they don't get sick.  It's not just about me.

    Why don't your vulnerable friends and family wear an N95 mask when around others who choose to live their lives normally again (that means no masking).

  14. On 9/5/2022 at 1:46 PM, 3yorkies said:

    Got off Allure on 8/28 after 8 days with 5780 others.   On the FB page for this cruise many many people tested positive within days of getting off, some the day they disembarked.    We were told there were 90 plus cases on board during the cruise.   I avoided it probably because vaxed and double boosted, only went into WJ once when few there, got a separate table in MDR, did not attend parades and other very crowded venues, sat on aisle at all shows, washed and sanitized hands regularly.  Just normal precautions IMHO.  I had a fun cruise and did not feel I missed out on anything taking these precautions.   It's my 7th cruise since the restart.   I have 3 more booked through early 2023.    I believe Royal is moving too fast just like all the others, but I also will do what I can to protect myself and won't stop cruising.    I think allowing unvaxed onboard is a mistake, as is not continuing to serve people in WJ, and eliminating the testing and resum9ing parades and other mass events onboard.   These are small things that can keep numbers down.   Cruises are by definition very densely populated venues for an extended period of time and they cannot be compared to going to the grocery store IMO.   I would prefer slowing down, but I know much of this is a financial decision for a very stressed industry, and I will live with their decisions.   If cases get too high onboard and start costing them too much, then I foresee them stepping back again.  

    Number of cases on board is probably not their criteria. Number of patients who get very ill, requiring hospitalization and intensive care is what TPTB are looking at. I believe their largest mistake is allowing unvaccinated people on board. Those are the people who are at risk of severe disease. My opinion.

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  15. On 9/5/2022 at 1:28 PM, kidz_rn said:

    Why do we look both ways before crossing a street? If you’re going to get hit, it doesn’t matter. 

    You don’t say if you are vaxxed and boosted. 400 are still dying every day and thousands hospitalized — virtually all unvaccinated. If you are not, then good luck when you do get it. 

    Kind of dumb at this point NOT to be vaccinated, IMHO.

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  16. On 9/5/2022 at 10:45 AM, BND said:

    You can't make that conclusion based on this thread.  When masks were mandatory, there were still people coming home with it from cruises, flights, etc.  I've also seen posts by people who wore masks and caught it.   As I said, we never wear masks and we haven't caught it in 5 cruises and 5 beach vacations where we eat out every meal.

    Unless you test on a regular basis, you don't know if you have had an asymptomatic infection. So........you just MAY have already had Covid.

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  17. On 9/5/2022 at 10:34 AM, lovescats5 said:

    Why do we always have to hear about getting covid after a cruise.  Have people gotten covid after going to the grocery store, how about work.  You will get covid, if you are going to get it, where ever you are or where ever you have visited.  Cruise ships are no different.  First we complain about having to wear masks, then testing before a cruise, then not everyone wearing a mask although it is not required.  Covid is here to stay as is the cold or flu.  Can we just move on.  So tired of all this.  If you don't want to take a chance then stay home.  And no, I don't need a lot of judgemental people telling me what they think I need to do.  We will be on Quantum Sept. 19 and if we feel sick when we get home I can say we will not test.  Yea, I am one of those.

    I surely hope, even though you won't test if you feel sick, that you do not go out in public. That is what quarantine is all about.

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  18. On 9/4/2022 at 11:23 PM, pcur said:

    It makes a difference IMO.  I have read most of this thread, and what's missing is no one seems to be saying they tested positive after wearing a mask in the airport, on the plane, inside the cruise ship, inside buildings in port, and rinse/repeat going home.


    This is what I have done since mid-January to mid-May I have flown 18 times one way, with all trips having stopovers, so that's at least 3 airports in 9 roundtrips.  I was on 3 cruise ships for a total of 58 days, and two trips were to see family with small unvaccinated children the first trip.


    I've taken 21 COVID tests between my personal ones and those provided by the ships on consecutive cruises.


    Countless ports and inside venues.  Exposure to literally thousands of people.


    So, that's an complete inventory of my exposure, which was very high.  


    All COVID tests were negative (double vaxxed and double boosted).


    The difference from the people getting COVID?  I consistently wore a mask. Outside, no.  With known other passengers who were vaccinated, no.  Mostly vaccinated family members, no.  


    To me it's just a basic policy:  if I'm inside somewhere with strangers who I don't KNOW they've been vaccinated (having a lower possibility of contracting the virus; NOT immune), then I wear a mask.  When I fly I never take it off except to eat or drink. I put it on when I walk in the airport, and take it off when I walk into my hotel room or get in my family's car.


    My point is if one is not consistent, then one is exposed.  I finally found that I could fly and NOT come down with a respiratory infection:  something that happened almost 100% of the time before I wore masks.


    Just an explanation; just my opinion; everyone should make their own decisions.  I just don't like being sick.  Period. 

    As I have already said, I'm DONE with masking unless I am in a facility that requires masks. I have been wanting to be exposed to this latest variant so I could develop natural antibodies. I'm fully vaccinated and double boosted and I knew I would not become very ill. This latest variant is not virulent like the original strain and the Delta variant......no where near it, especially if an individual is vaccinated.


    I'm living life normally now,  no masks for me. Oh......my symptoms were a sore throat that lasted about 15 minutes. THAT is what alerted me to test after disembarking Indy. Then I had a dry cough very occasionally. That was it for my symptoms. Oh....forgot to say I had a low grade temp of 100.4 for about an hour that subsided after I took Tylenol and I was not febrile after that one dose. The common cold can be much worse than what I experienced with Covid. I'm old too.

  19. On 9/4/2022 at 2:32 PM, GTO-Girl said:

    In May we were on the Mariner the first week that masks became optional so of course 99% of us didn’t wear one.  Two days after getting home I tested positive for Covid.  Since we don’t fly we assume it was from the ship.


    In July we boarded the Harmony and I wore my N95 mask while standing in the line for checkin, in the terminal, on elevators and anywhere I wasn’t going to be able to distance from others……. I did not get covid.


    Maybe a coincidence or just lucky I am not sure, but we board the Harmony next Sunday and I will be bringing my N95’s again for sure!!!!😎😎

    You have natural antibodies from being Covid positive in May. That isn't luck; that is your body protecting you from Covid.

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  20. On 9/4/2022 at 12:03 PM, FamilyCruiserUK said:

    For my mum and nephew who caught covid both had seperate balcony cabins, had food in MDR and buffet and the outside snack areas. They only went to one show and spent evenings around ship, shops and the odd bar. 



    My husband remained negative for Covid while I quarantined in the house because I tested positive after our Indy cruise. I did not isolate from him in the house and he tested negative every time I tested positive. When I finally had two negative tests 48 hours apart, hubby was still negative. We were in close contact the whole time in our home when I was testing positive. It does happen that way sometimes. Hubby may have been exposed to the virus, had an asymptomatic infection and did not know it and has antibodies to the variant I had. That is just a guess as to why he never did test positive.

  21. On 9/4/2022 at 11:30 AM, moposh said:

    My daughter tested positive after cruise.  It had to be the cruise she got it from.  We did not fly and she was only around me and my mother (who did not cruise).  I tested negative, fortunately.  She was off school a few days.  She has now tested negative.  She wasn't too bad as she has had vaccines and booster.  We did see the doctor, but not too much they can do.


    I too wondered how many people tested positive.


    I guess it's a chance you take.  Everyone has to test negative to board.  I don't know if it was someone we interacted with at the port (Bermuda).  We had a good time on the cruise and fortunately she wasn't too bad.  I actually think she milked it a bit to get off from school.  

    No milking required. If a person tests positive, they are supposed to quarantine. There is more to the CDC guidelines, however.

  22. On 9/4/2022 at 11:30 AM, moposh said:

    My daughter tested positive after cruise.  It had to be the cruise she got it from.  We did not fly and she was only around me and my mother (who did not cruise).  I tested negative, fortunately.  She was off school a few days.  She has now tested negative.  She wasn't too bad as she has had vaccines and booster.  We did see the doctor, but not too much they can do.


    I too wondered how many people tested positive.


    I guess it's a chance you take.  Everyone has to test negative to board.  I don't know if it was someone we interacted with at the port (Bermuda).  We had a good time on the cruise and fortunately she wasn't too bad.  I actually think she milked it a bit to get off from school.  

    No need to "milk" anything. If an individual tests positive, that person must not be out in public for 5 days if no symptoms and 10 days if they do have symptoms. Those are the current CDC guidelines if anyone tests positive.

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