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Almost Packed

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Posts posted by Almost Packed

  1. Love the Conquest. She's a great ship. Have not sailed on the Breeze yet...have it booked for later this year. It looks amazing!!!!!


    For kids that age, it's all about other kids onboard. Spring Break/holiday week etc...there will be plenty of friends for them to meet onboard. My understanding is the first night is when they all meet and get to know each other. make sure they go.


    And they are on a cruise, so anything is better than being in school lol.

  2. I think "fun" depends on your personal interpretation of fun. I personally do not enjoy the piano bar, but people RAVE about it.


    Some people love Karaoke nights. Some people love the deck party, the chocolate buffet. Some people love being childlike sliding down the slides. Some people like the casino. Some people like Bingo. Some like drinking as much as they can possibly consume. Some like participating in trivia games, bean bag toss etc.


    So, what do YOU consider fun?


    Oftentimes for me & dh, just getting some alone time together in the cabin is fun :D :eek:

  3. omg...the reference too all the snooty bars everyone uses lol....too funny.


    To the OP, yes, I use the hand soap provided at the sink. I use it to wash my hands. By the end of the cruise, it's down to a little tiny bar, but we've never had one replaced come to think about it. They are cheap, they seem to last forever even though we are avid handwashers lol.


    I cannot believe they didn't provide you with another bar. I would assume, as others have stated, that the steward would be the place to go as the other people in other departments clearly had no clue.


    FWIW, I too bring my own snooty soap and shampoo but dh & ds are happy with the stuff on the wall. My extreme sensitive skin is not okay with it. So I bring enough for me.

  4. I wash my hands. I make my kids wash theirs. Actually, I don't even have to make them, as they know to automatically do it.


    At some point in time, we'll come in contact with germs. I don't live in a bubble. I don't care to wear latex gloves to serve myself. I'd prefer that my fellow cruiser would wash their hands, and make sure their kids wash theirs. Beyond that, I cannot control anything else.


    I do, however, speak up if I see something...if I saw that woman walking around with tongs and then she returned them, I'd say something. I caught a kid one time digging in some food (not on a cruise) and I made sure the employee removed it from the line.


    Please don't try to make us live in a bubble.

  5. last time i purchased liquor onboard, they still had the bubble/inflatable wrap for your bottles to purchase.


    we didn't do that. instead, we packed the bottles in giant zip loc bags, and padded them with our clothing down inside the box they delivered to our stateroom. we packed the boxes inside of our suitcases. i always leave extra space for all the stuff we buy...including our liquor.



    if we give away all the ways to sneak on liquor, then we'll not be able to continue it. the cruise lines read these boards too.

  6. Several months ago I deposited for an 8 day cruise on Breeze leaving tomorrow, the 15th. Things happened and I dropped out of the cruise before final payment. Unexpectedly, my father died Wednesday night and if I did not have insurance I would be out of luck since obviously I can't go on the cruise. Maybe I could have gotten a refund upon presentation of a death certificate but maybe not. No matter how healthy YOU are can you really justify not buying travel insurance? As they say the best laid plans always get taken over by life!!!! Please consider travel insurance as part of the cost of the cruise...not an extra.


    First, let me say I'm sorry for your loss.


    I do not buy insurance. I never have. I do not plan as of now purchasing it anytime in the near future.


    I look at it like this....anything that would happen to cause me to want or need to cancel my cruise would be life changing. The cost of the cruise would be nothing in comparison to that. The death of my parents or in laws, siblings etc. The last concern of mine would be a few $ I lost on a vacation.


    I'm a gambler. I'll gamble. I never buy insurance at the blackjack table when the dealer is showing an "A" either.


    Perhaps one of these days I'll whistle a different tune. But for now, that's how I do it. I'd rather spend the money on something I want rather than give it to an insurance company.


    Just my opinion.


    Again, I'm sorry for your loss.

  7. I have considered booking with cavetubing.bz, but with the tender and distance, I figured it would maybe be safer to just book with the cruise ship. We don't want a combo tour, unless it includes ruins, which carnival doesn't offer (i know .bz does). I see there are 3 tubing tours on carnival for $50, $56, and $120. I see the only difference is lunch between the 50 and 56. The $120 tour is confusing though because of how much more it is than every other tour. I guess it goes down a different, or "better" river? Can someone better explain if it is worth it and if should pay $70 more?


    BTW, my search feature is messed up right now.


    I think the search feature is down...still. So it's not just you.


    I'm looking for info regarding this excursion as well. Hopefully we'll get an answer quickly.

  8. I have cruised several times and have never been to the piano bar. I see on the boards that it gets mentioned alot and that it is great.


    Is it just a sing a long with the piano player? I don't have a clue. Please enlighten me so I can join in on my next cruise because it sounds like fun.


    To each their own...however, I find the piano bar okay...almost boring. It seems like, in my personal experience, where the older crowd goes to hang out and sing old show tunes lol. I've been to three different piano bars, 3 different entertainers and didn't particularly care for any of them.


    At first I was super excited for the "Name that tune" contest. Sadly, nothing was current. So unless I was over 50, or studied musicals, I wasn't going to get any of them with the exception of Over the Rainbow lol.


    I think it's all subjective just like any other venue is. Some people love the karaoke. Some love the classical music in the Atrium. Give me a good live band or an awesome DJ and I'm happy.


    I've heard people really loving the experiences at the piano bar. In my case, it just wasn't so and I love music. I was disappointed.


    I hope your experience is better.

  9. I have learned that they will offer specials whenever the spa is not busy. i have seen very little spa specials on port days to some great specials.


    I think it's all determined by their bookings. But one would assume there should be some kind of special on port days.


    My last 2 cruises (b2b) the best deals were the ones on embarkation day.

  10. the balcony is awesome...for us anyways. we love it when we get one. never had one and said "darn, what a waste of $'s"


    with that said, if they are calling just to upgrade, seems to me the prices will fall some more hopefully. If you are happy where you are, stay there and watch the prices. Maybe you'll get a better deal. Are you a gambler? A good deal is whatever price you are willing to accept and be happy with IMO.


    Enjoy your cruise, whichever cabin you choose.

  11. WOW! What a score!


    I called and was on the phone last night for over 40 minutes trying to upgrade my cabin. I was not booked ES although I had booked almost a year out. It was never available from the time I booked on. CCL kept running one sale after another then final the big winter sale, final payment due blah blah blah.


    So I was trying to go from my IS cabin to an OV. The OV was cheaper than my IS cabin. What a nightmare. They would not credit me. Okay, I understand. I'm not ES. Just move my cabin, that's all I'm asking. They had to get tech support online etc. to make that move happen. It was crazy but they did it. It would have been nice to have the price adjustment but oh well. I'm happy with what I have, and I was happy when I originally booked the cruise.


    Have fun, and enjoy your cruise and your great deal!

  12. I feel for you. My DD & SIL lived in Kittery. Now they are enjoying the sunshine of San Diego thanks to the U.S. Navy. I don't know how yall can live up there in the cold lol.


    Be safe and take your time. A cruise is sooooo enjoyable but when you have to work extra hard, it makes you appreciate it even more. I'm on a 21 day stretch of 12 hour shifts here at work just so I can get my 20 days off to enjoy my up & coming cruise and time in Fl pre & post cruise.


    Have a couple of the DOD's. I don't think 1 is enough. :eek: :D

  13. I have learned this...you cannot predict Mother Nature no matter how hard you try.


    Some of the roughest, worse water conditions I ever experienced were off the coast of Fl. I fed the fishes all night long. That was in March.


    Since then, I have cruised 10 times. Only once more did I ever have any issues with being sick or extremely high swells. That was in March as well, leaving from Galveston.

  14. I just upgraded my cabin. My IS cabin is not more expensive than an OV. I tried to move to an OV but it was a downgrade and they said no.


    Later, I found an IS cabin with an obstructed view and I was able to "upgrade" to it. Even though the price was lower on the obstructed view cabin, they would not give me a price adjustment. I spent 40+minutes on the phone with them while they worked it out. I did not want the price adjustment, I just wanted that cabin. It took so long because of technical problems not CCL not willing to make the switch. It was a win-win situation. CCL sells my IS cabin for the higher price and I got what I wanted to begin with. :D


    Certainly call back and talk to someone else.

  15. Okay but I this is my 4th cruise in 4 years with CC. Kiddee end of the pool

    I know as cruiser go but it does evidence some loyalty on my part.


    Maybe it wasn't faulty info but it wasn't completely accurate either. They ought

    to have a different icon when the room is just on hold. Just a little slack is

    all I asked. Wasn't like I had the room reserved for 3 months and then change

    my mind. One day is all.


    This is my first 7 dayer and already I'm regretting it.





    The 7 day cruise will be great. Just don't get a bad attitude about it. (not saying you are) Just know vacations are made completely on everyone's attitude.


    No, Carnival is not at fault. I'm sure they are not gonna budge. I myself last night upgraded 2 cabins I had. I had paid in full for both of my cruises and decided to upgrade cabins. I too had been watching for a particular type cabin to open up for my spring break cruise. I booked a year ago but the cabin I wanted-very specific one was taken. Then last night while checking prices wham! there it was and I snagged it...cabins become available at anytime. Sometimes they will release cabins without restrictions. Meaning a cabin for 3 or 4 can now be booked for 2 etc.


    Go and enjoy your cruise. Next time, get the cabin you want. You'll always wanna come back lol.

  16. I wonder, do all the handicap people cut in lines at the buffet too? or are they somehow able to wait in line then...only cannot wait in a chair for their turn to board on embarkation day?


    No, I will not tread lightly. This entitlement era we live in is crazy.


    You are going on a cruise in the Caribbean ....for goodness sakes...it get's hot. You are in Miami...it gets hot.


    The excuses people have for their entitlements amaze me.


    What happened to the "treat me like everyone else because I am"? I always heard that. I don't want to be treated any different, I'm just like you. I suppose that means only until I can benefit from not being just like you.


    It just irritates me. Sorry. I'm not a rude hateful person. I just hate people using excuses and hiding behind them.


    For what it's worth (not much I know) I was once told i'd never walk again unassisted-at 21 years old after a car accident. I never once expected to cut in line of ANYONE.


    I will be the first one to get up and offer my seat to an elderly person or someone with a greater need. I have raised my children to do the same. That is fair. Demanding or expecting preferential treatment, no, I don't agree with.

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