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Posts posted by AnnieC

  1. 23 minutes ago, yorkshirephil said:

    I always ask for an information sheet when I have my flu jab, which tells you the manufacturer and which strains it is protecting you from, plus of course the long list of possible side effects. Most of the standard vaccines are identical in chemical structure just made by different companies as they have come off patent and are generic. Some vaccines/drugs are specifically designed to suit people that may have other health issues, or whether they are adult or children etc. I agree that we have too much time at the moment. I have learned more about vaccines in the last 9 months than I did in the 30+ years I worked in pharmaceuticals. As an aside have a look at the history of the Polio vaccine.

    Thank you Phil - appreciate your posts as you have some actual knowledge gleaned from experience in the industry.


    On a side note, my mother was a research pharmacist and did some of her training in a chemist in Mytholmroyd, not a million miles from you (she was born in Luddenden Foot). In her last couple of years, when her faculties were not quite what they were, she carried on asking very searching and lengthy, but not always rational, questions of every drug and treatment that came her way, and there were quite a few...

    • Like 5
  2. 4 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:



    I miss Norwich - and I say that as a Tractor Boy!  And it is a good library too.  I also miss the beautiful North Norfolk coast.

    None of us can help the place of our birth. Deepest sympathy.😄


    Having said that, I do (did) occasionally venture over the border into enemy territory to go to the Fox and Goose in Fressingfield - if you don't know it, give it a try if you're ever back in Suffolk.


    • Like 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, yorkshirephil said:

    The Germans may have a point, there was concern regarding the dosing strength and it not being used in the over 55 age group in the initial 3rd phase trial. Further trials were conducted and MHRA approved the vaccine, in effect all the vaccines are still on trial. I always have doubts about efficacy claims being quite as good as figures show, but that is another story. The AZ vaccine has proved to be safe in the UK to date and there is no reason to suggest it shouldn't be. Only time will tell just how effective it is, (the flu vaccine is a good example as the efficacy can vary considerably from year to year). Germany has taken a different view and may or may not gain from that. If the vaccine is not as effective as claimed but provides a lesser degree of protection then that is still a better place to be than no vaccine. 

    Trouble is, we all have far too much time on our hands and far too much half-understood information - does anyone have any idea which 'flu vaccine, tetanus vaccine or any other vaccine they got last time they got their jab? Assuming there are different manufacturers/formulae, for all we know there's a difference in efficacy between them as well. Be interesting to find out - does anyone know?


    • Like 4
  4. 18 minutes ago, jeanlyon said:

    Just got text from my GP office with link to book my vaccination at the Vacc Centre.  So Monday 1st Feb for me!

    Excellent news, that's brilliant, Jean.🙂

  5. 25 minutes ago, Eglesbrech said:

    It’s a year today since the first hospital cases with covid in the U.K. a full year when life has not been normal.


    You miss days out to London, what are others missing the most?


    We probably all miss being able to meet up freely with family / friends and of course our cruises but what other day to day things do you miss the most.


    For me it is a basic of life, shopping. I haven’t been in a shop since last March. The joy of browsing and selecting exactly what you want rather than being at the mercy of a picker at the supermarket (though I am grateful to them for the service they provide). The only up side is my husband isn’t able to slip so much chocolate into the trolly!

    I miss seeing my two daughters who live elsewhere, though I'm very lucky in having a bubble with my youngest daughter and her (long-suffering) husband. After that, it's seeing my brothers (never thought I'd say that - we came very close to fratricide as children), lunch/coffee with friends, the weekly wander around Sainsbury's, and regular visits to the remarkably good library in Norwich.


    Strange how we've all found out what's important.

    • Like 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

    Just had a message for Frank and I to contact the doctor at 3pm to book a time for our jabs on Feb 6th. 😊


    That's brilliant, Avril; so pleased for you both.😄

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

    Happy Anniversary Avril and Frank


    Well, 28th January.  Hurrah.  Nearly the end of the longest month ever in the history of the world (or is it joint longest with April 2020, which seemed to go on forever?).  Today, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday and that’s it!  We’ve cracked it!  Hang on in there.  Things can only get better (can’t they? 🤞)



    And a very happy anniversary to Avril and Frank.


    Here's a little poem to celebrate their January anniversary in the longest month ever in the history of the world (shamelessly stolen from elsewhere):


    Thirty days has September,

    April, June and November,

    Unless a leap year is its fate,

    February has twenty eight,

    But all the rest have three days more,

    Excepting January 2021,

    Which has eleventy thousand and sixty four.




    • Like 4
    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Beckett said:

    This is a great site isn't it. I'm not long on here - too timid to post - but I've been reading for many months. Since I found my bravery and actually joined in, I've been made very welcome. I've looked at the Cunard boards but I'm not nearly so grabbed as by the conversations on there - The Butler not remembering how many ice cubes I like in my G&T doesn't hold my attention one bit! J.X

    I think most of us lurked for quite a while before daring to join in - it was the exchanges between Andy, Avril and Kalos (and lots of others, of course) that finally propelled me into action.


    Had to laugh about the butler and the ice cubes. I think I've mentioned this before, but years ago they spent weeks discussing the intricacies of hand-tied bow ties and having attacks of the vapours if anyone so much as mentioned the ready tied version.

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Beckett said:

    I'm so looking forward to it Annie - tempered with the realisation that it might not actually sail. Only time will tell. I take it you've sailed on QE? Jane.x

    I have, several times, and loved every one. Ditto QV and QM2. I've only sailed with P&O a few times and am actually a refugee from the Cunard boards, but they are nowhere near as interesting as my current home on here.😄

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  10. 4 minutes ago, davecttr said:

    Well I am confused. If the Brazil/SA variant turns out to be more deadly so they restrict travel from those areas why are there proposals to alter the already promised vaccine rollout cohorts after groups 1 to 4 are jabbed so that those 16.2 million in the 50 to 69 groups may find themselves pushed down the queue, especially when our home grown variant may be 30% more deadly to the over 60 groups. Also, direct travel is not the only route to the UK. It only takes one to start an epidemic.  So is there going to be an 'acceptable' trade of in extra deaths etc. IMO it stinks 😠

    Boris is holding firm at the moment and says he's keeping to the scientists' recommendations for phases 1-9 of the vaccine roll-out.


    What puzzles me is that schools are not shut (or limiting numbers) to protect teachers, so I can't see the need for making them a priority (not teacher bashing - fair few of them in the family). They are shut to prevent onward transmission when the little darlings go home and infect grandma, and vaccinating the teachers will do nothing to prevent this.

    • Like 4
  11. 21 minutes ago, Angel57 said:

    Totally agree. As I understand it they have been very slow to approve and they then expect AZ to make the EU a priority.....

    Plus, according to the CEO of AZ, they ordered three months later than we did; it also looks like they put quite a few of their eggs into the French Sanofi vaccine basket, and that's now delayed until (probably) the end of this year.


    Bit like ordering a car three months after someone else then expecting to queue jump. Having said all this, it's in all our interests that the EU gets its citizens vaccinated as soon as possible.

    • Like 6
  12. 28 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

    We're fortunate enough to have an excellent GP practice, and I wouldn't fault one single aspect of the care we've been lucky enough to receive from them over the last 35 years.


    They have this linked from their website - doubtless other practices have the same.  Might be worth a look if you're wondering where you stand.



    Unsurprisingly my surgery, which has proved simply awful in the last couple of years and from which I planned to depart until the pandemic struck, has nothing on their website, or any useful links like yours, apart from a list of instructions as to what we must not do. 


    You are extremely lucky to have such excellent care.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, Beckett said:

    My quote button's not working - I keep getting hearts and emojis.  Anyway, this is for Avril.  Thanks so much Avril - you are a sweetheart and I hope you and your Frank get your vaccines soonest.  Best wishes. Jane.x


    2 minutes ago, Beckett said:


    I think I've got your quote button, Jane - seem to have 2 quotes up and can't get rid of one of them. Anyway, just to say we're all on our way to Potters Bar if we don't get our jabs😄


    I greatly enjoy your posts as well - good to hear from the sharp end, though rather you to me!

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