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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good afternoon, everyone. It has been a gray, gloomy day here in mid-Michigan. The weather will repeat for at least the next week. I bought and installed a new doorbell today. The old one couldn't be heard in the family room. This one is wireless and has four receivers that ding dong when you push the button. One is in the family room so we'll know if someone is at the door. It came with a second transmitter so I installed that one at the side door in case someone goes out there and gets locked out. Next, I need to get a mesh router so we get reception down in the basement. Sue and I love Bar Harbor. We always go out to Acadia and hike. We've done the ocean hike several times and the last time did part of the way around Jordan Pond. My understanding is that we will get there this summer. Ships that were already scheduled into Bar Harbor are not affected by the new law that was passed. Once they are no longer scheduled, then they will be subject to the law. This is Jordan Pond House from the trail. This is the beginning of the trail. Sue on the trail. The trail starts out nice and well groomed. Then we go to wooden planks. Not all of them are nailed down tightly. Then you run out of them and you have to climb over rocks. We turned back at that point. They are supposed to finish the trail with the wooden planks. This was 2018, so they have had enough time to do so! Our plan is to do the complete trail this coming summer.
  2. Good morning, everyone! Even though they promised it, the sun never made an appearance yesterday. It seems we will be going a long time before we see it again. Oh, well. Another quick post as I am off to the lab for blood work before going to the gym. @cat shepard my classes are on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, so today I am on my own. That's ok. I'll walk the track and use the weight machines. It is good to mix things up now and then. So glad that @kazu Jacqui is heading home with a repaired elbow and that @Scrapnana Kathi's daughter is flying down to Florida to help her mom get home. Both women will be much happier at home and better able to recuperate. Today's meal sounds like a winner! It can be a dinner when served over rice or a rice substitute or it can be an appetizer, grazing food. https://inquiringchef.com/kung-pao-chicken-meatballs/ This next recipe does not call for the 5 Spice mixture the first one did and it doesn't fry the meatballs - they are baked. https://fitfoodiefinds.com/kung-pao-chicken-meatballs/ This next recipe gives directions for making the meatballs gluten free. I never knew that soy sauce contained gluten. https://iowagirleats.com/kung-pao-chicken-meatballs/ This last one includes peanuts in the dish. That would be very interesting. https://silkroadrecipes.com/spicy-asian-chicken-meatballs/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  3. Thank you so much for this update. Wishing her all the best.
  4. Good morning, everyone! I have to post and run to get to my class at the gym. I think I need the discipline of going to a class. Today's meal would have been a great one for New Year's Day. I had never heard of the pork and sauerkraut thing until I moved to Ohio. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, it is perfectly fine with me if you pass on the sauerkraut because that leaves more for me. I love it! Every recipe seems to have their hack for reducing the tartness of the sauerkraut from apple juice to brown sugar. I tend to stay away from the sugar additions. I do rinse the sauerkraut well and then saute it in butter. You can even get it to caramelize. This first recipe relies on the brown sugar. https://www.thekitchenwhisperer.net/2015/02/06/best-ever-pork-roast-sauerkraut/ I would probably look at the recipes for the seasonings on the pork roast and do the sauerkraut my own way. Adding apples and onions is ok. This one is for the slow cooker and uses apple juice as a sweetener. A friend I know used 7-Up. You can get the sugar free version. https://amindfullmom.com/pork-and-sauerkraut/ This one sounds like it would be a lot of work but it might be worth it looking at the ingredient list. And, it is from Michael Symon, so bound to be delicious. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/michael-symon/paps-pork-and-sauerkraut-9823022 We could really have some fun with pork and sauerkraut and make choucroute! Choucroute is very common in the Alsace region of France and it is delicious! https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/choucroute-garnie Wishing you all a wonderful day. Prayers for @kazu and @Scrapnana.
  5. Avoid the ones on deck 8 as they are under the Lido kitchen and noisy.
  6. Good morning, everyone! It is a bit of a frigid start today, but the weather forecast says it is supposed to be sunny. Of course, they said that yesterday and we never saw the sun. Not much on the agenda other than picking up a prescription at the pharmacy and walking my laps around the neighborhood. This first recipe is a good, basic chili recipe. There are tips on how to control the spice and what kind of toppings are good on chili. https://natashaskitchen.com/slow-cooker-chili-recipe/ Doesn't that look good? I may be stopping by the grocery store when I go to the pharmacy. This next recipe calls for a bit of cocoa powder for a depth of flavor. Whatever the reason, I would try it! https://www.cookingclassy.com/slow-cooker-chili/ This one uses some Italian sausage along with the ground beef. I bet that would be great! https://www.momontimeout.com/crockpot-chili-recipe/ Cinnamon in your chili? Why not? You can always make Cincinnati chili in the slow cooker. Or on top of the stove. You pick. https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/cincinnati_chili/ Cincinnati chili is a pasta topper, a hot dog topper, or a bowl of chili. Again, you pick! Wishing everyone a great day and prayers for @kazu Jacqui and @Scrapnana Kathi.
  7. @Cruising-along I'm so excited that you are finally getting to hold this party! I'm sure Henry will be surprised and love every minute of it. @GTVCRUISER Bon Voyage!
  8. Good morning, everyone! The weatherperson said that a big round yellow thing will appear in our sky today. I'm looking forward to seeing this once in a long time phenomenon. Not much on the agenda today except a memorial service for a friend's mom. Today's meal sounds good to me! This first recipe is a sheet pan one, so minimal mess in the kitchen. You can start your chicken marinating in the morning and then it is ready to go to the oven at dinner time. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/roasted-balsamic-chicken-with-cranberries/ This next one has slightly different seasonings, but it is still as easy as the first. https://12tomatoes.com/cranberry-balsamic-chicken/ This one uses chicken breasts and a touch of maple syrup. https://thrivinghomeblog.com/cranberry-balsamic-chicken/ Prayers for all our ailing sailors, especially @kazu, @Scrapnana, and any others I have missed. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  9. I will just need someone to drive me to and from the surgery. When my sister had it done she said they used a local anesthetic and she was fine the next day. I've been chasing this for the last year. I am happy that we will finally be moving forward. I saw my new PCP in November, shortly after we got settled and he jumped right on it. I'm thinking the same thing. When I saw my new PCP in November he jumped right on it and got me the appointment with the endo. And, the endo is really on top of things. I'm pleased.
  10. Well, it has been a busy day today. I went to the gym, came home and had a quick lunch and then went to my hair appointment. The endocrinologist's office called and had a cancellation and asked if I wanted it. I jumped on it! Otherwise I would have had to wait until the end of March. I have two issues that need addressed. One was high calcium levels. I had been referred to a surgeon in Ohio before I moved, but that guy dumped me because I told the office they needed pre-approval for a new bone density scan since I had just had one two months previously. This guy sat up and said with the levels I have he wants me into surgery right away. The surgery is to remove 3 of the 4 parathyroid glands. It is an easy outpatient surgery. One of my sisters had this done a few years ago. I am glad that we are moving forward on this because when your calcium levels are high it is because it is being leached out of your bones. I don't want that!! The other issue is monitoring the adrenal mass I have. He ordered all the tests we need for now. So, I am excited that issues are being dealt with. I look on all of this as a positive event.
  11. Jacqui, I wish I could come and sit with you. Of course you are missing Jose right now. It is bad enough to need surgery, but you are in a foreign country all alone. Can a sister come be with you until you can head home? I will be thinking of you and sending healing hugs virtually.
  12. Good morning, everyone! It is supposed to be a nice day today. We'll see about that! I'm going to my class at the gym at 10:00 and then a haircut at 1:00. I desperately need the haircut. Took the car to the carwash yesterday to get all the grime off it. It is nice being able to see out the windows again. Who knew? Later yesterday afternoon a neighbor stopped by. I think she is the neighborhood social director. She brought me a neighborhood directory and told me all about the luminaries they do and the upcoming neighborhood party. It is generally a holiday party, but was postponed this year until February 5th. It will be nice to meet the neighbors. Today's meal is one to broaden the horizons. Just what is Tempeh and what is Broccoli Rabe? Tempeh is a traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form. Like tofu, tempeh is made from soybeans, but it is a whole-soybean product with different nutritional characteristics and textural qualities. Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins. It has a firm texture and an earthy flavor, which becomes more pronounced as it ages. Broccoli Rabe, or Rapini, s a green cruciferous vegetable, with the leaves, buds, and stems all being edible; the buds somewhat resemble broccoli, but do not form a large head. Rapini is known for its bitter taste, and is particularly associated with Mediterranean cuisine. This first recipe has tips on how to make it vegan and also substitutions for broccoli rabe. https://www.almostlikemoms.com/tempeh-sausage-orecchiette-with-broccoli-rabe/ I think this next recipe is for me due to the caramelized onions and sun dried tomatoes. Mmmm https://www.loveandlemons.com/orecchiette-with-broccoli-rabe/ This recipe doesn't include the tempeh but you could easily add it in. https://blog.workman.com/vegetable-butchers-brocolli-rabe-orecchiette-garlic-breadcrumbs Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  13. Also, study the excursions that are offered and what time they leave. They will hold you back and let those with a ship excursion on the tenders first. So, try to go 15-30 minutes before the earliest ship excursion. That was advice given to us by a Cruise Director one time.
  14. @Cruising-along That is a major victory dance! Those trees were a safety hazard and I'm thankful you had them taken down!
  15. It is so difficult when family disagrees at this junction. Prayers for you, DH, and DSIL. May she rest comfortably.
  16. Good morning, everyone! I think our rain has finally dried up a bit. I will get the car washed today! I had fun spending money yesterday. When Sue and I bought the dining room table we only bought 6 chairs. We've decided we want 8. So, I went to check on the 2 we have on order and to add 2 more onto the order. We should get the 2 we ordered by the end of this month or possibly next month. The store people said they had reordered another table set for the store since we bought the floor model. They also said they'd sell us 2 of the chairs they had coming with it, so we'll get all 4 chairs together. That will be so nice. We're supplementing with an assortment of chairs that don't match anything. Some need a permanent retirement. Noodle soups seem to be a favorite and this one could be as well. I'd like to try it and decide from there. It is a little high in carbs for me, so not a great choice for Keto Day. I'll be having some sausage kale soup that I froze before Christmas. https://www.littlebroken.com/thai-noodle-soup/ This one includes crispy tofu. https://www.pickuplimes.com/recipe/thai-red-curry-noodle-soup-with-crispy-tofu-175 Or, for the carnivores, we can add chicken. https://damndelicious.net/2018/04/18/thai-red-curry-noodle-soup/ I do like a hot soup on a cold day in winter. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
  17. Unpacking the boxes is as hard a job as packing them to begin with. At least when packing them you know everything goes in the box. When you unpack you have to make decisions as to where to put things. That should be easier because it is the same house. It was hard for me because some boxes were packed and labeled when we thought we were getting the first house. So, things I had labeled for the kitchen ended up going to the basement. I sure hope you get that help. It is easier if all you have to do is direct others.
  18. Good morning, everyone. It is a rainy, soggy day here in mid-Michigan. Rain is supposed to clear out this morning some time, but the radar map shows it hanging around a bit longer. I'll be going to the gym this morning instead of walking outside. I got all the indoor Christmas decorations, including the trees, down yesterday and stored away. There are some outdoor ones that I will leave up for now as they are live ones. I'll wait until they are past their prime. They are still looking pretty good right now. I would like to try today's meal if it were made for me. If I liked it, I would then make it. I think it would be very flavorful. https://www.foodiecrush.com/thai-turkey-meatballs-coconut-red-curry-sauce/ This next recipe has slightly different seasonings and marinates the meat over night to let the flavors blend before cooking the meatballs. I like that both bake the meatballs instead of frying them to reduce the fat content and calorie content. And, without rice or noodles, the carbs are in range for me. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/thai-turkey-meatballs-in-coconut-curry/ This last one is again slightly different, but not much. It has the lowest carb count, which is attractive to me. https://themodernproper.com/turkey-meatballs-in-a-creamy-red-curry-sauce I hope one of these dishes strikes your fancy! Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  19. Wow! You must have been saying Rabbit, Rabbit all day on Sunday and it paid off!
  20. Bon Voyage, Rich! I'm turning green due to jealousy! I don't think a World Cruise will ever be on my agenda unless I win the lottery. So, I will live and travel vicariously through you.
  21. You are more than welcome. I understand what a kitchen can do to help or hinder cooking. This year Thanksgiving and Christmas were a breeze in my new kitchen. I finally had room to turn around! Not to mention having a helper with me.
  22. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be a wet day here in mid-Michigan. I am glad that we are looking at a string of above freezing temps for the next couple of weeks, but the rain will make me move my laps indoors at the gym. Many thanks for @grapau27 Graham's explanation of Humiliation Day. It sounds like a worthy endeavor for the 3rd day of the new year. No fruitcake here and I had a good night's sleep last night. I would really like today's meal. The combination of bacon and chicken sounds delightful and the addition of brussels sprouts makes it even better! https://food.theffeed.com/2019/09/30/bacon-harvest-chicken-skillet/ This next one includes sweet potatoes and apples. I'd try it! https://www.wellplated.com/chicken-apple-sweet-potato-and-brussels-sprouts-skillet/ This variation uses butternut squash in place of the potato and adds pomegranate and thyme. https://www.wholesomelicious.com/fall-harvest-balsamic-chicken-skillet/ The last recipe uses sweet potatoes and butternut squash and rosemary. They all sound so good, it would be hard to choose.https://www.flavourandsavour.com/harvest-chicken-with-bacon-and-rosemary/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  23. Oh, I got the joke. I do have some in the fridge so come on down. But, I was trying to get them to you in an easier fashion.
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