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Everything posted by exlondoner

  1. I imagine simply because they are at opposite ends of the bottom line.
  2. A great Billy Wilder film about Hollywood from the early 1950s. I’m sure it is on TV occasionally.
  3. Not Sunset Boulevard?
  4. Sorry stupid me. I didn’t realise it was two photos. Thank you.
  5. La Spezia is a delightful town to wonder around. If you want to go further, there are ferries that leave from the sea front for short trips. Infinitely nicer than Livorno.
  6. What is in the triangular bit to the left of the bath? The whole thing looks quite an awkward arrangement.
  7. I saw people walking when we embarked. I can’t imagine anyone would want to though.
  8. Cps, expensive but very efficient.
  9. At the moment it seems to be using the Mayflower Terminal mainly, unless there are two ships in. They provide shuttles.
  10. Well, I certainly felt a little unwanted and unworthy, when I was a mere bronze or whatever the bottom tier was in those days. But now I have reached the top, I can’t even remember whether it is diamond or platinum. What I would appreciate more than any of the current perks is a rising scale of obc, or a rising scale of money off the next cruise. Abolishing would be my preference, but as V2 says, it won’t happen, because people will feel something is being taken away from them and be resentful, even if it is something they don’t really want.
  11. Or just do away with the loyalty programme altogether. I can’t imagine anyone chooses a Cunard trip because of the loyalty benefits, so it is unlikely to benefit Cunard commercially. And for instance, giving a party from which newcomers are excluded, simply because they are new, might actually put people off. They could put any money saved towards making cruise prices inclusive of service.
  12. Yes, but most of us are not in the US, and indeed most of us did not suffer from Prohibition in the 1920s. There is no particular reason why Europeans should be aware of any of this, unless they are interested in anthropology and sociology. Cunard ships sail happily and unknowingly between the two worlds.
  13. My latest brochure, which is definitely British, as the few voyage prices are in £s, mysteriously says, ‘dinner jackets, tuxedos, or dark suits’. I have no idea what that is meant to mean.
  14. We have just been on a most enjoyable cruise, featuring North Spain. The only thing wrong was that it was too short at only a week. Add in Lisbon and Oporto and perhaps Le Rochelle, and it could make a lovely 12 or 14 days. Also, they never seem to go to Morocco now. I’m sure that could be very interesting.
  15. A paper copy of the latest brochure is also very helpful. Much easier to look up things than on the website.
  16. Also there are Q2s forward on Deck 10, which are not duplexes, but have balconies, and their own lift stop. I don’t know how much noise you would get from the Commodore Club though.
  17. Yes, those showers over the bath are infuriating. My husband can manage, but only with my help. When we were quarantined in a sheltered balcony last summer, it was an unexpected pleasure simply to walk into the shower. But…don’t the Q4s have separate bath and shower, and a balcony?
  18. Indeed, had it been a possibility when I was a child, I should have adored Cunard, with its caring but understated child facilities, and much preferred it to things like rock climbing walls. And getting to stay up for dinner in the restaurant in my best dress would have been splendid.
  19. When I was speaking to a nice lady at Southampton about the impossibility of downloading my luggage labels, she said that nothing worked properly with safari. When I pointed out that a lot of people used Apple products, so that must be a bit of a problem, she agreed, and said the IT people were working to solve it day and night. So far without success, it would appear. She kindly emailed me the labels.
  20. Never at the start. Possibly at the end, but no need assuming you pay the hotel and dining charge.
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