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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! Another crisp morning, 30 degrees when I woke up. Heading for a high of 49 and clear. We fill our large recycle bin with glass, plastic and paper and it's picked up every 2 weeks here. I never could understand why the yard waste is picked up weekly (year-round) but the recycling every 2 weeks...oh well, the bin is big enough to hold it all. In the winter we don't have much yard waste after the leaves have all been picked up. I have 2 bundt cake pans but rarely bake cakes anymore. No need to clean out the fridge, that was done before our 4-week cruise and now we're filling the fridge up again 😉 I "get" the quote, like the last 2 recipes (thank you Debbie @dfish) and will pass on the wine and drink. We'll go to the port on the Grand Australia '24, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the great photos. Hmm, wondering what's best to do there. I think I like the idea of renting a car... Today we'll make a Costco run and I'll continue to try to get ready for the upcoming holidays. I'm usually more prepared, being gone 4 weeks really slowed me down!
  2. They do. At least they did on our cruise -- too many nights IMO LOL!!
  3. Good morning all! Another heavy frost this morning, but clear. A crisp 33 F heading for 48. We're enjoying this dry stretch! I come from a family of 3 sisters, so I salute Girls' Day and Children's Day. Will pass on the pickles, meal, drink and red wine though. Never have been a fan of Mac & Cheese, and Sweet Potatoes with Mac & Cheese? Just no... We've been to Cobh twice, in 2014 on the Eurodam British Isles cruise, and in 2019 on our 50th anniversary cruise on the Nieuw Statendam. In 2014 we took the train to Cork and went to Blarney Castle. In 2019 our Captain was Noel O'Driscoll (who was our Captain on the NS again last month). This is (near?) his home and the whole town came out to cheer the arrival of the ship! On that visit we took the ferry out to Spike Island, or as our guide calls it, the "Irish Alcatraz". Melissa @HAL SailerI'm sorry to hear your DH's confusion is worse with your change in location. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruisersorry about your DH's pain -- I hope it's short-lived. Terry @smitty34877I hope the new aide will be a big help, I'm sorry you aren't doing well right now. Linda @lindalerCongratulations to your son winning twice even against professional chefs! Some photos of our visit to Spike Island, the "Irish Alcatraz" Entering the prison grounds Cell Block A, burnt in the 1985 riots. The punishment block from the 1850's Solitary confinement cell View of our ship and Cobh from Spike Island Love the colorful streets of Cobh These houses in the background going uphill are called The Deck of Cards. And a few of Blarney Castle from our visit in 2014. We did not choose to kiss the stone 😉
  4. I know in the past we could get better laundry rates if we booked it pre-cruise, that may be the case again. I also saw that it was $30/bag on the NS recently (this month) according to a paper in our cabin (we're 5-star so weren't charged). Our cruise started in Canada -- so North America, not Europe.
  5. True! We prefer to look in port. It's also a way to find local delicacies!
  6. Good morning all! I was awakened this morning by the sound of fireworks and then remembered that the Seahawks are playing in Germany today. Hence the early morning booms in my area. I live in a fireworks-crazy town unfortunately. The meal, drink and wine all sound good to me. My first thought about the quote was that now the editor wouldn't bat an eye at the word damn. The plan today is to replenish the wine rack and get the house in order for the holidays -- and do some laundry. Have a great day everyone!
  7. Since jackets haven't been required for years now, I'm guessing this was a long time ago...
  8. Wow! What ship was this? Just goes to show that each ship and each sailing can be so different because we had all these things (except for the long wait at Dive In) on the NS in Oct-Nov. About the food on Celebrity -- we haven't sailed Celebrity since 2017 and we thought their food wasn't good at all. I'm looking forward to seeing how it is on our next Celebrity cruise next fall.
  9. Enjoy the NS, I hope we hear more from you! We disembarked a week ago after 28 wonderful days.
  10. Good morning all! I like French Dip sandwiches, but can't remember the last time I had one. Pneumonia awareness is important. I always think of the phrase "Pneumonia the old person's friend" because in the case of both my parents, pneumonia is how their lives ended 😞 Not sure it could be called a friend, but it is what ended their suffering. I know a lot of us are up for celebrating Happy Hour. Although the photos in the recipes look really good, I'm not a fan of squash so will pass on the meal today. The drink sounds good, and Pine Ridge is one of my favorite wines, we always have it in the house. We were pleasantly surprised on our cruise last/this month to see it on the wine package list. @StLouisCruisersSandi Happy Birthday to your son! @rafinmd Condolences to the family and friends of Andy. Congratulations on making 5-Star! @Crazy For CatsJake Happy Birthday! @*Miss G*Happy Birthday to your son-in-law! @dfishDebbie the people at the pest control company have a screw loose to expect you to give them a copy of your purchase agreement. Totally nuts IMO. That makes no sense at all.
  11. Good morning all! Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserI just saw your post from yesterday and join everyone else in saying I'm so sorry that happened. How stressful for you both, you didn't need that! Sending hugs and prayers. Terry @smitty34877Happy Birthday to your twin grandchildren! Great photo 🙂 This is also my oldest niece's birthday -- always easy to remember when her birthday is 😉 Edi @NextOneYikes! So glad they caught your heart valve problem when they did! I will pass on the meal, wine and drink today. I love trout, it's my favorite fish in fact. But just not prepared this way with chili beans. I'll stick to Trout Almondine 😉 Yesterday the Grandsons' and their school put on a wonderful Veterans' Day Assembly. Besides DH there were quite a few veterans there representing all parts of the military. DH was in the Army, including one year in Viet Nam, and retired from the Navy. It was their first Veterans' Assembly in 3 years because of Covid. Last year it was done by Zoom. I salute and thank all the veterans here! We brought the boys home with us last night, it's SO great to see them after being gone a month plus the 2 weeks of self-isolation before the cruise. Today we'll be taking them to "Jump, Rattle and Roll", a place with huge inflatables and slides. Because of Covid they haven't gone in maybe 2 years, so they're pretty excited about that.
  12. Good morning all! Wow, lots of news -- so glad to see the ships coming to FLL (bon voyage Roy @rafinmd)! And so happy about the rescue of the refugees. I agree with the person who said that the person in the Crows Nest who spotted them should get a reward! All good days today. DH is an accountant, and thank goodness for that. He's able to keep track of our weird statements on cruises and keep on top of them. I would never be able to do it. Will pass on the vanilla cupcakes. Why have vanilla when you can have chocolate? 🤣 I agree with the quote, and would like the meal but go easy on the rice. I usually love white blends so the wine would most likely be one I like, and I would try the drink. Today the Grandsons' school will be having their Veterans Assembly. DH has participated every year since the oldest was in kindergarten (they're now 2nd and 4th grades). Every year except during Covid. So we'll be going down there for the assembly, and then bring the boys home with us overnight. They have tomorrow off from school for the holiday. It will be good to see them, it's been 6 weeks.
  13. Wow, very sorry to hear this. We were onboard the same 2 weeks (and the prior 2 weeks, so 28 days) and dined in the Pinnacle for dinner 6 times and once for lunch. I do agree about the long waits between courses. But our food was always very good and always got a whole baked potato. Very strange about the 1/2 baked potatoes!
  14. Good morning from a frosty PNW! We woke up to our first frost this morning, no surprise as it has felt colder and colder the last new nights. I think it dropped down to the high 20's last night. I have enjoyed visiting art museums all over the world, and will celebrate world freedom and Carl Sagan. Will pass on the meal and red wine, but the drink sounds good. Have not been to the port of the day. We finally unpacked our "delayed" bags and were very happy to see that the rum we packed from the Dominican Republic made it here safely. 😉 Rich @richwmnyou aren't the only one who left something on the Nieuw Statendam, I left a pair of shoes behind. 😞 @Quartzsite CruiserLenda, great news that your DH is doing better today and will be transferred to a regular room! @HAL SailerMelissa safe drive! @rafinmdRoy stay safe today 🙂 @EllencruiseWelcome!! @HAL4NOWso true about the ads! 🤣 I am SO thankful for fast-forwarding through commercials. 😉
  15. Thank you Sandi. So far her insurance company has been stellar. After determining the damage they will cut her a check and she can get the work done -- no waiting for the insurance company to choose the contractors etc. Hopefully things will continue to go well.
  16. Good (late) morning all! I'm late today because my next-door neighbor spent the morning here while the workers removed the tree from her roof and attic. I had a warm place, coffee and a shoulder to lean on while she waited. It's amazing how fast they work, it was all done in under 3 hours. Clean-up too. Beth is still a bit shaky, but doing ok. The repairs could go on well after the holidays. DH and I sent in our vote by mail, and thankfully missed most of the ads while we were gone on the cruise. There was a pile of political ads in the mail though! Radiology is extremely useful and important. I've never cared for Cappuccinos. The wine, drink and meal all sound good to me. @Quartzsite CruiserLenda sending prayers for your DH Steve, and hugs for you! Photo this morning of Beth's roof. This was after they'd removed the branches. The trunk of the tree (other side of the house) is quite big.
  17. Good morning from sleepless near Seattle! I guess it will take a few days to readjust to west coast time. My body wants to wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning and I cannot get back to sleep. So there will be a nap in my future today! Cancer Awareness is near and dear to my heart. My dear sister passed away at age 68 from an aggressive form of Lymphoma. I have many teddy bears to hug, but will pass on hugging a real bear (as cute as the babies are!) The meal sounds good to try, but I'm not a real fan of cornbread. It wrecks havoc with my blood sugar anyway. The drink sounds good too, but will pass on the red wine. I don't think I've been to the port of the day. Our delayed bags finally arrived late yesterday afternoon. We haven't started unpacking yet, but they look fine on the exterior. Grocery shopping has been done, and I got outside to clean up the mess that the windstorm left in our yard. That tree through my neighbor's roof looks even more frightening up close. Another neighbor down the road also got a tree down on their house. They had just bought the house a few months ago and had a new roof put on.... 😞 Prayers for all on the care list and a big hurrah for all who are celebrating!
  18. Please say Hi to Tudor for me! He joined the NS a week ago as the new PG Manager. He's a gem!
  19. We embarked in Quebec City and it went very well, at least in our case. Right after we arrived around 11-11:30, they called for all 4 and 5-star Mariners to board. But friends who arrived shortly after us didn't have as good an experience -- sorry I don't remember their circumstances.
  20. I don't think this has anything to do with a supply issue because in all the years we've sailed HAL they never have had more than 2, maybe 3 sugar-free syrups for the coffee in the Explorations Cafe. Probably not many people ask for it.
  21. Thank you so much Vanessa. We're doing our best to stay healthy, we want to see our Grandsons later this week! I feel terrible for our neighbor, she has always told me about her fear of windstorms, and now to have this happen. She said it will take several weeks to repair the damage. Thankfully she wasn't in bed when it happened, as it came through right above her bedroom. Thank you Sandi. The luggage is now due to arrive this afternoon, hopefully it does come today. Thank you for the prayers -- we're definitely loading up on vitamin C and Zinc! Thank you Lenda!
  22. Good morning all! We got home late last night after a wonderful 28 days on the Nieuw Statendam. It's good to be home though, now to adjust to the time zone change and time change all in the same day. 😉 Our luggage didn't all come home with us, only one smaller bag. The other two larger bags got onto a later flight (so much for priority tags). They will deliver them to us some time this morning. We were exhausted last night and weren't about to wait another 3 hours for that flight and then the hour-long drive home. Praying we don't get sick because for 8+ hours on two different flights we sat behind or in front of a couple who coughed all through the flights (no masks of course). The strangest thing was they had masks hanging from their wrists and never used them. Between that and the taxi driver in Fort Lauderdale who sneezed all through the ride (no mask) it will be a miracle if we stay healthy. I had a shock this morning once it got light out and looked out the window to see a large tree had fallen on our next-door neighbor's house!! I knew there had been a bad wind storm and power outages all through the area, but had no idea about this. She's a widow and has always had a fear of wind storms, and now this. I've been texting with her this morning -- she's physically ok, but of course very shaken up. Lots and lots of damage to her house. She and I are both furious because just a few months ago the HOA had the tree service out, they took down a few trees and assured us the rest were all OK. Not! They need to take them all down before someone is badly hurt.
  23. I agree! Our flight wasn't until 2pm. We took a taxi to Las Olas Blvd., got breakfast, and window shopped (nothing was open yet). Then got a taxi to the airport at noon.
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