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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. That would be my suggestion too. Very easy to do. We've done it a couple times in Athens.
  2. Good morning from a drizzly PNW. Mid-high 40's F predicted today. We like bacon but don't have it often. I have stocked up on it though for DH's sister's visit next week. I know she loves it. I don't think I've ever made any New Years Resolutions, I know I would either forget what they were or just not be able to keep them. Please no enormous changes at the last minute -- unless for the better. Will pass on the drink, wine and meal today. Not sure yet what we'll be having for dinner tonight. We have to do a big grocery shopping today, maybe I'll get inspired. Will be in Akaroa on the Grand Australia, thanks Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the photos! Sandi @StLouisCruisersgreat news about booking that cruise, it looks like a great one. And having Debbie @dfishand sister Sue onboard is a plus. Linda @lindalergood that they found your bag, but sorry you've had to go so long without it. I must have missed your initial post about it -- was this with Luggage Direct (booked by you) or through HAL when they ship luggage ahead for Grand Voyages? We'll be using that perk on the Grand Australia and now I'm getting worried. At least it only has to get to San Diego....but... Karen @luvteachingGREAT NEWS that your DH is coming home!!
  3. Rich this sounds pretty typical for in transit mix-ups in Fort Lauderdale. We had several turn-arounds there and each one was handled differently. Did you see "Jeff"? He's a gem.
  4. Good morning all! It looks like it will be another cloudy day, only in the low 40's F. But drier, so I'll take it. An interesting collection of days, I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. I've never had Succotash, but Debbie @dfishI'm curious -- with your love of vegetables, what is it that you don't like about it? Is it the lima beans? That would do it for DH. I just hate to hear stories of children being served the same food meal after meal until they eat it. 😞 I'm glad your Dad came home from lunch and "saved" you 🙂 On the other hand @HAL4NOWI loved your story about your townspeople looking out for each other. And very glad your power is back. Sharon @Sharon in AZpumpkin pie sounds delicious!! Yesterday I spent a good part of the afternoon putting together, charging, and learning how to use my new Eufy. Does anyone have one? My sister raved about hers at Thanksgiving, so DH got me one for Christmas. I could easily have asked him to put it together, but then I wouldn't have a clue about how it works etc. so even though it took me much longer than it would him, I'm glad I did. I think I'll be happy with it, but there are some rooms I won't be using it -- too many obstacles and places for it to get stuck. Today we'll be making a wine run to Total Wine, and while out will stop by DD's to drop of something of hers and pick up a pie plate I left there on Christmas. And get hugs from the grandsons of course. 🙂
  5. We used Allianz for a yearly policy pre-Covid. Never again. It was a nightmare from start to finish getting them to make good on a claim. We finally were successful but it took months and a lot of phone calls, emails, and stress.
  6. We'll never forget when our tabby went to stay with a family with a Siamese cat. We came back from our trip to a tabby who wouldn't stop "talking". It lasted a few days. 🤣
  7. I didn't know that about Torties! This cat was so adorable, just talking away to me non-stop. All cats in the Med are friendly, but this one went above and beyond!
  8. Good morning all! It's a cloudy morning, 41F but not raining at least for the moment. It has come down so hard the last few days, I worry about flooding in other areas. All good days today. I guess Rich was a day early when he called me yesterday from Cozumel after spending the afternoon with a mutual friend. It was good to catch up with him. I'll pass on the meal, but would probably like the wine and drink. We finally finished up the turkey last night, I'm feeling like some beef tonight lol. The anti-nausea meds seem to have worked for DH, no problems this time -- yay! Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor including him in the care list. We have been to Split at least twice, in 2019 and 2021. The first time we went to Omis and took an amazing river cruise. The last time we just wandered around Old Town Split and had a very nice day then too. Like all of Croatia, it's a beautiful and unusual port. Photos from Omis and the river boat cruise in 2019: We took a tour to the town of Omis and took a riverboat ride through the gorgeous canyons along the river. The photos really don't do it justice, I remember thinking I'd love to do that tour again! Omis Where we started the riverboat ride through the canyons Can you see the person ziplining? And of course the cats....so many I wished I could take home! And the last time we were there (last year) we walked around Old Town Split and had another very nice day. Gorgeous evening skies over Spllit Bell Tower in Old Town Diocletian Palace Entrance to crypt Cathedral of Domnius Cathedral ceiling This kitty was such a hoot. At first I thought he/she was hungry and begging for food (he/she "talked and talked" to me) but then I saw a bowl of food nearby. 😉 The Green Market
  9. Thank you! Since it can cause dizziness and he drove himself to the procedure, they told him to just take it as soon as he got home. He'll take it a couple more times tonight, and see how he's doing in the morning (that's when the nausea hit him last time, the next morning).
  10. Thank you Brenda! I'm so much better than even last week. This took a lot out of me, so I don't feel like I'm completely back to normal as far as energy goes, but definitely better each day. What I need is good gardening weather (ha, that won't happen for 3+ more months!).
  11. I'm happy to report that DH did get some anti-nausea meds. The nurse still wasn't able to talk to the doctor (he's in surgery all day) but another doctor wrote the prescription. There should be enough for the next 4 treatments too, so we shouldn't have to go through this again. Now fingers crossed they work for him.
  12. Rich please say hi to our mutual good friends -- wish we were with you!
  13. Good morning all! I guess we're having another "river of rain" because it's been raining hard and will be for the next 4-5 days. At least it's warmer, up to the low-mid 50's F and the snow is all gone. No fruitcake for us. I still chuckle about how my MIL would send us a fruitcake every year when we were first married because she thought DH loved it. No, she must have had him confused with one of her other 5 children lol! It seems like a person either loves it or hates it. We fall into the latter group. We go to the Woodland Park Zoo with the grandchildren a lot. The next time will be January 8 for a family night at "Zoo Lights". They do an amazing job every year with the lights and animation. I've never made cut-out snowflakes, but the grandkids make them and put them up on their window. I'll pass on the drink (sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person in the world who doesn't like the taste of ginger??), red wine and the meal. Tonight will be (hopefully) the last of the turkey from Christmas 😉 DH will have his second chemo treatment this morning. It's been frustrating getting some anti-nausea meds prescribed. This doctor is a specialist (not his regular physician). DH called twice last week and the nurses said they were leaving messages for the doctor and he never responded. Then they were closed yesterday....so just now DH called yet again, and this time the nurse was going to see the doctor face to face and get that prescription. It shouldn't be this hard, and never has been before with any of our other doctors. Rant over -- ! @ocean soundsWelcome to the Daily! I love your CC name 🙂 Hope to see a lot more of you here. I hope everyone has a safe, warm day and prayers for all who need them, cheers for all who are celebrating.
  14. I remember that thread very well. I posted on it a couple times, and included photos of the flowers I had brought onboard. He was told by the security officer on that ship -- the same ship that did allow someone else to bring flowers onboard. I think it was a fluke, and bad luck for that OP. If you read the whole thread, other posters had had no problems.
  15. I've never brought fruit onboard, but have never had any problem bringing flowers onboard all over the world. Not saying there aren't places you can't, but I've never come across them.
  16. Good morning all! It's a blustery, WET morning here in the PNW, heading for the mid 50's F. Happy Kwanzaa Day for all who celebrate, and Boxing Day. As for myself, shopping is the last thing I feel like doing today (but then it usually is the last thing I'd like to be doing) 😉 We've owned 6 homes since 1976, this one since 1994. It was a happy day when we paid off that mortgage. I agree with the quote for the most part, but will pass on the meal, wine and drink. I just finished my usual post-holiday breakfast, a piece of pie and coffee. 😄 Dinner tonight will be left over turkey, probably hot turkey sandwiches. Yesterday couldn't have been better. Just having all my kids in one state was gift enough for me. It was especially nice to have the morning in DS and DDIL's home, which other than a few tiny things is finished with the remodeling. Then we all were at DD and DSIL's home for the afternoon and dinner. Our niece and her family joined us, so nice. I know my dear sister was smiling from heaven. Here's the 12 of us, tired, happy and FULL. My niece is to my left, our daughter to my right. Our son is on the end, DDIL on the far left and DSIL next to DH. Oh, our 7-year-old is still working on his camera-worthy smile. 🤣
  17. You certainly can. And on longer cruises we often will pick up local treats in port to bring onboard to have in our cabin.
  18. Good morning and Merry Christmas! Quickly here, we should be leaving in an hour for DS and DDIL's for brunch and the family gift exchange. I think DS's wonderful waffles are on the menu and DD is bringing cinnamon rolls too. Then it will be home for us for an hour or two before we head out again, down to DD and DSIL's for the afternoon and dinner. Our niece and her family will be joining us then, making it 12 for dinner. Last night was a nice, quiet Christmas Eve for DH and me. We got great Chinese take-out and watched National Lampoon's Family Christmas again. Gerry @ger_77Happy Birthday!! Debbie @dfishmy Mom always did the cloves and pineapple on the ham too, but instead of mustard in the glaze she used the juice from the pineapple or whatever juice was on hand. I loved your story!!! We won't be having pumpkin pie or ham today, the pies will be apple and lemon meringue. And we'll be having roast beef and turkey with tons of sides that everyone is bringing. Sandi @StLouisCruisersthank you for your photos of Wellington. That looks exactly like what I'd like to do when we're there on the Grand Australia. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  19. She uses it as a guest house for company but it’s fun for the kids too. Thank you and stay warm! I know about ice storms in Portland, our daughter was born in Portland during an ice storm late January ‘79.
  20. Thank you, Graham -- they're ok, most of the damage was to the large luxury tree house next to the house.
  21. Lemon meringue pie is done and the turkey is in the oven. I’m done for the day! Just found out our SIL’s sister is iced in at her home in North Bend (@HAL4NOWwould know where that is) and a large tree branch came down on her house.
  22. Good morning all and Merry Christmas Eve! It's raining pretty hard here now (Sue @Rowsby) headed your way! And our snow is melting away. Perfect timing because up to now the Seattle area has been iced over and driving has been treacherous. Now Christmas plans can go forward because we're back to our usual wet weather. We'll be having our DS's homemade Alton Brown Eggnog tomorrow. We had a taste of it after Thanksgiving and it's delicious. The meal looks yummy, but since we had pasta already this week and I need to limit carbs, will pass on the meal. Also will pass on the red wine, but the drink looks good. Have never been to Singapore. Today will be another day of baking (lemon meringue pie) and roasting that turkey, DH and I always have Christmas Eve alone, and get some kind of take-out for dinner. I think we've decided on some from our local Chinese restaurant that has never disappointed. Tomorrow will be a full day -- brunch and gift exchange at DS and DDIL's new house, then the afternoon and dinner at DD's house. So thankful the driving conditions will be good unlike yesterday. Prayers for all who are sick, and/or have had to cancel Christmas plans because of sickness or weather. When Florida is cold you know it's strange weather! My relatives in Savannah are scrambling, not knowing what to do. Of course it will be back up to the 60's and 70's in a few days, so they won't have to deal with this very long, unlike other parts of the country.
  23. Debbie @dfish I’m impressed with how much you did today! Sounds yummy! Wish I had your energy. I just baked 1 apple pie today and then had to do it in shifts. Just don’t have my energy back yet. I’ve decided to bake another pie after all— lemon meringue pie tomorrow.
  24. So glad to see you're doing this Rich! Have a wonderful time and we look forward to your reports. 🙂
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