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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. I bet the same thing happened to a lot of people. DH said he did get an error message, but then it looked like it went through but then said his email notification could take longer as they were having "problems". He says now if he gets an error message he'll stop! Interesting how different credit card companies do it differently. Ours had to be put into a dispute claim and the investigation could take up to 90 days. I'm hoping since AARP told us they had no record of him making the order, it won't take that long. 🙄 So do I!! Love them. Tonight is bbq ribs though. Debbie I couldn't be happier for you!!! Woohoo!!! C E L E B R A T E!! 🍷
  2. Good morning all! It's a cloudy morning here, 56F heading to mid 60's F. I hope we get some rain to help with the fires. I've never made a hat, but will celebrate Greenpeace and Caregivers -- Terry @smitty34877! I'm glad that the new aide seems very good and that changes for the better are planned. You deserve it! I would like the 3rd or 4th recipes, and really wish our local Total Wine carried this wine. I love NZ SBs!! It can be ordered for $15.49. Sandi @StLouisCruisersgood luck on that dental cleaning appointment. This seems to be the week for dental cleanings and the Dailyites! Yesterday my dentist found a "tiny cavity" that I'll have filled in November after our cruise. First one in a long time, but not something I look forward to. 😉 Terri @Cruzin TerriI'm so sorry about your fall!! I hope the pain subsides quickly. Oh no Jacqui @kazuI hope the car problem is minor and fixed quickly. You didn't need this. Many of us have gotten emails from HAL about changing our sailing times out of Fort Lauderdale this fall. My October 22 cruise is affected as well. Since we'll have been onboard since the 8th, it's no big deal to us. Thought I would mention something else. DH and I have been buying the AARP gift cards each month. This time (a few days ago) mine went through with no problem and I got the email confirmation. DH thought his went through too, but didn't get an email. The charges are on our credit card for both. He called AARP yesterday and they had no record of his purchase....hmm. Now he has to dispute the charge with NFCU and wait for it to be removed before trying again. Just a warning to be sure you get your email confirmations if you purchase gift cards. It would be so easy to not notice.
  3. Debbie that's fantastic!! I'm so happy for you. We'll really have to celebrate on the cruise!
  4. Good morning all! I just read Debbie's @dfishnews! That's wonderful Debbie!! I love crab, and will choose it over lobster every time. And IF I eat a donut, it's always one filled with cream or jelly. Preferably topped with chocolate. 😉 I like quiet days, the quote, meal, drink and wine. Chile SBs are my second choice after NZ SBs. Like Bruce @aliaschiefDH and I have dental cleanings this morning, so will hurry off. Terry @smitty34877my thoughts are with you and prayers you get that extra help. @HAL4NOWI really appreciate your fire and road closure updates, thank you. We're hoping we can take Highway 2 to Leavenworth this weekend, but prepared to take 90 if need be.
  5. From one who has sold 6 houses, yes nerves are normal! I think my worst time was when DH was in the Navy and at sea. I was trying to sell our house with a 5-year-old and an infant. I was a nervous wreck! But the house sold in one day And as someone else said, it only takes one -- and that will be the right one. You got this Debbie!
  6. Good morning all! A cloudy, cooler morning here, with highs in the upper 60's F. Fall is coming fast! I'm not superstitious, fortune cookies are ok, and I like peanuts. The quote is a good one. Usually I like just a touch of oak in my Chardonnay, so not sure about the wine, will pass on the drink and would like the meal but just a few for a side dish. Have never been to the Philippines. Dixie @summer slopethe date for the rocket launch will be easy for me to remember, that's our 53rd anniversary. 🙂 Terry @smitty34877thank you for another adorable photo of Camilla! She's getting so big! @Horizon chaser 1957good that you can get your booster in Bellingham (my home town) tomorrow. We have appointments to get ours on the 21st, 2 weeks before we leave for our next cruise. @Cruzin TerriI'm so sorry nothing seems to be going right. I pray there will be no more surprises, and that you can enjoy an "all new" house paid by insurance when this is over. We're getting anxious and can't wait to get on a BHB in a few weeks. Once this weekend with the DGSs is over, we'll be getting last hair cuts, our 3rd boosters, going into self-quarantine, and start packing! Have a great day everyone!
  7. Debbie, that's great! Especially 5 scheduled for tomorrow -- wow! Yum! Now I really can't wait until Saturday. 😀
  8. We had the Barclays card for years and were happy with it. We used it for everything, and got generous credit off our statements for years. Then they changed the redemption rules, and it became confusing and less generous. We put up with it for awhile, but about 6 months ago we decided it just wasn't worth it anymore. Now we're keeping it as an emergency backup card. We now use our NFCU credit card for everything and the perks are better than what Barclays offers now.
  9. Good morning all! There's less smoke in the air here today and yesterday and I can feel the higher humidity in the last couple days. A little cooler today too. Thank you @HAL4NOWfor the fire update and information about highway 2. Much appreciated. Enjoy that milkshake at the 59er Diner! We have reservations to stay at one of their cabins with the grandsons on Saturday and are watching that highway closure. We could take 90, but it would take longer--- and with 2 rambunctious kids in the backseat....😉 We plan to take them to Lake Wenatchee State Park to play by the water before settling into our cabin. And of course milkshakes at the Diner will be included. 🙂 When I have a milkshake (not often) it's always chocolate. I don't play video games, but both our DS and DDIL work for large international video game companies and are doing very well. Every day should be a day of encouragement. Good quote, the meal and drink both sound good but will pass on the red wine. Have never been to Bangkok on a cruise, but DH was there in the Navy many years ago. Jacqui @kazuyour Celebration of Life for Jose looked amazingly perfect. Everything was absolutely gorgeous. You did yourself proud and I know he was looking down and smiling. Thank you for sharing your photos. Melanie @puppycanducruisebelated Happy Birthday to your Dear Mother.
  10. And my experience was also on the Eurodam in September-October! I think I saw that laminated card too. And being our first time, I assumed that's what you get in a NS. I like espresso sometimes, but not every morning. (edited) Or was your cruise this year? If it was, that's really bad!
  11. I was disappointed on our cruise last fall. It was our very first Neptune Suite and I was really looking forward to that coffee first thing in the morning in our cabin (our usual routine is to get some from the Explorations Cafe after getting dressed). But the only thing available was espresso....the Concierge tried his best to get coffee during the cruise (24 days) but wasn't able. First World Problem, I know. I'm hoping it was because cruising hadn't been started up for very long yet, Covid, etc. etc.
  12. Good morning all from a very smoky PNW. The ash is literally falling from the sky and it smells like an ashtray. 😞 In some small way it reminds me of when Mt. St. Helens blew in 1980 and we had (a lot more) ash. On 9-11 2001 our son called us early that morning and asked if we'd been watching the news. It was early here, and we hadn't turned on the TV. He waited as I turned it on...horrific, surreal and sad ... I will never forget. His wedding was 6 weeks later and we flew to IL for the wedding. People asked if we were nervous to fly, but it really was one of the safest times to fly. I'm sure we'll hear from the grandsons today, DD is always good about that. Youngest grandson and I had a fun day yesterday making his GAK, playing hide and seek, and eating popcorn and cookies 😉 I realized last night after he left that I pulled something in my leg, most likely when trying to fit into small spaces when we played hide and seek. When will I learn that I'm not 30 anymore??? It's better this morning thankfully. I'll pass on the drink, no pumpkin spice for me unless it's pumpkin pie and only pumpkin pie. The "meal" sounds delicious, but it would take quite a few to make a meal 🤣 Will pass on the red wine and have never been to Brest. Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the photos! Terry @smitty34877thank you for the new photo of "our" Camilla -- she's as adorable as ever. Ann @Vict0riannsafe trip and Bon Voyage! Jacqui @kazuI'm glad that Jose's Celebration of Life went well yesterday. When and if you care to, I would like to see any photos you'd care to share. Annie @marshhawksafe travels!
  13. Lenda I will and I'm so sorry your mother had the worst form. 😞 This disease can affect people so differently, we just never know. DH's sister had a bad form, so did my great-uncle and a cousin. My niece has a mild form thank goodness. Part of that could be the new treatments, as hers is the most recent. DGS and I have finished making his new GAK (oh how much easier it is to have one boy vs both at once) 😉 He requested aqua with glitter this time and is very pleased with how it turned out. Getting just the right color. All done!
  14. Good morning all! DD and DSIL left early this morning for the 60-mile MS Bike Ride. And today is the warmest of all week (87F) plus the first hazy day of smoke here. They've participated every year and I'm very proud of them. MS is a disease that has touched both sides of our family. DGS is still sleeping, I hope his brother had a good time at the sleepover last night. The drink and meal both sound great, will have to hear about the wine before I decide. I think the port will be on our Grand Australia '24, I look forward to any photos shared. Debbie @dfishit's encouraging that the owners countered your offer. The open house had probably been set up for a long time, and it's natural they're hoping for better offers. Gerry @ger_77I can only imagine how hard it was to officiate at a good friend's funeral. ((hugs)) Thinking of Jacqui @kazu today. Well DGS just got up, now I get busy!
  15. A few weeks ago it wouldn't have felt like a heat wave, but lately it's been cooling off. But this weekend it will get up to 77 today and 87 tomorrow! Then back down again, as low as into the high 60's. So this won't last long. Our Septembers can be like that. I would have rather had a twin go with me 😉 I remember being so scared....My Mom told me later that she stood outside my hospital room that night, I think she said she was making little noises so I would know she was there -- but I have no memory of that, just of being scared. I do remember the milkshakes I got afterwards though. 🙂 I think my older sister's tonsils were taken out "just in case" too. I had had problems like you had. You are right about that!
  16. Good morning all! I think we have around 15 teddy bears here, they come out every Christmas as part of my decorations. DD has the teddy bear I had as a child, he's safely at the top of the DGSs closet because with much handling I'm sure he would fall apart. I have memories of him coming with me when I stayed overnight in the hospital to have my tonsils removed at age 6. I like weirdos, keeps life interesting. I'm like Debbie @dfish, and have never had any interest to do Sudoko. I think the quote is funny, will pass on the wine and hard pass on the meal. I'm putting a roast in the crock pot. The drink sounds yummy though. Have been to Crete but not this port, thank you Brenda @bennybearfor the great photos and I LOVED that clip about the queen!! Tonight DD, DSIL and one of the DGSs will be spending the night here (the oldest DGS will be at a sleepover. Then tomorrow while DD and DSIL are doing the MS bike ride, DGS and I will have fun here at home. We plan to make new GAK (one form of slime). He has requested Aqua with glitter this time. Sandi @StLouisCruisersour temperatures will be the same today! Except for you it's a cooling trend and for us a mini heatwave LOL! Ann @marshhawkHappy Anniversary to you and Chuck and Bon Voyage! Some of the Christmas bears. Others were spread around the house. And the real reason to put them out
  17. Ah, so glad to hear that things are improving and you're in a hotel. I didn't realize that you're so close to Savannah. Savannah is DH's hometown and where most of my in-laws live. Good to hear that you have a trip to Barbados planned too, you need it! 🙂
  18. Good morning all! Today DH will do more pressure washing. That should finish it and then hopefully in a few days when everything is dry I can repaint the post that my Sweet Peas climb every year, and put stain on the front porch. Literacy Day goes along with our discussion of authors the other day. Not a fan of date nut bread, I'm strange but just don't care for nuts in bread, cookies, or cakes. I use Sweet/Sour Sauce for chicken nuggets, Lumpia, and Stir Fry. Will pass on the drink but the wine sounds very good. Prayers for the Queen, it must be very serious. I was 18 months old when she took the throne. Yesterday our DSIL's dear Grandmother passed away, she was the same age as the queen. She was a remarkable woman, survived living in a concentration camp in WWII. Her family will miss her deeply, especially our DSIL. Gerry @ger_77here in the states Grandparents Day is not until Sunday the 11th.
  19. How awful, I'm so sorry you're going through this! Would it be possible to go to a hotel? When this happened to my neighbor their insurance paid for them to stay in a hotel until their home was more livable. Would that be a possibility?
  20. Thank you Vanessa. This is what my SIL, a PA, just told me too. Makes sense.
  21. Thank you, this is what I'm trying to find out. Wouldn't it make sense to wait for the one that protects against the current surging variant? Why would someone choose the Moderna, am I missing something?
  22. Exactly. Actually I have never needed even one pair of boots in Alaska and the last time we went was in May. Unless you plan to hike in the snow there really is no need.
  23. Interesting how different parts of the country are doing it. I haven't heard that our clinic has started charging for travel testing, but I'll check to be sure. Yes, definitely getting the latest booster because of this variant -- I'm guessing it won't matter which one we get, Moderna or Pfizer. Maybe I'll ask our SIL PA --
  24. Thanks to all! Adding all of these to my list. I have read some of Baldacci, Grisham and Archer but good to have a reminder.
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