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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Thank you for the info...can't say I'm surprised. I switched back and forth between Travel and Leisure and Food and Wine. So many ads in both.
  2. Good morning all! It feels like fall is arriving, we had a few days in the mid 80's F and now it will be down in the low-mid 70's for awhile. It feels good! A good collection of days, I'll take a hard pass on the meal but the drink sounds good and the wine is one I've had before and liked it. Never been to this port, thanks for the photos! Today we'll be doing a grocery run and need to buy some paint (hahaha). It's for the post that I always have my Sweet Peas climb. DH will need to pressure wash it first, then I'll try to get it painted (no wine involved, darn!) before the weather turns. Sue @Rowsbyenjoy your month in Hawaii! Loving your photos. šŸ™‚ Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserHappy 55th Anniversary to you and your DH! Sandi @StLouisCruisersHappy 14th Birthday to your DGS Austin! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyVfor the correction on @marshhawk's anniversary date. I was sure she had said it will be the 9th. šŸ˜‰ Well hopefully things will be returning to normal now that my neighbor is back home. This morning I saw Jinx on his own porch with a bowl of food. I really wonder if the girls thought he'd gone off and died (he's elderly) and that's why nobody was looking for him. Teenage girls shouldn't have been left alone so long, but that's a whole other story...
  3. They definitely can be delivered to your cabin, some or all. We always do that. And it isnā€™t only the MDR but any other restaurant too. They will find your wine. šŸ˜‰
  4. Ann @marshhawk I remember you telling about that cat. I just canā€™t stand to see any animal hungry or suffering. Thankfully there are lots of people besides me who love this cat and try to look out for him. Just now I was gardening and sure enough he found me. He seems content (here he is on our porch) so I wonder if he got some food today. I still havenā€™t seen his owner but know sheā€™s home. Heā€™s a beautiful boy.
  5. Thank you Sharon. It really is a tough situation. The problem is that if I say anything about feeding him, she'll know her kids were neglectful because she knows I would only do that in an emergency. In the past a neighbor kept food on her porch for him and any other cat. So Jinx put on too much weight (his owner had him on a special diet with lower calories). Of course he went to that house to get treats. šŸ˜‰ I'll be home today and will keep an eye out (I hope she gets him inside!) and will talk to her if I see her (what I'll say other than welcome home I don't know). I feel like saying something like "Jinx missed you!" lol
  6. Good morning all! We're getting a slow cooling trend, and fall is in the air. I've had 2 ginger cats in my life -- "George", my first cat as a child, and "Parkour", our grand-kitty who passed a couple months ago. I would love to have a cherry popover, but will pass on the Tofu. Also will pass on the meal and red wine. The drink does sound good though. I was happy to see that my neighbor has returned from her trip to AZ with their oldest daughter who will start school there. Whenever she's away, no matter who is left home to care for their pets, the indoor/outdoor kitty Jinx (who all the neighbors have adored for years) is pretty much ignored and left on his own. He has a feeder on their back deck, but unless they let him inside it means he has to jump over the fence. Also I suspect that the dogs get to that food first. šŸ˜ž Some of us realized a few days ago that her teenage daughters weren't bringing him in at night, and he was extremely hungry. šŸ˜ž Very upsetting -- in fact last weekend when we realized what was happening, we thought he looked close to death. Other than this quirk, this family is wonderful and great neighbors. I think they're more "dog people" and just don't realize that an older cat can't be left outside on his own indefinitely. I know they mean well, but this just is not good. So I did something I always told her I wouldn't, I started feeding him (all the neighbors had been leaving water out for him already). It took a few days, because he was so weak, but now he's looking so much better. The first couple days he was too weak to eat more than a few bites. Am I upset? You bet! šŸ˜”šŸ˜ž I hope to see her soon...at first I thought I would tell her what's been going on, but my neighbor convinced me that this is different from when she had pet sitters and we let her know what was happening -- this is her daughters and we've always had a good relationship with them. It's a real dilemma, a fine line between letting her know and keeping a good relationship with the family. So glad it's September, now I can say my cruise is "next month"!!! We also got the email about our Quebec City embarkation port change. Now our hotel isn't quite as close, it will be .3 miles instead of .1. I guess we'll play it by ear whether to walk or get a taxi. @Cruzin TerriI hope you have a very Happy Birthday and enjoy your birthday dinner!
  7. Maybe messier, but also maybe we wouldn't care? šŸ˜„šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
  8. Could I pay you in wine? Of course part of the deal would be I get to drink with you. šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‚
  9. Well, šŸ˜‚ You couldn't be any worse than if DH or I did it šŸ˜‰
  10. Ugh. I hate that! Hope you are able to get hold of them and get someone out there.
  11. Good morning all! Eating outside is nice sometimes, as long as the bees don't get in my face and food. Love trail mix. Dear Dad wrote his memoirs for the family. He had an interesting life of 101 years starting in a log cabin on a Montana ranch in the middle of nowhere. It will be too warm today for the meal, I think we'll have tacos tonight. Will pass on the drink but the wine sounds good. We were in Manta in 2015 on the old Statendam. We went to see where a family made Panama hats (as Sandi said, Manta is the birthplace of Panama Hats, not Panama). I'll just show a few of the photos from that day, as they're much like Sandi's. Each family member would work 1.5 hours/day in this family business. The woman on the far right was 73 years old and started at age 5. Trimming the hats DH did buy one
  12. Good morning all! It will heat up today and tomorrow to the mid 80's, then slowly cool down again (for how long?) School starts here tomorrow for most of the children including our grandsons. I can't believe they will be in the 2nd and 4th grades -- I remember when I was that old! Where does the time go?! Sadly many of us here have had a lot of grief lately and in the past few years. My goodness Gerry @ger_779 friends/family in only 18 months.....just too much. šŸ˜ž I'm not a beach person, but do like a beach day sometimes. There have been many hearts touched in this community. The quote is true, will pass on the drink (sweet) and meal (trying to limit pasta). I do love a good Chenin Blanc, and would love to try this one if someone else was buying! At first I thought we'd never been to this port, and then I saw Sandi's @StLouisCruisers' photos and realized we took the same tour. I tried to find different photos from her great selection. Debbie @dfishyou have my utmost admiration for all the painting you're doing! My gosh, just one room would do me in for the year!! Sue @Rowsbysafe flight and thank you for sharing the gorgeous photo! Jack @Heartgrovewe had to change PCCs recently too. We may have had the same great PCC who recently quit after many, many years. So far we're reserving judgement on our new one, she hasn't had to do much for us yet, and like you, we don't need much help. She was assigned to us by the PCC supervisor. I did want to say that we use the Big Box for our Celebrity bookings and have always been happy with them. Seriously, it's as easy to get answers and replies to calls from them as it is from PCCs now. And then there's the Big Box perks that we've used a lot. Some photos of the Orchid House and Sunbury House. Collection of sewing machines in the Sunbury House Swim suit from the early 1900's (!) Optometry equipment The rum flowed freely. We got a huge kick out of the gals doing the rum tasting. It was a lot like watching an episode of I Love Lucy. šŸ˜‰
  13. Good morning all! It's starting to warm up again, will it be summer's last hurrah or will summer continue through September? We never know! I've never seen a bat around here other than in the zoo. I try to use less salt, and motorist consideration unfortunately is a joke around here. We really wonder if some people even know what a yield sign means..... The quote is good, will pass on the meal (not a fan of gnocchi) and the red wine. The drink sounds good. We've been to Montreal once or twice, on Quebec-FL or FL-Quebec cruises. I won't post my photos of Notre Dame, as Sandi @StLouisCruisershas posted some gorgeous ones. On one visit at the end of the cruise we spent one night in Montreal. We got the bright idea of walking from our hotel to the top of Mont Royal and back to the hotel (having no idea how far it was). The weather was good, it was in May, and the walk was really nice but oh my did my feet hurt afterwards! We found out then that we'd walked 10-11 miles total (we were about 10 years younger). Sitting on a plane all day the next day actually felt good after that šŸ˜‰ It was actually a nice walk, even though long! We walked past interesting buildings Eventually we were going uphill... Past the university district Beautiful springtime blossoms The park was lovely and full of other people walking, jogging, with dogs, on bicycles, etc. The view from the top was worth the climb. And of course I had to take photos of the beautiful flower gardens at the top. The moon over our hotel that night.
  14. Good morning all! Again I'm rushing this morning. We will be babysitting the grandsons today while DD and DSIL go diving and then later to a concert tonight. So about 12 hours or so.....it will be good to be home tomorrow and doing nothing šŸ˜‰ Then I remind myself that we won't see them for about 6 weeks this fall (self quarantine and then 30 days cruising)! Yesterday was a very good day for us, 21 of the family together for the first time in many years. Great food (a lot of it) and great company! DD is kneeling in the front and our DS is standing in the back on the left. Will check in again later, I hope everyone has a good day!
  15. Bon Voyage Colin and Ellen! I loved the photos of the Hotel New York. We had that hotel booked for a cruise that was cancelled so have only seen the exterior on a previous trip.
  16. Good morning all! All good days today, I love the quote by Audrey Hepburn, and like the meal, drink and wine. We were in Mykonos in 2011 on the Celebrity Silhouette. My sister and BIL were on that cruise with us. No surprise, but I loved Mykonos and loved all the beautiful cats there! I think I drove my BIL crazy stopping to talk to each and every one. I love all of Greece, but especially love Mykonos and like it more than Santorini. Trying to hurry this morning, we'll be leaving in an hour and a half for DD's for the big family picnic. I'm so happy that all but 2 can be there šŸ™‚ So I think there will be 21 of us today, and even my nephew who will drive up from Oregon. We haven't seen him or his Dad in a few years. @Cruzin TerriI'm glad you are getting the issues with your friend resolved. I know how much that hurts when things are left like that. I recently went through something similar with my dear cousin who has always been very close to me. Things may never be quite "normal" but it's much better. @cat shepardhave a wonderful trip and cruise! Yes, you will see a lot of changes in Seattle from 30 years ago -- @marshhawkSending prayers for your friend Jesse that he tolerates the treatment. So sad and frustrating that it took so long for the diagnosis. I immediately thought Lymphoma, as a lump in the throat/neck is the first thing my sister had when she went to be checked. @JazzyVgreat news that you're feeling better! Here are some of my photos of our day in Mykonos. We browsed around and also took the tour to Delos. It was a very nice day and I'd love to go back. The Silhouette in Mykonos I sat very still next to Petros, the resident pelican.. Mykonos windmills Hundreds of cats, each one beautiful and healthy looking. Delos The lions of Delos A couple murals in the Museum of Delos A gorgeous sunset leaving Mykonos
  17. Good afternoon all, It took most of the morning, but the 10x13" apple pie is all done. I plan to relax the rest of the day, the next two days will be busy. A few weeks ago I saw our Ukrainian neighbors' small children playing with sidewalk chalk and realized we have a lot of it that our grandsons aren't interested in playing with. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø So today when I happened to see the Mom in their yard without the children I took it over to her (didn't want to bring it in front of the children in case she didn't want them to have it). She was very appreciative and I hope to see them playing with it soon. šŸ™‚ Sandi @StLouisCruisersoh my on those accident photos, so horrific and terribly sad. šŸ˜ž Graham @grapau27your previous dog's name was perfect -- Domino! Jim @irishjimthat's great news that the results your surgeon gave you are all clear. Celebrate! Jo @jodi58Welcome to the Daily!
  18. Good morning all! We're going to have a cooler day today and that's welcome because I'll be baking that huge apple pie today for tomorrow. We're cat people but love the dogs from our past (we were both raised with cats and dogs) and the dogs in our extended family now. Both TP and women's equality are important -- funny that TP has its own day though. I'll pass on all today (meal, drink and red wine). Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the awesome photos!! As bennybear said, I almost felt like I was there. The last dog I had, Riley. Mom and Dad named him Riley because he had the "life of Riley" after having been abandoned. Here they are on a CA beach some time in the 60's. And our current grand-dog, Rogue. Our DS and DDIL's pup. She's very sweet and loving.
  19. Wow!! Four nights at the Chateau Frontenac! I'm so excited for you! Yes, Debbie is staying there one night. Our flight won't get into Q.C. until 8:30 pm the night of the 7th, so it looks like you and Debbie will have to start the party without us šŸ˜‰ We're staying at the Hotel des Coutellier. Good reviews and a tenth of a mile from the port. I'm getting very excited for this cruise (and staying on for 2 weeks afterwards). I think we're pretty much ready, other than the worry about the testing for Canada! Yes, the roll call is growing!
  20. Oh, that's not good šŸ˜ž In the past the PCCs always had someone else take their calls and emails -- sounds like that isn't happening now? Almost as excited as their Nana! šŸ˜‚ You sure have our 26 National Parks beat! We need to get to it! šŸ˜… Looking forward to meeting you and Craig! šŸ˜„šŸ˜‰ Not long now!
  21. Good morning all! Kiss and make up is always a good idea. Not crazy about banana splits, I would order a hot fudge sundae instead šŸ™‚ and I salute the National Park Service Founders. We have been to 26 of the national parks, and have a few puzzles showing each one plus a couple games about them. Our favorite, of course, is the first national park (Yellowstone) and we visit it every year. We have our reservations for next year. The quote has a grain of truth. I'm another one who savors my alone time -- but it isn't because people have disappointed me. The meal would be more of a side dish, but I think it sounds very good (minus the cilantro please!) The drink and wine both sound good too. Have never been to the port. Today DH is working at the Mariner game, I'll be making the pickled beets for our picnic this weekend and may (depending on energy) shop vac the garage while his car is out of there. Sandi @StLouisCruisershow sad about your neighbors. šŸ˜ž Prayers for Linda's full recovery. Gerry @ger_77I'm glad to hear you aren't a quitter re the wine lol. I hope the metallic taste goes away quickly! Do let us know, inquiring minds.... šŸ˜‰ A couple photos from some of our visits with DD, DSIL and the DGSs to Yellowstone. DD likes to take "shadow photos" like this one. Shadows in the steam. This year the grandsons went up a level in the Junior Ranger program. They are now "Bison" Junior Rangers.
  22. Good morning all! I'm not sure I've ever been to an iconic American restaurant -- or maybe I have. It seems that the description can apply to any restaurant well-known in an area (?) My first thought was the 59er Diner in Leavenworth, WA. https://www.59erdiner.com/ It's definitely well-known here. We'll be going next month with the grandsons for an over-night stay in one of their cabins. We've been to Pompeii, Herculaneum and other areas. On one tour we did what @4966and556did. I'll add a few of my photos of that day. I think I consider any music that came after my generation's music (50's-60's) to be strange šŸ˜‰ Will pass on the red wine, the drink sounds good and I would try the meal (minus the egg on top) if someone else prepared it for me. Have never been to the port, looking forward to photos! Today will be catch-up day after all the canning. The yard needs attention as does the pantry and wine rack šŸ˜‰ Climbing to the top And the steam in the crater -- awesome sight!
  23. Iā€™m finally done with the applesauce, yay!! 27 pints. My feet hurt! Iā€™m saving some apples to make a huge pie for the family picnic on Saturday, otherwise Iā€™m done with apples for the year. šŸ˜
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