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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Terry, I had tears reading your post. It's good that Tana could participate in the discussion and make her wishes known. I'm glad you are getting the help so that all of you can get some rest. Prayers that she will stabilize. Please know that you have many people holding Tana and the family in their hearts and prayers.
  2. Too late to edit my post, but I inadvertently called @USN59-79 Ray Jack. And I also wanted to add @Horizon chaser 1957's DD in our prayers. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you got a diagnosis and treatment for the eye. And that you're proceeding toward the nerve ablation. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for checking in. I imagine you'll be home soon?
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I haven't seen a Fan Dance. I love rainbows. I'll salute film scores as they add so much to movies. Yogi Berra just being Yogi. I like the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Quepos. An important day in history, but there's good and bad to cell phones. It's been raining and raining here. The big rivers and creeks are high. Some schools closed due to flooded roads. I made it to my Cardiology appointment, leaving early before they closed the parkway. I came home a different way. Lots of walking again, as I had to get a CXR after the appointment. By then my leg was on fire, but I survived. Now I'm sleepy and hope to get a nap in, after a 3 hour night. BFF just texted that he had 3 biopsies done at his skin check; let's hope he won't need Mohs again. I heard about the earthquake in Taiwan. I worry about @USN59-79 Jack and his family. @SusieKIslandGirl Bon Voyage! @aliaschief Thanks for the great photos. @kazu I sure hope your acupuncture helps you and alleviates the burning and pain. @cat shepard I so appreciate your prayers for my pain relief. @dfish I hope the eye continues to improve. I hope your appointment results in your getting set up for the nerve ablation. I'm glad you're getting your eye looked at. @Heartgrove Sorry to hear about the cruise cancellation, especially after you had gotten your flights and hotels. What did they say was the reason? I hope you can make a satisfactory substitute. @smitty34877 I am so sorry to hear that Tana's condition has progressed. I would imagine it's hard not having much you can do to assist her. I hope she can be kept comfortable. I'm glad you were able to get some rest. Prayers for Tana, you and the family. @marshhawk I'm glad you are safe from the storms and hope your friends were as well. I hope you can get DH's weight up some. @RMLincoln Tough times for your DSIL's family, having to make decisions. @Seasick Sailor Prayers that Allen gets relief from the Dupixent and that it gets covered. @Vict0riann Woohoo that DD got a good report from the Ortho doc and that you can go on your cruise. I hope we get to see you at sail away. @Nickelpenny I'm glad you mood is better, and congrats on being a 4-start Mariner! @Cruzin Terri I hope you're doing ok. @HAL Sailer Thinking of you and your DH. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  4. Today’s Care List: Passing of Ger_77’s friend Gord on 3/31/2024 Passing of CrabbyPatti’s great Aunt Alice on 3/31/2024, age 98 RMLincoln’s DSIL back in the hospital, not doing well Summer slope’s friend Mike in ICU with pneumonia, and his DW Sue Quartzsite Cruiser traveling back to TX JazzyV with R leg pain, numbness Baltimore Key Bridge collapse, 6 people presumed dead 7 World Central Kitchen aid workers killed in Gaza 4/1/2024 Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza; Haiti unrest All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Mr. Boston’s friend Lauren with aggressive cancer, in hospice care Atexsix’s DD now in hospice care Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage SusieKIslandGirl! RMLincoln’s DH Richard’s successful outcome from his January eye surgery! Kazu getting a sitter for Ivan USN59-79 in Taipei Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for Lobsternight (Koningsdam April 5 to April 27) 22d Solar Eclipse, Mexican Riviera and Hawaii 3 days for richwmn (Volendam next segment Apr 6 to Apr 21) 15d PC cruise 4 days for Heartgrove’s DW and DSIL (Rotterdam April 7 to April 13) 6d Western Caribbean 4 days for Overhead Fred (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure 4 days for Vict0riann (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to Apr 21) 14d 14 Night Bermuda, Brittany & The English Channel Expedition GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to Apr 6) B2B 7d Mexico + 7d Pacific Coastal, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), cruising sister (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Smmessineo (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, POA1 & Huskerchick (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, Ocean sounds (Zaandam to Apr 13) 14d Solar Eclipse & Mexican Riviera, SusieKIslandGirl (Discovery Princess to Apr 13) 10d Mexican Riviera with Total Solar Eclipse, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Coast), Sailingdutchy (Nieuw Statendam Mar 31 to April 7) B2B 7d E. Caribbean + (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure, Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage), Gail & Marty sailing away (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage) and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage)
  5. Lots of warnings on the news about storms tonight. There has already been some flooding. Supposedly the most rain in a single day since 1977! I just got an email that a section of the parkway I need to take tomorrow (called the "bathtub" because it floods often, despite pumps to avoid that) for my Cardiology appointment, will close at 10am or earlier due to anticipated flooding. Everyone stay safe!
  6. Great photo of Ren! I've only been taking Gabapentin, which is supposed to help nerve pain. My PCP added Cymbalta, another med for nerve pain, but it gave me headaches and dry mouth, so I stopped it (I also read horror stories of people on it long term trying to get off. It's also used for depression). Ibuprofen doesn't help it. And I haven't had anything stronger, like a narcotic type medication.
  7. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @kazu @richwmn and maps @rafinmd. Ferrets are ok. I don't know the produce manager at my usual grocery store, but they have a nice assortment. I like the occasional PB&J(am) sandwich. Good quote. The meal sounds yummy. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Townsville. It has been pouring rain here since last night, with thunder at times. There are flood watches. This afternoon late and tonight are expected to be worse, with rain, hail and higher winds, and possibly a tornado watch. At least it's not snow, like the northeast is going to get. I've been up since around 3:45 AM. I had an early appointment and knew the parkway would be bad with the rain. Luckily there was a little lull when I left, but raining hard when I got to the hospital. No handicapped parking spaces to be had. And the elevators near the office were out, supposedly since last Wednesday! So much more walking was involved. My hearing and tinnitus are about the same. Then I went to get lab work, some of which is already coming back. I ran home for a quick minute, then off to PT. Oh the pain - too much walking, rain, who knows? @seagarsmoker You can have some of our rain! @StLouisCruisers Ren and his team seem to be doing well. The stocking is gorgeous! @cat shepard Good luck with jury duty. I'm sure Bindi wonders what's going on. @dfish Sorry about the eye. I'd think allergies would affect both. Could you have pink eye? @smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear that Tana had a rough night and is coughing. I hope it's not pneumonia again. Good that the hospice nurse may take a look at her. @aliaschief Beautiful pictures. I'm glad it's such a great cruise for you. And you're sharing with Dailyites who want to see! @summer slope I'll add Mike and Sue to the Care List. @Nickelpenny Sorry you didn't feel well enough to watch the launch last night. And to hear your knee x-rays report. Sadly I'm there with you, with a recommended left knee replacement.I had many steroid injections which stopped working. Then Synvisc, which didn't help. And because of my issues with the right leg, I've abused the left leg lately. I hope your other knee can qualify for the clinical trial. @marshhawk I hope your appointment with the oral surgeon goes well. @RMLincoln I'm doing the happy dance about DH's eye results after surgery! @bennybear I'm drooling over those chocolates. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.
  8. Today’s Care List: Passing of Ger_77’s friend Gord on 3/31/2024 Passing of CrabbyPatti’s great Aunt Alice on 3/31/2024, age 98 RMLincoln’s DSIL back in the hospital, not doing well Quartzsite Cruiser traveling back to TX Vict0riann’s DD seeing Orthopedic doctor today JazzyV with R leg pain, numbness Baltimore Key Bridge collapse, 6 people presumed dead Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza; Haiti unrest All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues StLouisCruisers’ DB with pulmonary fibrosis Ger_77’s DH Maurice needing heart valve replacement Celebrations and Shoutouts: Kazu getting a sitter for Ivan USN59-79 in Taipei Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for SusieKIslandGirl (Discovery Princess Apr 3 to Apr 13) 10d Mexican Riviera with Total Solar Eclipse 3 days for Lobsternight (Koningsdam April 5 to April 27) 22d Solar Eclipse, Mexican Riviera and Hawaii 4 days for richwmn (Volendam next segment Apr 6 to Apr 21) 15d PC cruise 5 days for Heartgrove’s DW and DSIL (Rotterdam April 7 to April 13) 6d Western Caribbean 5 days for Overhead Fred (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure 5 days for Vict0riann (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to Apr 21) 14d 14 Night Bermuda, Brittany & The English Channel Expedition GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to Apr 6) B2B 7d Mexico + 7d Pacific Coastal, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), cruising sister (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Smmessineo (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, POA1 & Huskerchick (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, Ocean sounds (Zaandam to Apr 13) 14d Solar Eclipse & Mexican Riviera, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Coast), Sailingdutchy (Nieuw Statendam Mar 31 to April 7) B2B 7d E. Caribbean + (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure, Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage), Gail & Marty sailing away (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage) and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage)
  9. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit! No Tom Foolery here, and no April Fool fooling of anyone. Kind of sad Marilyn quote. I could like a charcuterie board. Yes to the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Tokyo. Being an Apple person (except my PC), I'll salute today in history. It's been cloudy and raining, although there's a break in the rain now. Good sleeping weather, if one can sleep. Also storms tomorrow and Wednesday, and snow flakes Thursday and Friday. I have an ENT appointment tomorrow, and Cardiology on Wednesday, plus PT 2 days. I'm trying to get laundry done today, and also still sorting in the dining room. I have a lot of depression glass. I've already gotten rid of some when I had my DM's belongings auctioned, but still have too much. Also I need to find a riser for the upstairs commode, for after surgery. @cat shepard I used to want to do jury duty and was never called. @StLouisCruisers I'll support sourdough day, although I haven't been able to make any bread since last summer, since I can't stand for any length of time. I take my sourdough starter out of the fridge about once a month to feed it. I like your rabbits! Thanks for posting Lenda's photos. @kazu Yay for sunshine and for finding a sitter for Ivan. It is hard having someone new in your home, but prayers it'll be ok. @ottahand7 April 1 is a sad memory day for you. Hugs. @RMLincoln I hope DH Richard's eye appointment goes well. Sorry to hear that DSIL's family need to make hard decisions. Condolences on the loss of two people who were like family. @quilty964 The only hard part of sourdough can be getting the starter going at first, so that it's good and healthy. There can be activity at the beginning, that then disappears, but that's from bacteria you don't want. Once you get a good starter, it can usually be revived, even if neglected in the fridge. @1ANGELCAT I'm glad you had a nice brunch. While BFF and I were at one yesterday, the table next to us was already scheduling for Mother's Day! @bennybear Excellent photos from Tokyo. @ger_77 So sad about Gord. Bless you for dropping everything to be there with Ollie. Condolences to his family and friends. She is very lucky to have you and Maurice as friends. @aliaschief It looks like you're having an amazing time! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  10. Today’s Care List: Ger_77’s friend Gord post-arrest, in CCU RMLincoln’s DSIL back in the hospital Quartzsite Cruiser traveling back to TX, today or tomorrow JazzyV with R leg pain, numbness 2 crew members killed due to steam line bursting on Nieuw Amsterdam Baltimore Key Bridge collapse, 6 people presumed dead Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza; Haiti unrest All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Cruzin Terri’s DH Jim with memory issues Nickelpenny with leg numbness and pain Celebrations and Shoutouts: USN59-79 in Taipei Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 4 days for Lobsternight (Koningsdam April 5 to April 27) 22d Solar Eclipse, Mexican Riviera and Hawaii 5 days for richwmn (Volendam next segment Apr 6 to Apr 21) 15d PC cruise 6 days for Heartgrove’s DW and DSIL (Rotterdam April 7 to April 13) 6d Western Caribbean 6 days for Overhead Fred (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure 6 days for Vict0riann (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to Apr 21) 14d 14 Night Bermuda, Brittany & The English Channel Expedition GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to Apr 6) B2B 7d Mexico + 7d Pacific Coastal, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), cruising sister (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Smmessineo (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, POA1 & Huskerchick (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, Ocean sounds (Zaandam to Apr 13) 14d Solar Eclipse & Mexican Riviera, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Coast), Sailingdutchy (Nieuw Statendam Mar 31 to April 7) B2B 7d E. Caribbean + (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure, Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage), Gail & Marty sailing away (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage) and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage)
  11. Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Easter to those who celebrate. I haven't used a bunsen burner since college. I'll salute Cesar Chavez and don't know any medievalists. Interesting quote. The meal sounds ok, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to today's port. After a cloudy start, it's gotten partly sunny and up to 60F. Then rain tonight and the next 3 days. I had a late start to the day. I slept about 3 hours, and then fell asleep sitting up for 2 hours. It was 10:30 when I woke up. So after a shower, I watched services online. BFF and I went out to a buffet for early dinner. Now I feel like a nap after that large Italian meal. It's been a bad day pain wise, so maybe some time in the recliner would help. @sailingdutchy Bon Voyage! @RedneckBob Welcome Home! Great sunrise photo. @kazu I hope you've found the right sitter for Ivan. @dfish I hope your beef wellington turned out well. I've always wanted to make one. @aliaschief Gorgeous photos yesterday and today. Thanks for sharing. @Nickelpenny I'm glad to hear your cold seems to be leaving. @cunnorl Happy Birthday to your DS! @ger_77 Sorry there isn't better news about Gord; continued prayers. Easter at your house sounds like fun! @kochleffel I hope you continue to feel better every day. @Vict0riann I hope DD's appointment goes well, and that you are able to cruise. @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos. Safe travels tomorrow or Tuesday. @bennybear Excellent photos as usual. Thanks. @Cruising-along Thanks for sharing the photo of you all. @lazey1 So good to hear that you had a good cruise and are feeling well. Sorry about the weather for embarkation and debarkation, but it happens and those people yelling need to understand it's mother nature, not HAL. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  12. Today’s Care List: Seasick Sailor’s DH Allen with abnormal lab results, eczema flareup Ger_77’s friend Gord post-arrest, in CCU Seasick Sailor’s friend’s DM in hospice, another friend with pulmonary issues JazzyV with R leg pain, numbness 2 crew members killed due to steam line bursting on Nieuw Amsterdam Baltimore Key Bridge collapse, 6 people presumed dead Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza; Haiti unrest All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Cruzin Terri’s DH Jim with memory issues Nickelpenny with leg numbness and pain Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Easter! Bon Voyage Sailingdutchy (Tony & Martha)! Hogladyrider on the way to Utah USN59-79 in Taipei Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 5 days for Lobsternight (Koningsdam April 5 to April 27) 22d Solar Eclipse, Mexican Riviera and Hawaii 6 days for richwmn (Volendam next segment Apr 6 to Apr 21) 15d PC cruise RedneckBob (Nieuw Statendam to March 31) 7d E. Caribbean, GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to Apr 6) B2B 7d Mexico + 7d Pacific Coastal, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), cruising sister (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Smmessineo (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, POA1 & Huskerchick (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, Ocean sounds (Zaandam to Apr 13) 14d Solar Eclipse & Mexican Riviera, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Coast), Sailingdutchy (Nieuw Statendam Mar 31 to April 7) B2B 7d E. Caribbean + (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure, Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage), Gail & Marty sailing away (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage) and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage)
  13. Lots going on there. Prayers for a successful surgery and elimination of your symptoms.
  14. Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily @kazu @richwmn and maps @rafinmd. I will salute most doctors and Earth Hour/Day. I always fold laundry as soon as the dryer stops, in order to minimize any wrinkles. I'm not sure what to make of the quote, but it is from Oscar Wilde, so I'll take it with a grain of salt. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Rio. A good deal was had on buying Alaska. It's cloudy and gloomy looking here, 48F. Rain almost all of next week. I slept a couple of hours, then a couple more later this morning (I had taken benadryl for my injection). Mornings seem to be the worst. Once I get out of bed, I have lots of leg pain, so I've been staying in bed until quite late. It eases up a bit later in the day. I am so tired of not being able to do anything. Sorry to whine. @ocean sounds Bon Voyage! @Suslor Happy Birthday! Welcome home. @cruzn single Happy Birthday! @USN59-79 Happy 61st Anniversary to you and Sara! @lazey1 Welcome home! @summer slope I'm glad you're starting to feel better. I hope DH's bruise isn't too painful. @aliaschief Thanks for the great photos from Angkor Wat. @Denise T I hope Chase doesn't require any more treatment for the sarcoma and that it doesn't come back. @StLouisCruisers Lovely Rio photos. I'd like to get to see the Christ the Redeemer statue one day. @Seasick Sailor I'm glad Allen got his prescription approved. And good news that Oliver seems ok. @ger_77 Ollie is lucky to have you in her life. I hope Gord is able to be extubated soon. @ottahand7 Thanks for sharing the Rio photos. @Nickelpenny I can sympathize with you about your cold; feel better soon! Good news about the cruise. What procedure are you having done, if you don't mind sharing? Nice photo from Angkor Wat. @RMLincoln Sorry to hear that DSIL was transferred back to the hospital; I hope it's nothing too serious. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Petropolis and Rio. @luvteaching Hugs. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  15. Today’s Care List: Summer slope hit and thrown out of golf cart; bruised and achy Seasick Sailor’s DH Allen with abnormal lab results, eczema flareup Ger_77’s friend Gord post-arrest, in CCU Seasick Sailor’s friend’s DM in hospice, another friend with pulmonary issues JazzyV with R leg pain, numbness RIP Louis Gossett Jr. 2 crew members killed due to steam line bursting on Nieuw Amsterdam Baltimore Key Bridge collapse, 6 people presumed dead Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza; Haiti unrest All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Cruzin Terri’s DH Jim with memory issues Nickelpenny with leg numbness and pain Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Ocean sounds! Happy Birthday Suslor (Susan)! Happy Birthday cruzn single (Mary Kay)! Happy 61st Anniversary USN59-79 (Ray & Sara)! Welcome Home Suslor (Susan & Lorenzo)! Welcome Home lazey1 (Jane)! Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily Doobieb Hogladyrider on the way to Utah USN59-79 in Taipei Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Sailingdutchy (Nieuw Statendam Mar 31 to April 7) B2B 7d E. Caribbean + (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure 6 days for Lobsternight (Koningsdam April 5 to April 27) 22d Solar Eclipse, Mexican Riviera and Hawaii RedneckBob (Nieuw Statendam to March 31) 7d E. Caribbean, GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to Apr 6) B2B 7d Mexico + 7d Pacific Coastal, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), cruising sister (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Smmessineo (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, POA1 & Huskerchick (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, Ocean sounds (Zaandam to Apr 13) 14d Solar Eclipse & Mexican Riviera, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Coast), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage), Gail & Marty sailing away (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage) and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage)
  16. Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Blessed Good Friday to those who celebrate. I think we take virtual vacations looking at everyone's photos of the different ports. I salute Mom & Pop businesses. Mermaids are fun creatures. Typical Capote quote. I like the meal (nice and low carb). Pass on the drink and the wine costs too much. I haven't been to Nuuk. A good day in history - I enjoyed seeing the terra cotta warriors when I was in China. It's a nice sunny day, 51F, quite windy. Rain tomorrow. I didn't get much sleep, but stayed in bed watching tv and fell back asleep for 2 hours until 9:30. Then I had to hustle to get ready to go to PT. I really didn't feel like going, but I went. Then picked up some meds at the pharmacy. I had to use the rollator going into the pharmacy as a cane wasn't enough. Then BFF came over. I didn't feel like going anywhere, so he picked up fish sandwiches from a nearby church fish fry, and we had an early dinner. He helped me move a few things and put the swags back up in the DR. Bon Voyage to @Smmessineo, @POA1 & @Huskerchick! @StLouisCruisers Great Nuuk photos. I'm glad DD is safely home. @summer slope @cat shepard @dfish Thanks for the drink, wine and meal postings. @kazu Sorry to hear of the flooding and power outage. Thank goodness you have a generator. I hope you can find the perfect person to dog sit. @Seasick Sailor Oh no on Oliver being sick and throwing up that dental placker. I hope he's ok. So sad to hear about your friend's Mom and your other friend with lung issues. I heard about that cement truck driver; I hope he gets the harshest sentence available. @1ANGELCAT I hope the injection went well, with no headache. @ger_77 So kind of you to be there for your friend during this stressful time. I hope Gord (and Ollie) will be ok. Enjoy the family time! @Nickelpenny I hope your cold is short-lived. And congrats on the shout out and the duck. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely Nuuk photos. @summer slope I hope your aches ease soon. My DM used to recommend an epsom salts bath to relieve aches. @marshhawk If the numbness is the pinkie and ring finger, it's the ulnar nerve, which can be injured near the elbow. I had issues many years ago, and they thought they might have to move the nerve (it's unprotected near the elbow. It's the nerve that's the "funny bone" when hit accidentally), but luckily with doing some of the things you were recommended, it cleared up on its own. @smitty34877 Enjoy your time in NH. @SusieKIslandGirl Wow, there will be a lot of Dailyites on that cruise! @doobieb Welcome to the Daily! And to HAL. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. From China 2005
  17. Today’s Care List: Summer slope hit in golf cart by a car, thrown out of cart Seasick Sailor’s DH Allen with abnormal lab results, eczema flareup Marshhawk seeing Neurologist JazzyV with R leg pain, numbness RIP Joe Lieberman 2 crew members killed due to steam line bursting on Nieuw Amsterdam Baltimore Key Bridge collapse, 6 people presumed dead Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza; Haiti unrest All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues StLouisCruisers’ DB with pulmonary fibrosis Ger_77’s DH Maurice needing heart valve replacement Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Smmessineo! Bon Voyage POA1 & Huskerchick (Brian & Michelle)! Welcome Home Scrapnana (Kathi)! Ladyhogrider departing for Utah Smitty34877 traveling to NH for Easter USN59-79 in Taipei Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Ocean sounds (Zaandam Mar 30 to Apr 13) 14d Solar Eclipse & Mexican Riviera 2 days for Sailingdutchy (Nieuw Statendam Mar 31 to April 7) B2B 7d E. Caribbean + (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure 7 days for Lobsternight (Koningsdam April 5 to April 27) 22d Solar Eclipse, Mexican Riviera and Hawaii Suslor (Zaandam to Mar 30) 14d Panama Canal, Lazey1 (Koningsdam to Mar 30) 7d Mexico, RedneckBob (Nieuw Statendam to March 31) 7d E. Caribbean, GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to Apr 6) B2B 7d Mexico + 7d Pacific Coastal, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), cruising sister (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Smmessineo (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, POA1 & Huskerchick (Rotterdam to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Coast), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage), Gail & Marty sailing away (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage) and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage)
  18. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Dialy. Blessed Holy Thursday to those who celebrate Easter. I'll salute MLB opening day, although we always have a bad team. I've never been in a hot tub. Good quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine ($$). I've never been to Zadar. It's sunny and going to be a nice Spring day today. I'd like to get some things done in the house, but it's tough. I can't stand more than a few minutes due to leg pain. I'd forgotten how bad it was before those 2 weeks of relief! BFF wants to go to a church fish fry tomorrow, but I don't know if I can tolerate it; we'll see. @summer slope Gentle hugs for your distress from soreness and bruises. @Crazy For Cats At least it's only a 2 day work week for you. @MISTER 67 I'm a hockey fan too, although I don't think the Pens will make the playoffs this year. @StLouisCruisers How far along is your grand nephew's pregnancy? @kazu Prayers that the financial issue and Ivan's away home work out. And I hope the river won't flood. @aliaschief Thanks for sharing your photos. @Haljo1935 Sorry the work situation is so stressful. @cunnorl That's a clever idea with the pasta bowls. @Lady Hudson I hope your DH's health concerns improve soon. @Mr. Boston Enjoy the train trip, and time with family. @ger_77 Prayers that Maurice qualifies for the AVR. I haven't heard of presenting a case before a panel, as here if the doctor thinks it's needed, it's done. Safe travels for your family this evening. @RMLincoln Sorry DH's appointment got cancelled. Bless you for discussing all the hard things with DB in regards to his DW's ongoing care. @bennybear Great photo. I always enjoy seeing bald eagles. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  19. Today’s Care List: AncientWanerer’s DGD Coco with strep and scarlet fever Summer slope hit in golf cart by a car, thrown out of cart RNLincoln’s DH’s eye appointment Seasick Sailor’s DH Allen with abnormal lab results JazzyV with R leg pain, numbness 2 crew members killed due to steam line bursting on Nieuw Amsterdam Baltimore Key Bridge collapse, 6 people presumed dead Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza; Haiti unrest All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues Haljo1935’s medical issues affecting working StLouisCruisers’ nephew Alex’s in-utero identical twins Celebrations and Shoutouts: Ladyhogrider departing for Utah Mr. Boston traveling to Chicago USN59-79 in Taipei Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Smmessineo (Rotterdam Mar 29 to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer 1 day for POA1 & Huskerchick (Rotterdam Mar 29 to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer 2 days for Ocean sounds (Zaandam Mar 30 to Apr 13) 14d Solar Eclipse & Mexican Riviera 3 days for Sailingdutchy (Nieuw Statendam Mar 31 to April 7) B2B 7d E. Caribbean + (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure Scrapnana (Rotterdam to Mar 29) 12d E. Caribbean Wayfarer, Suslor (Zaandam to Mar 30) 14d Panama Canal, Lazey1 (Koningsdam to Mar 30) 7d Mexico, RedneckBob (Nieuw Statendam to March 31) 7d E. Caribbean, GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to Apr 6) B2B 7d Mexico + 7d Pacific Coastal, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), cruising sister (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Coast), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage), Gail & Marty sailing away (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage) and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage)
  20. Oh my, what a morning! I'm glad your tests were ok, and I do suspect you'll feel it more tomorrow. I think you deserve one day on the Care List at a minimum.
  21. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute the Red Cross for what they do in disaster areas. I don' scribble and I'm not a big fan of whiskey. Funny quote. I don't like regular Hollandaise, but maybe this is different. The drink looks good and pass on the wine. I have not been to Falmouth. 2 good days in history. Rain has finally stopped after all day rain yesterday. I don't know if hydroplaning was a cause, but there was a terrible accident between an 18-wheeler and 2 cars. People in the one car were ok, but 5 people in the other car were killed, including an infant. I'm very sleep again today, after about 3.5 hours of sleep. The contractor called this AM and the cleaning crew won't be here until next week. I'm still working on the dining room. I have 2 built in cabinets that flank the fireplace, and the glassware in them is dusty and needs to be cleaned (and maybe some gotten rid of). I've taken some ibuprofen for my poor overused left leg, so hopefully it will feel better. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the nice Falmouth photos. @Mr. Boston Nice of you to help out your replacement. @RedneckBob Enjoy snorkeling in Grand Turk! @grapau27 Nice photos from Weymouth. No worries on it being Portland as the port. @aliaschief Bruce, that was quite the spread! @Crazy For Cats Safe trip home. I've mainly traveled with BFF and we've never been separated. @Niagarawine Sorry to hear you need knee surgery. I was told I do too, but with upcoming back surgery, the knee is on the back burner. @RMLincoln It sounds like you have great memories from that heritage immersion. I'm sorry to hear that DSIL has had a decline. Hopefully she rallies with holding the radiation a while. @ger_77 Congrats on booking that TA. @Nickelpenny Obviously you must be a talented teacher. even though not trained as one. Great on the cruise savings. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  22. Today’s Care List: AncientWanerer’s DGD Coco with strep and scarlet fever Dfish’s River with a respiratory illness; also trauma from family situation Seasick Sailor’s DH Allen with abnormal lab results JazzyV with R leg pain, numbness 2 crew members killed due to steam line bursting on Nieuw Amsterdam Baltimore Key Bridge collapse, 6 people presumed dead, RIP Victims in Moscow concert shooting Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza; Haiti unrest All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues AncientWanderer’s DH with heart aneurysm Mr. Boston’s friend Lauren with aggressive cancer, in hospice care Celebrations and Shoutouts: Welcome Home Crazy For Cats (Jake & Juan)! Cat shepherd’s DSis released to home and doing well USN59-79 in Taipei Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for Smmessineo (Rotterdam Mar 29 to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer 2 days for POA1 & Huskerchick (Rotterdam Mar 29 to Apr 7) 9d S. Caribbean Wayfarer 3 days for Ocean sounds (Zaandam Mar 30 to Apr 13) 14d Solar Eclipse & Mexican Riviera 4 days for Sailingdutchy (Nieuw Statendam Mar 31 to April 7) B2B 7d E. Caribbean + (Nieuw Statendam Apr 7 to May 5) 28d Bermuda, Brittany & Canary Island Allure Scrapnana (Rotterdam to Mar 29) 12d E. Caribbean Wayfarer, Suslor (Zaandam to Mar 30) 14d Panama Canal, Lazey1 (Koningsdam to Mar 30) 7d Mexico, RedneckBob (Nieuw Statendam to March 31) 7d E. Caribbean, GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam to Apr 6) B2B 7d Mexico + 7d Pacific Coastal, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), cruising sister (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6, 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage), Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Coast), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage), Gail & Marty sailing away (Zuiderdam to May 11, 128d Grand World Voyage) and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9, 156d World Voyage)
  23. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute Diabetes Alert Day, having worked with people with diabetes for many years. Epilepsy awareness is important. I hope all live long and prosper (said in my best Spock voice). Great quote. I like the meal, maybe on the drink, and I can't afford the wine. I haven't been to Saipan. Dr. Salk was at the University of Pittsburgh from 1947-1954. I have older nurse acquaintances who worked with him as the vaccine started being given in clinical trials. It's cloudy and has been raining all day. I, like many of you, woke up to the news of the terrible Baltimore bridge collapse. It sounds like the one positive is that the crew of the container ship gave a mayday and traffic was halted immediately. It looks like power went out on the ship right before the crash. Reportedly they dropped anchor too. Prayers for those lost and their families, as well as the tireless work of the first responders. I had a restless night and got about 3.5 hours of sleep. I'm just back from PT. I couldn't do any standing exercises due to pain, but tried to do everything else. I hope I can hang in there until surgery. @RedneckBob Enjoy your cruise and thanks for the photos. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad made it safely to Clearwater and had a nice dinner with Morgan and her boyfriend. @marshhawk I hope the new pain med will help DH and that the Neurologist has some options for your arm pain. @cat shepard Very good news about your Sister's increased activity. @smitty34877 So sad to hear of another senseless death of a police officer. @kazu Wonderful photos of Maverick. I hope Ivan gets some relief after his shot today. @Seasick Sailor I hope Allen gets approved for the medication, and that his lab work improves. @AncientWanderer Prayers for DGD's scarlet fever and for your DH's issue with a heart aneurysm. @Haljo1935 My insurance also says my 7/day Gabapentin is over their quantity limit. So I use GoodRx and don't go through the insurance. I'm getting 630 capsules for 90 days and it's about $38 with GoodRx. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great Saipan and Tinian photos. @kochleffel I have a mental picture of you announcing "Hear ye, Hear ye"! @Vict0riann Good news that the fracture is minor, and i hope DD behaves. I hope Pat's appointment is uneventful. @rafinmd Beautiful sunrise. A symbol of hope. @LAFFNVEGAS Happy Anniversary! @0106 Thanks for the information. @ger_77 Wow, on all the beautiful blankets! @bennybear Great photos of the bluebird. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. In honor of Live Long and Prosper Day, a photo of me and Leonard Nimoy taken many years ago.
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