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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. My houseplants (all cacti) get walked out to the back steps for summer. The night blooming one has a flower that should open soon for it's one night life. Bagpipes are ok in parades and at funerals. I can barely navigate flat terrain, so a big no to stilts. I like the quote. Yes to the meal, no to the drink, and yes to the wine. An important day in history for communications. I visited St. Thomas on my first ever cruise, on Golden Princess, which was to celebrate my 50th birthday. It's cloudy here, but going to be in the 90's later. I had alerts on my phone this AM of lightning during the night, but I slept through anything that occurred. It doesn't look like it rained overynight. Yesterday was nice. BFF and I picked up his late DF's girlfriend and went to view the corrected plaque. Then we went to a late lunch at a restaurant the GF and DD DF went to all the time. One waitress came over and hugged her as she had waited on them often. Once we took her home, BFF gave her the painting, which she was awed by. @StLouisCruisers I hope Ren has a great experience in Dallas. Thanks for the St. Thomas photos. @mamaofami I'm glad Sam is home, and hope the next CT is stable or improved. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope the biopsy report on the spot will be favorable. @RedneckBob Beautiful beach. @Crazy For Cats Sorry about the confiscation of your purchase. @marshhawk I was sad to hear the results of Chuck's doctor's visit. I agree with maybe going to a major cancer center to get a consultation. Nice of you to plan something for Saturday and I hope it cheers DH a bit. @smitty34877 All the best for DH today. When I was discussing treatments for my uveitis with the Rheumatologist, infusions were talked about. I have terrible veins, and she felt if I went that route I'd need a port. So far, I'm trying other things. That memory made with your DM is very sweet. @Nickelpenny Good luck with the study. @GTVCRUISER Nice pictures. @Cruzin Terri Safe travels home. @ger_77 Welcome back! It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Wow, beautiful sunset photo. @Quartzsite Cruiser Sorry to hear about the grass wildfires nearby and loss of homes. Thanks for the photos. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. St. Thomas, VI View from Paradise Point Blackbeard's Castle on Government Hill Megan's Bay from Mountain Top "World Famous" Mountain Top Banana Daiquiri Shopping area near the dock Sunset
  2. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Mamaofami’s DH Sam in hospital with brain bleeds after falling out of bed Smitty34877’s DH getting a port placed today Summer slope with a health issue All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly 4 missing in Nova Scotia due to flooding 6 deaths in Bucks County flash flooding; 1 child not found Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues 1Angelcat’s friend B with medical issues Catmando with recurrence of eye infection, cancer recurrence Tana’s pulmonary issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: Welcome Home Cruzin Terri and Jim! Rafinmd arranging a unique QM2/Serenity cruise Heartgrove’s house painting completed Denise T’s new puppy Fancy Ger_77 at the lake visiting friends The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for StLouisCruisers (Zaandam July 29 to Aug 23) DH 75th BD and 54th anniversary 3 days for AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam July 30 to Aug 13) Crazy For Cats (Zaandam to July 29), Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  3. Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily. Most times it's not all or nothing. I don't have any aunts or uncles. And tofu's not for me. My brain can't process that long quote; I've just started drinking my coffee. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. Another important day in transportation. I haven't been to Pulau Langkawi Island. Today starts our heat wave, until Sunday. Normally I would stay in, but today the corrected plaque for BFF's DD DF will be put up in a park. I, BFF and his DF's girlfriend will be there. His Dad loved photography and took thousands of photos in the park. His last ever picture was of his GF walking a trail by the creek with fall foliage. We have a friend who is an excellent watercolorist, and BFF commissioned her to do a painting from that photo. It is wonderful, and he will present that as a surprise today to the GF (such a sweet gesture). I imagine we'll go to lunch after. I may stop at the big box store on my way home later. @grapau27 That pizza looks yummy. @Heartgrove I look forward to seeing pictures of the house, Jack. @rafinmd Prayers for a good report from the Cardiologist. @marshhawk I hope the drops and cream fix up DH's eyes quickly. Sorry your dinner wasn't good, but that the concert was good. Good luck to DH with his MRI this morning. @StLouisCruisers Continued hope for safe travels for DS, and Ren. Please give your twin my condolences on the loss of Madi. @Crazy For Cats A fine way to start the day! Good news that the crewperson is ok. @0106 Thank you for the recipes. @aliaschief Congrats on the weight loss; you're an inspiration. And how exciting to be planning for a WC. @Denise T Hopefully you're not affected by the flooding. And Fancy will keep you on your toes if she likes to run. @Seasick Sailor I hope your tests are negative and the coughing subsides. Every time I have a bit of a sore throat or sneezing, I worry and test; but it's just allergies, I think. @cruising sister Hoping for good news about Baby Murphy. @mamaofami Prayers that Sam is stable. @kazu Thinking of you. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  4. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO Ger_77’s friends’ bad news NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Mamaofami’s DH Sam in hospital with brain bleeds after falling out of bed Summer slope with a health issue All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly 4 missing in Nova Scotia due to flooding 6 deaths in Bucks County flash flooding; 1 child still missing Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s twin worried about a loved one and her Golden Madi Marshhawk with pinched nerve Catmando with recurrence of eye infection Tana’s pulmonary issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: Good report for Roy from the Pulmonologist Safe travels for Cruzin Teri and Jim Dobiemom with a good report from the eye surgeon Cunnorl freed from restrictions Denise T’s new puppy Fancy Ger_77 at the lake visiting friends The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 3 days for StLouisCruisers (Zaandam July 29 to Aug 23) DH 75th BD and 54th anniversary 4 days for AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam July 30 to Aug 13) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23) + 3 days in Copenhagen, Crazy For Cats (Zaandam to July 29), Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  5. Thank you for checking. I looked it up online. I had just ordered one very similar on Amazon. I'll also ask the therapist on Friday (hopefully I remember).
  6. @1ANGELCAT I saw on the news tonight that the injured PSP trooper was transferred here, and will get rehabilitation at Mercy Hospital.
  7. Sandi, that's a good idea about the light for open spaces. BFF likes to back into parking spaces all the time, but I avoid it as I have depth perception issues, and it's too hard! Great news, Roy! Thanks for the trick about threading a needle; I'll have to try it. Unfortunately you can't do that with a sewing machine. I can usually just thread it or use one of those doohickies others have posted. Lenda, good thoughts. I'd thought of a riser for the dryer. It's not a fancy one, just a Kenmore. I have seen directions to build a pedestal. It would be good if I knew a good handyman. I have one of those grabbers, but it's a cheap one that's hard to work. I'll look for a better one. I have multiples of that needle threader! Thanks for the great Singapore photos. That's an idea, although most of my step stools aren't sitting friendly. I have a couple of vintage regular wooden stools, one of which I sat on but only to relieve the back pain from standing. It's a combination of bending and standing. Even just standing to cook or wash dishes can bother me. Aww, Fancy seems to be enjoying being with you and the cats! @Crazy For Cats Sorry to hear that Jake. I hope the person will be ok.
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily @richwmn, and to all contributors. I appreciate Culinarians. I like to cook, but not for one; I do more if it's a holiday and BFF will be here. I've never had a chili dog. Sometimes at work I had to thread the needle. But taken literally, I can barely do it due to my eye issues. I have a counted cross stitch I'd really like to finish. Famous Twain quote. I like the meal, maybe on the drink and yes to the wine. A big salute to George Stephenson. I haven't been to Singapore. It's currently 80F and sunny here, only to get hotter as the week progresses. The weather people are emphasizing the effects on pets, particularly how hot the sidewalk and asphalt gets. I got my electric bill today. Wow! I have been using AC sparingly, so I think the rates went up a lot. I had an earlier PT today, so I'm just back from that, and a stop at Aldi. The therapist did an assessment today. In some areas I'm a bit stronger. She assessed my back too today. We're going to try to do some things to help my functionality (like bending to empty the dryer, which hurt so much I wanted to cry yesterday), instead of just concentrating on specific muscles. I'm also going to meet with another therapist for pelvic floor therapy, which had been recommended last November. @Crazy For Cats Great shot. Enjoy Halifax and I appreciate the photos. @ottahand7 The tomatoes look great; I didn't plant any this year with my being away for a while. @grapau27 Thanks for the explanations. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for mentioning Hire a Vet Day; very important. Big goings on in the family with the move to Texas for Ren and his DM. Your photos from Singapore are great! @marshhawk I hope your PT and Chuck's eye appointment went well. Enjoy the POPS concert tonight. @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice Singapore photos. @0106 Thanks for putting the quote in context. @Mtn2Sea Great photos of Singapore. @Cruising-along That is odd about the virtual visits. I did a lot of them during the height of the pandemic, on my iPad, and had no trouble (they were through MyChart). @RMLincoln I hope all the plans for the Remembrance go smoothly. @sailingdutchy Thanks for sharing your photos. @dfish That garden looks lovely. I'm avidly following along, as my cruise next year will visit many of the same ports. @cruising sister Hoping to hear more good news about Baby Murphy @luvteaching Thinking of you. @kazu I hope Ivan is doing better. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  9. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO Ger_77’s friends’ bad news NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Mamaofami’s DH Sam in hospital with brain bleeds after falling out of bed Summer slope with a health issue All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Ill pets – Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam. Cruising sister’s Molly 4 missing in Nova Scotia due to flooding 6 deaths in Bucks County flash flooding; 1 child still missing Canadian/US/Greek wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s twin worried about a loved one and her Golden Madi Marshhawk with pinched nerve Catmando with recurrence of eye infection Rafinmd working on getting stronger following pneumonia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Good report for Vict0riann’s Pat from the surgeon Dobiemom with a good report from the eye surgeon Cunnorl freed from restrictions Denise T’s new puppy Fancy Ger_77 at the lake visiting friends The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 4 days for StLouisCruisers (Zaandam July 29 to Aug 23) DH 75th BD and 54th anniversary 5 days for AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam July 30 to Aug 13) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23) + 3 days in Copenhagen, Crazy For Cats (Zaandam to July 29), Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily. Busy thread today! A salute to brave Amelia Earhart and Pioneers. I have no cousins. Strange quote. I'll pass on the meal as I don't like pesto. Yes to the drink (used to be my go to, with diet Coke) and wine. A historic day in Canadian history. I have been to Burnie, on my first HAL cruise from Auckland to Sydney. It's warm and sunny here today. Going into the 90's this week, with heat index over 100F. No big plans today except doing laundry. @rafinmd I hope all your medical appointments have good results. Sorry you had to cancel that cruise, but you want to feel fit enough to enjoy one when you do go. @grapau27 Thanks for the explanation of Pioneer Day. Happy Birthday to your cousin Yvonne! @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the Burnie photos. @mamaofami Oh no, I am so sad to hear this news about Sam! Praying for this complete recovery and hoping he doesn't need surgery. @puppycanducruise Nice picture of that heron. @smitty34877 Good for you for getting help with the cleaning. And I hope both patients are doing ok today. @cruising sister I am very glad to hear some encouraging news about Baby Murphy. Continued prayers for her. Sorry to hear about Molly and I hope the orthopedic vets can help her. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're feeling better and were able to take a nice canal boat tour in Copenhagen. @marshhawk Could DH be anemic? That could make him pale and tired. @ottahand7 That brisket looks great. I've never made one, as I don't have a smoker. I watched the Open too, and couldn't imagine playing in downpouring rain. @Crazy For Cats Thanks for sharing your visit to Saint John. @Seasick Sailor I hope Allen gets good reports today, but that's awful on the doctor cancelling (especially for a 3rd time!). I had that happen with one specialist, and changed to someone else in the practice. And I hope the bee swarm moves on. @Cruising-along Feel better soon. @ssawjo Hmmm, I haven't been through a drive-thru in years, but I'd pick Wendy's. No In-&-Out around here. @Vict0riann I hope Pat's appointment with the surgeon goes well today and you get plans for treatment set up. @durangoscots Sorry to hear you're feeling "low" today; take it easy and maybe pamper yourself. @1ANGELCAT Ha! It's hard to see stores with all this Christmas in July stuff, when it's 90 degrees outside. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating. Copied from my June 2021 post. The Mayor of Burnie greeting us as we came off the ship (Statendam) Scenery on the way to a wildlife tour Tasmanian Devil Kangaroo Penguin Statue in Penguin, Tasmania Shoreline in Penguin View of Burnie as we are about to depart Sendoff by pipers as we leave Burnie
  11. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO Ger_77’s friends’ bad news NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Summer slope with a health issue 4 missing in Nova Scotia due to flooding 6 deaths in Bucks County flash flooding; 1 child still missing All affected by wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Lady Hudson’s DH needing PT for leg strength Denise T working on lowering blood sugar elevations since having Covid Tana’s pulmonary issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: Vict0riann and Pat both feeling better Cunnorl freed from restrictions Denise T’s new puppy Fancy Ger_77 going to the lake to visit friends The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 5 days for StLouisCruisers (Zaandam July 29 to Aug 23) DH 75th BD and 54th anniversary 6 days for AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam July 30 to Aug 13) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23) + 3 days in Copenhagen, Crazy For Cats (Zaandam to July 29), Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I'll salute cowboys, and like good vanilla ice cream. Drowning prevention is very important; every year we hear of drownings, especially children falling into pools. My DM couldn't swim, so she made sure I had swimming lessons at the YMCA from a young age. Later at Y camp, I became a jr lifeguard. True quote. I'll pass on the tempeh wings, and the drink. Yes to the wine, although a little pricey for me. I'll take Roy's meal instead. Canada eventual unification was significant. I haven't been to Naha. It's sunny and up to the mid-80's today. I plan to be inside and not do much. Yesterday after doing lots of bending to pick up post-storm debris in the yard, then mowing, I was in a lot of pain. Mainly my back, but also the left knee. I took some Ibuprofen when I got to BFF's house. We went out for dinner to a Mexican restaurant (it was that or Chinese), and I had a good Carne Asada (with leftovers brought home) and a strawberry margarita. We hadn't seen each other in a while (although we text daily), so it was nice. A Bermuda high is supposed to bring 90+ temps this week. @summer slope Happy Birthday! 🎂 And thank you for all your contributions daily. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for the Okinawa photos. @mamaofami Happy Birthday to your son and daughter. @cruising sister Continued prayers for Baby Murphy. @Denise T It sounds like Fancy is settling in nicely; she's lucky you picked her! @sailingdutchy Great photos Tony. @Seasick Sailor I'm glad Oliver is getting into his routine. Cute picture! @Nickelpenny I'm the same with AC. I mainly use ceiling fans, but when the AC comes on, I get cold! @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. @ger_77 Wonderful about your DS saving that young boy from drowning. Safe travels tomorrow and enjoy your time with your friends at the lake. @Cruzin Terri Oh my, you've had quite a time of it. Yikes on the misdelivered bag, especially with all that important stuff in it. I'm so glad you got it back! I hope you feel better today. And that the thermostat issue is easily fixable; maybe your wifi was down and the thermostat lost the connection? @Cruising-along What a pain to have to make all those changes with tours, due to the itinerary changes. @Crazy For Cats Nice. Next year I'll get to Portland. Great photo with the lighthouse! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. Be well everyone.
  13. Today’s Care list: The passing of Ger_77’s friend on 7/16; friends’ bad news Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-op, lung infection, back on ECMO NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Summer slope with a health issue Ill Dailyite pets - Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam, Crazy For Cats’ Jasper RIP Tony Bennett 6 deaths in Bucks County flash flooding; 1 child still missing All affected by wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Catmando appointment regarding proton radiation therapy 1Angelcat’s friend B with medical issues StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Tana’s pulmonary issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday summer slope (Dixie)! Vict0riann and Pat both feeling better Mr. Boston at Squam Lake for the weekend with friends Denise T’s new puppy Fancy Kazu’s Ivan showing improvement The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 6 days for StLouisCruisers (Zaandam July 29 to Aug 23) DH 75th BD and 54th anniversary 7 days for AV8rix (Nieuw Amsterdam July 30 to Aug 13) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23) + 3 days in Copenhagen, Crazy For Cats (Zaandam to July 29), Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  14. Whew. I got the mowing done, but am soaking wet. I'm drinking PowerAde and eating an Outshine strawberry popsicle to cool me down. Then I need to shower and get ready to go to BFF's. Eva, it's good to hear that everything with the sale of your Father's house went smoothly, but I'm sure it was also emotional. Welcome home and back to reality. Good news, but please take it slow and easy. Woohoo! Have a great cruise! Good news that the headache is gone! And I'm glad to hear that Pat is doing well off antibiotics. Lorraine, I am so sorry to hear this news, after the recent positive news. Prayers for Baby Murphy will be doubled.
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I probably couldn't get out of a hammock if I got in. Not sure about having a leisure day and I'll try to avoid Spoonerisms. Good quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Ceuta. It's sunny here and going up to 82F, with lower humidity. I'm debating about mowing the lawn this morning; don't want to zap all my energy. Later, I'll be going out to eat with BFF as it's his birthday! We decided on no gifts, just taking each other to dinner on our birthdays. Bon Voyage @dfish and Sue, @Crazy For Cats and Juan, and @NextOne! @0106 Thanks for the recipes, although I have no saffron at the moment. @kazu Sorry about one batch of the jam not setting. Wonderful photos from Ceuta! Great picture of Jose being interviewed. It looks like a place I'd like to visit. @aliaschief I agree about the port in Amsterdam. I probably will never get there now, as my TA in May changed from there to Rotterdam. @ottahand7 Sorry about the bad night's sleep. Lovely iris photos. @StLouisCruisers An exciting time for DGD Ashley and her wedding party as they go wedding dress shopping. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Tetouan/Ceuta pictures. @smitty34877 Sorry to hear of Tana's oxygen concentrator issue, and thank goodness for emergency tanks. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.
  16. Today’s Care list: The passing of Ger_77’s friend on 7/16 Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, with complications NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Summer slope with a health issue Ill Dailyite pets - Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam, Crazy For Cats’ Jasper RIP Tony Bennett 6 deaths in Bucks County flash flooding; 1 child still missing All affected by wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Catmando appointment regarding proton radiation therapy RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Tana’s pulmonary issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Crazy For Cats! Bon Voyage dfish and Sue! Bon Voyage NextOne! Mr. Boston at Squam Lake for the weekend with friends Baby Murphy off ECMO, chest closed, some tubes removed Seasick Sailor’s new fur baby Oliver Kazu’s Ivan showing improvement The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 7 days for StLouisCruisers (Zaandam July 29 to Aug 23) DH 75th BD and 54th anniversary Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23) + 3 days in Copenhagen, Crazy For Cats (Zaandam to July 29), Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1), Dfish (Zaandam to Aug 23) and NextOne (Zuiderdam to Aug 25)
  17. Good afternoon. I'm back from PT. I didn't feel like going, as I was still tired from yesterday's yardwork and my stomach was a little upset. But I took a Tums and went. They don't seem to keep it that cool in there, and by the end of my exercises my hair was wet and I was sweaty. And the passive stretching they do with my legs is like doing a split, lol. @StLouisCruisers Did you ever figure out what the issue with posting was? Love the rain suits 😉! And thanks for the Skagway pictures. @sailingdutchy Great photos. @luvteaching I'm glad you're doing ok. Speaking of saving stuff, I've been helping BFF go through his late Father's house, and there are large collections of plastic bags, plastic lids from fast food drinks, empty Ensure bottles, etc. So lots of garbage bags and recycle bins being filled. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm happy to hear DH got an appointment with the neurosurgeon. @kazu I hope decreasing or stopping the pain meds helps Ivan, and that he won't be in pain. @marshhawk Not a good situation at PT. My place had more therapists than clients while I was there. @bennybear Nice photos. The big doings here this weekend, is Picklesburgh, which has pickle flavored everything (beer, iced tea, ice cream 😝), contests, etc.
  18. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. We can all be someone. Not sure what all is considered junk food. I know many here will salute national dog day; I've never had one, as during my working days I'd be gone so long from home that it wasn't fair to a dog. I like the quote. I would try vegan meatballs. The drink sounds interesting. Yes to the wine. I've been to Alaska, but haven't been to Skagway (Haines). I was on Ryndam, but we couldn't dock due to winds. I was disappointed to miss the Railway trip. We had major lightning and heavy rain last night. Now there are flood watches. My power only blinked off twice, just enough to necessitate me resetting time on the stove, microwave, etc. I have PT this afternoon, then will do a bit of grocery shopping. @Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday to Craig! @Norseh2o Bon Voyage! @Denise T @ottahand7 @marshhawk @GTVCRUISER @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice Skagway photos. @0106 Thanks for stepping in and posting the daily meal recipes. I like the first one. @dfish Safe travels and have a blast! @StLouisCruisers Sorry you're having issues with CC today. @kazu Sorry your day was stressful yesterday; hopefully better today. Love the memes> @Seasick Sailor I hope Oliver is ok. @ger_77 Sorry about the effects from the shingles shot. I'm glad you feel better today. I got an egg-sized tender lump at the site of the injection, which took about a week to go away. I looked at the handout the pharmacy had given me, and it said about 25% of people might get that. @Cruzin Terri Oh no on that train ride from Hades! I hope DH is ok. @cunnorl I hope you get the all clear to do things you'd like to do. @kochleffel I'm glad the conference was good. Having been to away conferences for work, I can say that the meeting rooms are always freezing and I take a sweater or jacket (I wonder if it's to keep people awake?). Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.
  19. Today’s Care list: The passing of Ger_77’s friend on 7/16 Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, with complications NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Catmando family issues Summer slope with a health issue Ill Dailyite pets - Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam, Crazy For Cats’ Jasper 5 deaths in Bucks County flash flooding; 2 children missing All affected by wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Tana’s pulmonary issues Vict0riann’s Pat with urinary and kidney infections Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Norseh2o! Happy Birthday to Sharon in AZ’s DH Craig! Debbie and Sue traveling to Boston for their cruise Baby Murphy off ECMO, chest closed, some tubes removed Aliaschief’s DD and DGC visiting Seasick Sailor’s new fur baby Oliver Kazu’s Ivan showing improvement The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Crazy For Cats (Zaandam July 22 to July 29) 1 day for Dfish (Zaandam July 22 to 29, July 29 to August 23) celebrating her Sister’s retirement and Dfish’s birthday 1 day for NextOne (Zuiderdam July 22 to August 25) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23), Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta to Aug 1)
  20. I'm now cooled down and hydrated. Now to think about what to eat for dinner. I think something easy, like grilled chicken on a salad. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos from Skjolden. Love the rapids and the waterfall. @Cruzin Terri I'm sorry to hear that the weather is again not great today and that you're ready to disembark. @durangoscots Scary how close that bear was to the house! Good thing the dumpster is bear proof. It sounds like you're doing a much better job than I on sorting and getting rid of stuff; I've been slacking, but I blame my trouble getting around at time. @Quartzsite Cruiser You got all the toys for outdoor cooking and I have none. I did have a grill, but I didn't use it much as it was a pain to get out of the garage. I look at smokers, but again with cooking for one I talk myself out of it. Wow on those wines - I doubt I'll ever taste them. Great photos from Sognefjord. And Skjolden. @RMLincoln That's a very nice present for DGD and her husband-to-be. @grapau27 You look very dapper in that photo. @smitty34877 I'm glad to hear that DH did well with the exertion of going to his appointment today. @marshhawk Well, that was a clever way to get a lollipop! I'm glad DH got home safely, with his luggage. Hopefully what plan the Oncologist comes up with DH will tolerate well. @cat shepard That was me!
  21. Good afternoon. I have to go back and catch up. I’m beat. I was out doing yard work from about 11 to 3:30. I was struggling to finish up the last of it. Picked up a ton of sticks, trimmed the evergreens on both sides ( neither mine) that don’t allow me to mow without ducking down, raked the sidewalk and grass strip as the sycamore is shedding its bark and finally edging all around. I thought maybe I could mow before the possible storm tonight, but I’m out of energy. Sadly I’m out of popsicles, which usually cool me down fast. So guzzling zero sugar Powerade. And now possible 60 mph winds, rain and tornado watch, so the yard could be a mess by tomorrow.
  22. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like floats better than ice cream sodas; but mainly plain ice cream. I do like a good hotdog occasionally. I haven't had a lollipop in a long time; my post office has a bowl of them for customers. The quote is true. I like the meal, pass on the drink. I'll have a glass of an Australian shiraz tonight. I haven't been to Sognefjord. Another warm day (high of 87F), and muggy, with possible strong storms tonight. I managed to get 8 hours of sleep last night, aided by the sedating effect of the Benadryl. But I still woke up with an itchy thigh and a small hive there. So I took a Claritin, so I won't be so zonked today. I may try to do some weeding today, and maybe try to mow the lawn (if not it will wait until Saturday). @aliaschief Those ribs look delicious. @smitty34877 I hope all goes well with the appointment today, including the going and returning home. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. I'm glad your drain is now working as it should. Safe travels tomorrow. @cruising sister Great news about baby Murphy! @ger_77 I'm surprised the Shingrix isn't covered, at least partly with a copay. Have fun with your friends at their cabin at the lake. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  23. Today’s Care list: The passing of Luvteaching’s friend on 7/12 The passing of Ger_77’s friend on 7/16 Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, with complications NextOne’s friend Denny with a large stroke, and his DW Bonnie Catmando family issues Summer slope with a health issue Ill Dailyite pets - Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam, Crazy For Cats’ Jasper 5 deaths in Bucks County flash flooding; 2 children missing Death of firefighters working Canadian fires All affected by wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: 1Angelcat’s friend B with medical issues Smitty34877’s DH Lou recovering from surgery Lady Hudson’s DH needing PT for leg strength Denise T with blood sugar elevations since having Covid Celebrations and Shoutouts: Baby Murphy off ECMO Aliaschief’s DD and DGC visiting Seasick Sailor’s new fur baby Oliver Kazu’s Ivan showing improvement The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 days for Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta July 21 to Aug 1) 2 days for Crazy For Cats (Zaandam July 22 to July 29) 2 days for Dfish (Zaandam July 22 to 29, July 29 to August 23) celebrating her Sister’s retirement and Dfish’s birthday 2 days for NextOne (Zuiderdam July 22 to August 25) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
  24. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. New friends are nice, and I've made many here on the Daily. I've never had raspberry cake and never have played Words with Friends. True quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. The launch of the SS Great Britain is to be saluted. I haven't been to Devils Island. It's cloudy here today, going up to 85F and humid. I slept fitfully last night for some reason. I thought about mowing the lawn, but I took Benadryl earlier in preparation for my shot, so I'll be drowsy soon. I'll see how I feel later, if its' not too hot. I also turned down a lunch with BFF and another friend, as I don't like to drive soon after taking the Benadryl, and don't want them to come here to pick me up. I'd hoped that after a year on these shots that the injection site reaction of hives would go away. I do take less antihistamines than I used to. If no mowing today, then tomorrow, or else the weekend, as we're to have storms tomorrow afternoon, with 50 mph winds. @Lady Hudson Happy Anniversary! @grapau27 Thanks for the explanations of today's days. @rafinmd I'm glad your appointments went well. @StLouisCruisers Excellent photos. @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice pictures. @kazu Your flowers are lovely. @aliaschief Oh no on the credit card issue; glad you caught it quickly. And enjoy the family coming today. The ribs sounds yummy! @0106 Thanks for stepping in while Debbie enjoys her cruise. @marshhawk I hope Chuck can get home earlier, since he has an appointment tomorrow morning. @Seasick Sailor It sounds like Oliver is a nice addition to the family. Cute photo of him! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List.
  25. Today’s Care list: The passing of Luvteaching’s friend on 7/12 The passing of Ger_77’s friend on 7/16 Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, with complications Catmando family issues 1Angelcat’s friend B with medical issues Summer slope with a health issue Ill Dailyite pets - Kazu’s Ivan, Heartgrove’s Sam, Crazy For Cats’ Jasper 5 deaths in Bucks County flash flooding; 2 children missing Death of firefighters working Canadian fires All affected by wildfires, storms/flooding, dangerous heat conditions Shooting victims again and again Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Smitty34877’s DH Lou recovering from surgery StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Tana’s pulmonary issues Vict0riann’s Pat with urinary and kidney infections Celebrations and Shoutouts: Baby Murphy off ECMO Aliaschief’s DGC arriving to visit today Seasick Sailor’s new fur baby Oliver Kazu’s Ivan showing improvement The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for Norseh2o (Oceania Regatta July 21 to Aug 1) 3 days for Crazy For Cats (Zaandam July 22 to July 29) 3 days for Dfish (Zaandam July 22 to 29, July 29 to August 23) celebrating her Sister’s retirement and Dfish’s birthday 3 days for NextOne (Zuiderdam July 22 to August 25) Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)
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