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Posts posted by Jeter02

  1. Just got a little concerned when I read on the Celebrity boards that some cruisers were bumped from their Celebrity cruise. My son and daughter-in-law are joining us on a Princess cruise later this year but we booked their cruise months after we booked our cruise so they have a Guarantee rather than cabin assigned.


    So my question is: Should I be concerned that they may get bumped? Thanks, Shirley



    Not at all. A guaranteed cabin is more like a category let's say. You're still a paying passenger, who's simply awaiting a cabin assignment.



    I've never heard of anyone ever being bumped. I have though called twice on two different occasions by Princess, asking if I'd be interested in changing my sailing date for the holiday season due to them overbooking. They've offered me free upgrades and even to sail free. I declined their offers telling them, thank you, but no thank you. I'm a school teacher who needs her well deserved sanity vacation, and I can't because I am working off a teacher's schedule.

  2. It's all in my signature line... :cool:




    I was so excited when I reached the elite status. Grant you it took several cruises after to give in to use the free laundry service, out fear something would get ruined. Must say, besides all the free bottles of water in the mini bar, the laundry is an awesome perk. Clean everything before disembarkation, and don;t have to worry about it when you get home. They do a fantastic job on their service.


    Now that I completed the goal of elite status pretty quickly (the joys of port everglades in my backyard), my next major goal is to be come the youngest most traveled passenger onboard. That's is what I am currently having fun trying to accomplish. :)

  3. Personally, I feel accomplished with a since of pride, knowing I earn my Elite status the old school way, of actually taking all the cruises. Doesn't seem fair, if you're a big spender, they accelerate your loyalty status. The only spending you will see me doing, is the spending of purchasing all my AWESOME cruises I get to go on. I also find it ridiculous they give you a full cruise credit for a 3 day cruise. So those who think they are out smarting the system by taking multiple cruises and or staying in suites giving them double the credits, whereas I am here taking 7 days or more and receiving the same amount of the 1-2 cruise credits in a cabin smaller than a suite. What to do.

  4. I've wonder the same thing for years. I always add to my end of the cruise survey, letting there be a request form of the mini bar items we would like via the cruise personalized. When I'm on multiple weeks, I dislike that every turnaround day I have to sit and wait on the phone for 20-30min to pick up so I can exchange all my items out for bottles of water, as I do the drink alcohol or soda. I don't mind doing calling, as I'm grateful for this perk, but pre cruise form would make it more hassle free.

  5. OzKiwiJJ


    You have no idea just how happy you have made me by putting the link you posted up on here.


    Majestic appears to be missing Napier in the North Island, Judging by current Princess itineraries sailing to New Zealand (all be it ) on smaller ships, Is the journey between Wellington and Tauranga likely to be a sea day? I`m basing this on a similiar itinerary I nearly did a couple of years ago on Dawn Princess.


    Itinerary would then be - Sydney, Sea Day, Sea Day, Fjordland National Park (Scenic Cruising), Dunedin, Akaroa, Wellington, Sea Day???, Tauranga, Auckland, Sea Day, Sea Day, Sydney.


    Does Majestic Princess have single traveller cabins in the same way P&O Britannia does? Do any of the Royal class of ship have single traveller inside cabins or single balcony cabins?


    Being British and a total tee-total - the lack of bars on the ship doesnt bother me at all !!


    Sorry, no solo's cabin. If traveling solo, you pay for double occupancy.

  6. I always manage to just move around them and onto the ship. A simple shake of the head everywhere else works also.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


    Oh I do walk past and politely tell them no before embarking on the ship. However, there is a line you have to stand in regardless. You can't really surpass the line. I don't like to be rude and skip 20+ people, as sometimes people think you are cutting them, even though I don't want a the picture I've even tried going under the rope on the opposite site of the photographer, right by the gangway, but port security does not allow it. It's all okay. It is, what it is. I would just since, there are double lines on either side, that one line be for those who would like a picture, and the side for those who like like to skip the photo and just board.

  7. Agreed, if you want some for of notification, vibration only. The worst thing is, when you're on vacation, and someone nearby is talking loudly on a phone. Or in this case, you would hear phones beeping left and right. Cruise are suppose to be relaxing. I say disconnect from the world. Go the old fashion route, if you we want to meet up someone onboard family/friends, set discuss a place and time to meet up.

  8. Actually, besides the dinning room photographers, i really dislike when the photographers on embarkation day are at the terminal, right before the gangway to get onboard). At least at Port Everglades, there is NO WAY to avoid them and surpass them. They make you wait in that lin e regardless, before boarding, weather you like it or not. You are not required to take a photo, but you still have to wait in the line. After every Princess cruise, I always make a remark about this inconvenience on every Princess survey for years. I fully understand that lots of people like the photos, and this is a great way start documenting your vacation. However, for my self at least, living in Fort Lauderdale, I'm constantly cruising and always onbaord. I just wish there were 2 separate lines. One for those passengers who would like the embarkation photo taken, and a line for those who would like to politely surpass. I actually tried skipping around, and the photographers were not happy with me, and even argued with me, that I could not skip the line, just so I can board. Grant you, I only did that once, but I was shocked with the attitude of the photographer, as I politely and graciously explained, I have no interest in taking a a picture, and would just like to board. It just seems unnecessary to wait in a lengthy line.

  9. Personally I believe that the photographers should not be allowed to take pictures in any dinning room or SR. Its not the most appropriate nor is it the most flattering place be taking pictures. Its one of my biggest pet peeves, which is why I always tell them no thank you when they make their way over to me. I too, LOVE and ADORE Princess! Just wish that was one thing they would do away with IMHO.

  10. I wonder if this was apart of their original consideration, while building the Majestic. Considering the fact the Majestic was customized for the Chinese market. Without the bars, won't Princess lose a lot of revenue? Especially when its starts doing its sailings out of Australia. Are the cruise fares on the Majestic for the Asian or Australian sailings increasingly more expensive compared to other Princess ships, to make up for possible lost bar revenue?

  11. I wonder if this was apart of their original consideration, while building the Majestic. Considering the fact the Majestic was customized for the Chinese market. Without the bars, won't Princess lose a lot of revenue? Especially when its starts doing its sailings out of Australia. Are the cruise fares on the Majestic for the Asian or Australian sailings increasingly more expensive compared to other Princess ships, to make up for possible lost bar revenue?

  12. How does one communicate to another person that is in a different cabin? Meaning by name or cabin number?


    On our roll call we are hoping to communicate using this service but not sure how to contact others.




    After you create an account, view your account info. Each passenger is provided an account/passenger ID. You need to find out from your friends/family their ID # so you can add them to your contacts list. Just some informative information, your account/passenger idea on your princess@sea account actually remains the same after first use on a cruise. Your contacts remain in the system from cruise to cruise, so need to create a new account each time.


    Fair warning, when they first came out with this awesome tool, I thought I would be able to get pop up notifications on my phone each time I received messages from others, but that's not the case sadly. You have to check frequently on the princess@sea page to see if you received any messages. There is a red notification on the chat icon to inform you have a new message though.

  13. As a local who actually has been stuck in traffic on a Princess transfer in Seattle (back from Vancouver), take the Uber/Lyft.


    The advantage of having a Prius that can route around traffic issues cannot be overstated. It's way easier to improvise with two people in a compact car than a motor coach with 44 people.


    Thanks VibeGuy! Much Appreciated 😊

  14. I think you said you booked your air through Princess. If so, they will get you to the ship in time.


    Yes, booked with Princess Air! Thanks Christine. I actually just got off the phone with Princess, and they have put me at ease. They said the arrival flight time window is, your flights needs to arrive no later than 1pm. Figuring with a nonstop flight arriving 12:03 I'm safe.

  15. There will be reps there in baggage claim fairly late in the day.


    If you get there and decide to take the Princess transfer just let the rep know and they should be able to add you and charge your room account onboard.


    Uber is showing $36-$46 from SEA-Pier 91.

    I would rather be in a car then with the masses on a coach. But that's me. :)



    Thanks Keith!

  16. In E705 on Ruby (identical cabin category, almost identical location--just starboard rather than port) the heads of the beds were perpendicular to the side wall. If you separate them as twins the side of one will be flat alongside the back wall of the closet area.


    Others who have posted pics of Emerald Deck obstructed view cabins on Ruby (and her triplets Crown and Emerald) have all shown the same layout.


    Great, sounds like there will be decent space to move around then, as it the layout is the same as the balcony, minus the extra sq footage and the balcony. This puts me at ease. Thanks!

  17. How is the bed layout in the oceanview cabins onboard the Ruby. I'll be in cabin E702, and was curious to as if the bed is against the wall, or under the window. If anyone has any pictures, that would be great as well. Thanks!


    Trying to mentally prepare myself, as I've never been in anything smaller than a balcony.

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