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Everything posted by takemewithyou

  1. No. I can not see it on the web site at all. Not under Azamara Circle, not under Deals, etc. I would like to know where it is hidden.
  2. Safe travels home Kevin (and Nan). Glad you had a great time!
  3. We walked around trying to find a place that the volume might be less, like the pool bar or even up on deck 10 at the back. The loudspeakers seemed to be turned up everywhere. It wasn’t quieter even in those areas. And we weren’t the only ones who noticed it and they also left. I hope they mentioned it on their surveys, also.
  4. We never had an overly loud environment at White Night in last 6 cruises on Azamara and always loved White Night. That’s what made this so disappointing. We were all excited for it. I think it has to do with the sound levels used in and the band and entertainment staff. Glad you got to experience a wonderful White Night! it really is usually a fun night.
  5. Completed my post cruise survey and thoughts on White Night, for what it’s worth. The only significant negative for the Ireland Intensive cruise on Pursuit for us. Otherwise, we had a great cruise.
  6. That’s the thing! We were with new people last night at White Night and we were trying to converse. We were shouting over the sound checks and then the beginning music. We couldn’t hear each other speak! And it is embarrassing when you are with new people who we might have had a nice conversation with, but couldn’t over the loud music and then had to excuse ourselves early! My husband actually spoke to the Captain to no avail….I am sad to say. I think they ( the staff) felt this was this was their show as the singers and dancers are on their last contract and wanted to properly sent them off, but this show is actually for the paying passengers! That is my opinion only.
  7. Have never had this experience before and this is third cruise on Azamara since Covid. Believe me, we will rethink White Night plans after this.
  8. Well, here we go…..first negative from our Pursuit Ireland Intensive and I am sad to report this. We got all dressed in white to go to White Night. Food was pretty mediocre. But the worst was the decibel level right from the start. We have enjoyed the band almost every evening in the LR but tonight their music was different, Really loud party music while we were still trying to make conversation and eat. There was no easing into the party with slower music to get people started. It went right into loud party music and never stopped! We actually asked staff to get the music toned down during the beginning of the evening and it never happened so…we left! First time in many Azamara cruises we couldn’t take the loud music! Pretty disappointed. Oh well, we need a good nights sleep.
  9. From Pursuit Ireland Intensive: Today we are in Cobh and we took the train into Cork. Absolutely gorgeous weather! White Night tonight. Sea day and then back to Southampton and disembarkation….sadly. It has been a great cruise!
  10. Tonight we are attending a Rijsttafel Meal…..Indonesian Rice Table. I have always wanted to attend one of these on Azamara and have not seen them offered post Covid but happy to report they are back!
  11. Greetings from Azamara Pursuit Ireland Intensive! We have gone from Belfast to Derry, then Killibegs, and today we are in Galway! It was as fun as ever …..Love Galway! Today was a tender port. Captain says we will sail past the Cliffs of Moher this evening…an added treat to see the cliffs from the ship. We do have a lecturer on board….Steven Mayo-Smith, who has been giving informational lectures on the ports we are visiting. We will be attending his next one soon. We had two excellent shows from an Irish comic named George Casey, who was hilarious! His shows were packed.
  12. From Ireland Intensive cruise on Pursuit: Internet was spotty yesterday as we had rain on our second day in Belfast. Looks like possibly more rain coming as we are in Derry today. We had our Amazing evening in Belfast at St Anne’s. I thought the choir we were going to have perform was from the Cathedral, but apparently it was the Dublin Gospel Choir. The voices were beautiful and very professional. The concert was quite long and the chairs were hard wooden seats so the only negative point would be that it was quite long…..about an hour and 45 min. We were served Guiness or old fashioned whisky cocktails. I didn’t see any appetizers. Everything was managed very well.
  13. Yes, this is my 4th trip to Ireland over the many yrs. That’s why I was surprised we had no offers of help in Dublin. I have always found the people to be warm and friendly.
  14. What I noticed in Belfast was the kindness of the locals. One man near the City Hall saw us walking by and hopped up and offered his bench seat to me. Very sweet. I declined but appreciated the offer. At another spot, we stopped to look at our map and immediately a local man offered to help! We just needed to make sure we were going the right way. In Dublin we were very lost and up against a time limit and stood with our maps out for a long time trying to see where we needed to go, but no one offered help. So I appreciated the acts of kindness in Belfast ❤️
  15. Sadly, the microphone wasn’t the best and it made him sound muffled. What we could understand was informative. We have been to Belfast before so thankfully this wasn’t our first visit. We might have had to try another bus if that was the case for another go- round.
  16. From Pursuit Ireland Intensive, we have 588 guests. We had the complimentary pink double decker buses provided by the port of Belfast. To those of you from Belfast, we had wonderful people from town outside at the bottom of the gangway all day answering questions and the tourist info office right by the drop off at City Hall was great! Speaks very well of your city! Thank you to the city of Belfast for having us! It was incredible summer weather, too. We picked up a hop on off bus and then had lunch at the Crown. 😀 Tonight the Azamazing evening.
  17. It is being held at St Anne’s Cathedral. We are having drinks and small bites and then their choir is supposed to perform for us.
  18. I checked. We did not have any port info on our desk in Pursuit. I do remember that on Onward we had flyers in the big guest info book on each port last Dec and that was much appreciated. For Dublin, yesterday I checked downstairs at guest relations and the map of downtown Dublin was a very poor photocopy that was pretty useless. Today for Warrenpoint, a lesser known port, there was at least a page of info for points of interest and a decent map of the little town……more than I expected. But there has been no people onboard from local tourist boards like we used to have pre Covid. There was a person available when we disembarked the complimentary shuttle to Merrion Square in Dublin to-ask questions of…..which we didn’t expect and we appreciated.
  19. We had those on Onward in Dec. I will have to check our desk in Pursuit cabin for these. Didn’t see them on first glance but I will have a better look.
  20. From the Ireland intensive cruise……wanted to report that the second day in Dublin, before we left port, we had an Irish group brought onboard to perform traditional Irish songs and one gal did some Irish dance. I was so happy to see Azamara still keeping to their destination focus. The cabaret was packed the last two evenings for shows. Today we will visit Warrenpoint in Northern Ireland. Tomorrow Belfast and we will have our Azamazing evening.
  21. There is a complimentary shuttle today from port in Dublin to Merrill Square, departing every 30 min
  22. Hello from Onboard Azarama Pursuit for the Ireland Intensive cruise beginning TODAY. Boarding in Dublin went well, considering there is no cruise terminal. Check in was done in Cabaret, as well as small group muster drill. My OBC remaining balance was correct. My shore excursions had been purchased prior to website conversion. Tickets are in room. TA OBC is also correct. All is well onboard Pursuit. The weather in Dublin is incredible today! Our Cruise Critic Meet and Greet is listed in the daily program for 5 pm in the Living Room…..not the drawing room. Maybe there are other events in there this afternoon. There is a Perry Golf Group on board as well. My first cruise on Pursuit. I love the Living Room set up, as it is different from the other three ships. The chaise lounges in front of the glass windows (I am sitting on one right now) are very comfy!! Seafood extravaganza tonight in windows! happy, happy 😀
  23. Oh my gosh! So sorry to hear that, but I will file that info away in the memory bank for future plans! Embarkation went pretty well, considering there is no cruise terminal. We were some of the first onboard. Check in was in cabaret followed by small group muster, also in cabaret.
  24. Thanks for all the reports from Pursuit. We are here in Dublin and will board in a few hours! Very excited. First time on Pursuit
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