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Everything posted by dobiemom

  1. I hope Ivan feels better soon. We’re planning for Alaska in 2025, too. 😉 We’re just in the early stages, need to see if other family member want to join us. Good news: The dealer took off the liner and secured the front bumper with zip ties. No charge. 👏 Whew!
  2. Good morning Daily family. Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. And thank you all for caring and sharing. Prayers for everyone who needs them. Cheers for all the celebrations. I hope everyone’s day is starting better than mine. Remember last week my front bumper liner was hanging and DSiL tacked it back up? Well, as I was driving to work I heard this wind noise as if I was in a storm but we had no wind. I could tell it was the car because the sound changed as the road dipped or I changed speeds. I stopped to get gas and look under the car. Yup, it fell down again. So I’m at the car dealer and he’s seeing if it can be tacked into place or ??? Luckily, I have an understanding boss and he said I could telework today and take as much leave as necessary. I’ll be back later to report. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
  3. Prayers they are found soon. 🙏 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65953872
  4. DH is definitely fishing today. 😄 🎣 What a lovely thing to do. 🥰 I went to my dad’s gravesite yesterday for my mom (she lives out of state). Sometimes there’s not too much cleanup to do but this time was a lot. I almost couldn’t find where he was there’s was so much grass clippings and mud covering the headstone. But I got it cleaned up and the site decorated. Sent pics to my mom (and siblings). Whew! Yay! 👏👏 Love the T-shirt! 😃
  5. Happy Friday! I slept until my alarm went off, something I haven’t done in ages. Usually I’m up an hour or 2 before and can’t go back to sleep so I get up. My front bumper liner has been “hanging” but hasn’t been a problem until yesterday. I had pulled in to a parking space and as I backed out it got caught on the parking curb and almost pulled my bumper off! 😱 But I didn’t know that immediately. I had heard this crunching noise and I thought I had run over something, so I got out to look around the tires and didn’t see anything. Luckily I was only a couple blocks from home and drove home with no issues. When I got home that’s when I noticed that both sides of the bumper were pulled away from the car (I just pounded it back into place 😉) and when I looked under the car the liner was about 3 inches from the ground! Well, I couldn’t pound this back into place and I didn’t want to drive it like that for fear the bumper could be pulled off as I was driving. So I called my son-in-law. He put it back in place in no time. 👏 It’s a 17yo Honda but keeps going. I’ve had some work done but nothing major. 🤞 I know I’ll need to get a new car sometime but I hate the thought of a car payment. But I know it’s gonna happen. Thank you all for caring and sharing.
  6. Good morning! Since I’m awake for some reason, I guess I’ll take a shower and get the day started. Thanks for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Thank you all for caring and sharing. Stay safe and healthy everyone. Have a great day!
  7. 🇺🇸 Good morning. Hope everyone has a great day. Yesterday got away from me so I have to read yesterday’s fleet and daily report. I’ll be back. 😉
  8. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Man accused of jumping into Busch Gardens alligator enclosure arrested
  9. I saw on F—-B—- that there were 9 people were left in Skagway on Saturday. Anyone have more info?
  10. DIY air purifier: A colleague posted this on our virtual call today. Not sure how easy it is to make but maybe worth a try? “Make your own DIY Corsi-Rosenthal Box filter with a box fan, 4 MERV13 filters, and duct tape. Google it.”
  11. Thank you all for caring and sharing. Prayers for everyone who needs them, especially @cruzn single’s surgery today. 🙏🙏 Cheers for all the celebrations. 🎉👏
  12. Vanessa @JazzyV thank you for including me on the care list. You can move me to the rotation as it will take a while to figure out what’s going on with my vision.
  13. Thanks for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. I saw the eye surgeon this afternoon. He has stopped eyedrops and restrictions, except I cannot fly until the bubble goes away. So I can lean back in the recliner now, and not have to wear the eye shield at night. 🙂 He’s concerned that my vision has not improved and it might be permanently damaged. 🫤 I see him again in 7 weeks. Prayers 🙏 for the Care List and Cheers 🥂 for the Celebration List. Thank you all for caring and sharing. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
  14. @Vict0riann just saw this article about sharing AirTags.
  15. Graham @grapau27 hope you and Pauline are doing OK. You usually post first thing in the morning here.
  16. If cancelling, is your spouse Guest 1 or Guest 2 on the booking? If Guest 1 cancels, the entire booking is cancelled. HAL told us this for our Sept ‘21 cruise. (Luckily, everyone was able to go.)
  17. I’m sorry it’s costing you more money but I would have done the same thing and book immediately. Like @Nickelpenny says you will get to you cruise and you will have a good time. 😘
  18. You can also turn off notifications. But I can’t remember how I did it. 😝
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