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Everything posted by dobiemom

  1. December cruise. Specialty dining FINALLY available to book today (I check every day). 7.5 months. Shorex not available.
  2. Halfacts has pics of 6164 on the Westerdam, same class of ship so should be the same? (No bathtub, only roll in shower.)
  3. Thank you for the locations of the Holland America Line fleet, and all the daily information. There’s a couple of clean comedians I like: Henry Cho and Tim Hawkins. I’ve seen both in person a few times. I think I jinxed myself when I mention my good sleep the other day. 🫤 Thanks to all for caring and sharing. Hugs and prayers 🙏 for everyone who need them. Cheers 🎉👏 for all the celebrations.
  4. Seafood Boil: Do 3-4-5 Star Mainers get their 25-50% discount?
  5. Good morning, and it is a good morning: I slept for 6+ hours last night, albeit in the living room but I’ll take it. 🙂 Thank you all for caring and sharing. Prayers 🙏 for everyone who needs them! and extra hugs and prayers for @bennybear and @kazu. Cheers 🎉 for all the celebrations. (@marshhawk could you please email me? Born2tvl at yahoo dot com)
  6. Jacqui, I’ve canceled this Eurodam cruise and booked the Nieuw Statendam the next day (10-Dec-23 - 7 day Eastern Caribbean)
  7. It’s actually not that bad. I can’t really do anything anyways. My nose must be pointed to the ground or if my head is lifted I can only look at the horizon or below, not up. No driving (vision is still blurry), no lifting more than 10#, showers from neck down only* (don’t want to chance eye getting infected). So I’m just reading or watching movies on my tablet, watching a little TV (it’s hard using the “comfort view” mirror). In addition to using the bed and chair equipment, I also sit on the (more comfortable) sofa with pillows behind my back (so I remember to lean forward not back) and sometimes converting the face support unit to use on the TV tray to give me an additional place to sit. So basically I’m in one of those 3 places all day. 🫤 But ya do what ya gotta do. The eye shield has soft plastic all around so I covered the edges with paper tape. Then I placed the eye shield on and held it in place with a headband like a pirate. It works! No more face irritation. Great idea, @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda! *Since I can’t have my head back/look up, on Tues I’m going to my hairdresser so she can wash my hair. I’ll lean forward over the sink with a towel over my eyes, or maybe crouch on a stool. We don’t have a bathtub at home (well, we do in the travel trailer) so this will be easier.
  8. Good very early morning! I’m still getting the sleep thing figured out, but it looks like sleeping 2-3 hours at a stretch a few times a day is the best I can do. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Thank you all for caring and sharing. Stay safe and healthy everyone. 🙂
  9. You’re not butting in. They know about the adhesive sensitivity. They gave me a red wristband before surgery with “allergic to adhesive” on it. But yes, I’ll give the office a call on Monday. I can try holding the eye shield in place with a headband, thank you for the idea. 😉
  10. Good morning! Thank you all for caring and sharing. Prayers 🙏 for everyone who needs them. Cheers 👏🎉 for all the celebrations. @aliaschief, was the PV excursion private or ship? What’s the name of the excursion? TIA. I’m supposed to wear a hard eye shield at night, but I was wearing it all the time because my vision is still fragmented/blurry. I think the surgeon wants me to wear it at night to prevent unintentional rubbing. But since my face is in the contraption I think I’ll be OK. But I’m sensitive to adhesive and even with paper tape my face was starting to get a bit raw. So yesterday I took off the eye shield and put A&D ointment on. I’ll just have to deal with the vision part. My face felt better by evening and I put on the shield again. Well, this morning when I took off the shield I was almost afraid I was going to peel my skin off! 😱 No more shield! Otherwise I’m doing good, sleeping/taking naps when I get tired. Thanks for the continued well wishes. 😘 Have a great day everyone!
  11. Looks great 👍 thank you for doing this. Great idea, I need to do that. 😉 That’s very nice. 🎶🪕
  12. Good morning and thanks for the all the daily info and HAL fleet report. Bon Voyage 🚢 @JazzyV Vanessa! Figuring out how to sleep comfortably has been a slow process. I’m a side sleeper, not a back or tummy sleeper. Well with the gas bubble in my eye I need to sleep on my tummy. 🫤 The equipment comes with a crescent cushion for the face or 3 smaller pieces to use if you are wearing glasses (or have a hard eye shield). To me, the cushions are uncomfortable (as is the cushion the chair for my butt - it isn’t made to sit on for long periods of time). So I exchanged the face cushions for an airplane neck pillow. Viola! My face is comfy both in bed and with the chair. Next is to figure out how many pillows to place under my feet while in bed so my back doesn’t hurt. I tried one small pillow during my afternoon nap. Don’t know if I need a regular pillow (my feet might have slipped off). Tried two (old, flat) regular pillows. and it seemed to work. (Extra pillows are in the travel trailer and DH has it covered to protect it from the rain so it’s a pain to access.) I was “comfy” and slept 3.5 hours. I think that’s gonna be a good as it gets. 🤞🙏 For the chair, I was using an old (flat) pillow folded in half (couldn’t find my chair cushion) to use as a bit of extra padding. I just needed to raise the face support cradle since I was now sitting higher. DH found my chair cushion which is good since I used the pillow on the bed. Made some adjustments and I think I’m good. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Thank you all for caring and sharing. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
  13. I’m back from my post-op appt. Everything looks great, no weeping, oozing. I was surprised that my eye was still dilated. My vision is a bit “fragmented” (my best description) and I think I can see the gas bubble. My next appt is May 1st. Yup. Ended up (kinda) sleeping in the chair. I tried taking a nap in bed yesterday but there was too much pressure on my cheeks. I thought it was my big/heavy head. Tried again at bedtime after making some adjustments but I think the bed unit doesn’t work well since we have a waterbed. Only lasted 2.5 hours. Sleeping in the chair has its drawbacks also. My butt is too heavy. 😁 I’ll make more adjustments to both and see what happens. My GF and I had made 2 reservations for Vegas so even though the May trip is cancelled, we are still going in July. Elevation restriction should be over by then. Thank you again for your prayers and well wishes.
  14. Thanks for the locations of the Holland America Line fleet, and all the daily information. Prayers 🙏 for the Care List and Cheers 🎉 for the Celebration List. And thank you all for caring and sharing. I have a post-op appointment this morning. I’ll be back later with an update.
  15. Thanks for the inclusion on the Care List. From checkin to recovery it only took a bit more than 2 hours. Because I have a gas bubble in my eye, I need to keep my chin to my chest. If need be I can lift my head just a bit and look at the horizon but not up. Also cannot go higher in elevation than 2000 feet (so my Vegas trip is cancelled) and of course no flying. Home now. I set up the chair and the face support unit for the bed last night. Got the chair adjusted but might not need it during the day. Not sure about the bed. I may end up sleeping in the chair. Thanks again for all your prayers and well wishes. I’ll keep you posted.
  16. Happy anniversary HAL! Good morning. Sorry I haven’t been here for a few months (or even Cruise Critic) since my cruise in Feb (great time). After the cruise I was home for 3 days then went on our annual camping trip to see (4 nights of) fireworks. Work (and life!) got crazy busy and I haven’t had time to even read the Daily/Fleet Report. Well, I’ll now have some time. I’m having eye surgery tomorrow and will need to keep my head face down (maybe at a certain angle?) for a week or 2 to keep the gas bubble in the correct place. I’ve rented some equipment (to help with this. Hopefully this will get me back in the habit to at least read the best thread on CC with the best folks around.
  17. Is dry dock still scheduled? Cruises are still listed on the website.
  18. Sorry, meant to post yesterday but forgot. Alarm was set for 3am, but too excited to sleep so I got up at 2am. Drive to airport was good (no traffic). Flight was a bit bumpy a few times but uneventful. Watched 2 movies (Ticket to Paradise, Shotgun Wedding) that were good. Got a Lyft to the hotel, checked in, got to the room, called DS to see where she was at. 7 min out! So I went downstairs to meet them. Got all their stuff to the room (we brought the WC @Cruzin Terri), relaxed a bit, then a simple dinner at the hotel. We were all tired so we’re in bed by 7:30pm. We’re all up now and getting ready. We have matching shirts for embarkation. 😉 Will have breakfast at the hotel then load up their truck to the cruise port. Thanks for the locations of the Holland America Line fleet, and all the daily information.Prayers for everyone who needs them. Cheers for all the celebrations.
  19. Finally got a chance to sit down and take a break. Everything on my list is packed, plus some. 😆 Had to play Tetris to make it all fit and will end up checking 2 bags. Oh well, I’d rather pay the fee than wish I had brought something I “needed.” Ran several errands, made spaghetti (so DH has a few meals), and going to bed early so I can be up at 3am. 😴 Thank you all for caring and sharing. 🥰 Prayers 🙏 for everyone who needs them. Cheers 🥳 for all the celebrations.
  20. Good morning Daily family. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the locations of the Holland America Line fleet and all the daily information, and for keeping up our Care and Celebration lists. 😘 Well, I didn’t get as much done yesterday as planned. For some reason after my eye appt I was really tired so I took a nap. My eyes were dilated and cleared up just in time for my weekly babysitting time (I’m not going to say “duty” because any time with grandkids is a blessing 🥰). Afterwards the suitcases came out and I do have a packing list. Just need to get it in all in. 😜 Today is my last day of work. We’re babysitting tonight so DD and her DH can go to bible study. Then tomorrow is running last minute errands (have to be sure my DH has food in the house) and finish packing. I need to be finished early as I need to be up at 3am. Prayers for those the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Thank you all for caring and sharing.
  21. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. I’ll be working a couple hours the morning, then I have an annual eye appt. Since my eyes will probably be dilated I took the rest of the day off. I have to start packing for my cruise. I fly to Miami on Saturday. I figure I need to be on the road by 4am. DH is driving the 1.5 hours to the airport then going home. Probably just in time to meet his biking group. Or maybe going back to bed. 😜 Thanks for the locations of the Holland America Line fleet, and all the daily information. It’s so wonderful that the Daily family cover each other so we have this thread that so many look forward to each day. 🥰 Thank you all for caring and sharing. Prayers 🙏 for everyone who needs them. Cheers 🎉 for all the celebrations.
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