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Everything posted by mahdnc

  1. Yes, you can bring cans of soda on board. My wife is very partial to diet Mountain Dew which you cannot get on the ship and so she used me as her soda mule when we embarked.
  2. We like to stay connected on our phones while on board. However we prefer a paper copy for the daily newsletter. I guess hard copy restaurant menus will be the next to go. There is a productivity incentive to get rid of them.
  3. People in hotels don't do roll calls either.
  4. If you are willing to buy a private tour of the Blue Mountains, it should give you the flexibility in defining the start/end time and the pickup location. Have you asked any of the private tour companies whether they would be willing to pick you up at the pier or are you simply going by what they say on their website? Eclipse will most certainly be docking at Circular Quay because of its size. Fortunately the pier area is very compact. In fact if you are "stuck" having to specify a hotel for a private tour pick up and drop off, there are 2 hotels that are very very close to the pier. The first one was previously mentioned--Rydges Sydney Harbour (formerly a Holiday Inn). The approximate location of the hotel is marked with an "A" in the bottom photo (click on the photo if you want to make it bigger). The second one is Park Hyatt Sydney (a very nice place for afternoon tea). The Park Hyatt is marked with a "B" in the same photo. Both hotels are extremely close to the pier and may be a more preferable pick up location than at the pier itself. Solstice docked at the Overseas Passenger Terminal (Circular Quay) on Dec 23 2019. A = Rydges Sydney Harbour Hotel. B = Park Hyatt Sydney.
  5. It's good to know that you and your loved ones made it through ok and that your house mostly survived. Hopefully you will get things secured in time to enjoy next week's cruise worry-free.
  6. We had something similar happen where my wife mistakenly did not bring enough Imitrex on our South American cruise. She discovered this problem while we were in Chile a couple of days before the cruise. She ended up having to go to the Emergency Room to have a prescription written for her to present to the local pharmacy (link to story)
  7. @Ex-Airbalancer also forgot to mention other TA hardship issues such as scurvy and sea monsters.
  8. It varies as to when the 5 person minimum for an FV is removed. For example, I booked my wife and I in an Oct Constellation FV this past April.
  9. It's hard to say--and perhaps that is your answer. We have had FVs up at the bow and FVs at the stern. I didn't notice any difference in motion, but they were all on different cruises, ships, itineraries, etc.
  10. It is a shame that you were so disappointed. Our last cruise was aboard Solstice (Jan 2020) and we enjoyed it very much.
  11. I have our 26 yr old son booked for a family cruise in Thanksgiving 2023 (Galapagos) and Christmas 2023 (Singapore to Hong Kong). My son and I usually play blackjack for about 4-6 hours total on each 12-15 night cruise at the low limit tables. Here he is getting abused by the dealer on Solstice in Jan 2018 (Great Barrier Reef) who just dealt him a deuce on his eleven that he doubled down on. Ouch. Luckily she busted. You can see how small his bank roll is. Somewhere in that pile of chips of his ($100 total?) is a free cruise, apparently.
  12. Here are the complimentary sailings being offered. Also, I need to correct myself--there is only Edge cruise in the list and it is only a 4 nighter
  13. After ignoring his first free cruise offer from late July, my son got a second free cruise offer emailed to him today. This time it includes Edge sailings. The email acknowledges his Pearl status with 40 points...... Go figure
  14. I agree. Every extended cruise for us has had 3 even though the website says 2. Jan 2019 Reflection
  15. 300 kids. That's the number we had on our Solstice Christmas 2019 & NYE sailing which was a 12 night round trip from Sydney visiting New Zealand. Similar to your Edge itinerary. Our cruise was the last holiday New Zealand sailing by Celebrity so you won't find any more recent data for that itinerary for now. According to the Fun Factory counselor there were 150 3-12 yr old children and 150 13-17 yr old kids. These were pre-pandemic statistics, of course. It didn't feel like we had very many kids on board during the cruise.
  16. No. All the work is up front during the registration process.
  17. They know you reached Elite Plus and are living the high life. Delivering your points are a lower priority than those like us that are truly in need.
  18. Obviously you are very happy and proud parents. The photos are as beautiful as they are remarkable. If I were Chris, I would have also given Theresa a nice pair of stylish gloves with a hole properly positioned on the ring finger for that beautiful diamond to protrude.
  19. We will be on Constellation next month and I will check it out. But I still.....may not find.....what you're looking for.....
  20. Ours may have been credited last night, too. I didn't check my account last night as I went to bed early. I am not one of those crazy people who checks their account every hour when logging in every other hour is clearly more rational.
  21. I also received my solitary point this morning.
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