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Posts posted by jemrtt

  1. Nightlight for the bathroom, so you don't have to turn the light on at night. A couple of strong magnets for hanginging things to the wall. Highlighter, post it notes, Lysol wipes, Lysol mini spray.

    I totally agree with previous posters about their lists.

    Oh and don't forget to pack a great attitude, so that no one, or nothing small, ruins your cruise.

    Happy sailing!

  2. Ouch! Sorry for the issue.

    I wouldn't send anything that I really love to be laundered by anyone...not even on land. But I do appreciate the heads up.


    If the stains seem to be oil, perhaps you can try putting baby powder on the stains 1st. Allow it to stay on over night. Then wash them yourself, adding a little baking soda to your load. It works for me when I get something oily on my clothes.

  3. If you are interested in Anytime Dining you can have dining for 2 every night. No need to request it pre-cruise. only thing is, more if you want a more private table for 2, you could request that each time you go to the dining room. That's what we did on the Glory this past august.


    I cannot speak of the set dining times. Back when all Carnival had was set dining times, we took whatever table seating arrangement they gave.

  4. She pulls in closer to the 7 am hour. Of the 4 ncl cruises out of NYC that I have done, each time the itinerary says 10 am arrival in ny but we docked by or before 7am.


    My guess as to why to put that time is that last call for disembarkation is around 9:45 - 10 am. But I don't know if that's really the case.


    The latest I have left the Gem was 9:20 and all the luggage tags were not called yet.

  5. As others have stated, I also only buy the future credit due to the $150 price tag. But I don't always buy one. However if they switch the offer from $100 OBC to lifestyle credit only, I will never buy one.


    I really tried to find something to buy...it really seemed more like a waste of money to me. Others may not agree, and that's ok.


    But the travel club thing...I didn't know that. They didn't make it sound that way while on board. But I guess a pitch is a pitch, no matter the source or how it sounds.

  6. my apologies.


    You all know the usual offer when you buy future cruise rewards: $100 OBC to spend while on board. :)


    Well, in addition to that, NCL offered $100 Lifestyle credit. The premise is: You go to the website (that will be emailed to you a few weeks after your cruise) and you can purchase what they offer at a $100 discount.


    If you see a case of wine for $299, you will only pay $199.

    You may choose a designer purse, or anything else they offer. You just get $100 off the purchase price.


    I completely forgot about it until I received the email. I did get a pamphlet about it with my cruise rewards receipt, but I have no idea where it is right now.

  7. On the Nov 25th Gem sailing, the cruise rewards agent told me that this is a new program offer when you buy a cruise reward. He said that I would get an email in a couple of weeks that would give me more info. I got the email yesterday.

    Now I'm trying to see what I want to buy (or if its even worth it)...Has anyone used their credit to make a purchase?

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