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Posts posted by jemrtt

  1. There are over 40 cabins still available on the Nov 25th Gem sailing...I'm surprised!

    Last year we booked the same 9-day sailing 3 days prior & we barely got on the ship. We got the last inside cabin on the ship. ($449)

    To add to that the prices were high for the balcony ($1199) Last year, yet there were not many of those left.



  2. Yes you will get you own table. [esp if you specify that.]


    In august, I was nervous about anytime dining on CCL. It worked out just fine. And a few nights we were able to enjoy the dancing waiters. :)

    Have a great time.

  3. DH did that when he surprised me for our 1st wedding anniversary cruise. He was already in the city and checked in before I got there so he could set up the cabin. In fact I had no idea I was even going on a cruise until the little clue game he invented gave me the code to open the lock on my suitcase!! I thought we were going to spend the weekend in manhattan. But low and behold...I was boarding the Victory on a 4 day cruise!!!


    Good grief!! All that to say - yes you can. :o

  4. There's no real need to let anyone know your plans. This past august, we grabbed a quick bite with our luggage in the stateroom, then went to get our luggage before the call. We took the stairs (one suitcase pp) and then got on line.


    The wait can seem long while you are on the line. But in reality it often takes us 20 or less (CCL as well as NCL) to get onto the street!

    For us, self assist works. But I notice it can seem cumbersome for those cruisers who pack heavy. Whatever you chose to do...have a great cruise!

  5. Nice post!

    funny thing is I went back to the reviews earlier today to see what I wrote about my 1st ncl sun cruise. I loved my review. It was reflective of my current attitude. Im a glass half full kinda girl.

    I will, however, mention things that I find to be an unavoidable hassle. that way readers can be aware of it.

    I do this to with product reviews on different websites.

  6. Do you know if Tomato Bisque is still being served on the Gem?


    DH and I had this soup for the 1st time in 2007 on the Sun and we fell in love! I coined it "Pizza Soup". Last time on the Gem we found it in Blue Lagoon, but it was not served in the MDR.


    Three edible treats im looking forward to in 12 days


    1. chocolate chip cookies (only 1 per day...cant gain back all 36 lbs lost):rolleyes:

    2. pretzel rolls (rules above apply)

    3. PIZZA SOUP!!!:D:D:D

  7. its so funny to see that im not alone in my cookie madness.

    DH is the cookie scout. But when he finally finds 'em...the chocolate chip is always gone!!!!

    Just then, (it never fails) there is a family walking by with what looks like the ENTIRE platter of chocolate chip cookies saying..."Sure glad we found them now! Never know if we'll find 'em for the rest of the cruise...Honey? < cookie crumbs falling out the mouth > You have the ziplocks I packed???"


  8. We are booked on the breakaway for December 8...our prices dropped about 2 weeks ago. We were booked in an inside and upgraded to a family balcony for $100. It was after final payment.


    sent from my Samsung galaxy s3



    So was this $100 per person or $100 total? Did you call them or did they call you? I'm curious because I'm thinking of upgrading to a balcony...plenty left on our sailing.

  9. A waistcoat is what you call a vest and a vest is what we call a male or female torso covering undergarment. We also call pants trousers as pants are what you wear under your trousers.


    So to clarify in the UK a vest and pants are a set of undergarments which one would wear trousers, shirt and waistcoat over.


    Haha! I spent time with some friends from the UK. I just love the differences!!! "knickers" is my new favorite word! Lol


    Also: biscuits / scones / cookies!!! What a hoot it was when my friend said "these are salty scones" but we called them biscuits! Lol

    Got to love it!

  10. Kcwingwalker, I'm really sorry to hear that. :( I hope you are coping well.


    As for our story:


    We were given (2) $100 OBCs via our TA. We did not know that a portion of it was non refundable and that it could not be used toward the gratuities. (Inexperienced)


    The night before disembarkation (midnight), we talked it over with the reception agent and we learned that we owed $68 to settle account although the $100 OBC was still present. Long story short, we paid our balance and then two kind NCL workers helped us buy liquor from the (already closed) shop. The receipt had to be manually written and the amount had to come close to, but not over what we had remaining of the OBC. I think we lost out on $3.

    They didn't have to do it. We could have just lost the entire OBC. But they cared and they helped.

    Thank you NCL!!!


  11. If we have flown to catch the ship, we eat in the buffet or MDR since we got there early.

    But if we catch the ship in our home port, we get on board about 1hr prior to sailing so we don't have time to do much accept thank God we made it.


    I must admit we do the Lysol and Clorox wipe thing too! Everything from sheets to whatever the hands can touch gets a through spray or wipe. It smells like vanilla in there when I done. (I bring the vanilla secented Lysol)


    The other thing I do is request an iron so I can get the chore of ironing the wrinkly stuff out of the way. (Boo! Hiss!)

  12. Yes, I was having trouble last night. I called & was told the system was going thru some maintenance. But then this afternoon I had some more trouble logging on. :eek: Finally, I saw that our reservation was on there. I was able to log on & complete the online check in. Now I can stop stressing out. Whew!:)

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