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Everything posted by Essiesmom

  1. Yes. Only MDR difference between Bella/Fantastica and Aurea is time and location. EM
  2. I’m in. I just booked my first Vista class, September 29 on Vista. Need to check out the ship. OV cabin for me. Looking at Venezia in Jan. EM
  3. Seashore is currently sailing from Port Canaveral. I was on her in December and will be again in June. She is a beautiful ship. Yes, the MDR food might not be up to Celebrity expectations, but I was on Summit in June 2023 and was very disappointed in the food, both MDR and evening buffet. For my money, I’ll sail MSC. EM
  4. What experience did you book? Bella and Fantastica have fixed assigned dining, usually at large tables. Bella has no choice in time. Fantastica can request early or late but it is not guaranteed. Aurea has any time dining. You will not find out your dining time until you check in on the ship. It is on your cruise card. There will be a place listed in the welcome sheet where you can go and request a time or seating change if you need to. Some of the ships have two early seatings (5:15, 7:30) and a late seating, around 9pm. EM
  5. Go to the ports of call boards here, and also Google your ports. EM
  6. It was in the app. Once your docs were ready, it was in the app. This is what you see in the app. The second and third pics are the upper and lower half of the pass, split so I could eliminate my name.
  7. I think you need to relook your math. Arriving on the 12th at 0800 and departing the next day at 0200 = 18 hours. The (+1 0200) means she stays past midnight. The rest of the 13th is your sea day to Kirkwall. EM
  8. Thee are several significant differences there. Viking does occasionally visit Glacier Bay, but usually not. Seems to have Hubbard Glacier on every run. Viking will leave from Seward, while CB will leave from Whittier. But the biggest difference is Viking is 10 days, Princess 7 days. EM
  9. I had a digital boarding pass for my Seashore cruise in Dec., but I also had a paper copy and it was quicker to pull it out to show than fumble with my phone. EM
  10. They are t included but you can get them, on Seaside it was $10. I’ve read here that the. DR is open every day for lunch in Europe. But cruise lines from the US don’t serve in the MDR on port days, and I guess MSC has caught on that it can be a cost saving. EM
  11. On Seaside they were charging for the extra, people next to me had an extra entree they ate maybe one bite of. Not sure if you order more than one extra. On Seashore. One at the table ordered extra. EM
  12. Sailing from the US you can have as many starters and dessert as you can eat, but just one entree/main without the extra charge. EM
  13. Yes. U h of Alaska is sparsely populated , no connecting roads, so no cell towers. And some of the time you would be far enough from land that you are too far for a signal. Thus you would be on the ship cell tower, paying big bucks. EM
  14. Yes, you need to do it for her, too. EM
  15. If you go to the thread here Look Who’s in the Canal Today, and scroll back to post 155 you will see the bridgecam of NCL Gem, who was doing a partial transit. You can see how early she was approaching the canal. You have to subtract five hours from the time stamp on her cam as she was on GMT. When she is moving into the middle lock, with the red cargo ship facing her, you can see the black lighthouse. They have since moved that cam a bit. But her bridgecam shows good pics of the lighthouse, too. EM
  16. This is a body thermostat problem, not a cabin problem. And it happens to many people on all ships…just ask a woman with hot flashes, or anyone on Metformin. At least on Met., they are short lived…. They happen at home, too. Maybe you should ask the steward for a top sheet and blanket instead of the duvet. How do you handle it at home? EM
  17. I think there are health regulations that cover food storage, so you couldn’t get leftovers…they would have to prepare it special for you. If you really want it two days in a row you might make a request of the maitre d’ before you leave the dining room. If you are traveling in the Cunard Grills, or MSC Yacht Club it probably would. It be a problem. Nor on the luxury lines, but they aren’t main stream. EM
  18. Go to the Celebrity board. There is a long thread for the Summit transit which occurred Thursday. Original locks. EM
  19. If you really want a gondola experience, but are cheap, there are places where you can take a gondola/ferry across a canal…for one euro…(prices may have risen since 2013).
  20. You will have priority boarding because you are in YC. Beyond that, I can’t say. EM
  21. Divina is calling in Nov., Dec., and March of next year. I didn’t search the schedule on cruisetimetables any further. I was thinking MSC might visit on one of the cruises out of Martinique, but no. EM
  22. It’s a medieval thing…Thomas B Costain wrote a book with that title, a historical time travel novel. It’s worth a read. It’s been more than 50 years since I read it. EM
  23. Some of the better itineraries may be in the older ships without the YC. If I did t have to fly to Europe, I would be all over those. EM
  24. Those newer MSC ships are the kind that you need your card in the slot inside the door to keep the power on. If you need the batteries to charge while you are gone, you need to leave your card in the slot and tell your steward/butler not to remove it. If your ship has the bracelets, this won’t be a problem. If not, you can get a blank card from guest services, or maybe your concierge to leave in the slot. My last cruise (not YC) I had to do that in order to keep the a/c from resetting to frigid every time I left the room. EM
  25. It is my understanding that the service in Seattle is provided by the Port or city, not the cruise line and airline. EM
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