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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good Saturday morning to all. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann for your dedication to the FR & D. Where would we be without all of you! I have been to Ketchikan and it was a beautiful day when we were there. That was our first HAL cruise back in 2007. It is so good to be home. I have never been so happy to see a vacation come to an end. It was wonderful to sleep in my own bed last night. Unfortunately my cold is continuing and is now traveled to my chest. I am also concerned because I seem to have some hearing loss from the cold. It appears that it happened on the two plane rides on Thursday. I am hoping that this is temporary and will clear up as the cold dissipates over the next few days. I am using saline solution and a neti pot and hoping this will clear up some of the problem. Today is dedicated to unpacking and laundry. Yesterday, after we arrived home I had to go food shopping and that just finished me for the day. I managed to pick up a rotisserie chicken and all the fixings so that I did not have to cook and have enough leftovers for tonight. I was just pooped after that. Figured the unpacking and laundry could wait until today. I will also have to help Jim with his wounds. He just cannot do it by himself. His skin is very thin and it I have to be very careful in cleaning the wounds and applying the dressing. Thank you again for all your prayers and well wishes for us during this “mis” adventure we had. Someday we will look back and think it was amusing. (Maybe!) Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  2. Good morning from Jacksonville, Just a quick note to say thanks to all of you for your prayers and well wishes. Believe me, there is no one happier than I to be here and I will be even happier when I have my two feet planted back in my house later today. I am up and ready to take a shower. Then I will wake DH so that we can have breakfast and check out of the hotel. We have to be out by 11 am. I still have a cold and will stop in the Walmart nearby and get some cough drops for the drive home. I like Riccola Honey Lemon Echinacea. They really help me feel better. @Lady Hudson BON VOYAGE! @rafinmd good luck today and a special prayer of rememberence for your brother on his heavenly birthday. @StLouisCruisers I hope you get rid of your cold faster than I am getting rid of mine. Thank you to all who contribute to the FR&D. Hope you all have a wonderful day. God Bless, Terri
  3. Good morning from Jacksonville with all our luggage. It is 2:13 am and I am just heading to bed. Will post sometime later today when I wake up. Might not be until I get home. We made it without a mishap. Terri
  4. Flight to JAX is leaving EARLY. Whoever heard of this happening. We are in the Flagship Lounge. Five Star Rep will be back in a few minutes to take us to the plane. Tomorrow. Terri
  5. We got to Miami early and our flight to JAX is leaving at 11pm. We will make it and our luggage made the connection. All is good. We will drive home in the morning. Tomorrow is another day and I will sleep in my own bed tomorrow night. YAY! Terri
  6. I think it is a given that we will not get to JAX tonight. The Barbados plane is due to arrive in MIA at 9:30. It will be short of a miracle that we will make the 10:36 flight to JAX. I close to cancelling the hotel reservation in JAX, but will wait a bit longer. Have to do it before 6PM. Will update when I know more. Terri
  7. Thank you Roy. You cannot imagine how much I want to be home. This trip was supposed to be a time for me to get a rest. It was anything but that. Terri
  8. Latest email from AA. Our flight is now leaving Barbados at 5:15pm and arriving in Miami at 9:10 pm, Flight to JAX is at 10:36 pm. It is anyone’s guess if we make it. Again we have 5* service and we packed an emergency bag. So if we get to JAX we have our overnight stuff in the event our bags do not make the connection. We will wait for them in the morning and then be on our way. If we don’t make the connection 5* service will have a hotel booked for us. Why did I ever think this trip was a good idea! Terri
  9. I just received an email from AA that our flight from Barbados is delayed until 4:30pm. We will see what happens. There seems to be a weather delay arrival control in Miami due to weather according to Expert Flyer. Terri
  10. Thank you Sharon. Under different circumstances I would agree with you. In our situation I think it would only add to DH’s confusion. He’s ready to go. If I change course now, it will be worse. Terri
  11. Good Thursday morning to all Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you to Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration List and thank you for including DH and myself. Thank you in advance to Ann, Dixie and Debbie in the F&B department. Today will not be a day when we will be able to take part in these delights. While I appreciate all your kind thoughts about staying put, our plan is to try to get out of here today if we possibly can. Given the situation that we are ready to go, if we change course now, it will only add to DH’s confusion. Trying to explain the airline cancellations and possibilities last night was enough. I just hope that we don’t get to the airport and have to turn around and come back to the hotel. In Miami I have paid for American Airlines Five Star Service to help us with the connection. This will ensure assistance and wheelchairs. We have used this service a number of times when we have to go through customs and it makes a big difference. They meet you at the plane when you land and help you through customs and immigration. They also escort you to the connecting plane and you are the first to board. It is not cheap but given our circumstances, it is priceless. Miami Airport is such a zoo and it will be worse with the weather situation. So I appreciate all your advice, but we feel our best bet is to get out of here. Also, the weather does not look like it is going to improve much in Miami inthe coming week. We have our reserved Business Class seats. If we change our flights, who knows what we will get. Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers. I will try to keep you updated if internet and the situation allows. Terri
  12. We are due to go fly home tomorrow through Miami. It is anybody’s guess if we will actually go. The AA flight from Barbados to Miami for this afternoon was cancelled, as is tomorrow morning’s flight from Miami. Our’s is still on schedule. We will see what happens. The Hotel tells me that they will be able to accommodate us if our flight is cancelled so I have taken care of that. We are putting stuff in a small collapsible bag to take with us in case we get as far as Miami but can’t get to JAX. Will try to update when i know more. Terri
  13. Good Wednesday morning. Don’t have much to say. My cold is in full bloom. Don’t know how I am going to manage tomorrow. Will try to get packed today and then rest as much as I can. DH doing the best he can. Can’t wait to get home. @catmando HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a good day everyone. Terri
  14. Good afternoon from a sunny and very humid Barbados. i have not yet read the posts and will do so as soon as I can. We got up late and had breakfast, after which we went to the medical Center again to have Jim’s leg looked at. Another $150. Thank you! They also looked at and cleaned up Jim’’s arm wound. However, that expense was covered by the hotel. I was given instructions how to clean and dress the wounds and urged to make sure that he gets medical care at home, I have now come down with a cold and also a stomach bug. I am really not surprised. I feel like we just have a dark cloud over our heads. We just cannot catch a break. We will be happy to go home on Thursday. Terri
  15. Good morning to all, Hope everyone has a great day. I will post more later. It is now time for me to wake DH so that we can go to Breakfast in time. Happy Monday. Terri
  16. Good Sunday Morning to all. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie,Ann and Dixie, for your contributions. Thank you to Graham for Father David’s sermon. I am up but DH is not. I will let him sleep for at least another hour. I am so grateful for all your kind thoughts and prayers yesterday. I really was so distraught after DH’s fall. I just could not believe that another thing had happened. We will get through this. Today the hotel has a Bajan Lunch Buffet and we will participate. From what I heard, it is quite nice. The rest of the day for me is finding a nice spot on the Beach with my book. Haven’t been able to do that yet. @Mtn2Sea and @cruzn single BON VOYAGE! Enjoy every minute of your cruise. Prayers for all on the cares list and I thank you, Vanessa, for including DH. @aliaschief and DW. Welcome Home! Have a wonderful Sunday. God Bless, Terri
  17. Last update of the evening. TV and Telephone are back. Terri
  18. Thank you Maureen. I needed a dose of reality. Terri
  19. I can relate to the situation with the Home Lines. The one and only cruise we took with them out of New York to Bermuda, we were told we could book Loungers for a fee and they would be ours for the entire cruise. So we did. We were newbies and did not know better. Terri
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