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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. I am not referring to the bottle in your room at the time of embarkation. That one is “Cyclo.” This is another bottle that is offered if you have booked with AMEX platinum. Terri
  2. It is usually a bottle from what is listed by the glass.
  3. You have the choice to take the AMEX benefit or the PP Grat. But you can’t have both. I don’t know how long your cruise is, but if the gratuities come to more than $300, I would go for PP grats. The bottle of wine and wine tasting are no big deal, the wine is the same as the ones on the SM by the glass. Terri
  4. I think you should have your TA have a second look at this. i paid with my AMEX platinum card and got the 10X points and I also was able to get the prepaid gratuities. However i decided to let go of that because we are gold and get pp grats and chose the $300 AMex benefit. You cannot have both. There should be no issue with combinability. One pertains to card benefits and the other is cruise benefits. Now, if you are getting the $300 AMEX OBC, that is not combinable with the prepaid gratuities. You have to choose one or the other. If you are silver or above, choose the $300. If you have not reached silver, then ask your TA to scrap the AMEX platinum benefits and choose the PP grats. It has nothing to do with the 10 x membership rewards.
  5. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your dedication to the FR&D interesting days. Thank you to to Tina for the info on National No Bra Day. i don’t think I can do it though. We have a lot of things happening. Yesterday I had a busy day. I had a meeting with the attorney in order to modify my estate documents. Given the situation with DH I had to make sure that my Will and POA and Health Care Proxy are in order. it does not seem that DH should be the one making any important decisions at this point. i find this very sad—especially that I could not even tell him where I was going and what I was doing. We also found two water marks on our Master Bath ceiling. I have to find out the source and get this fixed. The last thing I need is another water event in this house. The surge protector for our AV equipment died and I had to contact the electric company to replace it. The Grandfather Clock is off. It is not chiming correctly. I have to call a clock company in Savannah to come and look at it. I have been in touch with the nurse at the Orthopedic Dept. at the Mayo Clinic. I have had no relief at all from the pain in my right arm. Shall I go on? Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  6. Visit the Concorde Exhibit at the Airport. Very interesting. You will spend a few hours and have an enjoyable time. Terri
  7. I highly recommend Silver Moon. It is a first class operation. It is run by Nick Parker who used to be the manager of Tiami Cruises and went out on his own about 20 or so years ago. His boats are well maintained and he only takes 12 people. You have a first class experience for the day. i used to have a timeshare on the island and always went out on Silver Moon and enjoyed the day very much. You will not go wrong with this choice. Terri
  8. i spent a day a Blue Waters a few years ago and did not find this to be true. We were a party of six and were treated very well during our day there. This year we are using our Shore Excursion Credit on Oceania to go to the resort for the day. We expect that we will have the same wonderful experience we had the last time. Terri
  9. I have spent all day deciding whether or not to post today. Well, here goes. When I saw the days we are honoring today I felt sick. i never had the privilege to take a walk with my father. He decided that he wanted no part of us when i was 18 months old and I never saw him again until I was an adult. i am still trying to forgive him for that. That is all I have to say today. It has been on my mind all day. Hope everyone had a good day today. Terri
  10. Good afternoon to all. Hope everyone is having a nice day. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for their contributions. i think I will skip on the Zucchini pancakes. While I like zucchini, I don't think I want them in my pancakes, or in my waffes for that matter (yesterday) I have not been to the destination. I like Einstein's quote. Not much to report today. My arm is still painful. Thankfully my cleaning lady showed up so at least I will have a clean house. @kazu Good for you in your decision to make a move while you are still able to do so. i regret we waited to do this. I feel that we are now in a stuck situation and it would be very hard for DH to do this. @smitty34877prayers for you and Tana. @Seasick Sailor and @Quartzsite Cruiser Heres hoping that Beryl does not come your way and if she does that there will be minimal impact. Prayers for all of our Dailyites. Cheer for those on cruises and celebrating; Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  11. Good evening. As usual, I am late to the party. Thank you to all who contribute to this thread. I had a bad night last night and slept very late this morning and just got a late start to everything. I will post more tomorrow, but just want to add that @smitty34877 Terry, you have nothing to be embarrassed for. We are all here for each other. i hope that everyone had a great day. God Bless and Good Night, Terri
  12. We have been to the Caribbean many times and decided that we do not need to take tours of the area. We decided that rather than take a number of tours, we chose to use the SM money to go to Blue Waters Resort in Antigua for the day. While I realize it is expensive and a lot more than if we had booked it privately, we would not use the money otherwise. So it includes transportation, beach and pool, non-motorized water sports, lunch, and unlimited drinks. 6 1/2 hours. We would have gone there otherwise and paid out of pocket. It works for us. Terri
  13. Roy, I have thought of that. We did not have a great vacation. However, Beryl waited until we got out of there. I did endure one hurricane in the Caribbean many years ago in Grand Cayman. It was not fun. Never want to do that again. Terri
  14. Some photos of our stop in Gibraltar in 2022. This was after Jim and I were finally sprung from our Covid Jail
  15. Good morning to all and a very happy Fourth to everyone Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for all you do to keep this thread going. We have been to Gibraltar only once and I have a few photos. Will try to post them. I am going t pass on the meal and drinks. We are alone as usual. We used to have great neighbors, but things have changed here. On one side we now have a widower, who will probably go to his daughter’s house today. On the other side there are renters from H**L with three barking dogs I would not dare go near, not that they would invite us. Can’t wait until they leave in December. The neighborhood is just not that friendly anymore. We have lost many friends to death and moving. So we are alone. There will be a community picnic on Saturday that we may attend. @StLouisCruisers Hugs as you remember your DD DF today. Also prayers for your twin with her problems with her arm. I can identify with her pain. I am going through the same thing with no relief. No matter what I do. Good news on the A/C end. There was an opening yesterday and they fit us in. Turns out that the dehumidifier was turned off on the “smart thermostat” and this “stupid” girl had no idea. So $99 later it was all fixed. He wanted know why I turned it off. I could not convince him that I had no idea where to find the place to turn it on or off. Oh, well, at least I don’t have to wait until Monday. @marshhawk thinking of you as you remember two very special people today. @kazu Hoping you can have your surgery soon and get some relief. @smitty34877 you and Tana are always in my prayers. That’s about it for me today. God Bless, Terri
  16. I know it is already after midnight and I am sorry I did not post earlier. I have been trying to figure out my “smart thermostat” all day. However, this “stupid” girl has no idea what to do. It is telling me that the humidity is too high in the house and i have to lower it, I don’t know how to do it. I thought it was set and you left it alone,. Tomorrow morning I will call the A/C Company and see what they have to say. I have a feeling that something is wrong with the compressor. Last year when we were in the Baltic the thing broke. It was only 6 months old at the time. Now, a year later, we are having another problem. Well, it is still under warranty and hopefully there is not much to do. Really tired but wanted to check in. My arm is no better. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  17. Good Morning to All. Happy Canada Day to all our friends to the north. Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for all you do to keep this thread going. I like the quote and I can think of a number of Congressional Members to whom it applies. That is as far as i will go with that. I have not been to the destination. I will take a pass on the food and drink today. I continue with pain in the upper right arm. i have tried Icy Hot. i have used ice, I have taken Tylenol and there is nothing that relieves the pain. it is really inhibiting what I can do. It is very frustrating. Today we have our annual termite inspection at 11 am. Have to keep the bond active. i am hoping that somehow this is just taking its time to resolve. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those celebrating and cruising. Have a great day God Bless, Terri
  18. Hello to all I started out this morning reading some posts but didn’t get too far. i still have quite a bit of pain in my right upper arm and don’t see where the injection did any good. Doc is on vacation until July 10 so I really can’t get in touch. Trying to make the best of it. I finally got a good night’s sleep last night and am heading to bed now. More tomorrow God Bless and Good night. Terri
  19. I’m glad you’re home and all seemingly went well. I hope you heal well. Terri
  20. Good Thursday morning to all. it is good to be home. I am sorry to say that as tired as i was last night, I had trouble sleeping. I think I was overtired. I hope to take a nap this afternoon. I have a hairdresser’s appointment at 4 pm so I will have to rest in the early afternoon. Want to watch the debate tonight, not that it will change my mind. Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the FR&D. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyVfor the Cares and Celebration List. Thank you for including me and DH. I hope you can take us off soon. As for the ? Next to the biceps tear, it is definitely a tear and it is on the right arm. By the way, I still have pain this morning, although it is not as severe. I will be cancelling the remainder of my PT appointments, as per my Doc’s advice and just “taking it easy.” I like the days. I am married, and hope to stay that way. It is not my birthday today, but happy birthday to anyone who is celebrating today. And a shout out to Industrial Workers around the world. Thank you to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slopeI think I will skip the meal and the wine is above my budget. Not sure about the drink. I have been to Denmark, but only Skagen and Copenhagen. Aarhus looks lovely and thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the photos. I hope your twin starts to feel better. She may want to rethink PT until she sees the Doc. It may be aggravating the situation. Healing thoughts and prayers to Ann @Vict0riann as you undergo surgery today. I hope everything goes well and you heal quickly. Jacqui @kazu prayers for you that you may find out what is going on with your health issues. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes for my recent health problems. I appreciate all of you. Have a good day everyone and God Bless, Terri
  21. Somehow i missed a good part of page 2 today. @Nickelpenny I am so sorry of what you went through with your open incision. I hope you are doing better. Prayers for you. Terri
  22. Good evening to all of you from beautiful Bluffton, South Carolina. It is so good to be home. I cannot tell you how good it is. My Orthopedic Doctor decided that the first thing to try is a steroid injection. He thinks that this should take care of the pain along with some rest. I told him that you all suggested some bubble wrap and he thought that might be a good idea as well (LOL). He recommended that I scrap the PT—at least for now. Nothing to aggravate the area. Right now I have some pain, but it doesn’t hurt like h**l like it did before. So thank you for all your prayers and good wishes. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. We went out to eat and had great hamburgers at our local eatery with wonderful Margaritas. Just hit the spot and I didn’t have to cook. So tomorrow is another day and hopefully no catastrophes and we can move on. In case I don’t wake up early, @Vict0riann you are in my prayers for a successful procedure tomorrow. i am very tired and will probably be in bed soon. So Good Night and God Bless, Terri
  23. Good morning all Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your contributions to this thread. i actually have a friend who wrote a memoir. Thank you all for your good wishes today. I am on a time schedule and have to shower and have breakfast prior to going to my appointment. Also have to get DH moving. He takes a while to get going. Driving yesterday was a challenge with my painful arm. Not able to wear the sling while driving. Add some heavy rain in mid Georgia did not help the situation. Don’t know yet if we are going home today. It depends on what the Doc has in mind. He may order imaging or refer to an Ortho Surgeon. I sure hope surgery is not in my future. @mamaofami A very happy Birthday to you. Hope everyone has a great day. Will update later when I know more. God Bless, Terri
  24. Thanks for the good wishes Sandi. I hope you have a great day in Kirkwall. When we did the Baltic last year, we did a private tour in Kirkwall, and it was one of our best days. Make sure you dress warmly, including hat and gloves. You can always take them off if you get too warm. Good luck to your sister with her bicep injury. Terri
  25. Update: I have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic tomorrow at 11:45 am. I don’t know what kind of miracle they performed to get me in, but they did. We are leaving this afternoon. Terri
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