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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. No sale price for us. Full price. There is nothing to combine it with. Thanks. Terri
  2. So it is still available and my TA was given incorrect information if I am reading you correctly. She has not had this problem previously. LHT28 said that the policy had changed and no more "double dipping" to quote her. Terri
  3. If this change in policy has been reported here, I have been unable to find it. I have been searching for quite a while and went back a few months. Maybe someone can weigh in on when this change took place with some documentaiton. Terri
  4. Can anyone give me an idea as to when this change took effect?
  5. Just booked a cruise and since I am entitled to pp gratuities due to Oceania Club level, my TA asked for OCAPP gratuities to be applied as SBC. This is the first time that she was told that it cannot be done. Has this happened to anyone else? She is a member of the Signature Travel Network, and this has never been a problem before. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them. Terri
  6. Are you on the Sirena on Nov. 13? I think that is a misprint. My book that I just received says the same thing. However the port schedule shows 8pm. I would go by the port schedule. I don’t plan on getting there until 1 pm. Don’t want to wait around for my room to be ready. Also on the Oceania website it shows an 8 pm departure. Terri
  7. The HVAC guy showed up early. What a surprise! I was able to sleep 6 hours straight. That is a record. Hopefully I will be able to do that again tonight, Thanks. Terri
  8. I have a few photos from Kiel from our call there this past June. There was a water festival going on with tall ships and hot air balloons. Not too many photos, but here goes.
  9. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily. Always happy to be here each day, whether it is morning or late in the day. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping up with us. I hope you are feeling better. Thank you also to Debbie @dfish and Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @cat shepard for keeping us nourished and hydrated. I think I will pass on the food and drink but the wine sounds nice. Today in history is an important anniversay for the Catholic Church and comes at a time when the Pope is holding a Synod to make the Church more progressive. That is a good thing. Too bad he has so many detractors, especially in the United States. i am a girl child and celebrate that. Unfortunately, I do not have any children. Today is not a party day for us—unless we party with the HVAC guy who’s coming this afternoon. i will definitely celebrate Emergency Nurses. I have been the beneficiary of their care a few times. The quote is good. Kiel was a port of call on our Baltic Cruise this past June/July. We stopped there twice. On the first stop we walked around the port. There was a water festival in progress. On the second stop we did a tour to Hamburg. Unfortunately, the guide wasn’t very good and I felt it was a very expensive wasted day. Prayers for all on the cares list. Especially for Baby Murphy and her parents. Also for @mamaofami”s DH Sam that he be released from the Hospital and admitted to rehab and again on the road to recovery. Also for @HAL Sailer’s DH who is hospitalized. And for @StLouisCruisers’s friend Scott. Prayers also for Tana and for @smitty34877as you adjust to a new lifestyle. Glad you have a new aide and hope she works out and stays around for a while. Cheers for those celebrating and cruising. @marshhawk Stay calm as you prepare tor your trip in the next few days. We decided that we would wait until we return for DH to see the neurologist. He feels better about that. And so do I. There is nothing causing distress and this is a consultation regarding memory problems. So it is one less thing we have to do before we leave for Italy. Hopefully I will get some things done today. Finally had a decent night’s sleep. Not great, but better than the last few nights. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  10. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet report. Thank you to Vanessa for keeping up with our needs and celebration. And to Debbie, Ann and Dixie for our nourishment and hydration. Believe it or nor, i knew about Ada Lovelace. Maybe from doing so many crosswords over the years. I am always facing my fears. Sometimes it causes me to cry. Forget about the metric system. Too old at this point to learn something new. Too much work! I had another night of broken sleep. I went to bed around 9:30 and was wide awake at 3am. At 6 am or so I was sleepy and went back to bed and slept til 9:20. This is not good because it is not restful. I am so tired I am unable to do anything useful. Two weeks from today we leave for Italy and I have so much to do. The HVAC guy comes tomorrow. He better show. Tomorrow, bright and early I will call the company and make sure we are on the list. As a matter of fact, I may call today so that there is no question. I need to get everything back in the closet so that the house doesn’t look a mess but don’t want to put it all away only to take it out again tomorrow. We also have to have the floor guy come back. You all know of the love I have for him!!!!! My cleaning lady hurt her back and she is out of commission. No telling when I will see her again. It never ends. When DH was at the doctor last week, we spoke about memory problems. He has an appointment with a neurologist next Wednesday for a consultation. He is not happy and doesn’t want to go. Just too many things happening at the last minute. Then I wonder why I am not sleeping. Prayers for all. Especially for Baby Murphy and her parents. Prayers for Sandy’s friends DH Scott. Prayers for Carol’s DH Sam Prayers that Annie can straighten out her mess with the PO text. Cheers to those celebrating. Take care everyone and have a good Tuesday. God Bless, Terri
  11. Annie, i get one of those from the Post Office every day. They are total scams and I just ignore them and report them as junk and delete them. Unfortunately, it happened at the same time that you ordered Euros. I hope you don’t have too much trouble. Good luck. Terri
  12. I went to bed early because I couldn’t stay awake. Now at 4:30 am i am wide awake. A belated Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian Friends. I really like the quote and in many ways it applies to me. i will leave it at that. Yesterday was a strange day. We were supposed to have the HVAC services (regular maintenance) and wanted this done before we leave on our trip. Time was between noon and 2pm. In order to gain access to the unit in the attic we have to remove everything from one of the closets, which we did. So stuff is all over the two empty bedrooms. Well, 2 pm came and went and no technician showed. A call to the company revealed that we were not on the list for today or any other day. They kept asking. “Are you sure?” Well, I didn’t pull the date out of the air! So then they tell me they will be here on Friday. That means everything has to go back in the closet and come out again. i told them it was not acceptable. Finally got a date for Wednesday afternoon. This is the second time they have done this to us. i think it is time to change providers and we will as soon as the contract is up and the warranty on the new HVAC system is up. I am tired of dealing with their incompetence. First, the new one dies after 6 months while we are away causing the floors to buckle, then they take their sweet time to replace the parts. Then I needed to go grocery shopping and cook. No wonder I was tired. I hope others had a better day than I did. @StLouisCruisers I am sorry to hear about Scott. Prayers for him @mamaofami I hope Sam was released from the hospital @smitty34877 I’m glad you have heat. Sorry they have to dig up where the oil leaked. I will try to post later on Tuesday’s daily. Going to try to get a bit more sleep. God Bless, Terri
  13. I can’t keep up with you guys. I am so tired. Had a really bad night last night last night’I hope you all understand. i will read the posts when I can; Have wonderful evening, God Bless, Terri
  14. @mamaofami i am so sorry to hear of Sam’s setback. Prayers that he recovers and can come home soon. @HAL Sailer Glad to hear that your DH is doing better. Prayers for his continued improvement. Terri
  15. Thanks for the suggestion,. I think I will try that. I have a new laptop that i just put all the photos into. The problem is I use my Ipad where all the photos are together and hard to separate. I will try your suggestion. Terri
  16. Good Sunday morning to all I am up early and realize that if I don’t check in now, it might not be until tonight. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily. The days are interesting, but the only one I think I can associate with is Music. Have never been on a motorcycle and now is not the time to start. Touch Tag Days are long over. Love music and listen to it as often as I can. I like the quote. I have been to Split, Croatia a few times but my photos are not as nice as Sandi’s @StLouisCruisers. I really envy how organized yours are. Thank you for sharing them with us. I will skip the meal and drink. I like Merlot and may try that. Today in History shows that we have New Zealand thanks to Captain James Cook. I too did not realize that Microwave Ovens were around that long. Thank you to @JazzyV Vanessa for keeping up with our cares and happenings. Prayers always for Baby Murphy and her parents,.It would be nice to get an update. Hopefully a positive one. Prayers always for Tana as well and for @smitty34877 as you adjust to your new way of life. Prayers for the people of Ukraine and Israel. War is horrible. Pray for peace. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone is having a wonderful time. Glad that those cruisers on the New Statendam were able to get out of Haifa timely. Thank you also to Debbie @dfish for the recipes for the meal for the day. And to Dixie @summer slope for the drink receipt and @cat shepard Ann for the wine of the day. Thank you to Graham @grapau27 for Father David’s sermon. Today is a day to get some stuff organized for our trip. We leave in 2 weeks from Tuesday. I am still trying to figure what the weather will be like and what types of clothes to bring. Right now the temps in all three cities (Venice, Florence, Rome) are still in low 80s and high 70s. The cruise doesn’t have many port calls, but we do stop in Cadiz, Funchal and Bermuda. Guess I need clothes for warmer weather there. Big decisions. The other thing that gets me excited is that I received a notice from the Post Office that I have a package with printed matter that will come in the the next few days. This is the pre-cruise material and luggage tags from Oceania. it is a nice book with all the cruise info, etc. So that should come in the next few days. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Sunday. God Bless, Terri
  17. Got a Bosch two years ago and really happy with it. As a matter of fact we replaced all our appliances at that time with Bosch appliance and cannot be more pleased. Terri
  18. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. To Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration Lists, To Ann, Debbie and Dixie in the F&B department. I don’t particularly like the quote. As for the food, I love lasagna in the traditional form and would make it. However, my version takes days to make. Since we are not having any company, it will not get made. Someday! The wine and cocktail look good. I have not been to the Isle of Skye. However, I enjoyed the photos. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers. Prayers for al on the Cares list. Terry @smitty34877, you and your family are in my daily prayers. I am so glad to hear that you were able to have a nice dinner out with your family the other night. I am sure that helped quite a bit. Happy you have a new aide for Tana. Prayers continue for Baby Murphy and wish we would get an update. Bon Voyage for all who are embarking on a cruise today and cheers to those who are sailing. Hope everyone has a good day. Pray for peace. We don’t need another war! God Bless, Terri
  19. Well, we received a call from the floor guy today. To my horror, he is returning to tear up the bedroom floor for the third time. You can only imagine how thrilled I am about this, He will be here on October 16. I cannot wait until this is over once and for all. Terri
  20. Thank you for the information. Do you know if we need to get a waiver from our doctor? Terri
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