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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning to all. I am up early again. Did not have a good night’s sleep. Seems I can manage a good sleep every other night. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann for all you do to keep this thread going. Prayers for all on the cares list. Cheers to those who are celebrating. Welcome home to Annie and Chuck, and Katherine and Bill. Bon Voyage to Roy. Happy Birthday to Jake. I am cutting this short. We have to have breakfast and get ready for my cleaning lady. Really not very happy that she decided to come today instead of yesterday. Will post more later. God Bless Terri
  2. i agree about Laurence. She was the GM on the Nautica in the Spring of 2022. She was so good to us. We contracted COVID on that sailing and she made sure that we were well cared for. We give her very high marks. Lovely person. Terri
  3. It has been reported on CC many times that because the Vista suites are in the front of the ship that the furniture is tied down at night. Why, they don’t say. However, it is a known fact. Gary, with all your research, I am surprised you did not find this out ahead of time. It sounds like you are having a great cruise in spite of this. Enjoy!
  4. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Happy Veterans’ Day to all who served. Interesting days to celebrate. I don’t know much about Angola, but happy they have their independence. I like origami creations and am all for good education, Thank you to the F&B ladies. I like Mac and Cheese. However, last night we had Cacio e Pepe so I don’t think we will have Mac and Cheese tonight. Will say no to the drink and we will see about the wine. Interesting quote by Einstein. Not sure I agree with him on this one. DH is still sleeping so I don’t know how he is feeling. We take off the wrap this morning and then he has to wear a compression stocking. He has to apply head 3x a day. I really hope this helps. I am just about packed for our trip and he has not yet started. i will start to help him after my cleaner leaves today. Not much else to report. We have had beautiful weather, but today the skies are grey and rain is predicted. I guess you can’t have perfect weather every day. Prayers for all on the cares list. Baby Murphy seems to be holding her own. Hope she continues to improve, Vanessa, I hope you have some relief from your pain. Sandi, prayers for your DB Terry, prayers for you and Tana and your whole family. Maureen, here’s to a smooth move to NJ Denise, I hope you feel better, Lazey 1, I hope you start to feel better. @GTVCRUISER BON VOYAGE! @rafinmd BON VOYAGE! I hope everyone has a great day and Happy Veterans’ Day. God Bless, Terri
  5. Well, i had hoped for better news. They could not get much fluid out of the knee so it its still swollen. Jim now has to wear a compression stocking up to his thigh and apply heat 3 times a day to his knee and ice to his ankle. He has to do this for a week. He can still go on the cruise but has to be careful. Not the news I wanted but that is what it is. Thanks for all your support and prayers. Terri
  6. Good morning, Just a quick check-in before I shower. We are getting ready to head out to the Orthopedic Urgent Care. I will post after I return. Hopefully with good news and Jim feeling better. Terri
  7. Good news. Everything went very well at the bank. For all intents and purposes, DBIL’s estate is settled. That only took two years and two months. Finally a reason to celebrate. Now if we can get DH’s knee to cooperate and have the swelling go down, we will be all set. We go to the Orthopedic Urgent Care tomorrow morning,. They will probably drain the knee. Terri
  8. Good morning to all the Dailyites. Happy Thursday. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Nice Quote. Nice Days to Celebrate. However, don’t have an Art Museum near me. Freedom is precious and we can never take it for granted. I don’t know about the drink. I will consider the wine and the meal after I see the recipes that Debbie shows us. The destination of the day is one very close to my heart. It is part of my heritage. My grandmother was born in a small town close to Palermo. i was in Palermo back in 1984 with my mom. However, I had such a bad cold, I spent most of the time in bed in the hotel. We did go to the town where my grandmother was born, but it was pouring rain. I have been trying to get back to Palermo and it has not happened. We had a cruise booked in Oct. 2020 that stopped there and then did a transatlantic. Then Covid happened and that was the end of that. We now have a cruise planned in Oct. 2024 that stops there. I have no idea if we will actually be taking that cruise with the way our lives are going. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for the photos. I really enjoyed them. Prayers for those on the cares list. Today we are going to the bank to finally take care of DBIL’s estate. We just hope that we don’t run into any glitches. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. @rafinmd Roy. BON VOYAGE! @JazzyV Hope you are feeling better today. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. God Bless, Terri
  9. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. I like the days. I love music—especially piano music. I salute Mr. Roentgen for his invention of the -ray and how important it is in the medical world. And who doesn’t like a good cappuccino? I like Grandma Moses’ quote. I think I will pass on the meal. While I like meatballs, garlic and honey do not sound compatible to this Italian girl. The drink sounds good and I will wait to see what the wine is all about. I have not been to Albania., Yesterday’s jaunt to the Toyota dealer proved to be expensive. It seems that the battery failed while they were working on the car and I had to buy a new one. Also needed to have the brake fluid replaced. That was $425 I wasn’t planning on spending yesterday. However, since we are planning to drive to Miami next week, it is better to have the battery fail now than when we are on our trip. Thank you to Vanessa, for the cares list. I hope you are feeling better and everyday gets a bit better. Prayers for all on the Cares List and Cheers to all on the Celebration List. Jim’s knee remains swollen due to the bursitis. It is causing the ankle to swell as well and causing pain. We return to the Orthopedic Urgent care on Friday. He will have finished the meds by then. The doc said that if the swelling is not resolved then they will drain the knee. I hope that doesn’t have to happen. We will see. That’s all I have for today. Will check back later. God Bless, Terri
  10. If you pay the tax on the miles with your AMEX card, you would be covered. Terri
  11. Good morning. After I posted my “bear hug” photo I had to get out of the house and hotfoot it to the Toyota Dealer to get my car serviced. So here I sit and wait for the car to be ready. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for keeping us going every single day. It is my go-to place everyday. Sometimes I’m early and other times it takes all day to get here. I will celebrate the days. I am all for Cancer Awareness and have lost some people very dear to me to that awful disease. As you can see I have “hugged a bear” albeit not a real one. As for retinol, I am game, if it helps. I like the quote and think it is very true. As for the F&B department, the meal sounds good, i will pass on the drink and wine. I have not been to Izmir. Jim’s knee is improving, but still somewhat swollen. We removed the compression wrap yesterday. He is still keeping the leg elevated as much as possible and icing it as often as he can. I think the prednisone is helping to reduce the inflammation and swelling. He is walking better. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those cruising and getting ready to cruise. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Happy Tuesday. God Bless, Terri
  12. This is the closest I could come to hugging a bear at the Marriott in Berlin in August 2019.
  13. I booked my upcoming cruise late. The cruise packets had already been mailed and i called and asked if one could be mailed to me. I was told it was too late. However they are sending me blank luggage tags. This will work fine. At least they are the ones that will be recognizable by the crew. Terri
  14. My thoughts exactly. And why do you want anyone to know what your home address is???
  15. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I am sorry about Mark. May he rest in peace. Good news for Susan’s DH. Hope he continues to improve. Terri
  16. Good afternoon to all Happy Sunday. Thank you to Rich @richwmnfo the Fleet Report and Daily. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyVfor your dedication to the Cares and Celebration List. i sure wish you leg pain would get better. Prayers continue that you improve. Thank you to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope for you dedication in keeping us fed and hydrated every day. And thanks to Graham @grapau27 for Father David’s sermon and your explanation of Guy Fawkes night and the Gunpowder plot. @smitty34877 I am thankful that Lou’s celebration of Life went well and you all were able to share many happy and probably a few, sad memories. I am sure it brought some closure to you as well as other family members and friends. You are all in my prayers. i am overjoyed at Baby Murphy’s progress and prayers continue for her improvement. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those cruising and preparing to cruise. DH still has a swollen knee. He is taking his meds and tomorrow we can remove the compression wrap. Hopefully the swelling will start to ease. i ordered a new pair of slippers for him from Amazon. You should see what he is wearing and I think that contributed to his fall. They should arrive today as they are out for delivery. He doesn’t know so it will be a surprise. Things happen in strange ways. While I have been quite upset about cancelling our trip to Italy and the subsequent cruise, it seems that the weather has been awful in both Florence and Rome and the seas have been quite rough. Someone reported that their ship was unable to dock in Civitavecchia. I am surprised at that. Jim is telling me to rebook the land portion for the Spring. However, I am waiting until I see how he does on this upcoming cruise. That will tell the tale. So far he is doing okay and wants to go. If all goes well, I will book it. However, I will do the same thing by booking refundable airfare and paying for hotels when we stay rather than at the time of booking. i would really like to go, but don’t want a repeat of the last fiasco. We will see. Busy week. i need to get the car serviced before we drive to Miami, have a lunch date on Wednesday and a Doc. Appt. On Friday. That doesn’t leave too many more days. Hope everyone is having a good day. God Bless, Terri
  17. i have had no internet almost all day. Will read today’s posts tomorrow and post on tomorrow’s thread. For now. Good night and God Bless. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back. Terri
  18. Good afternoon everyone. We are back from the Urgent Care facility. However, first i want to assure Vanessa, @JazzyV of my prayers for relief of her pain. i am so sorry you are going through this terrible pain. I wish I knew how to tak it away. When we went to the Dermatologist and she saw Jim’s knee she also suggested that he needed to get it X-rayed. I told her where we were goin. However, she told us of an Orthopedic Urgent Care not too far away. So we went home and had a quick breakfast and off we went. We had to wait about an hour to be seen, but part of that time was taken up with filling out voluminous forms. They took x-rays of both legs and his neck, which i thought was good. The x-rays revealed that there were no broken bones, but he has bursitis and a lot of the fluid has traveled down to his ankle, causing that to swell. There is arthritis on the neck, which is to be expected at his age. So he has to keep icing the knee and keep it elevated when sitting and minimize walking. He is also on a round of steroids and an antibiotic to avoid infection. He has to go back next Friday. If the knee is still swollen, they will drain it. i was very impressed with the facility and the care he received. It is expected that he will be fine by the time we go on the cruise. Thank you all for your prayers and support. God Bless. Terri
  19. Sandi, We live in South Carolina. I once sent two packages to my cousin in Charlotte. They literally went cross country before she got them. All the way to California and back. i was livid. UPS was responsible for that fiasco. Missed her birthday. Terri
  20. Good morning, Just a short check in while I am waiting for Jim to get ready. He has a 8:30 appointment with the Dermatologist. It is literally across the road. Then we will come back and have breakfast and then go to the Urgent Care to get the knee checked out. Please pray there are no broken bones. Will post when we return from the UC. Later. Terri
  21. Thank you all for all your suggestions. I have finally convinced DH to go to the Urgent Care. We will go tomorrow morning after breakfast. He has a dermatology appointment first. Then breakfast and then Urgent Care. I will post when I can. Thank you all for your support and help. Terri
  22. Thank you all for the X-ray suggestion. I agree with you. I repeat. This is an impossible situation. He will not go. I am 5’1”. His is 6’. Who do you think is going to win? Terri
  23. Thank you Roy, Lenda and Terry. Now to get him to go. This is an impossible situation. That is all I can say. Terri
  24. @cruising sister it is so good to hear good news about Baby Murphy. Continued prayers that she continues to improve. Terri
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