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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. Couple more glitches to note: requested twin beds - got queen. Requested three robes- got two. Guest services confirmed drink packages but still being charged for drinks. Guest services confirmed my elite status and gave me a black medallion but not able to confirm that of the kids. Safety video in room did not recognize that we watched it so had to rewatch. Medallion app is draining battery faster than usual for some reason. Hopefully all of these issues get sorted soon!
  2. Sigh. I’m trying to get it resolved over crew chat. Really don’t want to waste time trying to fix this.
  3. And so it begins. None of the drink packages are showing so we are getting charged for drinks
  4. No high end tequila at Sea View so watermelon margarita with upgraded package is made with regular tequila
  5. 2 masks provided for 4 guests. Sometimes it’s the small details…
  6. Minisuite (note the location of toilet paper. I’m looking at you Discovery Princess)
  7. We haven’t even left Vancouver and the wifi is already acting up! My iPhone connected automatically without me needing to do anything but it refuses to load on other devices, despite having the upgraded 4 device plan. It also keeps dropping the connection. I’m going to stick to data right now and deal with it later!
  8. 12pm. On the ship. Stopped at guest services and got my medallion fixed. Now at Alfredo’s and about to have a glass of wine using the premiere package!
  9. No ETA on boarding time but the rumours that are going through is that the ship was late arriving. No idea if that is true. I have a seat so not bothered…
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