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Posts posted by snowskier

  1. Some pretty harsh comments on this thread but it is CC so it is to be expected.


    I work at a ski resort where we have thousands of guests every day -- many more than are on a cruise ship. I am asked questions all day long. I do my best but am not perfect. A couple days ago I was really busy and when one guest interrupted me while I was answering another guest's question I gave the wrong answer as to whether something was open. Got my days mixed up.


    Should I be fired? Should I accept the harsh comments made on this thread? JimmVWine -- I just made a mistake. I don't believe I intentionally lied or that I am incompetent or that I was trying to ruin a person's whole week of vacation -- but if someone else wants to believe those things -- go for it.


    For those of you that have never made a mistake, give the rest of us a break.

  2. Over 10,000 being evacuated to port Everglades erminal 4 where they can be picked up,or taxi. Red Cross on site to help. Seems to be a HUGE mess there!, they are saying the airport reopen tomorrow, but they have to clear all buildings AND deal,with all the left luggage so we will see.... the 2 ships in port just left at 10:30. I imagine the port will still be a bit of a mess tomorrow.


    Can we put a pause on the 2nd amendment discussion so those looking for travel,info can find it easier??


    So proud to be a member of the South Florida Red Cross. Thanks to our volunteers that responded so quickly and provided whatever was needed. Thanks to our donors who make this support for those in need possible.

  3. It is great that he will have the opportunity to learn how to meet people without depending on alcohol or the bar environment. That is the awesome thing about being 19 -- one can discover how to have fun, meet people and enjoy life without alcohol. If alcohol becomes a choice when he is old enough so be it but he will know that it isn't a necessity.


    Going to a teen club or bar aren't a requirement to meet others to hang out with -- go to trivia and join a team with young people, go to the basket ball challenges, go to any of the sports challenges, hang out by the pool -- there are so many activities where he can meet people his age -- just provide a bit of guidance and all will be well.

  4. Being around an America's Cup race is awesome -- the excitement, the atmosphere, the people -- but don't let anyone tell you it isn't crowded. Just the number of participants, support crews, news media, friends and family attending is huge and that doesn't come close to equaling the number of people that go just to see the race.


    I was at the America's Cup Race in San Diego several years ago and contrary to some of the statements here -- there were hoards of people on the shore watching, people everywhere -- it was fun.


    If you really don't want the crowds -- change the date.

  5. Hi,

    Your medical insurance covers emergency care out of the country but it does NOT cover transporting you back to a USA hospital or G-d forbid transporting your body back if you die!

    The price of travel insurance is not high compared to what you might spend in those instances.

    You don't have to buy from Carnival if you don't want to do that. You can compare prices on a site like:

    http://www.insuremytrip.com if you prefer.

    Also you may need trip cancellation insurance unless you have it on your credit card and I think the Carnival policy covers that for any reason. Check to see.


    Really??? How do you know this? My insurance covers medical evacuation / return of remains, legal fees if arrested in a foreign country, and several other events, all at higher coverage levels than any travel insurance I have ever seen. Credit card will cover cancellation, lost luggage, trip delay -- all that stuff. If I believed the above statement by someone who has absolutely no idea what my insurance policy covers, I would be making a big mistake.


    If OP has similar coverage then travel insurance is not necessary. The real answer to the question is to figure out what is covered by your policy, what risk you are willing to take and make the decision.


    Looking at policies on the websites such as insuremytrip and others is a good starting point but always check the provider's website once you are ready to purchase. I have seen lower prices for the exact same policy when dealing directly with the company - not often but it does happen.

  6. The weather was awesome when we went to Antarctica in December -- not a cruise on a mega ship like you are taking, we went on a small (less than 100 passenger) ship so we could go through the Drake Passage and continue south. Never was cold -- sunny warm days. Dropped the coat as soon as we were out of the zodiac and on land.


    It all depends on the weather -- just like any cruise. I went prepared for the cold but it just didn't happen.

  7. We have had over 3 feet of snow in the past couple days -- it was a bit chilly today as the temps went down to the single digits and will go much lower tonight.


    Do I wish I was on a cruise or in a state that doesn't have snow -- absolutely not. Wouldn't catch me anywhere but here in the mountains of Colorado loving the snow -- skiing hard every day.


    For me, a cruise is something to do in mud season, not when there is so much awesome powder on the slopes. Nothing beats the serenity of being alone at the top of a mountain looking at a crystal blue sky and breathing fresh air.


    Just sharing a different perspective -- one where snow is a positive -- loving where I made the choice to live -- and crossing my fingers that the snow continues to come down.

  8. If you want "pre-existing" conditions to be covered, you MUST buy it when you book the vacation. If you only want delays or stuff like that covered, you can wait.


    Shouting the word must does not make it true. This is one of many cruise critic myths that is constantly repeated as the gospel on this site.


    As others have noted there are policies that cover pre-existing if you purchase at time of final payment. Some are on insure my trip, some can be found with a simple search.


    I always wait until final payment to purchase the insurance as the policy fits all my needs.

  9. Been to the Great Barrier many times. my step brother would not come close to agreeing with those that say "the cats are large no problem". He was a mess.


    One time it was so rough we had to stop at the tourist trap (Green Island) and transfer folks to a larger more stable boat as the were so seasick.


    It may be fine, it may be awful. Need to be realistic as no one on this board knows how rough the water will be, how easily your wife gets seasick. I don't get seasick but have seen how miserable people are when it hits them.


    Be kind to your wife - her concerns are valid. Don't be in a position where you are saying - the people on cruise critic said it would be fine as she is suffering.

  10. For those of you talking about driving - gas stations in Miami and along the interstate on the east coast are already out of gas. For those of you thinking coming down the west coast is a great idea, not such a great idea. You still have to get across the state. Alligator Alley has tropical storm warnings and going through the center of the state looks worse.


    The port may open but who knows if you can get to it, will there be parking that isn't flooded, if you get here and there is no ship will there be a place to stay -lots of questions.


    This whole thing is still a crap shoot. Just be careful - make a thoughtful decision not an emotional one about getting to a cruise in Florida this week.


    Just a few thoughts from a first responder deeply involved in getting ready for Matthew's visit to Florida.

  11. While there can be storms in the tropics, sub-tropics or most anywhere else throughout the year, "tropical storms" which can turn into "hurricanes", are during the Atlantic hurricane season from June 1-November 30.


    Seems to the first tropical storm that turned into a hurricane in the Atlantic this year was Alex and it was in January. Guess someone forgot to tell Alex to wait until June 1.

  12. Princess never changes clocks at noon. I think there's one line that does this but it's not Princess. Clocks will change at night when the vast majority of passengers are asleep. I think 1 or 2am. You'll get advance notice in the Patter and a card will be placed on your pillow the night the change takes place.


    Well.... you need to tell Princess they never change clocks at noon because they sure did on the last cruise I was on. It definitely was Princess. In fact it was the Royal Princess.


    Seamwoman and Riciop are correct. On the TA we took in the spring from Ft. Lauderdale to Barcelona the clocks were changed at noon each day. The first time it was done we all were wondering if there was a typo in the Patter -- nope it was noon and it was noon every tine the clocks were changed. The clocks changed at noon for several days in a row. The Captain actually had fun with it each time he made an announcement.


    So there may be another line that does it, but so does Princess -- or at least they did on that cruise.

  13. There have been occasions where the clerk on the other side of the counter will refuse to look at your e-device and insist on looking at paper only. Even when the e-file is a pdf of the paper copy :rolleyes:


    Better yet, the info on the clerk's screen is the info that generated that pdf in the first place :mad:


    I haven't used paper for any kind of travel in years and never had this happen. If there was a problem, I would kindly ask for a supervisor or move to a positing where there was a different "person" behind the counter.

  14. Interesting thread as today I can proudly say I have not had alcohol in 27 years - one day at a time. The only one that ever put pressure on me to drink was myself.


    Ask for something else when the free bottle comes with dinner -- may work, may not. The servers have heard the question so many times they don't bat an eye. Another option, just say no thank you to the bottle of wine.


    One does not need alcohol to have fun -- no one will even notice you aren't drinking. When I first quit drinking, I thought everyone would care what I had in my glass -- much to my disappointment I was not the center of attention -- no one really cared if I drank alcohol or didn't.

  15. Start by making sure everyone wants to eat together every night, make sure everyone agrees on a time if doing fixed. Does everyone want one big table or a couple smaller tables so they can actually talk and just switch people around each evening. Do some want to eat early and some late? Does everyone want fixed or anytime?


    If doing anytime it is whole different challenge. We always do something like --we will be at outside the dining room at 6:00 - anyone that is here great, if you choose to do something else great. Once we know how many we decide how big a table. Maybe a couple tables so talking is easier. Maybe one night we plan "all together".


    Make sure your party is all in agreement about dinner before having Carnival reserve a table that may or may not be used.


    Too often there are threads from an "organizer" who has linked, decided, organized a cruise the way they want to do it and it isn't pretty when others say -- wait a minute it is my cruise too and I'm not sure that is how I want to do it.

  16. If lobster is an important part of your cruise experience I certainly respect your reconsidering your plans. Your enjoyment of the time is important.


    All the "I wouldn't do what you are doing" responses on this thread are just the way things are on Cruise Critic.


    Make your choice and I hope you enjoy whatever you decide to do.

    • Like 1
  17. I was wondering if it is frowned upon to order several things from the menu each night to "try" but not necessarily eat it all? I don't like waste but I am a foodie so I like to try different things and since they are not offering the same things each night I thought it would be ok?


    Any thoughts?


    If we are at the same table I will accept you for who you are and hope we find something we both like to chat about.


    I am not going to spend one second looking at what you (or anyone else) orders or what is consumed. Nor am I going to spend one second on judging, frowning, evaluating your eating habits. It just doesn't matter to me. There are so many things in life that are more interesting to me. I would only have an opinion if I thought my way of doing things was the only correct way and I learned a long time ago that just isn't how it works.

  18. I book through the cruise department of my airline because of the great discounts, OBCs and mileage. All our overseas travel (every year) is on points and is business class due to the mileage bonus when we book through them.


    We have worked with the same agent for many years. Don't have to worry if they are not in and something is urgent -- there is always someone there as a backup. Our agent is very knowledgeable. Our agent (and backups) has been a credible and reliable source of answers to questions. The agents we have worked with don't belittle us for the questions we ask, aren't rude or condescending, don't tell us to read the info on the Cruise Line website before asking and don't base answers on "how they cruise" as if everyone should do it that way.


    Makes using this type of "TA" a good deal for us.

  19. Anything that fits through the scanner can be carried on. Just remember you have to lug it through the entire check-in process, lug it up the ramp (and many of them are quite steep), lug it while on the ship and keep it with you until rooms become available after 1:30. You can't drop it off (unless you have FTTF) and can't leave it unattended.


    One of my pet peeves are all the people who load up the chairs and booths on the Lido deck with their stuff and then sit with it for several hours as they wait for their rooms to open up. Means the rest of us have no where to sit and enjoy lunch.


    Did you read the original post? They have FTTF. Hope you feel better for venting.

  20. If I have to be on the ship to "get the day I paid for" can I get off the ship in any of the other ports? This logic says no. This logic says if I get off to explore a port I am not "getting the day I paid for" because I am not on the ship.


    Another few questions -- do I have to stay on until the last person gets off the day we disembark to make sure I get that day I paid for as well? Maybe I didn't pay for that day? Maybe I paid for that day and not the day we board. How do I know? If I board late, can I get off late to make sure I get the right amount of time that I paid for?


    This is all making my head hurt.


    I think I will just continue to explore ports (including the one we board in - even if I have been there a zillion times before), board late to avoid the lines and my cabin will be ready. I may have lunch at a really cool place in the port where we board which will cost less than FTTF, be less of a mob scene. I may ask for a late check out at the hotel, never been denied, never paid more for a late check out. I can enjoy a lazy morning -- Yup -- not starting my vacation all in a frenzy because I have to "get what I paid for" because this logic just doesn't work for me.


    Just a different way to look at it -- not everyone's cup of tea but it's my way and just as I respect those that have a different way of doing things, I know the posters on this thread will respect my view as well if they choose to respond.

  21. I have not (knowingly) eaten food prepared with alcohol in 27 years. On a cruise (or in a restaurant) I read the menu, ask if I don't know, say no to sauces, or just choose something I know has no alcohol. It is a way of life. My health is much more important than food on a cruise ship.


    The best part, for me, deserts tend to have alcohol so I seldom eat them. I know several are alcohol free but I like the mindset that says don't eat them. I don't eat deserts at home so don't need to eat them every night on a cruise.


    Asking is always a good thing but keep in mind those that do not avoid alcohol are probably not going to think about "hidden" alcohol. For example, desert sauces that have vanilla as a significant ingredient are a challenge as many types of vanilla have a high alcohol content. Uncooked vanilla in a sauce wouldn't be a good choice.


    When in doubt, just eat something else!


    Food is not a focus or highlight of a cruise for me so it really is pretty easy.

  22. I would either pick the response on here you like best or maybe it would be a good idea to ask Carnival


    The responders on here will say Oh no don't ask Carnival you will get different answers based on who answers the phone. Well that is certainly something that won't on this website!

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