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Posts posted by snowskier

  1. Really, call the cruise line? Have you delt with those people that answer the front line calls? Never know if their information is correct or they just want to get you off the phone.


    Really, ask on Cruise Critic? Have you ever read the conflicting replies from those people that answer the posts? Never know if their information is correct or they just want to increase their post count by repeating something they have read multiple times with no clue if it is correct.

  2. I also think the best thing we can do for those islands is to spend lots of money. We who cruise are so blessed I believe it is a good opportunity for us to give a little back. I know some of the islands may not provide the paradise we are used to, but I am sure with the right attitude we can still have a wonderful time.


    Personally, I think the "best thing we can do" is work with the relief effort -- several agencies are desperate for volunteers to go to Puerto Rico and USVI to help. Everyone was right there willing to help when when Maria first hit -- those of us that went to PR on day one are burnt out and have come back home. The news headlines have gone away and so have those that can help.


    There is so much to do -- not just restore the cruise ports. "Lots of money" spent by a cruise passenger is not the answer to helping with long term recovery as there is so much devastation -- in fact it isn't even close to the answer.

  3. There are some (WalMart comes to mind) that refuses to copy or scan professionally-looking pictures without a release. Makes it hard when you're trying to copy your own 8th grade school pictures from 45 years ago, and you have no idea if the photo company that took the picture is still around.


    Not hard at all -- expand you shopping experience -- go somewhere other than Walmart!

  4. The only problem not having passport is should an emergency arise (illness etc) you won't be able to fly from a port back home without the passport.


    This is not true -- Many have flown back without a passport, including myself when mine was stolen. It takes a bit of time but the time is hours not days or weeks like those "in the know" like to say here. It is more of a hassle to get a passport at times than to deal with the situation if you have to fly home when there is an emergency.


    I believe everyone should have a passport but no judgments or false statements to those that don't feel the same way I do.

  5. Take 75 no problem. I did it today from Miami to Ft. Myers. Went right through Naples. Working the response so have been all over. If you don't have a hotel reservation in Naples you may be out of luck. Still have lots of people out of power or on the coast where there is flooding and they can't go home.


    Hendry and Glades took a hit so going across by Lake O probably isn't a great idea.


    Traffic will be a mess as people return to the state.

  6. For those of you that make the decision to travel to Galveston / Houston even though there currently are mandatory evacuations -- if you get stuck for a few days -- those of us working the relief efforts could use your help. Volunteers willing to 'pitch in" are always welcome.

  7. Thus my question - I wanted to make sure I brought some card I don't normally carry. If I walked aboard today I would have my debit card, my driver's license and my military ID card.




    Don't put so much effort into this -- just fold up one of the many pieces of paper left in your cabin and stick it in the slot.

  8. Suggest you try to get FTTF if you prefer to check in earlier than your check in time of 12:00



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    Or save your money and come later when there are no crowds. It's a decision -- which is more important - avoiding the crowds or being on the ship early.

  9. I have done a TA's on Princess to Barcelona, Copenhagen, Rome and Southhampton and have zero stamps in my passport from these cruises. Never had to give my passport to Princess to hold on these TAs.


    I would know if my passport was stamped as I work very hard to avoid stamps on cruises. We have taken some awesome trips to countries that require multiple blank pages. It gets expensive if one has to get a new passport or add pages to accommodate travel to these countries. The most recent requirement was for 4 consecutive blank pages.


    If the cruise line insists on taking the passport I would clip a note inside asking that the stamp be placed on a page that is already used or the next consecutive page -- those random stamps can be a problem.

  10. Yes. You don't require a cell phone or anything else. All you require are internet mins. and you can do it at sea. Just go to the internet cafe 24 hours before your flight log on and print them out. There used to be a 50 cent charge per printed page. Don't know if this charge is still in effect.


    If all you need to do is print the passes -- you don't need internet, don't need to wait for a computer in the internet café if you have a smartphone or tablet and know how to use it. No charge.

  11. A bit confusing as it sounds like the "health issue" was not the highest priority when booking. If it was I assume only reservations would have been made that allowed assigned seating at the time of booking. Now it appears to be the priority.


    Perhaps paying the extra dollars, no matter how much is the answer. Hard lesson to learn but if the health issue is truly a concern dollars shouldn't matter.

  12. We had already unpacked, gone to lunch, and returned to our cabin by 1:30PM when we heard the announcement that cabins were ready for occupancy. We thought it very odd that this announcement was broadcast over our cabin speakers, like the emergency or drill reports.


    I mean, if others weren't supposed to be in their cabins yet, why would the announcement go into the cabins that they were now ready? Who was to hear it? The Plats & Diamonds like me? Why?


    Who was to hear??? Well maybe the "channel" used reaches areas not included in general passenger announcements. Maybe the cabins were not the intended audience but are included because that is the "channel" that needed to be used. No idea but I seriously doubt "Plats / Diamonds like me" were the intended audience.

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  13. Other cruise lines will put the couch back during the day, and bed at night, without a tip needed. It looks like you did his work for him in the morning so I would have given less of a tip, not more. Since you did force him to do his job in the evening.


    Wow -- so you have an expectation that the staff on Carnival has to follow the "rules" for other cruise lines. Since they didn't, the passenger has done the work for them and the tip should be reduced. Love the use of the word "force" as well -- great way to treat others.


    Definitely an interesting way to approach this -- not sure I would do it the same way but that is OK as we are all different.

  14. The price change went into affect this past January. Per Princess website: The cost of the AIBP if purchased pre-cruise is $57.45 per day. If purchased on board the price is $59.80 per day. I can confirm this as we have taken two cruises this year and were charged the on board price of $59.80. This would really add up on a long cruise. For our future cruises that don't include the Sip and Sale, we will be purchasing pre-cruise.


    What does this have todo with a question about a potential price increase on September 1 and advise to buy prior to September 1 to avoid the increase????

  15. Interesting. Disney had Sommeliers when we cruised in 2003. I guess I would have expected that it would be a foregone conclusion that Princess would have them if Disney did. Interesting.


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    I just don't understand this response. First 2003 was 14 years ago and there have probably been a couple changes on both cruise lines. Second, is there an expectation that Princess has everything Disney does except the mouse and friends?

  16. We usually share a table in anytime dining and 9 times out of 10 have people assigned to TD are at the table. Most sign up for TD knowing they can come to AT whenever they don't want to go to TD. Thinking about doing this next time we cruise as formal night can be a real pain in AT. Doesn't matter to me if the folks on CC get all upset as I only use CC "rules" when the cruise line rules don't work for me and the CC rules do -- other than that we use "our rules" as so many others do.

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