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Posts posted by Candleonwater

  1. I'm curious as well. I might have 2 cruises this year, and an annual plan with Allianz would cost about the same as separately insuring both cruises. One thing that caught my attention with the Allianz offers, was that the "emergency medical transportation" was capped at $100,000, which seems a bit low in the case of a medical evacuation?


    The individual plan I'm looking at through TripInsuranceStore the "Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of remains" is $1,000,000? So I don't know if I'm looking at two completely different things?

  2. Legally both parents have to be present at the same time to obtain the passport, unless one parent has sole LEGAL custody, not just sole physical custody. Check the paperwork her dad gave you to make sure if specifies that he has both (they should both be listed separately).


    Not accurate. 16 and above only need to show "parental awareness". In this particular case, since the 17 year old doesn't have an acceptable ID to apply for a passport (school ID alone does not suffice, but would work in conjunction with a social security card), ONE parent would have to show their ID instead.

  3. This new non-refundable deposit pricing has definitely stopped us from booking at least two cruises this year. When you have a busy job and kids in high school involved in various activities, there’s every chance your plans will need to change, but adding $500 per cabin for that flexibility nudges the price out of being good value for us.


    While I somewhat understand why they have gone to this option, I completely agree with you. We do a Holiday cruise in December and with my daughters exam schedules, it's very difficult to schedule something that far out that's non-refundable. It's funny, I thought the increased deposit (I've never paid more than $50-100 per person before) would bother me more, but it doesn't.

  4. We cruise and do a lot of other traveling so we buy an annual travel policy through Allianz. There are many good companies that offer travel policies. Check online or your travel agent may be able to help you.


    Posts like this had me looking at Allianz the other day, but I quickly got overwhelmed with information!


    I do at least one cruise a year, and travel 500+ miles away MANY times a year to visit my daughter in Canada. This past November I got sick while in Canada, which is why I'm looking at Allianz. It seems like, for not much more than what I pay for insurance for an individual cruise, I can have coverage for an entire year. Does that sound possible?

  5. As we have just started looking into a service dog for my daughter, what I have learned is that the cruise line IS allowed to ask what service the dog provides. Sometimes this enables the cruise line to determine if it really is a service dog, or an emotional support dog. But are they really willing to turn away a paying guest?


    It's not that there is a dog that is on board that bothers me, it's the attitude of their owners... the rules don't apply to them.

  6. Not the same here in Australia- they only get the same benefits at 21 - no free photo no 24 hours of internet! And this generation live on the internet so I give them mine


    Was told the same thing yesterday on Grandeur. No free photo for the under 21 crowd. DD struggled with this sailing. Each time she got off the ship she was asked "who are you with" (her answer, no one, I'm 21), and for the free photo "you don't get that benefit until you're 21"... hello people!!!!! Look at her card.... there are no longer any children on it... (is that really a thing?). She's 21!

  7. I'd just like to officially make the public proclamation here on cruise critic, that upon the event of my death anyone who wishes to attend the funeral is welcome to attend while wearing shorts, flip flops, or swimwear. Anyone showing up in a tuxedo will be forced to serve drinks to the other attendees after the service.


    Same here! If I could wear shorts and a t-shirt in the dining room, I would. DD on the other hand is one of those that likes to dress to the nines. For our upcoming holiday cruise, she is bringing a ball gown for Xmas eve. I say more power to her! Enjoy it as much as I enjoy my dressing down.

  8. What I know is that when I cruise and drink the ship’s water I swell MORE than when I drink the spring water. That’s all I need to know.


    What I "love" about these boards is all the EXPERTS we have here. There are always so many variables, and who truly knows why things happen. Only you know how the ships water reacts with your body. DD is the same way. She always bloated horribly when on cruises, but when she stopped drinking the water served at dinner/windjammer/etc... and only drank bottled water, the bloating stopped. Whether that's because of salt, or some other mystery ingredient, we don't really care. We just know, when she's on a ship, she only drinks bottled water.

  9. I'm sorry to tell you, but a dog that "helps with anxiety" is not a service dog. It is an emotional support animal. In order to qualify as a service animal under the ADA, an animal must be trained to perform a specific action or task for its owner. These can include, but are not limited to: alerting the owner of impending seizures or blood sugar emergencies, acting as the owners eyes or ears, assisting the owner with reaching things and/or performing tasks, or even breaking the cycle of a PTSD incident by touching the owner in a specific way. All service animals are also trained to be inconspicuous in public venues. When they are working, they will not react to or bark at distractions, etc. An animal that offers comfort in the natural way that animals do is a PET. When a doctor prescribes a pet to help with anxiety, it can be considered and "emotional support animal," but it is STILL not a service animal as protected under the ADA.


    Not entirely accurate/complete. When the anxiety is debilitating, the use of a Psychiatric Service Dog can be helpful, and they do qualify under the ADA. We know the difference between a service dog, and an ESA. These dogs are trained "to perform a specific action or task for its owner", just like any other service dog.

  10. With the exception of owners that allow their dogs to have accidents in places like the casino, why does it bother anyone so much?


    We have just started researching getting a service dog for DD. She has suffered so many concussions, and actually struggles greatly with anxiety as a result. Looking at her, I'm sure many would question why she would need a service dog. Should she end up getting a service dog, I wouldn't hesitate to bring it on a cruise. Can't wait to see the judgment by others.

  11. Please help me understand what is covered, other than alcohol? The description reads as follows, "...premium coffee, tea, and fresh-squeezed juices, then keep cool onboard with non-alcoholic drinks and bottled still and sparkling water. Relax and unwind with premium and frozen cocktails, domestic and imported beers and a wide selection of wines by the glass"

    But then it says, "*All Beverage Packages exclude any beverages served inside licensed Starbucks® stores. "

    What is "premium coffee" vs "Starbucks"...? And do they offer any fresh squeezed juices other than Orange Juice?

  12. I just don't understand. Why does everyone seem to have their hand out these days expecting something? Safe to assume you booked the best price at the time you booked? You made that decision. You could have waited. Simple supply and demand. If they need to drop prices to fill cabins, they will. You aren't owed anything. Don't like it, you're free to go elsewhere. Plain and simple.

  13. I know it's going to be a shock to hear this, but it all depends on who you ask! The last couple of years it's been hit or miss for DD. Sometimes they try to stick her with the youth benefits, which I find laughable for a 20 year old. Every sailing I have fought for (and gotten) the free photo, which is all I really cared about.

  14. This is the first time the rudeness of the responses has completely shocked me. I'll admit, I usually think the OP deserves what they get when they ask a stupid question, but this isn't a stupid question.


    I, for one, LOVE when tropical locations have christmas decorations up. It helps keep people in the spirit. Obviously we wouldn't be there at night to enjoy a lit up palm tree but that is one of my favorite holiday sights.


    We are into the holiday season people. Be nice. Santa is watching.

  15. Personally I wouldn't use Downey, or any other wrinkle release spray, on silk or satin.


    My fear is ruining this beautiful dress with spots from a spray. Will just roll the dress, fingers crossed, and then use the ships service if necessary.


    Thanks for all the suggestions... She LOVED the idea of wearing it on the plane and embarkation. She's just that extra.

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