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Posts posted by lazey1

  1. 3 good days to celebrate. I couldn't possibly figure out my taxes without my accountants help, vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting, yum. I will give a miss to the meal and the drink, would certainly want to try the wine. I've not been to the port of ther day.

    I saw my pulmonologist yesterday and was told that I not only had Covid, I also had a rebound Paxlovid Covid infection and now I have bronchitis along with a flare of my CHF. He said I was not nearly strong enough to cruise on the 18th so I had to cancel.  Not the news I wanted to hear as I started feeling a bit better a couple of days ago. Oh well, this just has to run it's course.

    Nothing planned for today except going to Albertson's to pick up a few groceries and another new Rx.


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  2. After my bout with Covid I came down with Bronchitis and today is the first day that I have had enough energy to do anything other than make my bed, shower and dress then feed my cats and myself.

    The drink and the wine both appeal to me and I would like to try meatballs if someone made them for me.

    Running out of groceries and my cardiologist wants me to cut down on the sodium so a trip to the store for something other the Rx is what I have to do today.

    I appreciate radiologist very much, they have changed the world of medicine and enriched our lives. I can also celebrate cappucino. Unfortunately I had classical piano lessons forced on me for 9 years and hated every minute of it. I can tolerate piano as long as it is in a orchestra.

    Jazzy I hope that something can be done for your back pain and leg problems. I suffered for many years with that. When I had the 2nd MRI my pain specialist came out and said I had severe spinal stenosis and nothing could be done except surgery. After the surgery  improverment has been about 80% and I am very happy with that..

    Sharon I envy you enjoying San Diego with your friends than your husband.


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  3. 29 minutes ago, AV8rix said:

    Jane, are you staying on after the Thanksgiving cruise?   I will be boarding on the one immediately following, on Nov 25.  I missed meeting you on Volendam earlier this year when Sharon @Sharon in AZ and I were on the Panama Canal cruise and you boarded on the San Diego segment.


    Sorry, Lisa @LAFFNVEGAS, I don't mean to hijack your thread.

    No, this is a 1 week only for me. Hopefully we will meet someday. Hijack over, Lisa.


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  4. I have never been to Ireland and am enjoying seeing the photos. Am I the only dailyite that likes warmth? 77degree's seems perfect most of the time. It is 72 in my house today and I am debating turning on the heater. 

    I will also give a miss to the meal, the drink and the wine on todays menu. Grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of  soup sounds much better.

    To the best of my knowlege Michief night was never a thing where I grew up but we did go Trick or Treating on Halloween after a costume party in the town courtyard.


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  5. I never met a cat that I didn't love and I am loving all the cat photos here. I wish I could post photos of my beautiful calico, Silky and my also beautiful tuxedo, Lucky.

    I am still suprisingly somewhat symptomatic, hoping all this coughing just means I need to get it all cleared out, not that bronchitis is setting in. My DS called yesterday, He was getting worse, not better so he saw his PC instead of UC and was give 2 steroid shots and an Rx for Paxlovid. His PC was most unhappy with the UC.

    I watched the livestream of church this morning but could barely hear the sermon. I probably need s new monitor.

    Prayers for all who are suffering and hurrays for all who are not.


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  6. My DD DH and I cruised on the Statendam South American Explorer 31 day r/t San Diego with a 3 night stay in Callao/Lima and I totally agree that no-one should try to drive in Lima. We saw the Miraflores area and did the dinner, Paso show. The horses were magnificient, the dinner was lovely and the Pisco Sour was interesting. Thank you for posting the lovely photos. That cruise was both very good and very bad in that my DH got very ill. Our cruise mates were Kakalina and her husband Virgil . Virgil also was very ill. That was the final cruise for both husbands.

    I love califlower and the meal for today sounds wonderful especially if it was lunch on a Blue Hulled Beauty. I would pass on the drink, much to sweet, and the wind as I prefer a white or rose.

    I am feeling much better, half way through my Paxlovid prescription, my nose is no longer running like a fire hose, I am not sneezing very much and the coughing, although still painful, is not as often or as severe. I believe I could be taken off the care list. My poor son apparently caught my Covid as 2 days after he got home he went in the work feeling okay then 5 hours later was so sick he was sent home. He went to Dr. testing confirmed Covid but at least no flu with it. I don't understand why he wasn't given an Rx for Paxlovid as he is over 60 and has COPD. 

    Prayers for all those in need and hurrahs for all who are celebrating.



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  7. My son and I enjoyed his vaca here and he said it helped his leg. We spent several days in the Sedona/Cottonwood area doing the typical tourist thing. He flew home to Tulsa Sunday afternoon.

    I had the triple vaccinations on 9/29, Covid and Flu in my left arm; RSV in the right arm. Only reaction was soreness in the arm from the RSV. 

    Last night I was unable to sleep and felt like I was coming down with a severe cold so this morning I tested and sure enough I am positive for Covid. Dr. is calling in a Rx for Paxlovid. I have to quarantine until 5 days after my symptoms are gone.  A good time to plan activities for my Thanksgiving cruise.

    Prayers for all that need them and hurrahs for all who are celebrating. Now to try and catch up on the days that missed reading the Daily.



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  8. Thank you to all who posted the beautiful photos of Corfu. I would love to go there but I am afraid I couldn't walk very far because I would have to stop and pet each of those neat looking cats.


    I am a few days behind because my son is here visiting for 2 weeks. It has been 2 1/2 years since we last saw each other, and we are both enjoying just quiet togatherness. Today is his 63rd birthday. Ouch, that makes me feel old. (Not really, I readily admit to my age.) On Monday we will have a family celebration dinner at Osaka for him.


    My favorite silly saying is "If I had a brain I would be dangerous"



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  9. This morning I got the three vaccines. Covid and Flu in the left arm, RSV in the right arm. Didn't even feel the Covid or Flu shots, the RSV shot burns going in. I am hoping there are no adverse side effects but if there are I have a full weekend to recover.

    Next week I will need to clean out the 2nd bedroom for my son who will arrive on Oct. 10. I haven't seen him in over two years and am so looking forward to his visit.

    So far this summer I had 2 large Agave Plants collapse, 1 Mexican Bird of Paradise plant die  and 4 of my Texas Sage are very sunburned. My yard man doubled the water in hopes that the Sage can be saved.  It has been a totally brutal summer however the weather forecast is that today may end our 105+(F) days.

    I have been to Alaska on several cruises but the only time I was in Achorage was my first cruise tour in 1989. Thank you to all who shared their photos.

    @HAL Sailer I am very sorry to read your news; I am adding you and your husband to my prayers.

    @smitty34877 I hope you can find a new caregiver for Tana soonest.

    RIP Senator Diane Feinstein




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  10. I talked with my pulmonologist and he recommended that I wait another 3 weeks or so then get the flu vaccine, the RSV vaccine and the Covid vaccine.  All immunizations would be fully active and I would be over any potential side effects before my Thanksgiving cruise.

    I took my Lucky cat to a new Vet today for an exam and immunizations. He said she was basically healthy but at 12lbs 1 oz a bit to fat. Very thorough exam and very personable doctor. I will take my Silky cat in next Monday.

    For today you can call me Fluff Bucket Bones Holystone.


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  11. 29 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    I think it’s best we don’t talk about why our Daily is locked. The hosts have been locking it since September 6th and I’m sure most know what happened that day and it wasn’t because of sermons. I still feel bad about contributing to that conversation. 

    Hoping that I am not a thyphoid Mary for the Daily; I totally agree with you @Sharon in AZ


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  12. I have been without internet for a couple of days so I am behind in reading the daily. I will go back and play catch up later today and tomorrow. The Cox Cable technician showed up last evening, 15 minutes early and spent almost 1 1/2 hours going through all of the cable boxes and checking out my computer, the tv's and the phones. All are working well now; excellant service.

    The fish chowder and the blue drink sound wonderful, just need a sourdough bread bowl for the chowder and someone to cook it for me.

    Today at our church Hearts in Service meeting we started folding shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. We folded 150 boxes, still need 50 boxes to accomplish the goal we set last year.This next month will be shopping to fill these boxes, shopping dates not yet determined.  

    @CrabbyPattiI am sorry for the loss of your father. Of course you feel lost, you need to give yourself permission and time for grief.



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